[redacted],I DO NOT AGREE with your statements, but I am also not going to start a he said / she said. Please take the balance that is due and send this to the [redacted], they, FFD, can use our help.Regarding [redacted], Yes I am a follower of [redacted], and I will not make any...
concessions on this. [redacted] states that as a followers of [redacted], [redacted] 14:6 states " [redacted] saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. [redacted] 3:16 states " For God so loved the world.......([redacted]) that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.[redacted] that is a promise from God, to you.......[redacted], if you die without accepting what [redacted] did for you & I on the cross......you WILL be thrown into outer darkness, and spend ETERNITY without God. [redacted] 8:12 / 232:13 / 25:30 Do not lay your head on the pillow tonight with out asking [redacted]...... to admit that you are a sinner.....in need of a Savior ...... and You need him...[redacted] to save you from your sins and the lake of FIRE!!!!!! In [redacted] and praying for you [redacted] Hanlon
[redacted],I DO NOT AGREE with your statements, but I am also not going to start a he said / she said. Please take the balance that is due and send this to the [redacted], they, FFD, can use our help.Regarding [redacted], Yes I am a follower of [redacted], and I will not make any...
concessions on this. [redacted] states that as a followers of [redacted], [redacted] 14:6 states " [redacted] saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. [redacted] 3:16 states " For God so loved the world.......([redacted]) that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.[redacted] that is a promise from God, to you.......[redacted], if you die without accepting what [redacted] did for you & I on the cross......you WILL be thrown into outer darkness, and spend ETERNITY without God. [redacted] 8:12 / 232:13 / 25:30 Do not lay your head on the pillow tonight with out asking [redacted]...... to admit that you are a sinner.....in need of a Savior ...... and You need him...[redacted] to save you from your sins and the lake of FIRE!!!!!! In [redacted] and praying for you [redacted] Hanlon