P.C. Richard & Son Inc. Reviews (780)
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Address: 2420 Cottman Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 19149
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]yes scheduled for delivery 9/*, I was scheduled for a delivery on 8/** after I selected a new fridge on 8/**. your store showed me you have 80 units available, but yet I was put on a back order you failed to give us a call to let us know. your own guys said your shipping and warehouse department are giving you a bad name AT YOUR OWN STORE!!!! even the manager said he was going to call because we had PROOF of delivery between 1245-345 on 8/** and yet you fail to make an exception in your policy. I am out raged, if you refuse to do so I am cancelling my line of credit with you and I am no longer going to shop at your store ever again. I have to purchase a new convection oven in the 1000.00 range([redacted])... guess you wont see a dime([redacted]). im sick of your tactics and your [redacted] I paid for a product, and a service called delivery in a windowed time frame, you failed to meet that time frame, you failed to provide me with the product I purchased as well as rendering any usefulness of being the corporation for the store. you show that you dont give a [redacted] about your customers. in fact I will be making a [redacted] video and making the world aware of your service. your disappointing and you should be ashamed of yourself. you sleep well at night feeding me a load of [redacted]? my tenant has no refrigerator for 8 days. 8 WHOLE DAYS without a place to store perishable goods. all because I trusted in buying a appliance and a warranty from you.make this right.
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Tell us why here...This customer has a service call scheduled on the washer for 2/*/15. Under the terms of our extended warranty the products will not be exchanged unless they are deemed unrepairable or uneconomical to repair by our technicians or any 3rd party technician or by the manufacturer....
This customer also has another issue because as far as anyone is concerned all their warranties began on the day that the appliances were delivered. In fact as a result of that their extended warranties with us expired on 1/**/15 and their manufacturers warranty expired on 1/**/14. We are still running the service call on 2/*/15 at no cost to the customer but a replacement is not an option at this time or until we receive the techs report from that service call.
Tell us why here...[redacted] has the photos as well the report from [redacted]'s and the customer can receive both from [redacted] if they e mail him at [redacted] [redacted] has discussed this issue with our [redacted] of Customer Service [redacted] and [redacted] will be calling this customer shortly with an offer suggested by [redacted] in an attempt to resolve this issue amicably. .
The technician came in last Thursday(2/*/16) and took photos of damaged refrigerator. No one from management called me regarding a resolution. I called them yesterday twice at 11:32 AM and 11:37 AM, I asked to speak with Diamond. They said she was busy and would return my call later that day. I still have not received a phone call back from Diamond or P.C. Richards Management. It has been almost a week since the technician came to my home, please help me seek a resolution. Thank you!
Tell us why here...I have cancelled all future service calls and placed a return authorization on this customers invoice [redacted] so that they now can contact the [redacted] at the store where their purchase was made and he will process the necessary paperwork for the exchange.
Tell us why here...Not able to find any mattress order with any information that has been sent. Please call us at ###-###-#### and have a telephone representative try to find this for you or have them transfer your call to Diamond as she is the supervisor in charge of complaints regarding bedding issues.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here] Are going in circle here? Here I thought I was dealing with a [redacted] or [redacted] from that Department or [redacted] since they (Service Department ) were the one's that told me to talk to the Store [redacted], that him or [redacted] can do anything for me, that they do not have the AUTHORITY to do anything else.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
1) The contractors photos could only have been taken following his sanding, wiping and staining and after Which I pointed out spots on stairs, his footmarks on stairs, huge sanded markings on the stairs and his stain covered handprints on my walls going down the stairs which he rubbed with a paper towel and spread the stain marks. it was not yet dry, obviously, when he left he said it would be hours before it would dry and I did not use the stairs for 4 hours after and only with socks until 24 hours later the next day. the contractor's statement that I put non-slip mats on the stairs as soon as he left is not only a complete fabrication but also impossible for him to have seen that since he left the area to continue back north on 95. I did not nor would I be such an ignorant homeowner as to have done such a damaging thing after having my stairs repaired. The contractor's statement is a lie.2) Additionally, I was not satisfied in the least!! I was troubled by how it looked as they planned to leave, especially after he stepped on the stairs to rub some poorly handled areas I pointed out to him leaving even MORE footprints. To say that I was satisfied is also a complete lie! 3) The repair looks exactly the same as it looked when the contractors left the job. For the contractor to say it no longer looks the same is not only a lie but how would he have been able to make any of these assertions? He left Tuesday afternoon and has not seen the job since. 4) For PC Richards to state they will send the same person to redo the job is a violation of my privacy as I would not want this individual who lied to PC Richards about all the items he stated about this job afterdamageas well as being a no-show to our first scheduled appointment. I've had enough of this being pushed around by this contractor, his supervisors and PC Richards to put me through this after purchasing a Refridgerator from them. Everything fell apart as soon as 2 small delivery people came to remove my old refrigerator, scraped it all the way down my stairs. No consumer should have to endure this rediculous nightmare!! I do not want that contractor to come to my house!! 5) I trusted PC Richards own people to repair the damage. I never said I was not able to get one on my own! That is also a fabrication! They caused the damage, they said they could send someone so I agreed.6) Reason for the delay in the repair was that my father was rushed to hospital the day I bought the refrigerator, which the salesman helped me plan my route to [redacted]. Another delay was that the 2 small delivery people who scratched my old Refridgerator down the stairs would not attempt to bring my new delivered Refrigerator up to the kitchen and prepared to leave. I was forced to call the salesman, the dispatcher, etc regarding the poor business decision to send 2 small delivery people to swap out a second floor kitchen situation. I was told to wait until the next day and they would send bigger men to finish moving the refrigerator into the kitchen. More delay was heavy holiday foot traffic up and down the only stairway in the house which would cause a problem for newly repaired stairs.I promised that as soon as the holidays and guests left the first week of January, I would be ready for them to come fix the damage without any undue heavy traffic on them. The date made the first week of January the contractor was a no show. I tried contacting him and others at the company but no one could help me. 3 weeks I tried to find out what happened, when would someone call me, when could this be fixed. Not until I contacted claims again to ask what I should do did anything new happen. Someone called me and a new date was chosen. I inquired about the no show a month earlier and was told the contractor was having problems keeping up with his workload. Not a satisfactory excuse. 7) When I contacted claims inquiring what I should do about the damage from the repairs from the day before (proving I was NOT satisfied, per the contractor's statement that I WAS) I was treated equally disrespectfully by the claims person as I was by the contractor by not showing up for our appointment in January and never returning any of my calls to reschedule. She offered nothing but a dead end. They were done. PC Richards should stand behind the bungled delivery, damage done by delivery people, delay to install of a refrigerator sold to me by the loveliest of salesmen. I have been put through hell with this.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
The merchant responded untrue fully . I was told by district manager in a text and phone call that the business WILL NOT pick up merchandise . When I spoke to a person by the name of Joanne I was not offered that as well. I still have a dishwasher that was replaced twice already and still flooding So it's not used and still floods I will not accept a third one they ordered . Every time I called the store and spoke with manager Imran he stated he would send out techs to fix problems , when they arrived it was the wrong department sent and stated they could not fix it that a different department had to be called . With the stove Snelling like gas that problem was never addressed and pipes that have been tapped into by PC Richards for water have been broken and caused major flood basement . The doorway to my kitchen is terribly damaged , needs new frame molding and paint. I was also promised rebates and credits due to issue and NEVER received any of those things . I have called claims with PC Richards and they've done nothing . This company has left me with thousands of dollars worth of damage plumbers and carpet I want my money back and not deal with them I have all dates and people I spoke with ever since first delivery and nobody wants to help only put blame on someone else This company has lied to me from salesperson to manager to district manager to there so called Coperate office MY HOUSE IS A MESS DUE TO INCAPABLE unprofessional people who sell install etc
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Tell us why here...The contractor that performed the repairs have sent us photos of the repair which was completed at that time to the customers satisfaction. Customer was advised to let the area dry for 3 or 4 days before putting anything on top of the repairs that were performed. The...
customer put some non slip mats over the steps as soon as the contractor left , thus caused the mats to absorb the stain from the wood. Obviously, now the repair that was done no longer looked the same. However, the delivery company will send the contractor to re-do the job. The reason the delivery company found a contractor for this customer was because she was not able to get one on her own. Reason for delay in repairs was that the customer kept postponing the appointments. We have documentation as to the appointments that kept being postponed.
...We are dating the new air conditioner to be delivered to this customer on Thurs 6/**/16 and in the event the service company has not returned their old unit to them for us to pick up at that time, we will still ok the delivery of the new unit and will get that old unit back from Aid Service...
company ourselves. If 6/**/16 is not a good delivery date for this customer they should contact us at ###-###-#### and we will change that date to a date that is good for this customer.
Tell us why here...A refund is not an option. The customer has been given credit to exchange or reselect to a new washer. All the have to do is contact the [redacted] at the store where their purchase was made and he will be able to process the exchange for them. If they want a different make or...
model, then they will have to go to the store to reselect.
Tell us why here...As previously stated, that decision is strictly up to the store manager or their District Manager. I am sure that they can work something out to satisfy this customer.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I was home on ** May and NO delivery attempt was made. I even called the store and was on the phone with the manager. It was only AFTER I called the store for the 7th time to ask where the TV was that this story about an alleged delivery attempt by "[redacted]" was made. I was told that "[redacted]" had made a delivery attempt and had rung the bell and had also called me by telephone. When I explained that I had been home the whole time and that the doorbell was never rung, the manager stuck to that story. When I explained that my phone records revealed NO phone calls received during that period, the manager asked me to hold on and then changed the story to say, "Sorry, he didn't call he just rang the doorbell" I then asked to speak to the delivery person and was told that he had conveniently "left for the day". The person who wrote this response has YET to explain on what grounds PC Richards could have possibly sold the same item twice, nor is there any attempt at an apology for having done so. This is the very essence of theft, no different from selling a house to two different people and keeping both sets of proceeds. If this is how PC Richards does business, then I want absolutely no part of it.I refuse to do any more work on behalf of the company. I have already spent hours of phone time (all documented) both with the store on [redacted] and the general corporate customer service. The company should be the one to do all the work from here on out, including proactively making contact with the customer to resolve the issue, issuing the appropriate refunds, etc. This is not difficult to do, but instead is the mark of an honest and competent company. PC Richard & Son used to be such a company but apparently we are a long way from that today.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I had bought a washer machine and dryer machine from PC Richards. 3 months into having the washer machine, it starts to fail. The lights in the washer would go on and off and there were times it would not turn on. We have called more than 10 times to the coporate office where they would send someone to come "fix" it. Everytime they would come to fix it and say it should be fine, a few days later, the same problem occurs. The last complaint was a few weeks ago where Egar from PC Richards came to look at the washer machine to see what was wrong. He then said he needed to order parts for the washer machine in which he left my house (without the washer fixed) and placed the order for the parts. A few days ago PC Richards calls us saying they have the parts ready so we made an appointment for 12/**/15 for them to come fix it. On 12/** morning PC Richards calls us saying we have to reschedule because the parts went into another truck that was not in our area. Not only have I been taking out of work so I can wait for them to show up, but other members in my family have been off of work for the employee of PC richards not to show up or not end up fixing it. We finally made another appointment on 12/**/15 where Edgar came to my house to fix the washer with the parts that they ordered. He then said he can not fix the machine because they did not put the machine in the place it is and if they take it out and something happens, they then will be liable for this washer machine. Like I said ealier, I have been taking off of work and now I get the same outcome of the machine not being fixed. I just do not understand why wasnt I told that they could not take this machine out prior to when they were suppose to come fix it. During one of the appointments in which a guy came to "fix" the machine said the machine was too heavy to fix. So we made another appointment in which they brought 2 guys to come fix. After the 2 guys came, they said they had to order parts. They had many oppportunities to tell us this machine had to be taken out but every day that passes by we get excuses after excuses. I have been without a washer for months and I have wasted money into this machine that doesnt work in which makes me have to find another way to wasdh my clothes. I also paid $**0 extra for the 10 year protection.Please refund me for the machines I have brought. PC Richards had many opportunities to fix my machine and have left me without a washer. Due to all these circumstances, I do not want these machines anymore.
Tell us why here...This customer is under the manufacturers warranty and has spoken to Joe G[redacted] at the store where their purchase was made. He has contacted Viking in an attempt to get a manufacturers return authorization which is necessary before any replacement can be made. We suggest that they...
contact Joe G[redacted] at that store and see if he has received a reply from Viking regarding this issue.
Tell us why here...It looks like the refrigerator in question was exchanged on 7/*/15. If that is not the case or if that new one is now the issue, the customer has to contact the head of our Internet department at [redacted] for invoice [redacted] and Jason can resolve this issue.
Customer must contact our New Jersey service manager at [redacted] and he will be able to assist them with that.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been...
resolved because:
they have not resolved my issue they have not provided me the gift card or gift card number I used to have American Express issue me another card their solution was to issue me a pic Richard gift card instead. I do not want a pic Richards gift card as I don't intend on shopping there again. I am entitled to my money back as the item was returned new in the box and in the return timeframe
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