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Physiotherapy Associates

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Reviews Health, Physical Therapist, Prosthetic Physiotherapy Associates

Physiotherapy Associates Reviews (44)

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response If you wish, you may update it before sending it.] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] thank you for your help I will have a check in the mail Saturday just wondering why this was not done when I called would have been better for all of us thank you again [redacted] id [redacted]

This issue was brought to our attention on 9/4/and we immediately began working to get this resolved When we originally received the Explanation of Benefits from the patient's insurance company, [redacted] ***, they indicated a patient balance responsibility of $as part of the patient's co-insurance Therefore, accordingly, we moved that balance to reflect patient responsibility Shortly after 9/4/we called the patient's insurance company to verify if our claim had been processed correctly [redacted] advised that they had processed our claim incorrectly, placing $as patient responsibility which exceeded the case fee amount [redacted] is now reprocessing our claim per our request and we should receive a corrected Explanation of Benefits from them within the next 3-weeks In the meantime we regret that the patient received a call from us regarding a balance owed We have moved that balance out of patient responsibility so the patient will not receive any more calls We will wait for [redacted] to send out the corrected EOB at which time we will post to the patient's account We encourage the patient to contact their insurance company should this issue arise again Thank-you for the opportunity to serve Joe M [redacted] Manager Physiotherapy Associates - Customer Service Department

Deborah N***, Physical Therapist and Clinic Director, performed a Disability Work Assessment (DWA) on MsJanet [redacted] on 11/21/at the request of [redacted] ***'s physician, Dr*** Dr [redacted] was faxed a copy of the report [redacted] picked up a copy of the DWA on 11/28/ [redacted] called to discuss the DWA report with Deborah N*** on 11/28/ [redacted] was irate on the phone and disturbed concerning the content of the DWA report [redacted] did not allow MsN*** to respond to her remarks and [redacted] subsequently hung upDuring the phone conversation, [redacted] indicated that she felt her character was being attached in the report and no one was going to destroy her effort to get disability She said she was giving MsN [redacted] until noon on Monday (12/1/2014) to change her report The results of a DWA are based on a review of the medical records sent to MsN***; review of client written documentation regarding work history ; various standardized questionnaires; and on two hours of observations of physical and functional abilities in the clinic MsN***'s professional opinion is based upon all those factors MsN [redacted] stands by her observations and subsequent report She cannot change the record [redacted] was sent a cease and desist letter on December 1, Regards, Maureen F [redacted] Manager Legal & Regulatory Affairs Physiotherapy Associates Springdale Drive, Ste Exton, PA P ###-###-#### F ###-###-####

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: < [redacted] > Date: Mon, Apr 21, at 11:AM Subject: Complaint ID: [redacted] To: [redacted] Hello, Thanks for your callI attached my response to "Reject Business Response." I was not able to respond via the web site, as it would not let me type in the text box Thank you! [redacted] -- PLEASE SEE ATTACHED

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:The business did not address the concerns in the original complaint as follows:1) Why their represent admitted that they have "had problems with our insurance."2) Why the therapist insisted my wife keep coming back, despite concerns raised regarding consulting with her doctor and the insurance coverage.3) Why the true cost of the therapy was never revealed Again, $for a one hour visit is ludicrous I have had physical therapy for multiple injuries and surgeries and never seen extorted like this.4) The business says they recently called Colorado Health OP and the patient has, "still not met their deductible." This is dubious as Colorado Health Op stopped offering health care end of year 2015, and we have not had them since NovemberAdditionally, the response brought up some interesting points:1) The business claimed they told my wife she was to make $good faith payments each visit This is not accurate She was not told this, only asked to sign a stack of papers and was also only asked to make such payments during actual visits 2) If the business "had problems with our insurance," they should have offered the reduced out-of-pocket option I was informed after the fact this was an optionSincerely, [redacted] ***

We have reviewed the account, please see the details of our analysis below Our patient, [redacted] *** has CO HealthOP as her only insuranceIt appears that her first visit (DOS 8/26/15) was processed Out of Network in error and has been appealedThe remaining visits were processed correctly In-Network and applied towards the patient’s deductibleI personally called CO HealthOP on March 28th and they sent the IE claim (DOS 8/26/15) back to reprocess under our correct TAX ID#The patient has still not met their deductible so she will be responsible for our fee schedule rates once it is finalized We have attached an account overview summary and a copy of all documents received from CO Health OP to date so you can verify All charges except the initial visit have been adjusted to reflect the accurate deductible amount per the Colorado HealthOP Explanation Of Benefits (EOB)The (hot/cold packs) charges show the patient responsible for $per our fee schedule and the insurance EOB for each visit where the service was rendered According to the forms reviewed and signed by the patient at her first visit, the patient was advised that she had not met any of her $6,deductible prior to treatmentThe agreement was that the patient would pay $"in good faith" per visit (signed on 8/26/and attached) until the exact patient responsibility was applied by CO Health OPThe patient made only two of these agreed payments (on 10/& 10/28/15)We received a $payment on 11/2/and a payment of $on 1/27/Mr Ivan recently made a $payment on 4/19/making the total patient payments to date equal $ The patient is being billed correctly and does owe the balance being billed to her for visits (DOS 9/1/– 11/13/15) which totals $1,The patient will also be responsible for the contracted allowed amount for her initial visit (DOS 8/26/15) once we received the reprocessed Explanation of Benefits from CO Health OP If you have any further questions, please let us know Thank you!

--------- Forwarded message ----------From: of Metro Washington DCDate: Thu, Jan 15, at 10:AMSubject: Fwd: ID# [redacted] - ***To: [redacted] < [redacted]> ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: F [redacted] , Maureen < [redacted]>Date: Wed, Jan 14, at 10:AMSubject: ID# [redacted] - ***To: "" Attn: [redacted] In response to your question, I have corresponded with the treating PT and she indicates that she was never provided a form Typically the physician actually completes the form using the information provided on the DWA The doctor provides a prescription for a DWA which we do and provide to him [redacted] ***’s claim is inaccurate Maureen F [redacted] Manager Legal and Regulatory Affairs Physiotherapy Associates

We have reviewed [redacted] ***'s complaint and disagree with her assessment of the charges for March 12th [redacted] was correctly billed as unit Eval units Ther Ex (mins) unit Man Ther (mins) unit Ther Act (mins) Each unit is for to minutes As a courtesy to [redacted] we are rebilling that day of service as follows: unit Eval unit Ther Ex unit Man Ther If you should have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact meRegards, Maureen F [redacted] Manager Legal & Regulatory Affairs Physio™ [redacted] Exton, PA [redacted] P ###-###-#### F ###-###-#### of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania (Washington, DC) K StNW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005- Re: Case ID [redacted] ( [redacted] ) We are in receipt of the complaint filed with the by ** [redacted] When verifying benefits, the local office was advised that the patient had a $deductible and that his plan processes claims at 80% insurance responsibility and 20% patient responsibilityThey in turn advised the same to [redacted] Subsequently, the claims were processed by the primary and secondary insurance with $being the patient liabilityWe did receive a payment of $147.00, and at this time, the final balance due is $ [redacted] signed a Patient Payment agreement which indicates: I will be responsible for payment for servicesI understand that my good faith payment may not be inclusive of all payments for which I am responsible for and I may be billed for any remaining balance.” At this time we feel the $ balance owed by [redacted] is a true and legitimate balance Sincerely, Kristen C [redacted] Customer Service Supervisor Physiothisapy Associates

[redacted] did have a credit of $from our Smyrna, GA clinic for services rendered between 1/16/– 2/9/ [redacted] paid a $copay on the first visit but once the insurance processed the claim, [redacted] had no financial responsibility The $pulley was purchased from the Norcross GA clinic on 6/22/ [redacted] returned it on 7/1/and her account was credited in full ($-19)She was treated times in Norcorss between 5/22/– 7/7/and was responsible for a $copay on each treatment dateShe faithfully paid on all visits except the last oneOn 7/7/she paid $expecting her credit of $from the returned supply to pay the remaining balanceHowever, the credit was not applied and there was a remaining balance of $A refund check in the amount of $was mailed to [redacted] on 7/27/15, leaving a balance of $for the copay on her last visit The original credit of $was moved from the Smyrna clinic to settle her debit balance account in our Norcross GA clinic account on 12/3/Once this was applied, there is an overpayment of $ We have researched the check that was sent for the $refund and confirmed today that it has not been cashedWe are working to cancel that check and re-issue a refund check of $for the original refund amount plus the additional $currently overpaid on the Norcross account

I have been calling and emailing Physiotherapy Associates asking them to put my charges thru my insurance company before the deadline, so I will not have to pay so much out of pocket for their services The deadline isn't up yet, but is nearing is what the insurance company told me, but Physiotherapy still hasn't submitted the claims to my insurance companyThe Physiotherapy employees are saying they will call me back, but nobody has called me back yet, and I have been calling and emailing Physiotherapy for a whileI have another order from my Orthopedic for physical therapy which I had scheduled with Physiotherapy, but I cancelled it after seeing this poor customer service from Physiotherapy Associates employees!For Physiotherapy employees to call me and get my insurance information and put my physical therapy charges thru my insurance company today before the deadline, so I don't have to pay so much out of pocket!

January 30, serving Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania (Washington, DC)K StNW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005- Re: Case ID [redacted] ( [redacted] ) Thank-you for bringing this customer issue to our attention It is our goal to provide excellent service to our patients and we take matters such as these very seriously Ms [redacted] wrote in with concerns of a refundWe billed all claims to her insurance, collected a good faith estimate from the patient at the time of service, and once insurance paid her claims, and adjustments were made based on her benefits, a refund check was issued Check # [redacted] was released 12/24/in the amount of $Ms [redacted] did not agree with the amount, but we have advised her that the total patient responsibility for all dates of service was $( $deductible + $coinsurnace ) and Ms [redacted] paid a total of $leaving an overpayment amount of $ At this time, there is no patient responsibility at and the overpayment has been returned We apologize for any frustration that this may have caused Ms [redacted] Sincerely, Kristen C [redacted] Customer Service Supervisor Physiotherapy Associates

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: When I called MsN***, on November 28th, 2014, I told her that she had made some errors in the documentAlso, I told her calmly that we should meet to discuss the situation Additionally, I felt that one section of the report was attacking my character She told me that she was not going to change anything That is when I got irate on the telephone I told her to call me on the following monday, and if she didn't call me, then I would report herBefore I was given the assessment, MsN*** promised that she would complete a Social Security form for me, as long as I paid $to them Then after the assessment was over, I presented that document to her, and she refused to take itStating that they had a similar form which was not true In closing, if they don't want to make the changes to the report as well as complete my Social Security form, then I am demanding my $ to be returned immediately
*** ***

April 16,
"TEXT-ALIGN: right; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class="**oNormal" align="right"> of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania (Washington, DC)K StNW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005-
Re: Case ID *** (*** ***)
We are in receipt of the complaint filed with the by *** about receiving bills for the services received
I have reviewed the documentation that was signed at the initial visit which confirms that the patient signed paperwork that indicates that her insurance had a large deductible***, indicates that she provided her health insurance to be billedSince she had a large deductible, the local office collected what they estimated her balance per visit to be at the time of serviceAll charges were submitted to her insurance company, and they processed claims leaving a balance of $which was applied to her annual deductible
The other concern that *** raises is the fact that she was not offered a “self pay” optionThe first reason that she was not offered Self Pay is that she presented her insurance cardSelf Pay is a discounted rate that we offer to patients who have no insurance coverageThe second is that we are obligated to bill health insurance when it is provided, so that those patients with large deductibles get credit for monies that they have paid for services
*** signed a Patient Payment agreement which indicates: I will be responsible for payment for servicesI understand that my good faith payment may not be inclusive of all payments for which I am responsible for and I may be billed for any remaining balance.”
At this time we feel the $balance owed by *** is a true and legitimate balance. This balance is currently with our Collections Agency due to the age of the balance
*** ***
Customer Service Supervisor
Physiotherapy Associates

April 14,
"TEXT-ALIGN: right; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class="**oNormal" align="right"> of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania (Washington, DC)K StNW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005-
Re: Case ID [redacted])
We are in receipt of the complaint filed with the by **[redacted] about receiving bills for the services received
I have reviewed the documentation that was signed at the initial visit which confirms that the patient signed paperwork that indicates that her insurance had a large deductiblePer **[redacted], she alleges that she and the therapist "worked out a deal" for $per visit to be payment in fullPer a full account review, **[redacted] actually paid $per visit, and all charges were submitted to her insurance company
What appears to have happened is that both offices collected a $Good Faith Estimate from the patient, billed the insurance, and at this time **[redacted] is being billed for the difference remaining after insurance processed her claims
**[redacted] signed a Patient Payment agreement which indicates: I will be responsible for payment for servicesI understand that my good faith payment may not be inclusive of all payments for which I am responsible for and I may be billed for any remaining balance."
At this time we feel the $balance owed by **[redacted] is a true and legitimate balance. This balance is currently with our Collections Agency due to the age of the balance
Customer Service Supervisor
Physiotherapy Associates

This company assured me they were participating in my insurance but they do not. They are out of network in Virginia, where I live and work and where I had my physical therapy, but are in network in MARYLAND. I paid my copay each time I went and it wasn't until AFTER I stopped treatment there, that they sent me a bill for over five hundred dollars. If they had told me at any time that they were not participating with my insurance, I would have stopped the visits immediately. But they lied to me, then didn't bill me until after my treatments were over. I was duped. They refused to negotiate. I want to warn others to about this greedy and crooked company.

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
My insurance, Medicare, told me that they sent the final documents to you on May 14th, and that you should have the information that you have requested. That was 11 working days ago. I called your company yesterday, and was told because of the holiday, any  paperwork will be delayed, and that you are very busy, and that her records indicated that nothing had been received yet from Medicare. I was told that you are waiting on insurance, and insurance has said that you should have all responses requested.   I would like to be able to use that same excuse if the roles were reversed.  Instead, I would most likely be sent to collections.  I was also wondering when I would receive any detailed billing?  In this age of electronic input, it is sad and frustrating that these things are allowed/accepted to take so long.
Thank you for your time.

This company's office in West Chester, OH misled me on their capability to treat my condition. After 6 weeks,of treatments, I was told by the therapist he was not trained to treat me. His own records states ( but he did not ) that he referred me the a Physical Therapist Specialist, which I was led to believe he was. When I complained to the companies headquarters in PA, I was threatened by their legal department to have no further contact with them or the local office where I received treatment.

A review of **. [redacted] file was completed and there is no mention anywhere of a "deal".  **. [redacted] called the local facility on March 31, 2014 and discussed her account.  She was advised that the $50 she paid was a good faith estimate and not a self/prompt pay rate.  **. [redacted] disagreed and she was advised that the paperwork she signed indicated the same.  **. [redacted] was frustrated but indicated that she would pay the balance.
Also, note that the [redacted] (**. [redacted] spoke of) was not employed with our company until January 2014.  **. [redacted] treatment ended in May of 2013.
Manager Legal and Regulatory Affairs
Physiotherapy Associates
855 Springdale Drive, Ste 200
Exton, PA  19341 of Metro Washington DC &
Eastern Pennsylvania (Washington, DC)
1411 K St. NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC...

Re: Case ID [redacted]  ([redacted])
We are in receipt of the
complaint filed with the by **. [redacted].  When verifying benefits, the local office was
advised that the patient had a $147 deductible and that his plan processes
claims at 80% insurance responsibility and 20% patient responsibility. They in
turn advised the same to [redacted].
Subsequently, the claims were
processed by the primary and secondary insurance with $167.10 being the patient
liability. We did receive a payment of $147.00, and at this time, the final
balance due is $20.10.
[redacted] signed a
Patient Payment agreement which indicates: I will be responsible for payment
for services. I understand that my good faith payment may not be inclusive of
all payments for which I am responsible for and I may be billed for any
remaining balance.”
At this time we feel the $20.10
balance owed by [redacted] is a true and legitimate
Kristen C[redacted]
Customer Service Supervisor
 Physiothisapy Associates

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Description: Rehabilitation Services

Address: 3240 W Silver Lake Rd, Fenton, Michigan, United States, 48430


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