Pennsylvania American Water Company Reviews (127)
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Pennsylvania American Water Company Rating
Description: Water Companies - Utility
Address: 800 W Hersheypark Drive, Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States, 17033
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This company seriously is the absolute worst.. Almost 200 a month for service.. Got turned off due to non payment.. Understandably.. But the shut off notice said around 600 something. And even then, we only got one notice. They always put the three day notice on the door and the have to give you a phone call before they can shut you off.. And we received neither. So after talking to a lady at the company she informed me the amount was now 800 something. Then after being without water for 2 weeks, we can pay it.. Only to find out it's almost a thousand dollars... Excuse me, but how does this happen? The worker said he got his info from the local company and they put in a note that we have to pay every cent before we get service.. Once again, understandably.. But a little notice would be nice!? We have the paper that says it would be 600 something to get it turned back on. This company is the worst water company to exist.. And their workers are very judgemental..
12/11/15Dear [redacted]Would like to thank you for your recent letter regarding a complaint you received from [redacted].Pennsylvania American Water has reviewed company records. [redacted] contacted the company on 11/5/15 to have service started in her name at [redacted].,...
Norristown, PA [redacted]. At that time [redacted] was denied service due to the company found that the water service had been turned on without the company's knowledge or approval. ON 11/9/15 the company received a lease for [redacted] and the premise was noted that the lease was approved and that the service could be turned on. The company left a message for [redacted] to contact the Company and Schedule a turn On.The company had no record of [redacted] contacting the company to schedule the turn on service order and an order to investigate inactive with consumption was issued and the water was shut off in error. The company has contacted [redacted] and a service order was worked on 12/8/15 restoring the water service. The company apologizes for any inconvenience to the customer.If you should have any questions or concerns with regard to this complaint, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely,Nancy Jo S.Compliance Representative
September 27, 2016 of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pa Attn: [redacted] Ref: # [redacted] Dear [redacted], I would like to thank you for your recent letter regarding a complaint you received from [redacted]....
The company has investigated this complaint and found the following: Company records indicate the company mailed [redacted] at [redacted], Canonsburg a 10-day nonpayment termination notice for the amount of $ 455.15 with a shut off date of 09/06/2016. The company spoke to the customer on 08/30/2016 went over account status and balance. The company didn’t receive any payments and service was shut off for nonpayment on 09/13/2016. He contacted us after the service was shut off and made payment. Pennsylvania American Water field service tech arrived at the property on 09/14/2016 and turned on the service. At that time the field service tech didn’t indicate there was any issue with the curb stop. On 09/15/2016 [redacted] contacted the company and indicated he didn’t have any water. On 09/15/2016 an emergency order was issued to turn on the service however a distribution crew was needed due to the curb box needing excavated. The company restored the service on 09/19/2016 around 9:30 A.M. According to PUC regulation 1407 (B) (5) the company has seven days to restore the service if the company has to dig up the street or the sidewalk. The company had to excavate the customer’s curb box and the company completed the restoration within the 7 days. With regard to the customer requesting that his expenses being paid the company is not willing to reimburse expenses due the fact the customer was aware of the pending termination and could have avoided had he made payment prior to the shut off date. Pennsylvania American is always willing to assist [redacted] should he need future assistance. Sincerely, Jessica B[redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear [redacted], I would like to thank you for your recent letter regarding a complaint you received from **. [redacted]. The company has investigated this complaint and found the following: On February 15, 2018, the company received an adjustment request for a service pipe leak...
from **. [redacted] in regards to the high bill. Pennsylvania American Water explained to **. [redacted] that a typical leak adjustment is for 40% of the overage of one high bill. On February 19, 2018, Pennsylvania American Water contacted **. [redacted] and explained the leak adjustment process. On February 23, 2018, Pennsylvania American Water reviewed the prior invoice, which was an estimate reading. Pennsylvania American Water determined that the leak may have started during the invoice that was estimated. **. [redacted] would not have been able to determine a leak during that billing cycle, so the she was granted an adjustment of 150% of her normal usage. On March 7, 2018, Pennsylvania American Water contacted **. [redacted] to explain the situation and advised her of the adjustment amount. **. [redacted] accepts the adjustment amount and is satisfied with the outcome of this issue. Please let us know if we can be of any additional assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Pennsylvania American Water
July 11, 2016Dear Sir,I would like to thank you for your recent notice of complaint received by your office from [redacted]. The company has investigated this complaint.The company sincerely apologizes to [redacted] for the service he received on the emergency call placed to us in June. We want...
to provide each and every customer was an exceptional customer experience.As a follow up, the company spoke with [redacted] and verified his water service is back to normal. This matter was also referred directly to our call center management team for further review and follow up with the customer service agent involved. The call center management team attempted to reach [redacted] but was unsuccessful. If it would be more convenient, [redacted], may contact the customer service management team directly by calling [redacted], Pam L[redacted].Please let me know if there is anything else I can personally do to assistance in this matter.Sincerely,Tawana D.Regulatory Compliance Manager
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear [redacted],I would like to thank you for your
recent letter regarding a complaint you received from [redacted]. Pennsylvania American Water has reviewed
company records. The company records indicate that this customer was set up on
a payment agreement with...
the company on 1/20/15 to pay current bills plus $30
towards the arrears. The company did not receive a payment from this customer
in April 2015 and the account became eligible for the collections process.Pennsylvania American Water records
indicate the company mailed [redacted] at [redacted], Wind Gap a 10 day nonpayment
termination notice on 4/24/15 in the amount of $158.46 with a shut off date of
5/7/15. The company has no record of that notice being returned to the company
by the United States Postal Service. The company's collection agency spoke with
[redacted] on 4/29/15 and he advised he would be making payment of 5/1/15. The
company did not receive any payments and the service was shut off on 5/11/15
due to nonpayment. The customer contacted the company and made a payment of
$139 on 5/14/15 and the service was restored on 5/15/15.Pennsylvania American Water records
indicate this customer's current outstanding balance is $112.78 and is due on
7/14/15. If the customer cannot make the full payment by the due date the
customer should contact the company at ###-###-#### to be set up on a payment
agreement.If you should have any questions or
concerns with regard to this complaint, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely, Nancy
Jo S
This customer currently has an open PUC complaint with Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. Pennsylvania American Water is regulated by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and is awaiting a decision on the pending complaint with them.
Spoke to [redacted] as she returned my call. She stated that her request was for her original bill be sent and we did not send it. Explained that when a duplicate bill is mailed out, the system does not provide a return envelope. Apologized to her for our system limitations. She also stated that we only...
allow 10 days for her to make her payment once her bill is received. Explained that her last bill was mailed out on January 19, 2017 with a due date of February 10, 2017. She stated that she never received the bill, so I confirmed that we have the correct address on file. She also brought up a concern of being charged to make a payment on-line. Advised her that once she establishes an on-line account, she has an option to make check payments without a fee being charged. Customer was still unhappy with my responses and became irate and used profanity before hang up on me.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I take responsibility for the water being shut off since I did not see the termination notice. However, the water and curb stop was fine when the tech turned it off and when he went to turn it back on, that's when the issue arose. The tech is the one who damaged the curb stop while trying to turn it on, that is not my fault. And when you say the PUC regulation gives you 7 days to fix the curb stop and you use the entire seven days, that is what's sad. An emergency order was submitted that Wednesday and it took until the following Monday for it to be repaired. So I will always take responsibility for the non-payment, which was paid the same day. It was your responsibility to turn on water when payment was received and because your tech damaged the curb stop during the turn back on phase, that is not because of the payment, but due to incompetence. Your analogy is like this, if I'm the power company and I shut off your electricity due to non-payment and then go to turn it on the following day and accidentally snip the wire which means you'll have no electricity until that wire is repaired, I guess that would be the homeowners fault because if they paid the bill it never would've happened. Take responsibility, I didn't even receive a phone call until things got escalated. Like I said, I take responsibility for the water being shut off, but I didn't break the curb stop while turning it back on.
Craig S[redacted]
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: There was no care or concern for my problem by the individual handling this complaint. At no point did he try to figure out why my bills are not reaching me but just said this is how it's done. He informed me that it is automated, but it could be sent to a local office to handle manually where they would include the return envelope and the bill on perforated paper. And when I asked, why wasn't it? Well it's just not. That's not a good enough reason. He tried to say the overnight people that check the email just don't sent it to the local offices. Why not!? That's where the solution is and he pretty much admitted that they just don't do that. After multiple times telling him that's what the complaint is about, he interrupted me and called me by a different name then denied it when I caught him on it. I may have used profanity, but I did not hang up on him. He said have a good evening and this was after I clearly stated that the conversation was over because the company did not care about my problem enough to investigate and fix it, so do not waste my time. And this one time online bill payment option is not the answer to this problem. If I get my bill, I pay it. My problem is I'm not getting my bill and I'm not being cared for in a respectable way. I refuse to let the company down easy with the "online paperless billing and paying" options. No everyone is fortunate enough to be able to access Internet for bills, and if they don't get their bills, how are they expected to pay!? They don't care about their customers because we are forced to have their service. If I had a choice in water supply, it would not be Pennsylvania American Water. These complaints are only lip service to these companies. Sometimes real change happens, but most of the time, someone handling a complaint at a company is only trying to make sure their T's are crossed and I's are dotted, so the doesn't fine them. I appreciate everything the does because there have been great things to come out of your involvement. Just not this time. Pennsylvania American Water will continue their outdated practices and careless service. For my sake and yours, I do not recommend having anyone else contact me from the company as it is utterly useless now. Thank you again for your involvement.
07/02/15Dear [redacted]I would like to thank you for your recent letter regarding a complaint
you received from [redacted]. Pennsylvania American Water has reviewed company records. The company
records indicate the sidewalk repairs were completed as of July 1, 2015. Pennsylvania...
American Water attempted to reach [redacted] to verify
the repairs were completed to his satisfaction but has been unable to reach
him. The company would like to apologize for any inconvenience [redacted]
experienced.If you should have any questions or concerns with regard to this
complaint, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely,Tawana D.
Dear [redacted]I would like to thank you for your recent letter regarding a
complaint you received from [redacted].Pennsylvania American Water has reviewed company records. The
company finds the water service at [redacted]., Dingmens Ferry was in...
name of [redacted] from 9/23/09 to 4/29/15 at which time the service was
shut off for nonpayment. The company records indicate at that time [redacted] requested the service be placed into her name. The company records
indicate she made a payment of $136.72 to have the service restored. She also
requested to be back billed to 3/13/15. The customer now advised the company
that she does not want to be back billed to that date and wants her service to
begin as of 4/30/15. Pennsylvania American Water records indicate that Robert
[redacted] contacted the company on 6/9/15 and was advised that in order for the
company to move the payment of $136.72 from [redacted]’s account to his
account he would need to provide the company with a lease indicating when he
moved into [redacted]., Dingmens Ferry. As of today, 6/22/15 the company
has not received a lease from [redacted]. The company records also indicate
that notes on [redacted]’s account back on 1/28/15 indicate that [redacted]
(tenant ###-###-####) called and made payment in the amount of $114.21 to the
account of [redacted] to avoid disconnection due to nonpayment. Based on that information the company believes the
[redacted]’s have been residing at the property for some time prior to requesting
the service for 4/30/15. The company believes that is why [redacted]
requested to be back billed and why [redacted] has not yet provided the
company with a copy of the lease to show when he moved in so he could be billed
accordingly. Pennsylvania American Water attempted to reach the owner [redacted] to verify when the [redacted]’s moved into the property but has been
unable to reach him. Pennsylvania American Water has applied and adjustment to
the account of [redacted] in the amount of $111.53 to remove
the activation fee and the water charges from 3/14/15 to 4/29/15. The
customer’s current outstanding balance is $68.73 which represents the water
used from 4/30/15 to the current read date of 6/12/15 and is due by the current
due date of 7/7/15. If the customer is unable to pay the current balance by the
due date the customer should contact the company at ###-###-#### and request
a payment arrangement. If you should have any questions or concerns with regard to
this complaint, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely,Nancy Jo S
[redacted] ([redacted]) appreciates the opportunity to respond to your inquiry dated April 22, 2014 regarding the complaint filed by [redacted]. **. [redacted] filed a complaint with your office requesting that his water bill be adjusted as a result of a leak that he experienced on his...
water meter. Please be advised that **. [redacted]’s complaint relates to his experience with [redacted]’s utility affiliate, Pennsylvania American Water, and does not involve [redacted]. Furthermore, **. [redacted] is not a customer of [redacted] and has never been enrolled in any of the protection programs that [redacted] has to offer.Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.Thank you for your time and consideration.
June 9, 2014
class="MsoNormal">Ref: case #[redacted]
Attn: [redacted]
Dear **. [redacted],
A review of Pennsylvania American Water records found no customer matching the name, address, phone number, or account number provided by [redacted]. However, further research found the complainant is a customer of [redacted].
As I can only respond to complaints regarding Pennsylvania American Water, I suggest this complaint be directed at [redacted]. They have provided a customer service number of ###-###-####.
Please let me know if I can be of any additional assistance.
Pennsylvania American Water
Collection and Compliance Representative
I was out of work and didn't have money for utilities. I managed to get someone to use their credit card to pay the water bill before it was shut off. They turned it off anyway and didn't turn it back on for two days. If they were a company I could choose to deal with, I wouldn't but what choice do I have?
May 9, 2014
RE: #10006213 – [redacted], [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for your recent notice regarding a complaint filed by [redacted]. Pennsylvania American Water has reviewed company records. Company records indicate this customer received a bill for service from 1/7/14 to 2/4/14 for 145,200 gallons of water in the amount of $1498.07, with a prior balance of $13.99, for a total amount due of $1512.06. A Frozen Meter Charge of $130.00 appears on the customer’s following bill. The customer contacted the company and disputed these charges. A company representative reviewed the account and the customer’s bill issued on 3/31/14 indicates the customer’s high bill of $1512.06 was cancelled, and the customer was re-billed for 57,700 gallons at $604.35, providing a credit of $907.71.
Several bills issued after the credit brought the customer’s balance to $784.68 which the customer paid in full on 4/17/14.
Company records do not indicate the customer was promised any credit beyond the $130.00 Frozen Meter Charge.
I attempted to contact **. [redacted] at ###-###-#### on 5/6/14 to discuss a settlement to this dispute and left a voice mail message with my direct phone number. To date, I have not received a call from the customer.
Attached is the customer’s bill indicating the charges in the amount of $1512.06 were cancelled and charges in the amount of $604.35 were re-billed. Also attached is Tariff rule 5.1 of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission-approved company tariff in which it is established it is the customer’s responsibility for the protection of the meter from damage caused by frost or other causes.
In the spirit of public relations, and in an attempt to settle this dispute, a credit of $130.00 for the frozen meter has been applied to the account and an additional credit of $250.00 has been applied toward the billing for usage. The company feels it has provided adequate credits to this account and no further adjustment is warranted at this time.
Collections and Compliance Representative
I had a major problem few weeks ago a pipe cracked in my basement called water resources told them I have the 3 contracts for 15 yrs told me first I had to pay 50.00 on the phone to them with credit or debit card ok then I told them I've had the 3 extra contracts that I've been paying extra for especially the in home plumbing one She then told me it's not covered there has been another contract out for a few months and I don't have it she said they should of notified me about this new enhanced contract which they never did I would if gladly paid the 5.00 more a month instead of putting out 550.00 I'm retired and thought I was covered paying the extra every month for these contracts but I guess it was a waste of my money To a huge company like Pa Water 550.00 is a drop in the bucket but to a senior citizen it is a lot I had to give up to pay this And they should screen their customers not to be so rude to their customers As soon as I receive my bill I pay it the same day There is no compassion any more for fellow human beings so very disgusted and disappointed in Pa.Water
My son has had his water off for a month now and never got a shut off notice. Now because his water is off he's not getting heated because the radiators need water. Its cold out now are they going to let him freeze to death? He made payments but was set up on payment arrangements but was late a couple times, but paid. He reported this to PUC but because he was late PUC said he has to pay $598 to get his water back on. He doesn't have all this to pay