[redacted] provided us with health Insurance at the time of his visit and we verified his benefits which were with the Multiplan networkPer his Insurance his benefits were effective 5/18/and covered three office visits per year and Insurance would only pay $per visit.Patients total tharges for dos 6/21/were $Since DrDoctor Is a network provider with the Multiplan network we are only allowed to charge the patient the allowable amount per the network contractThe allowable amount was $It was explained to the patient that the insurance would only pay $for this visit due to his benefits and he was responsible for the remaining amount allowed by his InsuranceThe patient was responsible for $($364.81- $50.00, what Insurance should pay) which he paid on 6/21/16.Charges were billed to patient's Insuranceon 7/20/we received a letter from WebTPA, patient's lm;ur;: nr.P., tatlna thQ claim har.t hQP.n rfilt'P.iw d by thPm ;enrl w;ec: in linP fnr j'lrnrpc; ;inB hut wnulrl hP delayed.S/12/ dos 6/21/received eob from WebTPA stating pt covert ge termint ted.....spoke with [redacted] @ WebTPA B00-and she stated effective & termination date for coverage shows same date of5/18/168/12/spoke with pt regarding Insurance covc:mJgc & he states that he cancelled the insurance after he came for visit on 6/21/as "benefits were not good" per pt........explained to pt that he needed to contact Insurance regarding 6/21/coverage or he would be responsible for balance of $360.169/12/cld pt for balance due said he would stop by office pick up copy of his last payment and charges for office visit and will make a payment and payment arrangements M.OPatient never took care of balance and firmly account sent to collection
[redacted] provided us with health Insurance at the time of his visit and we verified his benefits which were with the Multiplan networkPer his Insurance his benefits were effective 5/18/and covered three office visits per year and Insurance would only pay $per visit.Patients total tharges for dos 6/21/were $Since DrDoctor Is a network provider with the Multiplan network we are only allowed to charge the patient the allowable amount per the network contractThe allowable amount was $It was explained to the patient that the insurance would only pay $for this visit due to his benefits and he was responsible for the remaining amount allowed by his InsuranceThe patient was responsible for $($364.81- $50.00, what Insurance should pay) which he paid on 6/21/16.Charges were billed to patient's Insuranceon 7/20/we received a letter from WebTPA, patient's lm;ur;: nr.P., tatlna thQ claim har.t hQP.n rfilt'P.iw d by thPm ;enrl w;ec: in linP fnr j'lrnrpc; ;inB hut wnulrl hP delayed.S/12/ dos 6/21/received eob from WebTPA stating pt covert ge termint ted.....spoke with [redacted] @ WebTPA B00-and she stated effective & termination date for coverage shows same date of5/18/168/12/spoke with pt regarding Insurance covc:mJgc & he states that he cancelled the insurance after he came for visit on 6/21/as "benefits were not good" per pt........explained to pt that he needed to contact Insurance regarding 6/21/coverage or he would be responsible for balance of $360.169/12/cld pt for balance due said he would stop by office pick up copy of his last payment and charges for office visit and will make a payment and payment arrangements M.OPatient never took care of balance and firmly account sent to collection