According to my experiences, and others, on this and other sites PAMS looks like they are trying their hardest to get people in the "penalty"situation so they can hit them with their outrageous delinquent fees.A lot of money is better than a smaller amount of money(when they pay on time),I guess.So what happens if your town puts a lien on your property over this nonsense and after making you suffer in bad living conditions,what if they go after your house or property.Trying to snatch something worth thousands of dollars over a mealy sewer bill and then escalating it with illegitimate business practices.My advice is to talk to lawyers for help.They may suggest you file for bankruptcy.If you do, sue PAMS afterwards and your town for directly forcing you into a situation that ruined your credit rating.There is also a chapter 13 where payment arrangements(based on a fair amount),is an option.You can also have a court hearing to lessen what your property is worth.Many properties are over assessed.Your taxes will be less if successful.You may not even believe how much less,sometimes.If your home has degraded inside like mine.There are all kind of chips on my doors and woodwork from swatting flies with the electronic racket and other things..This may further reduce the value of your home.Rotting foodstuff clinging like plaque to the walls throughout your system of water pipes,for lack of enough water with force enough, to keep them tidy,means that your home is now a prime attraction to flying insects and crawling ones too.PAMS practices even sort of ruin your home.Pipes are one of the main ways insects enter your home,a little known fact.Bring this all up in court.Don't let them do this to you,and Don't wait for the powers that rule to act.I have finally covered everything I can think of on the subject of PAMS and their participators.I hope you have read and assimilated my many previous write ups.Good Luck !
PAMS, has expanded the role of a billing agent into something that is actually a destructive force in our communities.Lots of people have had their water turned off and are without running water because of their "maybe we can get away with anything" fees.These are not just fees,but fees that directly cause people to get their water turned off ! While the charges keep piling on and they keep getting further and further away from ever getting their water turned back on again.Another thing about PAMS in in my experience, their bills only show what you owe for a small time period.When did you ever get a bill from someone legitimate that didn't' show you how much you owe in full? No doubt part of their scam and to make things confusing too.They have people in the middle of a modern residential area with no running water,thanks to them and their fees. Like a log cabin from the old days right in the middle of a modern residential area.Here's an analogy.
One of my early bills was 4 times what a lot of people pay for sewage,because of their penalties.That's 400%.If someone bought a log cabin in the year 1820,when Abraham Lincoln was only ten years old,and had only a 2% mortgage interest until it amounted to 400%.At what PAMS charged, that family (their ancestors),would still not have the log cabin paid off... and its the year 2017.They would still have more years to pay on it .If you take into account the $20 letters that they tried to charge me for (just for the letters itself),that would come out to 600% and someone born around the time of George Washington under the same arrangements as above,would still be paying off their log cabin. If a a chart with a bar graph was brought into a courtroom and the usual 10% max that states per year are allowed to charge on delinquent sewer bills,and if the 10% bar on the graph was represented by 12 inches, PAMS bar on the graph would need a piece of cardboard 4 stories high,or beyond the roof of most courtrooms.That's how ridiculous.Think about that for awhile.
A business that gets rich by unethically,inhumanly and most likely likely illegally causing misery and bad living conditions for so many people is obviously something we Don't need.Its a real head scratcher that they have been able to flourish in this area without someone doing something about them.If the powers that be won't they can still be sued by private individuals.Other kinds of businesses put advertising signs in their windows,have sales hopes that maybe 1 person in 7 or 8 people will become regular customers.If you live in a place that usees them you have no choice but to deal with PAMS.From my own personal experience and those of so many others its like someone one day sat around trying to think of a dirty scheme (no pun intended) ,and someone got a few ideas and the other schemer said "Nah,lets think of something bigger,WAY BIGGER,that we could potentially get money from Every single house in town."Everyone need food to survive but they go the grocery store and bring it back into their homes themselves.Everyone needs oxygen,but everyone gets it into their lungs by simply breathing it in.But water.VOILA ! It has to be delivered through pipes.Pipes that the town owns, and if we can make it seem like people are doing something wrong instead of us,and then Don't give in and pay our outrageous (on purpose) prices, we can be into them for thousand and thousands of dollars.And every house in town is one of our potential victims,since everyone needs water to live.
I am only human and could be wrong,but I think this is how it would go in a courtroom against PAMS and may have already.
First the judge takes a look over the plaintiffs complaints.If the evidence presented is beyond question he is probably appalled.The defendants PAMS and a representave from their town and a lawyer are probably standing there well dressed and appearing formidable,but the judge is having difficulty looking at them,realizing he is actually standing in the same room with individuals who try their dambdest to make it hard for people to have water.Mothers with babies.Family's with children and pets.Elderly and sick people alike.Then trying to look like good caring people PAMS and cohorts go into all kind of crap about how if you don't pay your bills stuff like this happens. BUT NEVER TO THE TUNE OF THE AMOUNT OF MONEY THEIR DELINQUENT FEES AND CHARGES AMOUNT TO OR ANYWHERE REMOTELY NEAR IT. The town representative then probably goes into a rehearsed speech about how much it costs the town for this and that and how they need paid up. BUT AGAIN, NOT TO ANYWHERE NEAR SUCH A RIDICULOUS EXTENT AS THAT. The judge is probably already getting a little sick to his stomach over the defendants carefully rehearsed rationalizations,(which bad people are known for).The judges stomach probably gets even queezier when the victim explains all the awful living conditions,bugs,germs,bacteria,they have to go through from being strategically priced out of the running water market. Speaking as myself now the only time I would ever get diarhhea is on very rare occasion when I would be without pop for many days and then get a bottle of it and start drinking it again.Maybe once a year.At the height of my fly spreading around bacteria problem in my house,I routinely had diarhhea many times a month,stomach problems too. The judge would probably listen to this and what it might come down to is this.According to the experts,a fly landing on your food probably won't cause a major problem,like a single person coming in your door and stomping the mud off their boots near the door.But countless flies not just landing for a few seconds on your food,but walking all over it spreading around bacteria,germs and viruses from fresh feces and rotting food bacteria is a totally different thing,and that very likely can result in health problems.Like dozens of people coming in your door and instead of stomping their boots at the entrance,tracking it all through your house and spreading it around.Two very different things.I would think most reasonable judges would not find people who try their darndest to deprive other people of water so they can get rich,very likable or popular in their courtroom,and they may have even seen them before.
In my previous 3 reviews on PAMS,which I hope you will read,I covered some of the health risks that come about from their getting your water shut off.This essay will concern health risks to children,both physical and mental.Previously I went into great detail about the actual structure of their scam.Getting peoples water turned off with ridiculously high delinquent fees that invariably results in them being priced out of the water market,and creating the situation where in 2017,lots of people in the middle of a modern residential area,do not have running water into their homes anymore,thanks to their greedy practices.They try to see what they can get away with and apparently in this area,the sky seems to be the limit.Its not like what they do doesn't' fall under any criminally culpable category:Criminal Conspiracy,Fraud,Theft by Deception,Endangering the health of others are just a few things that come to mind.Keeping in mind that I am not an expert in law but know quite a bit more than is the uusual,I believe there are many people who could literally prosecute them on a number of things.Perhaps its like the old saying "Something Stinks In Denmark."Do you think a company like this would get away with these kind of practices in other areas?They would be run out of town on a rail after spending quite some time in prison I think.On another website with PAM complaints,someone claimed to have taken this up with the Attorney Generals Office,and claims to have gotten no help.We have a new one now in office,and the person claiming to have been denied could very well have been an associate of PAMS scheme trying to discourage people from getting help.Lying, in other words.Now to the main subject of this report.
Children are our greatest resource.They are the foundation of the future.Ideally we would want a generation of physically and mentally healthy youngsters growing up to be fine adults who will define what kind of nation we are.Without your kids being able to have running water to shower and bathe,they will emit odors that will be repulsive to other children and adults alike.Sponge baths generally are not as good and without running water its hard to keep their clothes clean.There are Laundromats but they cost money and the tendency of parents is often, lets make do,put it off a while,and save some money.Children not as clean as others will be laughed at,looked down upon and have more rejection than they otherwise would receive,all bad for their self esteem growing up.They will inevitably develop inferiority complexes and either become drawn into themselves like loners,or like a dog that bites back: rebellious and capable of lashing back out at society.Youth with mental problems often turn to drugs and criminality: and mental problems can last a lifetime if not identified and taken care of properly.Even if it wasn't for the smell,I think kids would probably make fun of someone who didn't have running water,like not having shoes..Something so cheap that almost everyone takes for granted unless you are dealing with PAMS.That someone like PAMS and their cohorts would be allowed to create a situation like this is mind boggling.What it all comes down to and results in is PAMS and cohorts make loads of extra money causing misery from bad living conditions for others over their despicable practices, and countless people are deprived of running water in their hones and haveing the ability to lead a normal healthy life taken away from them over these greed monsters.Think about it.Hard to believe something like this could go on in modern society.
Speaking of leading a normal healthy life.When people develop insect problems from lack of running water,the insects land on and immerse themselves in feces and rotting food stuff and it is all over them and gets transferred to anything else it lands on including your childrens toothbrushes,plates,cups,eating utensils etc.and directly in their mouths,and the germs and bacteria that are deposited on these things are living organisms and grow bigger and more dangerous.I have had several bouts of intestinal bacterial problems myself from the conditions I had,and I am a full grown adult with a good fully developed immune system.So if you are living in unhealthy conditions thanks to PAM SCAM,and your child has stomach problems,don't just assume they ate something that didn't agree with them.If it seems serious take them to a doctor and keep documentation in the event you decide to sue PAMS which is what everybody who is a victim of this should be doing.Screwing around with peoples health is no joke.Especially in a court of law !
This is an add on to my 2 previous reports on PAMS collection/billing service.After some thought there were some important things I neglected to mention.First off,they are not any kind of state agency just because they have the word Pennsylvania in their title.Secondly if considering a lawsuit Don't be put off that they have relatively few complaints and a decent rating with the might be only one person in thousands of victims that go the route.If you live in a certain town and your town is pulling this "lets make a million by overcharging people on delinquent sewer bills," you have no choice but to deal with them.If you were like me and had your water turned off because of their insane delinquent penalty "amount" way above what they are allowed to charge,then their delinquent penalties are the direct cause of having your water turned off,not the sewage bill itself.This is extremely important.In my case if their penalties would have been within the realm of reason I would have been able to pay and avoid having my water turned off.If their unreasonable "penalties"were the reason you couldn't' pay to avoid getting your water turned off then they may be responsible for everything that risked your health or made your living conditions miserable from that point on.It takes about three gallons of water to flush your toilet one time.Most people don't have 3 gallons of water or $3 or so to flush down the toilet every time they need to flush.Five flushes a day at around $1 per gallon jug of bottled water,that would come out to $450 a month.Most people Don't have anywhere near that extra amount per month.Many people Don't even have transportation to bring in that amount of water if they could afford it,and where would they find the space to store all those jugs?Flies have smell capability that's hard to fathom,they can smell something from miles and miles away (look it up).If you have a fruit fly and house fly problem because its virtually impossible to keep up with having enough water to keep your living space as clean as it should be,the flies are smelling whats inside your house.Even if you make bowel movements into a sealed container,they can smell that also.Plus in the time the lid is off for you to do your thing they can fly on the feces or be drawn from outside by the smell which lingers for some time afterward.People really need water and lots of it.Your skin is a very sensitive organ that needs to be cleansed often.It is suscetable to all kinds of bacteria,germs and diseases if not thoroughly washed regularly.Thanks to PAMS and their partners in crime so to speak ( the borough) I couldn't' so much as take a shower anymore,and it just takes way way too much water to get even a few inches going in the bath tub for a bath.If you had your water illegally turned off by PAMS,chances are you Don't smell too good often, or your children either and they (the con artists) are the direct cause.Its no crime to be poor.People often make fun and reject others who smell,once again all related to this scam.There was an instance in New York where a judge gave a one million dollar judgemental against a nightclub whose employees were making fun of a patron.Don't count on that possibility,but children in particular, developing deep seated emotional consequences is another possible aspect of this.
It's a very laborious task to wash your dishes properly without running water.The force of the spray is no longer with you,so you have to scrub and scrub with all your might to get your dishes clean.It's near impossible to get the bottom of many glasses clean without the spray of water.You can't get your fingers far down enough to scrub with the dish towel.What you are able to wipe off your dishes with the dish rag, well it stays right on the rag without the spray of running water.Dipping it into water that's full of debris from previous dips ends up just transferring other stuff back onto your dish rag.You end up having to use up 4 dish rags for every meal and their is no water for the washing machine.Of course no running water for your clothes to be washed either.Flies of all kinds attracted to the smell inside your house breed and multiply in litters of near 100 at a time in some instances.When you open your fridge, fruitflies in the kitchen will fly in there and many will die inside cans of food and packaging that's not air tight.When you go to use those foods you are definitely eating a lot of bugs that you don't see because theyre small, along with any germs and bacteria that the bugs have picked up.Once again,a health hazard that wouldn't' exist in any large measure without the likes of PAMS and cohorts.One guy,also without water,said there are always dozens of dead fruit flies along the doors of his fridge and freezer.The rest are dead inside his food,which he will eat without seeing most of them,because they are small.Plus it is no fun swatting flies all day when trying to watch TV,reading,listening to music or whatever you are doing.I have spent a lot of money buying fly paper strips,(the dumb ones fly on and the smarter ones don't),battery operated fly swatters,which look like a tennis racket with an electric grid which electrocutes them but only works on the bigger flies.They have reaction time way faster than humans and it can take 10 hours of swatting at them before you get even half of them,with more continually coming in.I have sprained my shoulder and elbow and have gotten tendonitis countless times over this.I have also had my neck messed up by rapidly jerking my head to avoid them flying into my eye.Forget trying to eat in the kitchen,when you take your food into the living room to try to eat in peace,they follow you and when you are eating,they fly right at your mouth and in your mouth.Even walking, I can't tell you how many flies I have inhaled by them flying right into my mouth.If you were in a courtroom suing PAMS and your town and the judge had to decide how much to award you,he couldn't' begin to imagine without experiencing it himself month after month,just how awful it is to live in these conditions brought on by not having running water.I personally would not go a year like that for even $100,000.
PAMS in the beginning did the $20 per letter thing because they knew that people would know something is not right about it and delay paying,while they quickly ran peoples bills up with their outrageous charges to the point where they Couldn't pay.They gladly traded the lesser amount to keep your meter running until you owe them thousands of dollars.The delinquent penalties keep piling up even after your water has long been turned off.There are lawyers,the Feds have a Corruption Hotline,there are people who will refer you.Speak to as many people as you can about this.Opinions differ.If calling a Corruption Hotline and you live in a place like Whitaker,also point out to them that the generally small towns that are pulling this, along with PAMS seem to very often or always use Jordan Tax Service as their delinquent tax agent.I Don't know but personally really doubt this is a coincidence.These are usually corrupt little towns,so tell them about some other things happening that you know about that shouldn't be going on in your town.They like info if it is something that interests them.Last but not least,if you see an elderly person lugging heavy gallons of water back to their home,take the time out to give them a hand.If they fall and break a hip at that age,there are usually complications from having to lay around that long,blood clots etc.which could cause their death and often does at that age.All because of PAMS and company.You could be saving a life.Good Luck.
This is the conclusion or part 2 of my review on Pennsylvania Municipal Services.See part 1 listed. a few days ago.How this all started with me and I assume others.My town started having residents pay the sewage bill directly to them instead of a combination water/sewage bill to the water co.This was the first step necessary for them to perpetrate what amounts to a money shakedown scheme.They claimed I hadn't' paid my sewage bill and promptly sent me another bill with what amounted to a delinquent penalty that would have been about 4 times (400%) of your average sewer bill.Even a loan shark wouldn't' dare charging that much a month. Pa. Municipal Services (PAMS) in addition to that sent me bills tacking on and charging me an additional $20 for sending me a mass produced letHelldemanding I pay.That's right $20 for the letter itself demanding I pay.This was a significant important part of their strategy.Even the dumbest person knows there is something wrong with that.The predictable inclination is "I am not paying that,these are crooks trying to rip me off."They begin to viewIth whole thing as something illegitimate, and they delay paying,perhaps thinking this kind of thing can't go on in modern society,there are laws.Better wait until this gets straightened out.There ARE laws in modern society.The maximum penalty for delinquent sewer bills in any state I have been able to look up is 10% per year,not hundreds of percent per month.Of course they kept sending the bills with their $20 letter charge coming at an alarming rate to quickly tack on enough money that they knew would amount to a total that many people would not be able to pay,and then within months they had the water company shut off my water,and it would stay shut off until I pay the ridiculous sum of money ( hundreds of dollars),that they were able to escalate it to, in a short period of time by disregarding laws on the limits of delinquent penalties plus their $20 per letter fee for a mass produced computerized letter.They did cool it with the $20 per letter charge.Must have been something a judge warned PAIMS about in a courtroom.As I said in Part 1 of this.Get your video camera out and start filming your degraded living conditions over this.The awful towns that are doing this to people are often not only bad people,but dumb,moralless people.Your town is not some non- overcomable entity immune to laws and decency,which the courtroom is all about.One of the towns participating in this is Whitaker.Someone was recently awarded a court judgemental for $330,000 against them for something stupid one of their so called "cops" did.I also notice that towns involved in this often or always use Jordan Tax Service for their delinquent tax collections.Part of the conspiracy?There are many many people living paycheck to paycheck,and with their delinquent fees continuing to add up they knew that many people will not be able to pay for a very long time and they will before too long, be into them for THOUSANDS of dollars.At some point they hope to reap the benefits of their despicable scheme to the tune of thousands of dollars from desperate people who just can't stand going without running water any longer.Perhaps they are ill over it,bacterial infections from fly bacteria distribution landing on food, mold,dehydration etc.All the result of not being able to properly keep a clean environment due to not enough water.This atrocity also creates scenarios of old people having to hike it to stores and carry back 8 pound gallons of water where they could be thrown off balance and fall on sloppy sidewalks in winter,or get heat stroke from exertion in the summer.Perhaps a relative or someone you know has died over this in one way or another.Perhaps many people have actually died as a direct cause of this.One thing for absolute certain::it puts peoples health at risk over this sky high illegal delinquent fees nonsense that your town and PAMS hope to make big money on.How many people at some point actually pay them thousands of dollars over a measly sewer bill to get their water running again?Who knows,but even one person is too many with a scam like this and maybe there are lots of people actually dead over this.There are undoubtedly situations where people run out of water or can't afford any more bottled water.Mothers who can't clean their babies behind after a bowl movement for lack of water.Babies suffering,pets suffering.There are an infinite number of scenarios going on that only the ones suffering know about.Its time someone did something about this and quick.Water of all things.Holy Hell.
Pennsylvania Municipal Services needs to be Proven to be a criminal entity.Almost all states have a 10% per year maximum allowable penalty on delinquent sewer bills,that's 10% per year not 200% per month.Pa.'s might be 18% per year.If they conspire to shut off anyone's water due to the person not being able to pay their Illegal penalty rate,then they have shut off your water off illegally and intentionally.Its not like PAMS doesn't' know what the maximum allowable delinquent penalty is for sewage.They are doing something not legal, "knowingly".What people should do who have had their water turned off because of the outrageous penalties, is get your camera phone into action.Take pictures of the feces in your toilet that you are unable to flush regularly because you don't have a fortune to buy huge quantities of bottled water.People with water service use over 30 gallons a day at least on average.Take pictures of all the flies in your house that wouldn't be there if you could flush feces or flush food scrapings down your pipes in your kitchen sink.The kitchen scraps, without a big enough flow of water will cling to the side of your pipes like plaque and attract insects.Most people Don't realize but pipes are one of the main ways insects get into your house.They then lay eggs and breed there faster than rabbits and who can afford regular exterminators?I took video of myself making a jumbo sandwich,by the time I came back to it from putting stuff back in the fridge, there were flies on the perimeter of the jumbo and they were stuck and couldn't fly off because the jumbo is sticky.So that requires taking all kind of time toothpicking them off,that is if you are lucky enough to spot them in the first place.Otherwise its a jumbo and fly sandwich.When flies land on your food,they don't have teeth to eat it,they spew a vomit like substance onto your food which dissolves the small portion they are going to eat and they sift it up in order to eat.So when you can't keep your environment as clean as you should and get flies galore and they land on your food, you are ingesting their spewed digesting liquid,not to mention any diseases and germs that they are carrying.Feces is their favorite food and they land on it with their legs and it stays on their legs and is transferred to anything else they land on afterward.Get a good lawyer and sue your town and PAMS for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, for stuff like that and the way you have had to live over their shenanigans with this unreasonable penalty fees crapola.If you can't flush and have to urinate in bottles and your child picks up one of the bottles thinking its lemonade or something and starts drinking it.Document stuff like this and bring it up in the courtroom.Water and oxygen are the two main things we need to live.Anyone (PAMS) and your town,who make it tough for people to have water are probably not going to be too popular in a courtroom.Good Luck !
According to my experiences, and others, on this and other sites PAMS looks like they are trying their hardest to get people in the "penalty"situation so they can hit them with their outrageous delinquent fees.A lot of money is better than a smaller amount of money(when they pay on time),I guess.So what happens if your town puts a lien on your property over this nonsense and after making you suffer in bad living conditions,what if they go after your house or property.Trying to snatch something worth thousands of dollars over a mealy sewer bill and then escalating it with illegitimate business practices.My advice is to talk to lawyers for help.They may suggest you file for bankruptcy.If you do, sue PAMS afterwards and your town for directly forcing you into a situation that ruined your credit rating.There is also a chapter 13 where payment arrangements(based on a fair amount),is an option.You can also have a court hearing to lessen what your property is worth.Many properties are over assessed.Your taxes will be less if successful.You may not even believe how much less,sometimes.If your home has degraded inside like mine.There are all kind of chips on my doors and woodwork from swatting flies with the electronic racket and other things..This may further reduce the value of your home.Rotting foodstuff clinging like plaque to the walls throughout your system of water pipes,for lack of enough water with force enough, to keep them tidy,means that your home is now a prime attraction to flying insects and crawling ones too.PAMS practices even sort of ruin your home.Pipes are one of the main ways insects enter your home,a little known fact.Bring this all up in court.Don't let them do this to you,and Don't wait for the powers that rule to act.I have finally covered everything I can think of on the subject of PAMS and their participators.I hope you have read and assimilated my many previous write ups.Good Luck !
PAMS, has expanded the role of a billing agent into something that is actually a destructive force in our communities.Lots of people have had their water turned off and are without running water because of their "maybe we can get away with anything" fees.These are not just fees,but fees that directly cause people to get their water turned off ! While the charges keep piling on and they keep getting further and further away from ever getting their water turned back on again.Another thing about PAMS in in my experience, their bills only show what you owe for a small time period.When did you ever get a bill from someone legitimate that didn't' show you how much you owe in full? No doubt part of their scam and to make things confusing too.They have people in the middle of a modern residential area with no running water,thanks to them and their fees. Like a log cabin from the old days right in the middle of a modern residential area.Here's an analogy.
One of my early bills was 4 times what a lot of people pay for sewage,because of their penalties.That's 400%.If someone bought a log cabin in the year 1820,when Abraham Lincoln was only ten years old,and had only a 2% mortgage interest until it amounted to 400%.At what PAMS charged, that family (their ancestors),would still not have the log cabin paid off... and its the year 2017.They would still have more years to pay on it .If you take into account the $20 letters that they tried to charge me for (just for the letters itself),that would come out to 600% and someone born around the time of George Washington under the same arrangements as above,would still be paying off their log cabin. If a a chart with a bar graph was brought into a courtroom and the usual 10% max that states per year are allowed to charge on delinquent sewer bills,and if the 10% bar on the graph was represented by 12 inches, PAMS bar on the graph would need a piece of cardboard 4 stories high,or beyond the roof of most courtrooms.That's how ridiculous.Think about that for awhile.
A business that gets rich by unethically,inhumanly and most likely likely illegally causing misery and bad living conditions for so many people is obviously something we Don't need.Its a real head scratcher that they have been able to flourish in this area without someone doing something about them.If the powers that be won't they can still be sued by private individuals.Other kinds of businesses put advertising signs in their windows,have sales hopes that maybe 1 person in 7 or 8 people will become regular customers.If you live in a place that usees them you have no choice but to deal with PAMS.From my own personal experience and those of so many others its like someone one day sat around trying to think of a dirty scheme (no pun intended) ,and someone got a few ideas and the other schemer said "Nah,lets think of something bigger,WAY BIGGER,that we could potentially get money from Every single house in town."Everyone need food to survive but they go the grocery store and bring it back into their homes themselves.Everyone needs oxygen,but everyone gets it into their lungs by simply breathing it in.But water.VOILA ! It has to be delivered through pipes.Pipes that the town owns, and if we can make it seem like people are doing something wrong instead of us,and then Don't give in and pay our outrageous (on purpose) prices, we can be into them for thousand and thousands of dollars.And every house in town is one of our potential victims,since everyone needs water to live.
I am only human and could be wrong,but I think this is how it would go in a courtroom against PAMS and may have already.
First the judge takes a look over the plaintiffs complaints.If the evidence presented is beyond question he is probably appalled.The defendants PAMS and a representave from their town and a lawyer are probably standing there well dressed and appearing formidable,but the judge is having difficulty looking at them,realizing he is actually standing in the same room with individuals who try their dambdest to make it hard for people to have water.Mothers with babies.Family's with children and pets.Elderly and sick people alike.Then trying to look like good caring people PAMS and cohorts go into all kind of crap about how if you don't pay your bills stuff like this happens. BUT NEVER TO THE TUNE OF THE AMOUNT OF MONEY THEIR DELINQUENT FEES AND CHARGES AMOUNT TO OR ANYWHERE REMOTELY NEAR IT. The town representative then probably goes into a rehearsed speech about how much it costs the town for this and that and how they need paid up. BUT AGAIN, NOT TO ANYWHERE NEAR SUCH A RIDICULOUS EXTENT AS THAT. The judge is probably already getting a little sick to his stomach over the defendants carefully rehearsed rationalizations,(which bad people are known for).The judges stomach probably gets even queezier when the victim explains all the awful living conditions,bugs,germs,bacteria,they have to go through from being strategically priced out of the running water market. Speaking as myself now the only time I would ever get diarhhea is on very rare occasion when I would be without pop for many days and then get a bottle of it and start drinking it again.Maybe once a year.At the height of my fly spreading around bacteria problem in my house,I routinely had diarhhea many times a month,stomach problems too. The judge would probably listen to this and what it might come down to is this.According to the experts,a fly landing on your food probably won't cause a major problem,like a single person coming in your door and stomping the mud off their boots near the door.But countless flies not just landing for a few seconds on your food,but walking all over it spreading around bacteria,germs and viruses from fresh feces and rotting food bacteria is a totally different thing,and that very likely can result in health problems.Like dozens of people coming in your door and instead of stomping their boots at the entrance,tracking it all through your house and spreading it around.Two very different things.I would think most reasonable judges would not find people who try their darndest to deprive other people of water so they can get rich,very likable or popular in their courtroom,and they may have even seen them before.
In my previous 3 reviews on PAMS,which I hope you will read,I covered some of the health risks that come about from their getting your water shut off.This essay will concern health risks to children,both physical and mental.Previously I went into great detail about the actual structure of their scam.Getting peoples water turned off with ridiculously high delinquent fees that invariably results in them being priced out of the water market,and creating the situation where in 2017,lots of people in the middle of a modern residential area,do not have running water into their homes anymore,thanks to their greedy practices.They try to see what they can get away with and apparently in this area,the sky seems to be the limit.Its not like what they do doesn't' fall under any criminally culpable category:Criminal Conspiracy,Fraud,Theft by Deception,Endangering the health of others are just a few things that come to mind.Keeping in mind that I am not an expert in law but know quite a bit more than is the uusual,I believe there are many people who could literally prosecute them on a number of things.Perhaps its like the old saying "Something Stinks In Denmark."Do you think a company like this would get away with these kind of practices in other areas?They would be run out of town on a rail after spending quite some time in prison I think.On another website with PAM complaints,someone claimed to have taken this up with the Attorney Generals Office,and claims to have gotten no help.We have a new one now in office,and the person claiming to have been denied could very well have been an associate of PAMS scheme trying to discourage people from getting help.Lying, in other words.Now to the main subject of this report.
Children are our greatest resource.They are the foundation of the future.Ideally we would want a generation of physically and mentally healthy youngsters growing up to be fine adults who will define what kind of nation we are.Without your kids being able to have running water to shower and bathe,they will emit odors that will be repulsive to other children and adults alike.Sponge baths generally are not as good and without running water its hard to keep their clothes clean.There are Laundromats but they cost money and the tendency of parents is often, lets make do,put it off a while,and save some money.Children not as clean as others will be laughed at,looked down upon and have more rejection than they otherwise would receive,all bad for their self esteem growing up.They will inevitably develop inferiority complexes and either become drawn into themselves like loners,or like a dog that bites back: rebellious and capable of lashing back out at society.Youth with mental problems often turn to drugs and criminality: and mental problems can last a lifetime if not identified and taken care of properly.Even if it wasn't for the smell,I think kids would probably make fun of someone who didn't have running water,like not having shoes..Something so cheap that almost everyone takes for granted unless you are dealing with PAMS.That someone like PAMS and their cohorts would be allowed to create a situation like this is mind boggling.What it all comes down to and results in is PAMS and cohorts make loads of extra money causing misery from bad living conditions for others over their despicable practices, and countless people are deprived of running water in their hones and haveing the ability to lead a normal healthy life taken away from them over these greed monsters.Think about it.Hard to believe something like this could go on in modern society.
Speaking of leading a normal healthy life.When people develop insect problems from lack of running water,the insects land on and immerse themselves in feces and rotting food stuff and it is all over them and gets transferred to anything else it lands on including your childrens toothbrushes,plates,cups,eating utensils etc.and directly in their mouths,and the germs and bacteria that are deposited on these things are living organisms and grow bigger and more dangerous.I have had several bouts of intestinal bacterial problems myself from the conditions I had,and I am a full grown adult with a good fully developed immune system.So if you are living in unhealthy conditions thanks to PAM SCAM,and your child has stomach problems,don't just assume they ate something that didn't agree with them.If it seems serious take them to a doctor and keep documentation in the event you decide to sue PAMS which is what everybody who is a victim of this should be doing.Screwing around with peoples health is no joke.Especially in a court of law !
This is an add on to my 2 previous reports on PAMS collection/billing service.After some thought there were some important things I neglected to mention.First off,they are not any kind of state agency just because they have the word Pennsylvania in their title.Secondly if considering a lawsuit Don't be put off that they have relatively few complaints and a decent rating with the might be only one person in thousands of victims that go the route.If you live in a certain town and your town is pulling this "lets make a million by overcharging people on delinquent sewer bills," you have no choice but to deal with them.If you were like me and had your water turned off because of their insane delinquent penalty "amount" way above what they are allowed to charge,then their delinquent penalties are the direct cause of having your water turned off,not the sewage bill itself.This is extremely important.In my case if their penalties would have been within the realm of reason I would have been able to pay and avoid having my water turned off.If their unreasonable "penalties"were the reason you couldn't' pay to avoid getting your water turned off then they may be responsible for everything that risked your health or made your living conditions miserable from that point on.It takes about three gallons of water to flush your toilet one time.Most people don't have 3 gallons of water or $3 or so to flush down the toilet every time they need to flush.Five flushes a day at around $1 per gallon jug of bottled water,that would come out to $450 a month.Most people Don't have anywhere near that extra amount per month.Many people Don't even have transportation to bring in that amount of water if they could afford it,and where would they find the space to store all those jugs?Flies have smell capability that's hard to fathom,they can smell something from miles and miles away (look it up).If you have a fruit fly and house fly problem because its virtually impossible to keep up with having enough water to keep your living space as clean as it should be,the flies are smelling whats inside your house.Even if you make bowel movements into a sealed container,they can smell that also.Plus in the time the lid is off for you to do your thing they can fly on the feces or be drawn from outside by the smell which lingers for some time afterward.People really need water and lots of it.Your skin is a very sensitive organ that needs to be cleansed often.It is suscetable to all kinds of bacteria,germs and diseases if not thoroughly washed regularly.Thanks to PAMS and their partners in crime so to speak ( the borough) I couldn't' so much as take a shower anymore,and it just takes way way too much water to get even a few inches going in the bath tub for a bath.If you had your water illegally turned off by PAMS,chances are you Don't smell too good often, or your children either and they (the con artists) are the direct cause.Its no crime to be poor.People often make fun and reject others who smell,once again all related to this scam.There was an instance in New York where a judge gave a one million dollar judgemental against a nightclub whose employees were making fun of a patron.Don't count on that possibility,but children in particular, developing deep seated emotional consequences is another possible aspect of this.
It's a very laborious task to wash your dishes properly without running water.The force of the spray is no longer with you,so you have to scrub and scrub with all your might to get your dishes clean.It's near impossible to get the bottom of many glasses clean without the spray of water.You can't get your fingers far down enough to scrub with the dish towel.What you are able to wipe off your dishes with the dish rag, well it stays right on the rag without the spray of running water.Dipping it into water that's full of debris from previous dips ends up just transferring other stuff back onto your dish rag.You end up having to use up 4 dish rags for every meal and their is no water for the washing machine.Of course no running water for your clothes to be washed either.Flies of all kinds attracted to the smell inside your house breed and multiply in litters of near 100 at a time in some instances.When you open your fridge, fruitflies in the kitchen will fly in there and many will die inside cans of food and packaging that's not air tight.When you go to use those foods you are definitely eating a lot of bugs that you don't see because theyre small, along with any germs and bacteria that the bugs have picked up.Once again,a health hazard that wouldn't' exist in any large measure without the likes of PAMS and cohorts.One guy,also without water,said there are always dozens of dead fruit flies along the doors of his fridge and freezer.The rest are dead inside his food,which he will eat without seeing most of them,because they are small.Plus it is no fun swatting flies all day when trying to watch TV,reading,listening to music or whatever you are doing.I have spent a lot of money buying fly paper strips,(the dumb ones fly on and the smarter ones don't),battery operated fly swatters,which look like a tennis racket with an electric grid which electrocutes them but only works on the bigger flies.They have reaction time way faster than humans and it can take 10 hours of swatting at them before you get even half of them,with more continually coming in.I have sprained my shoulder and elbow and have gotten tendonitis countless times over this.I have also had my neck messed up by rapidly jerking my head to avoid them flying into my eye.Forget trying to eat in the kitchen,when you take your food into the living room to try to eat in peace,they follow you and when you are eating,they fly right at your mouth and in your mouth.Even walking, I can't tell you how many flies I have inhaled by them flying right into my mouth.If you were in a courtroom suing PAMS and your town and the judge had to decide how much to award you,he couldn't' begin to imagine without experiencing it himself month after month,just how awful it is to live in these conditions brought on by not having running water.I personally would not go a year like that for even $100,000.
PAMS in the beginning did the $20 per letter thing because they knew that people would know something is not right about it and delay paying,while they quickly ran peoples bills up with their outrageous charges to the point where they Couldn't pay.They gladly traded the lesser amount to keep your meter running until you owe them thousands of dollars.The delinquent penalties keep piling up even after your water has long been turned off.There are lawyers,the Feds have a Corruption Hotline,there are people who will refer you.Speak to as many people as you can about this.Opinions differ.If calling a Corruption Hotline and you live in a place like Whitaker,also point out to them that the generally small towns that are pulling this, along with PAMS seem to very often or always use Jordan Tax Service as their delinquent tax agent.I Don't know but personally really doubt this is a coincidence.These are usually corrupt little towns,so tell them about some other things happening that you know about that shouldn't be going on in your town.They like info if it is something that interests them.Last but not least,if you see an elderly person lugging heavy gallons of water back to their home,take the time out to give them a hand.If they fall and break a hip at that age,there are usually complications from having to lay around that long,blood clots etc.which could cause their death and often does at that age.All because of PAMS and company.You could be saving a life.Good Luck.
This is the conclusion or part 2 of my review on Pennsylvania Municipal Services.See part 1 listed. a few days ago.How this all started with me and I assume others.My town started having residents pay the sewage bill directly to them instead of a combination water/sewage bill to the water co.This was the first step necessary for them to perpetrate what amounts to a money shakedown scheme.They claimed I hadn't' paid my sewage bill and promptly sent me another bill with what amounted to a delinquent penalty that would have been about 4 times (400%) of your average sewer bill.Even a loan shark wouldn't' dare charging that much a month. Pa. Municipal Services (PAMS) in addition to that sent me bills tacking on and charging me an additional $20 for sending me a mass produced letHelldemanding I pay.That's right $20 for the letter itself demanding I pay.This was a significant important part of their strategy.Even the dumbest person knows there is something wrong with that.The predictable inclination is "I am not paying that,these are crooks trying to rip me off."They begin to viewIth whole thing as something illegitimate, and they delay paying,perhaps thinking this kind of thing can't go on in modern society,there are laws.Better wait until this gets straightened out.There ARE laws in modern society.The maximum penalty for delinquent sewer bills in any state I have been able to look up is 10% per year,not hundreds of percent per month.Of course they kept sending the bills with their $20 letter charge coming at an alarming rate to quickly tack on enough money that they knew would amount to a total that many people would not be able to pay,and then within months they had the water company shut off my water,and it would stay shut off until I pay the ridiculous sum of money ( hundreds of dollars),that they were able to escalate it to, in a short period of time by disregarding laws on the limits of delinquent penalties plus their $20 per letter fee for a mass produced computerized letter.They did cool it with the $20 per letter charge.Must have been something a judge warned PAIMS about in a courtroom.As I said in Part 1 of this.Get your video camera out and start filming your degraded living conditions over this.The awful towns that are doing this to people are often not only bad people,but dumb,moralless people.Your town is not some non- overcomable entity immune to laws and decency,which the courtroom is all about.One of the towns participating in this is Whitaker.Someone was recently awarded a court judgemental for $330,000 against them for something stupid one of their so called "cops" did.I also notice that towns involved in this often or always use Jordan Tax Service for their delinquent tax collections.Part of the conspiracy?There are many many people living paycheck to paycheck,and with their delinquent fees continuing to add up they knew that many people will not be able to pay for a very long time and they will before too long, be into them for THOUSANDS of dollars.At some point they hope to reap the benefits of their despicable scheme to the tune of thousands of dollars from desperate people who just can't stand going without running water any longer.Perhaps they are ill over it,bacterial infections from fly bacteria distribution landing on food, mold,dehydration etc.All the result of not being able to properly keep a clean environment due to not enough water.This atrocity also creates scenarios of old people having to hike it to stores and carry back 8 pound gallons of water where they could be thrown off balance and fall on sloppy sidewalks in winter,or get heat stroke from exertion in the summer.Perhaps a relative or someone you know has died over this in one way or another.Perhaps many people have actually died as a direct cause of this.One thing for absolute certain::it puts peoples health at risk over this sky high illegal delinquent fees nonsense that your town and PAMS hope to make big money on.How many people at some point actually pay them thousands of dollars over a measly sewer bill to get their water running again?Who knows,but even one person is too many with a scam like this and maybe there are lots of people actually dead over this.There are undoubtedly situations where people run out of water or can't afford any more bottled water.Mothers who can't clean their babies behind after a bowl movement for lack of water.Babies suffering,pets suffering.There are an infinite number of scenarios going on that only the ones suffering know about.Its time someone did something about this and quick.Water of all things.Holy Hell.
Pennsylvania Municipal Services needs to be Proven to be a criminal entity.Almost all states have a 10% per year maximum allowable penalty on delinquent sewer bills,that's 10% per year not 200% per month.Pa.'s might be 18% per year.If they conspire to shut off anyone's water due to the person not being able to pay their Illegal penalty rate,then they have shut off your water off illegally and intentionally.Its not like PAMS doesn't' know what the maximum allowable delinquent penalty is for sewage.They are doing something not legal, "knowingly".What people should do who have had their water turned off because of the outrageous penalties, is get your camera phone into action.Take pictures of the feces in your toilet that you are unable to flush regularly because you don't have a fortune to buy huge quantities of bottled water.People with water service use over 30 gallons a day at least on average.Take pictures of all the flies in your house that wouldn't be there if you could flush feces or flush food scrapings down your pipes in your kitchen sink.The kitchen scraps, without a big enough flow of water will cling to the side of your pipes like plaque and attract insects.Most people Don't realize but pipes are one of the main ways insects get into your house.They then lay eggs and breed there faster than rabbits and who can afford regular exterminators?I took video of myself making a jumbo sandwich,by the time I came back to it from putting stuff back in the fridge, there were flies on the perimeter of the jumbo and they were stuck and couldn't fly off because the jumbo is sticky.So that requires taking all kind of time toothpicking them off,that is if you are lucky enough to spot them in the first place.Otherwise its a jumbo and fly sandwich.When flies land on your food,they don't have teeth to eat it,they spew a vomit like substance onto your food which dissolves the small portion they are going to eat and they sift it up in order to eat.So when you can't keep your environment as clean as you should and get flies galore and they land on your food, you are ingesting their spewed digesting liquid,not to mention any diseases and germs that they are carrying.Feces is their favorite food and they land on it with their legs and it stays on their legs and is transferred to anything else they land on afterward.Get a good lawyer and sue your town and PAMS for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, for stuff like that and the way you have had to live over their shenanigans with this unreasonable penalty fees crapola.If you can't flush and have to urinate in bottles and your child picks up one of the bottles thinking its lemonade or something and starts drinking it.Document stuff like this and bring it up in the courtroom.Water and oxygen are the two main things we need to live.Anyone (PAMS) and your town,who make it tough for people to have water are probably not going to be too popular in a courtroom.Good Luck !