Performance Physical Therapy, Inc. Reviews (10)
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Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/04/24) */
Contact Name and Title: *** *** - President
Contact Phone: ***
Contact Email: ***
The following are the FACTS, it would be important to note that McGill is not the decision making body for any community
associationThe Board is and the Board cannot remove the charges for service to her garage door as it is the owners responsibilityIt would be illegal for them to have her neighbors pay for her things
Owner had unpaid repair charges on account
a7/19/Garage Repair $(still outstanding)
b6/5/5/Garage Door $(paid 7/2/14)
Owner contacted bookkeeping 2/3/concerning late fees
aShe was told there was an outstanding balance of $($repairs and $assessments)
bBookkeeping removed all late fees
cAdvised homeowner to contact manager, *** *** concerning repair charges
d*** *** noted in 8/14/phone log that she left message with owner that the $charge was owner responsibility, this was in addition to letter sent
Owner contacted bookkeeping (***) 1/22/concerning late fees
a*** reviewed her account and told her we had to find out why her account was getting late fees
b*** told her the payments were being received after the 10th of each month
cOwner contacted *** *** supervisor) and she reviewed the account and informed owner her payments were being applied to outstanding $charge
Owner contacted ***, ***'s replacement while *** is on leave) concerning late fees 4/1/
aThe owner is making payments but the payments are made before the 1st of the current month: 4/17/payment is for 5/1/15, so the unit receives a late payment for April because the payment is after 4/10thThe prepayment for April was made on 3/17/15, so this payment was before 4/1st and was applied to any outstanding balances in March
bThe only way for the system to correct this when there are outstanding repair charges is to make any assessment payments after the 1st of each monthThen the payment will apply to the assessment charge first and avoid a late fee charge for the current month
cWe explained to the owner because she had an unpaid balance, $129.68, she would continue to have late fee issues if she sent her assessment payments in before the 1st of each month
dOwner disagreed with the charge and asked for the back-up, which we provided on 4/2/
eOwner was in communication with *** and we gave *** emails regarding account on 4/2/*** was on vacationreturned days later
*** instructed bookkeeping to remove late fees on 4/24/15, the repair charges must remain on the account and be paid by ownerOwner needs o attend board meeting if she want to further argue the point that her neighbors should pay for her responsibility
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/04/24) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I like how the word facts are capitalizedSpeaking of facts directly, discussing the $bill was the first time I was advised that its not the associations responsibility to payI had no idea which is why I called mcGill in the first placeI don't see anywhere in my review saying that I feel my neighbors should pay for my garage doorThat's obviously your assumption not a factWhen I called the second time to get it fixed they dispatched someone out and then sent me a billThat's when I called and learned that I was supposed to payI felt it odd because if that was the case why would Mcgill Management send out someone to do the repairs when I could shop around for a company with lower rates to do it for me and I also said on that call how strange it was because I was not billed the first timeThe fix which he did took about mins and costed a decent amountFact - the response back to me on this review was written by someone who didn't take my call when I called to ask who's responsibility it wasInfact that person is no longer thereFact - I had no idea there was an outstanding bill and the billing department at Mcgill didn't even know what was causing it until I called numerous time asking to talk to the accounting managerMcgill management is responsible for sending out bills and sending out correct bills which is why I contacted them about this versus the boardThe association also typically provides sound advice and direction for those who live in the community under the association with any questions and concernsWhich is myself, a concerning homeowner who has lived in the community for over yearsI feel the service by Mcgill Management was inadequate in the way it was handled start to finish and I hope others do not share this experience as I haveIf I have a bill that was never paid then both they and I should be fully aware what bill it was but this wasn't the caseI had to go through accounting contacts until the last one (a new girl who is actually pretty awesome) took the time to dig through and learn what was causing the billing issueMcgill Management should be taking accountability for incorrect billing matters and incorrect information informed by employees of the companyNot saying its all under the boards responsibilityI send my bills to Mcgill not the boardIf I didn't pay a bill - resend the bill I didn't pay so I can pay itI have always paid my billsThe fact that the late fee's just started a few months ago from a bill that was never paid from years ago when I have been sending out payments around the same time for years doesn't make sense eitherWhat I think happened is why I called to see why they sent me a bill for the second garage door repair because I was confused why they would bill me since I was told they cover it and I never seen a first bill - I feel they then applied the first bill $$ to my account which is why just recently I have been getting late fee's applied to my account since I have been sending out payment around the same time since I owned the property
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/04/29) */
The late charges were removed as indicatedI can't remove the charge for service to the unitWhen owners call for service depending on the set up by the board, we will send someone out to address the problem, if it turns out to be homeowner, then the costs are charged backLate notices are sent monthly, original invoices for service and letters are sent at the time of service so the owner is awareI'm not sure why this owner didn't receive anything for all those monthsWe are not the decision making body, we take our directive from the Board who sets policyYou'll need to address this with the Board
Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 11, 2015/05/01) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/02/02) */
Contact Name and Title: *** *** - President
Contact Phone: ***
Contact Email: ***
Your complaint is with the Village,not managementThe streets are plowed by the Village, not the associationThis was a
blizzard condition storm, I'm sure their trucks are still out trying to catch upHowever, we have no control at all over the VillagePlease remove this complaint from McGill's file
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2014/12/02) */
Contact Name and Title: *** *** - President
Contact Phone: ***
Contact Email: ***
***, the $fee that your attorney paid was a DEPOSITNot a feeMeaning, the check was only held until we were
sure no damages occurred to the propertyThe check was never cashed, then the CHECK was returned to whoever wrote it, the deposit is never cashed unless there is a problemSo there is no fee that your attorney paid, he simply paid a deposit which in its original form was returned to himContact your attorney if you think that he owes you the $security deposit that he put up on your behalf
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2014/10/14) */
Contact Name and Title: *** *** - President
Contact Email: ***
It's my understanding that the Village required this association to remove bushes that were in the way of "buffalo boxes"this was one of those
areasThe Landscaper was directed to place a hausta in that area instead so that the village could still have accessThe landscaper missed this area and has been directed to go back and to install the hausta at the "B box" for this owner
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/17) */
Contact Name and Title: [redacted] - President
Contact Phone: [redacted]
Contact Email: [redacted]
Mr. [redacted], Like most management companies we use an outside service provider for those services. Using the service on line...
requires you to pick the items you need, the pricing is clear to see, place them in your cart and check out. In your case, it appears that your title company made the purchase for you and ordered a larger package than what you needed. They clearly saw what documents were included and the pricing for them and proceeded to check out. Rush orders do incur an additional charge, usually they know well in advance that they are closing and order the documents earlier so as not to incur that additional charge. When a rush order is placed, it requires us to stop what we are doing, go into the system and manually double checking all the paperwork. Any item that would be missed would become our financial responsibility, therefore the process is double checked then by a supervisor before the paperwork is released. The charges you incurred were legitimate charges and industry standard in regard to what your title company ordered. In good faith, I'm willing to absorb the cost of the rush fee and refund you that charge because that was my staffs time, but any additional refunds would have to come from your title company who placed that order.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/06/17) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
The refund for the late fee seem fair to me considering $100 rush fee is so excessive. I will also discuss with my lawyer because he defended the titile company and completely blame the HOA and said this happens all the time.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
This matter was resolved. The homeowners request was sent to the Associations attorney to review and respond to, upon receipt of direction for the association from the attorney, the manager [redacted] generated a Board approved correspondence.
Ms. [redacted] perception is her reality, there is nothing I can do about that. As stated time and time again, the issue is with the decision making body (the Board of Directors). Everything that my staff has done, has been done at the direction of the Board. Ms. [redacted] needs to attend the Board of Directors meetings and discuss this matter with them. I can have no further involvement in that I've asked for legal counsel to address Ms. [redacted] and her slanderous statements personally.
Ms. [redacted] complaints have nothing to do with McGill. McGill takes its direction from the Board of Directors. The Association has never budgeted for property tax appeals. Ms. [redacted] is in error. These are reductions in assessed valuations per unit, based on ownership....
Therefore all owners are responsible for their proportionate share of legal fees. No exceptions, this is dictated in the Illinois Condominium Act, and gives the board the authority to hire the attorneys on the owners behalf. As far the the damage to the item that occurred due to the contractor, the Board determined since there was no way to tell if this actually happened, that they would not be involved, and this matter would be between the owner, Ms. [redacted] and the contractor. We were told by the contractor that Ms. [redacted] received funds for this matter. The Board considered it closed. The association did not state, nor ever thought that the contractor would pay any portion of her assessments, assessments must be paid by the owner. The Board was kept aware of all matters at all times, as again, they are the decision making body for the community, not Management. Trees were removed because they were diseased, no other reason. The late fees (per the board) will remain on Ms. [redacted] account. Ms. [redacted] has been told repeatedly to attend a board meeting to discuss these charges with the Board. Over the last several weeks we have well over 40 emails in regard to this matter from Ms. [redacted] she has wasted a significant amount of my staffs time on this matter. I've asked the Board to have the attorney issue a cease and desist so that all communication going forward goes through the Attorney for the Association and not management. Ms. [redacted] needs to attend a board meeting to discuss the removal of the late fees with the Board, as they are the only ones that can authorize the removal. She has been told this repeatedly to no avail. Ms. [redacted] was provided with the date, time and location for the next Board meeting.
Ace has been to this particular customers home so many times we lost count, The last time we went we had her sign documents stating she was satisfied with all the work. We will gladly provide signed document. In any event under the right circumstances we will make one more attempt to remedy this...
situation if we both agree to the time, date, and complaints to be resolved. As always we strive to be the best we can and will continue to do so as our track record proves. Ace Construction & Remodeling inc, has been in business for over 20 years. Sincerely Joe D[redacted]