Dear, In response to the message you forwarded, let me advise that my initial communication was on the phone when I requested both addresses be removed but they are very busy and can't be bothered much. The written request was result of something received at the street address. They even left me a message to never call after their own work hours. After that I was too frustrated to contact them again. Please be sure my personal information including the street name are not shown in any public view. Your assistance in this matter is appreciated.Thank you.
This letter is in regards to complaint id# [redacted]. Arrowhead Honda has contacted the customer again and the customer has finally agreed to bring the vehicle in for us to look at and fix her problem and no additional costs to her, we have also extended a $500 store credit for future needs and on May 20th she has agreed that this would satisfy this case and make her happy. At this time she has scheduled an appointment for May 27th @ 3:30pm to drop the vehicle off to fix her concern. Sincerely, Chris T[redacted]Service Drive Manager [redacted]
I completely disagree. I never expected to trade for a newer vehicle. I expected them to know the value of the vehicle at the time it was sold. Arrowhead Honda sold me a vehicle with negative equity. I expect them to take care of the negative equity that occurred at the time of purchase. I DO NOT expect or want them to handle any future negative equity.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
While we are sympathetic to Ms. S[redacted] situation, Arrowhead Honda cannot be held accountable for her negative equity as we have no control over the future value of any vehicle purchased at our dealership. Ms. S[redacted] was made aware of every aspect of her contract including the loan to value...
prior to her signing it. In fact, Ms. S[redacted] opted to add a GAP policy to help protect her loan, a product that would likely have been declined if she perceived the loan to be equitable. Since it is company policy, Ms. Stybr would also have been made aware that the loan she was accepting could be paid off, and/or the car traded or refinanced at any time without penalty. She would have been informed that her credit, debt to income ratio and the vehicles loan to value would need to be evaluated and approved. You spoke with [redacted] and [redacted] and they did state they could get you in a different vehicle but you would carry the negative equity with you from your past vehicle. You were also expecting to trade in your vehicle for a newer car without any money down and bad credit with the same payments of $335.44. This is impossible. We can try and get you in a different vehicle possibly newer but it would be the same process of purchasing a vehicle. We would be running your information to the banks to see what you qualify for and your interest rate, this will tell us what your payments would be. Unfortunately, there is not a car dealership that can get you a newer car with the same payment for a 2009 with high miles and negative equity. Jill C[redacted] Customer Relations Manager Arrowhead Honda [redacted] Direct: ###-###-####
This guest of Arrowhead Honda Service Department has been contacted and is satisfied at this time. Has been given the $150 coupon credit that was erroneously omitted, and has also been noted to receive additional future discounts for the misunderstanding and inconvenience. If you have...
anything further to discuss or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Thank you,[redacted]Customer Relations ManagerArrowhead Honda
Dear, In response to the message you forwarded, let me advise that my initial communication was on the phone when I requested both addresses be removed but they are very busy and can't be bothered much. The written request was result of something received at the street address. They even left me a message to never call after their own work hours. After that I was too frustrated to contact them again. Please be sure my personal information including the street name are not shown in any public view. Your assistance in this matter is appreciated.Thank you.
This letter is in regards to complaint id# [redacted]. Arrowhead Honda has contacted the customer again and the customer has finally agreed to bring the vehicle in for us to look at and fix her problem and no additional costs to her, we have also extended a $500 store credit for future needs and on May 20th she has agreed that this would satisfy this case and make her happy. At this time she has scheduled an appointment for May 27th @ 3:30pm to drop the vehicle off to fix her concern. Sincerely, Chris T[redacted]Service Drive Manager [redacted]
I completely disagree. I never expected to trade for a newer vehicle. I expected them to know the value of the vehicle at the time it was sold. Arrowhead Honda sold me a vehicle with negative equity. I expect them to take care of the negative equity that occurred at the time of purchase. I DO NOT expect or want them to handle any future negative equity.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
While we are sympathetic to Ms. S[redacted] situation, Arrowhead Honda cannot be held accountable for her negative equity as we have no control over the future value of any vehicle purchased at our dealership. Ms. S[redacted] was made aware of every aspect of her contract including the loan to value...
prior to her signing it. In fact, Ms. S[redacted] opted to add a GAP policy to help protect her loan, a product that would likely have been declined if she perceived the loan to be equitable. Since it is company policy, Ms. Stybr would also have been made aware that the loan she was accepting could be paid off, and/or the car traded or refinanced at any time without penalty. She would have been informed that her credit, debt to income ratio and the vehicles loan to value would need to be evaluated and approved. You spoke with [redacted] and [redacted] and they did state they could get you in a different vehicle but you would carry the negative equity with you from your past vehicle. You were also expecting to trade in your vehicle for a newer car without any money down and bad credit with the same payments of $335.44. This is impossible. We can try and get you in a different vehicle possibly newer but it would be the same process of purchasing a vehicle. We would be running your information to the banks to see what you qualify for and your interest rate, this will tell us what your payments would be. Unfortunately, there is not a car dealership that can get you a newer car with the same payment for a 2009 with high miles and negative equity. Jill C[redacted] Customer Relations Manager Arrowhead Honda [redacted] Direct: ###-###-####
Everything has been removed from the system. Thanks, Jill C[redacted]Director of Customer Relations[redacted]
This guest of Arrowhead Honda Service Department has been contacted and is satisfied at this time. Has been given the $150 coupon credit that was erroneously omitted, and has also been noted to receive additional future discounts for the misunderstanding and inconvenience. If you have...
anything further to discuss or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Thank you,[redacted]Customer Relations ManagerArrowhead Honda