While investigating this account for possible fraud, Velocity reached out to the seller/creditor of this account, who was unresponsive and did not provide further documentation when requested. Due to this, Velocity has decided to close this account. Velocity is a non-reporting agency and has never...
Velocity never received the verification request from our 3rd party. However, due to the complaint filed here, the verification was sent out, and should be received soon.
While investigating this account for possible fraud, Velocity reached out to the seller/creditor of this account, who was unresponsive and did not provide further documentation when requested. Due to this, Velocity has decided to close this account. Velocity is a non-reporting agency and has never...
had any contact with the credit bureaus.
Velocity never received the verification request from our 3rd party. However, due to the complaint filed here, the verification was sent out, and should be received soon.