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Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency

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Reviews Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency Reviews (484)

May 9, 2014
Dear [redacted]:This letter is in response to your recent inquiry (Case[redacted]) regarding the status of [redacted] educational loan, serviced by our office. We trust that the following information will be of assistance.AES recently responded to an identical...

inquiry that [redacted] submitted through the [redacted]). A copy of AESresponse to the [redacted] is enclosed.If you have any additional questions, please call our office at ###-###-####. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from :30 a.. to :00 pm., ET.Sincerely

June 27, 2014Dear **. [redacted]:Kindly accept this letter as a follow-up response to your most recent inquiry to the ( concerning the status of your educational loan account, serviced by our office. We trust that the following information will be of assistance.AES services the subsidized (SUBCNS) and unsubsidized (UNCNS) portions of your Federal Consolidation Loan which was disbursed September 7, 2005, on behalf of the owner, [redacted] 2012-4. As the contracted, third-party service provider, AES administers the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed promissory note and federal regulations.AES understands that you believe that the $400.00 refund was not returned to you. However, to the contrary, AES did send a refund check (#[redacted]) for $400.00 to [redacted], your bank’s bill-payer service, on June 10, 2014, and we confirmed that the check was cashed on June 17, 2014.Please note that AES has no control over the processing time needed by [redacted] to return the funds to your bank account. The amount of time depends on the method in which the bill-payer service processes the returned funds. Therefore, you may wish to contact your financial institution’s bill-payer service in order to expedite the return of the funds to your account if you have not yet received them.We trust that this information is sufficient for your needs. If you have any additional questions, you may call our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####. Our loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. through 9:00 p.m., ET.Sincerely,

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: By their own admission, they have not sent me correspondence between November 2013 and August 2014.  (and the letters sent before then don't have any form of signature by me as received, so, who's to say they were actually delivered.)It was in that time that I have been TRYING to get an account number, trying to set up a payment plan, trying to do ANYTHING, having called the valid phone numbers she referenced, only to be told "we don't have an account for you."It's suspicious that only AFTER I try to contact them IN WRITING, they send me a threatening letter.My chief concern is that in the time since I filed the complaint, I have called twice trying to get accounting on the account (since I fully expect PHEAA to drag their feet until after the October 15th deadline I have to send payment) and was told, YET AGAIN, that they don't have an account for me, and the account I gave them "wasn't pulling in [their] system". If I send them money, I have absolutely no reason to believe it will be appropriately applied to my name, since no one seems to have a CLUE who I am. This is super concerning, and a condescending letter from PHEAA that addresses none of my concerns doesn't help.I'm still waiting for some explanation of what happened, so that I will have SOME form of promise that any monies sent will be applied to my balance, since no one there seems to have any idea that I even HAVE a balance.  I know that call-center employees aren't usually the brightest of the bunch, but surely there is a reason no one can pull up my account.Also, in the letter, a [redacted] was mentioned. I have NO idea who those people are...they have never sent me anything in the mail, and since December 2013, I have been without a cell phone. So if, in fact, in February 2014 [redacted] called someone, they called a wrong/outdated number. If [redacted] exists, and is legit, they should probably send me something in writing. They have yet to do that. I would think a legit company would send mail. TL;DRExplain who [redacted] is, and if legit, please remit some form of validation (again, I've been without a cell phone for almost a year, so they'll have to put something in writing; since they have yet to do so,it makes me suspicious)Explain how it is that no one seems to know who I am, and that my account number doesn't "pull up" in the system, yet they have ALL this literature with man account number on it. This is MOST concerning to mePlace IN WRITING on letterhead, that even though PHEAA seems confused about who I am, any monies would be appropriately applied to MY account,. MINE, not someone else's, not lost in an abyss, but correctly applied to MY account, attached to MY name and social security number.Also, an apology would be nice, this has gone on for ENTIRELY too long.  

Good Afternoon,
It looks like the letter was just sent out today.
I have not yet to receive it. I will need additional time to look at paperwork.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

This letter is in regards to the inquiry we received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan account.The chart below details your educational loans.Loan Number | Disbursement Date | Loan Program | Original Principal Balance Current Principal...

Balance1                       October 6, 2004        PEPLN               $10,695, 19                        $14,138,07 2                       October 7, 2004        PEPLN             $10,695.19                         $14,135.69
3                       January 23, 2006       PEPLN               $12,83422                          $15,446.45
4                       May 9, 2007              PEPLN               $16,042.78                         $18,760.00AES services the referenced loans on behalf of the owner, National Collegiate Student Loan Trust (NCT). As the third party servicer, AES administers the loans in accordance with the signed Credit Agreements, copies of which are enclosed. AES is responsible for billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities.In your inquiry, you contend that AES has failed to mail out your 2014 Tax Reportable Interest Statement, and that it was withheld intentionally in order to obtain updated demographic information from you. You had also requested an explanation about why the balance on your account continues to increase despite your making regular installment payments. We trust the following information will be of assistance.AES policy on tax reportable interest states that if the amount of interest paid in a calendar year is greater than or equal to $600.00 a 1098-E form will be generated and mailed to the borrower, and the amount will be reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Amounts under $600.00 are not reported to the IRS and you will not receive a 1098-E. The tax reportable interest amount applicable to your account for the 2014 Tax Year is $6,137.25 and has been broken down in the table below.
Loan Number | Tax Year | Interest Paid |  Original Issue Discount (OID) | Amount Reportedl                         2014       $1,386.09              $35,51                                 $1,421.60
2                        2014       $1,385.85              $35,51                                 $1,421.36
3                        2014       $1,508.18              $44.94                                 $1,553.12
4                        2014       $1,680.18              $60.99                                 $1,741.17
Based on a review of your account, AES reported the tax reportable interest on January 13, 2014. At that time, a 1098F Statement was mailed out to the address that we have on file for you. A copy of the 1098E statement that you requested has also been enclosed with this response,Page 2
Alternatively, this information is viewable via AES* secure website. To view your personal data, you would be required to create an account as you stated in your response. AES has attempted to meet the demand of its customers by providing more information be via the customer’s online accounts.You stated in your inquiry that you believed AES did not mail out the 1098E statement because you had changed your telephone number and prevented AES from making its “annual ‘probation’ call” to verify if you still resided at the address on file for you. Please note that AES does not make annual calls to verify our customer’s information in our files. Pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in your original Credit Agreement, it is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that accurate and up-to-date demographic information is on file with AES at all times. In the event that AES attempts to contact you regarding your address or telephone number, please be assured that it would be due to some discrepancy for which AES would only be attempting to correct or update your demographic information.AES has reviewed the balance on your account and can confirm that fluctuations in the balance have occurred. AES’ records indicate that you have previously utilized a total of 12 months of Temporary Hardship Forbearance offered by NCT, for each loan on your account. Although your monthly installment was postponed, interest continued to accrue on a daily basis during this time and you remained responsible for interest during the forbearance period. Any unpaid interest was capitalized and increased the balance of the loans when the forbearances ended. Interest charges are calculated by multiplying the principal balance, the interest rate, and the number of days elapsed since interest was last satisfied, typically when the most recent payment was credited. This product is then divided by the number of days in the year to yield the accrued interest amount.
                                   (Principal Balance) X (Interest Rate) X (# of Days Elapsed Between Payments/Transactions)                                                                                (# of Days in the Year)
At present, your four loans are accruing $8.15 in interest per day or $252.65 over a 31- day period. Additionally, the Credit Agreements stipulated that unpaid accrued interest would be capitalized (added to the principal balance) on a quarterly basis during the in-school and grace periods and that unpaid accrued interest would be capitalized at the end of the grace period and any deferment/forbearance periods. A history of forbearance usage has been provided for Loans 1, 2, and 3 in the first chart, followed by a history of forbearance usage for Loan 4 in the second chart.
Loans 1, 2, 3Forbearance Type                              Effective Begin Date      Effective End Date Temporary Hardship Forbearance     December 1, 2008          December 30, 2008                                                                         September 1, 2010         November 30, 2010                                                          December 1, 2010          February 28, 2011                                                          March 1, 2011                 May 31, 2011                                                           July 1, 2011                     August 30, 2011 Loan 4Forbearance Type                              Effective Begin Date       Effective End Date
Temporary Hardship Forbearance       December 1, 2008         December 31, 2008Deferment – Half-Time School            January 6, 2010             May 8, 2011
                                                             June 1, 2011                  July 31, 2011
                                                             August 1, 2011              August 31, 2011 
                                                             January 1, 2012             March 31, 2012
                                                             April 1, 2012                  June 30, 2012                                                      
Additionally, according to our records, you have also previously utilized the Modified Graduated Repayment Schedule (MGRS) which offered 24-months of reduced payments (50% payment reduction for the first 12 months and payments totaling the 31-day interest amount for the subsequent 12 months).
Page 3
At the expiration of the MGRS, the loans returned to a level repayment to ensure the loans would be satisfied by the respective pay-off dates with monthly payments calculated to ensure all accrued interest and the principal balance is satisfied within the remainder of the repayment term. This means your monthly installment amount will likely be higher than your monthly installment prior to utilizing the MGRS. While interest does not capitalize at the end of the MGRS, this schedule may result in an increased accumulation of interest on the account resulting in a delay in principal reduction. Complete financial transaction statements have been mailed under separate cover.We trust this information is sufficient for your needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Customer Service at ###-###-####. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.
Shelly K. B[redacted]
Vice President
Graduate and Professional Services
enclosure cc:

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
This is unacceptable.  I will not tolerate harassment under these circumstances from this creditor. This is an unethical business practice and a violation of federal statutes.  There is no reason for these vultures to contact anybody but me to straighten out problems with the account.  Their threat to contact the co-signer is plainly a stunt contrived to harass and intimidate.  

Clarification of complaint: As provided to the and AES in a letter dated May 28, 2015, the review of my account by AES resulted in a significant increase in the balance of my account. The payoff balance of my account on January 22, 2015 was $26,642.94 (based on written communication from AES). I attempted to pay off my account on February 12, 2015 issuing a check for $26,925. AES performed an account review and for reasons unexplained to me, required an additional payment of $326.84. Based on the total of these two payments, AES required me to pay an additional $608.90 just 21 days from the earlier payoff amount. I believe the calculations completed on my account are in error.
Calcification of resolution: I request that AES review my letter detailing the transactions applied to my account, review my account, and issues refund to me for overpayment.

February 13, 2014
Dear **. [redacted]:
This letter is in response to a follow-up inquiry that AES received from the ( concerning the status of your educational loan account.
As you may know, AES services the subsidized (SUBCNS) and the unsubsidized (UNCNS) portions of your Federal Consolidation Loan disbursed September 7, 2005 on behalf of the owner, [redacted]. The single Federal Consolidation Loan is divided into two portions on AES’ servicing system for interest accrual and calculation purposes. As the third-party service provider, AES must administer the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed promissory note and federal regulations.
It is important to note that your Federal Consolidation Loan was ineligible to receive a six-month grace period. Only your [redacted] Loans that had been included in the consolidation process were initially eligible to receive a six-month grace period following your continuous at least half-time enrollment in school. As indicated in our previous response letter, your request to waive the grace period on your [redacted] Loans was processed in order to consolidate them. Regardless of whether you chose to consolidate your [redacted] Loans before or after the six-month grace period expired on the [redacted] loans, a Federal Consolidation Loan is still not eligible to receive a six-month grace period following an in-school status. A Federal Consolidation Loan enters repayment status immediately after disbursement, and repayment may only be postponed by a period of deferment or forbearance.
The list below details the deferment and forbearance statuses applied to the Federal Consolidation Loan. As you may verify, repayment was postponed immediately following disbursement. During periods of deferment and forbearance, the obligation to remit monthly installments is postponed. The federal government pays the interest on the subsidized portion of the Consolidation Loan during deferment status only. You remain responsible for the accrued interest on the subsidized and unsubsidized portions of the loan at all other times. Any outstanding accrued interest may be capitalized and added to the principal balance at the expiration of the deferment or forbearance status.
Half-Time School Deferment:    9/7/05 - 8/18/06
Half-Time School Deferment:    8/19/06 - 8/27/06
Late School Notification Forbearance:    8/28/06 - 10/3/06
In-School Forbearance:    10/4/06 - 12/31/06
Collection Suspension Forbearance:    1/4/07    - 2/3/07
Temporary Hardship Forbearance:    2/4/08    - 2/29/08
Temporary Hardship Forbearance:    3/4/08    - 4/30/08
Collection Suspension Forbearance:    5/4/08    - 6/3/08
Collection Suspension Forbearance:    6/4/09    - 7/3/09
Full-Time School Deferment:    8/25 09 - 11/2/09
Late School Notification Forbearance:    11/3/09 - 2/16/10
Unemployment Deferment:    3/4/10 - 8/22/10
Full-Time School Deferment:    3/21/11 - 10/17/13
Late School Notification Forbearance:    10/18/13 - 11/5/13
AES receives enrollment certification verification from the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), which is a website to which some schools report enrollment information for lenders and servicers to access. If the school that you are attending participates with the NSC and you are certified at least half-time at a Department of Education (ED)-approved school, a School Deferment will be applied to your account, and written notification regarding the status of your account will be mailed to you. If NSC reports that your enrollment status drops below half-time, then adjustments are completed in order to bring the loan into repayment.
Although you were initially approved for School Deferment from March 21, 2011 through December 31, 2015 based upon NSC information received in 2011, AES subsequently received verification from [redacted] University that you had withdrawn as of October 17, 2013, and the account was adjusted accordingly on November 5, 2013. In addition, as indicated on page 1, AES applied a Late School Notification Forbearance to the loan from October 18, 2013 through November 5, 2013 to prevent it from reflecting a delinquent status. A letter detailing this information was sent to you on November 6, 2013. No deferments or forbearance were applied to the account after this date, and the loan accurately resumed repayment status with a bill due December 4, 2013.
At this time, your account reflects a current status. The next installment of $308.43 will be due by March 4, 2014. If you experience trouble making your payments in the future, additional information on available repayment alternatives may be obtained by calling AES or by visiting the website at
While we regret that we are unable to approve the Consolidation Loan for a six-month grace period, you may be assured that AES is administering the loan in accordance with federal regulations and the terms of your promissory note. If you have any additional questions, you may call our Customer Service Department toll-free at ###-###-####. Our loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. through 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

March 30, 2015Dear [redacted]:
This letter is in response to an inquiry AES received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan account, serviced by our office. We trust the following information will be of assistance.
AES currently...

service the subsidized (SUBCNS) and unsubsidized (UNCNS) portions of your federally- guaranteed Consolidation Loan, disbursed on October 4, 2006, on behalf of the owner, [redacted]). As the third-party service provider, AES is required to administer the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed promissory note and federal regulations. AES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing related activities.According to your inquiry, you submitted two, Teacher Loan Forgiveness (TLF) applications which both were denied because they were illegible. In addition, you stated that while applying for TLF you were charged for interest on a $5,000.00 balance of the loan and was advised that the interest accrual cannot be stopped.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Based on our review, on October 21, 2014, your first TLF application was received. As you know, the application was denied by the guarantor, [redacted]), because it was illegible. A denial letter and a new application was subsequently mailed to your attention. In addition, on December 19, 2014, we received your second application for TLF. It was also denied by [redacted] because it was illegible, a denial letter and new application was mailed to your attention. On March 20, 2015, we received your third TLF application. Since that application was legible, it was forwarded to [redacted] for review on March 25, 2015. Upon conclusion of [redacted]’s review, you will be notified in writing of its decision. In addition, it is important to know that, interest will continue to accrue daily on the account and you remain responsible for the accruing interest until the loan reflects a zero balance.
At this time, the account reflects in a current status with the installments satisfied through March 14, 2015. If no other payments are received in the meantime, the next scheduled Direct Debit payment of $76.70 will withdraw from your financial institution on April 14, 2015.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.Sincerely,
Shelly B.
Vice President, Loan Operations

July 24, 2014Dear [redacted]:This letter is in response to your inquiry (ID# [redacted]) regarding the status of [redacted]'s educational loan account, serviced by our office. [redacted] is listed as a cosigner on the account. We trust that the following information will be of...

assistance.A comprehensive review of the account has been completed. A copy of our response letter is enclosed for your review. We trust that the letter addresses the concerns brought to our attention.We trust this information is sufficient for your needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.Sincerely,Shelly *. B[redacted] Assistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

May 27, 2015Dear [redacted]:
This letter is in response to your inquiry AES received from...

the ( regarding the status of your educational loan account, serviced by our office. We trust the following information will be of assistance,AES currently services two privately-insured [redacted]) Loans, disbursed September 11, 2003 (Loan 2) and October 5, 2004 (Loan 3), and AES currently services one [redacted] Loan, disbursed January 29, 2003 (Loan 1) on behalf of the loans' owner, [redacted] is listed as the cosigner of the loans. As the contracted third-party service provider, AES administers the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed loan Application/Promissory Notes (Loans l and 2) and the signed Credit Agreement (Loan 3). AES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities,
In accordance with your inquiry, we have completed a comprehensive review of your account. Based on our review, on January 22, 2015, AES received a paid in full payment in the amount of $26,849.54 from [redacted]) which was applied to your loans leaving a $206.60 credit on your account. On January 27, 2015, you contacted our office directly and requested for the entire payment to be refunded back to [redacted] by February 13, 2015 because you cancelled the refinance. At that time, you were advised that it would take up to 60 days to be returned, and the request was elevated. The credited balance of $206.60 was not issued so AES could refund the full amount of $26,849.54 to [redacted] as it was originally received. Therefore, the $206.60 balance was reapplied back to your account. As a result, the full payment of $26,849.54 was removed from your account so billing activities would continue on Loans 2 and 3.
AES records reflect that, on February 12, 2015, we received check number 25523 in the amount of $15,655.00 and check number [redacted] in the amount of $11,270.00, totaling $26,925.00, to be applied to Loans 2 and 3. After the payments were applied, a principal balance of $266.53 remained for Loan 2 and $57.60 remained for Loan 3.
On February 17, 2015, you contacted AES and again requested for the first pay off payment of $26,849.54 from January 22, 2015 to be refunded to [redacted].
AES records reflect that on March 23, 2015, roster check number [redacted], issued refunds in the amount of $224,63, $41.84, and $57,60, totaling $324,07 directly to you from the $11,270.00 payment. However, in order to refund the whole payment of $11,270.00, the refunded amount of $324,07 was applied back on your account,
As you recall, AES received a payment in the amount of $136.31 on May 19, 2015, which was applied to both of your loans. As a result, Loan 2 has a principal balance of $21.1.37, and Loan 3 reflects paid in full with a credit balance of $21,44.
We understand from your inquiry that [redacted] stated that they have not received their original refund. On May 22, 2015, AES contacted its office directly and confirmed with [redacted], that they received refund check number [redacted] in the amount of $26,849.54 which was issued on May 6, 2015.
At this time, Loan reflects a zero balance as a result of a borrower paid in full payment received on August 5, 2011. In addition, Loan 3 reflects satisfied with our office, with a credit balance of $21,44 that will be refunded to you after June 19, 2015 (30 days after the receipt date).
Finally, Loan 2 reflects in a current status. The current principal balance is $211.37. The next installment of $50.00 will be due on June 14, 2015. However, if you wish to pay in full this loan by the next due date, a total of $2} 1.93 ($21.1.37 Principal balance + $0.56 interest = $211.93) will be due at that time. You may remit this payoff payment to the following address, AES, Paid in Full, PO Box 2251, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2251. Please be sure to include your 10-digit AES account number on your check or money order,
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at 800-233-0557. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.
Shelly B.
Vice President, Loan Operations

November 21, 2014
Dear [redacted]:
This email is in response to your recent inquiry regarding your educational loan account serviced by our office, we trust the following information will be of assistance.AES currently services both the subsidized (SUBCNS) and unsubsidized...

(UNCNS) portions of your Federal Consolidation Loan. The rehabilitated loan was transferred from [redacted] corporation ([redacted]) to AES for servicing on August 28, 2014. A letter confirming this information was sent to you August 29, 2014, a copy of which is attached below. As the contracted third-party service provider on behalf of the owner, [redacted]. ([redacted]), AES must administer the loan in accordance with the terms of the promissory note and federal regulations. AES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities.At this time, the loan remains past due from November 6, 2014 in the amount of $84.43. The next installment of $84.43 is due on December 6, 2014. If no payments are received in the interim, a total of $168.86 will be due at that time. We encourage to remit payment, if possible, to bring account to a current status, if you are unable to remit payment, please contact our office using the toll-free number provided in the closing paragraph to discuss alternative repayment options with a Customer service representative.We trust that this information is sufficient for your needs. However, if you have any additional questions or concerns, you may contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####. since email is not a secure means of communication, we recommend that, if you prefer to contact AES by email, you please use the "contact Us" links on our website,, to submit inquiries via a secure email form.Sincerely,JalietaLoan Operations

Dear [redacted]:
While we regret the
concerns received in this complaint, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to
resolve them.  Rest assured that this
inquiry has been assigned to a member of our Research Specialist Team who is
diligently working toward a resolution. 
We take all concerns included in the complaint very seriously.  Please be advised that the Research
Specialist Team member will be providing a formal letter shortly, along with
contact information to our office, should any additional concerns arise.
Best Regards,
Jessica N[redacted]
Research Specialist
Team Lead
American Education

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:The only correspondence I have received was the transfer of the loan in summer of 2013. I made the call and set up the auto pay over the phone but was not informed that I still had to send in the paperwork in order to make it permanent. It was not until December 2013 that I noticed there was an issue and upon contacting AES was made aware that I had to send the paperwork in. Also upon doing so was advised to make the payments that were late for Nov and Dec and that the auto pay would kick in starting the next payment. The next due payment was not until Jan 5, 2014. I was not advised at any point that I had to make all 3 payments for Nov, Dec, and Jan to make the account current when I had contacted AES in Dec of 2013. I find that this was a way in order for AES to mislead people in order to collect late fees and raise interest. I have not received any correspondence by mail, email, or by phone in relation to being behind on any payments. Just because AES says they sent something does not mean it was ever received. I have checked all filters on emails to make sure that the email was not sent to another folder and I am unable to find anything from them. I have had my phone number since the late 90's so my number has not changed and unclear why AES never once tried to contact by phone or mail if they were not getting a result from their supposed emails. When I contacted AES I was treated as if I am a majority of the country not paying their bills and can't afford my payments. I was treated with little respect from their operators and even a lower level manager. I have made my payments successfully since the loan repayment went active with the previous lender and only have had issues since [redacted] and AES have taken over the management of the loan. I made good on making the payments to catch up on the account as soon as I found there was an issue since AES has taken over the loan. I reject the response by AES because I find they purposely make it unclear on processes in order to mislead someone to falling behind in order to collect higher interest and late fees. I am also going to include all this when I file my complaint to both Texas and Pennsylvania State Attorney Generals. I think the results from this situation only shows the level of [redacted] and AES business practices to mislead.

April 3,...

Dear Ms. [redacted]:
While we regret the
concerns received in Mr. [redacted]’s complaint, we sincerely appreciate the
opportunity to resolve them.  Rest
assured this inquiry has been assigned to a Borrower Experience Advocate who is
diligently working toward a resolution. 
We take all concerns included in the complaint very seriously.  Please be advised that the Borrower
Experience Advocate Team member will be providing a formal letter shortly, along
with direct contact information to our office, should any additional concerns
Best Regards,
Jessica N[redacted]
Borrower Experience
Advocate Team Lead
American Education

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I do not find this information to be plausible.Also, I just want to be abundantly clear on something;'[redacted]' called a phone (one that couldn't POSSIBLY belong to me, because I don't have a  cell phone, and haven't since Dec 2013) and rattled of my name and Social Security number to a stranger? I feel like if that is legitimately what happened, someone should probably explain to me why they just rattled off my SS# to a stranger, because I am FURIOUS about that.Instead of arguing with me, "Aaron" PLEASE try and figure out what is going on. OF COURSE if they said they couldn't find an account, there would be no record.I want to know WHY this is. WHERE is the the miscommunication over there? Something's off, and I'm probably not the only one facing this issue.I'm sure if you were in my shoes, you'd be just as irritated with you as I am. 

Dear Ms. [redacted]:
While we regret the
concerns received in this complaint, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to
resolve them.  Rest assured that a formal
response letter was sent to Ms. [redacted]’s attention on Tuesday, February 2,
2016, which provided detailed information regarding the previous and recent
collection activity, bankruptcy, and credit reporting.  Additionally, a copy of the signed promissory
note was enclosed with our response for Ms. [redacted]’s review.  We trust that the response will be of
assistance to Ms. [redacted]; however, if she does have additional concerns, direct
contact information to our office was also included in our response.
Best Regards,
Jessica N[redacted]
Research Specialist
Team Lead
American Education

July 24, 2015Dear [redacted]:
This letter is in response to an inquiry AES received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan account. We trust that the following information will be of assistance.
AES currently services both...

subsidized (SUBCNS) and unsubsidized (UNCNS) segments of your Federal Consolidation Loan disbursed May 29, 2007, on behalf of the owner, [redacted] LLC ([redacted]). In addition, AES services five (5) privately insured [redacted] Undergraduate ([redacted]) Loans on behalf of the loan-holder, [redacted] Student Loan Trust ([redacted] Trust). As the third-party service provider, AES must administer the loans accordance with the terms of the signed promissory notes. AES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities.We understand from your inquiry that you have concerns regarding the application of your $208.34 payment received June 26, 2015. You alleged that AES did not correctly apply the payment to the [redacted] Loans. However, AES records confirm that your payment was remitted through AES’ Online Payment Center and was applied to the account as you had requested. When you select the “Make a Payment” button, it is important to note that, beside the “Select a Payment Group” field, the “Loan Services” options is automatically selected, which will cause the payment to be applied to the Federal Consolidation Loan. If you intend to remit an online payment for the [redacted] Loans, please be sure to select the “Graduate Services” option. Furthermore, AES does not alter the information manually entered by a customer when an online payment is remitted. However, if your payment is ever applied in a manner that you did not initially intend, you may contact AES and request for the payment to be reapplied. Requests for payment reapplications may take up to 10 business days for processing, however, the original effective date of the payment will remain the same.
On July 6, 2015, AES’ records indicate that you requested the payment of $208.35 be reapplied to the [redacted] Loans. Accordingly, on July 15, 2015 (less than 10 business days) the payment was reapplied to the [redacted] Loans and the effective date remained June 26, 2015. As a result, AES’ records reflect that the installment due July 3, 2015 the [redacted] Loans was not past-due and unfavorable information was not submitted to the nationwide consumer reporting agencies.
We regret any confusion you may have experienced as a result of this matter. For your convenience, AES mailed a financial transaction history for both segments of the Federal Consolidation Loan and each [redacted] Loan to your attention under separate cover on July 23, 2015. You may view and print the correspondence from your Paperless Inbox within two business days of when the correspondence was sent. Once you have accessed your online account, click on "Paperless Inbox" in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. You will then be able to view a copy of any recent letters/billing statements that have been mailed to you.Separately, in order to simplify the process of managing your student loan payments, you may wish to enroll in our electronic payment service, Direct Debit. While enrolled in Direct Debit, AES deducts the required installment amount from your designated bank account on the due date each month. Please note all of your loans qualify for a 0.250% interest rate reduction while you are enrolled in Direct Debit (the reduction is removed if Direct Debit is canceled), which would assist in reducing the overall cost of the loan. To enroll in this service, you may complete and return the enclosed enrollment form, or you may enroll online at Upon returning the enrollment form or enrolling online, you are required to continue to make payments by mail, online or by phone until you receive confirmation that Direct Debit is scheduled to begin. Please note that if you choose to enroll in Direct Debit, all of your loans serviced by AES will be enrolled. You may, however, provide a separate letter along with the Direct Debit form that includes special written instructions if you do not wish for payments for all loans to be made through Direct Debit.
At this time, the Federal Consolidation Loan reflects a current status with the next installment of $72.36 due on August 25, 2015. The [redacted] Loans reflect a current status with the next installment due September 3, 2015 in the amount of $208.34. In addition, the consolidation segments are also current and will be due August 25, 2015 for $72.36.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.
Shelly B.
Vice President, Loan Operations

January 8, 2015Dear [redacted]:This letter is in response to your recent inquiry (Case# [redacted]) regarding the status of [redacted]’s student loan account, serviced by our office. We trust that the following information will be of assistance.
A comprehensive review of the...

account has been completed. A copy of our response letter is enclosed for your review. We trust that the letter addresses the concerns brought to our attention. If you have any additional questions, please call our office at ###-###-####. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.
Shelly B
Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

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