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Paradise Builders

Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States, 53189-6238

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Breach of contract/warranty. Company unwilling to fulfill 5 year contract/warranty for defective workmanship based on negative google review. Stated wouldn't discuss performing warrantied repairs unless negative review was removed. Builder refuses to take ownership of craftsmanship/material defects and not honoring warranty issued. Ongoing problems with roofing, flooring, drywall, tile work etc. remain unresolved and continue to cause additional damage to the structure. Company has only provided excuses regarding these problems and direct the responsibility back on consumer indicating poor humidity conditions. Reasonable request for repairs covered under warranty have been diverted, denied or flat out ignored. Consumer has contacted NARI regarding these issues and seen little to no results. Short of legal representation, consumer so far has not received the corrective action expected under the provisions of the warranty contract.

Paradise Builders Response • Oct 07, 2019

Paradise builders has talked with *** on the phone, met with *** at her job site, emailed *** and have brought in independent professionals on several occasions to render professional authoritative advice. We have tried to educate *** as to her environmental issues related specifically to ice damming on her roof as a result of not raking her roof and covering a vent which caused leaking and damage As well as extremely high humidity levels which caused her floor to swell and her structure which caused drywall damage as well. We met with *** as well as several independent professionals related to her floor and all of which have written her and told her that her humidity levels were extremely high and therefore caused buckling and damage to the floor because it swelled from humidity. *** did not do anything to mitigate the issue and environmental issues are clearly stipulated in the contract outside of the warranty. It is the customer's responsibility to control humidity levels and an environment that could cause damage to their project. As it relates to the roof, the snow piled up on the roof as well as the ice to the point that it leaked in the vent in the bathroom which caused damage to the dry wall and the interior. We had indicated to *** that she needed to have heat tape (electrical wire which heats up and melts the ice so it does not back up, pile up or cause damage) placed on her problem areas in order to mitigate the ice damming. Once again this is an environmental issue that is not related to her warranty and is stipulated as an exclusion in her contract/warranty. Once again it is the customer's responsibility to take proactive measures to address environmental situations that would cause damage to the property.

As it relates to snow, we told *** that the snow is piled up and needs to be raked off… as a result of not doing this it is melting and causing incredible ice damming along the roof which eventually backs up excessively. We had indicated to *** that she needed to have heat tape (electrical wire which heats up and melts the ice so it does not back up, pile up or cause damage) placed on her problem areas in order to mitigate the ice damming. Once again this is an environmental issue that is not related to her warranty and is stipulated as an exclusion in her contract/warranty. Once again it is the customer's responsibility to take proactive measures to address environmental situations that would cause damage to the property.
We have indicated that we would do a courtesy repair to the drywall one last time upon her letting us know when she would want us to come in. Before she scheduled us to come and do the courtesy drywall touch ups, she proceeded to dispatch a poor review on Google. After the poor review and our attempts to help her… frankly, it was an insult. Additionally, *** did complain to NARI however it was dismissed because the claim was clearly associated with environmental issues and were outside of our warranty. We have tried to communicate this to *** as clearly and diplomatically as possible. For some reason it simply is not being understood or acceptable. Once again, the warranty is expired however even if there was a warranty camera once again the issues related to her damage are directly ascribed to environmental issues such as humidity and ice damming and excessive snow build-up on her roof to name a few.

Please note the transcript of some of the dialog that we have had with ***.

Added By: ***
Follow up to Warranty Schedule *** 9:30 AM (0 minutes ago) to ***, In receipt of your recent Google review, we have decided to not go forward with the courtesy repair of your drywall as previously discussed. Please consider this working relationship terminated. If you have any other issues or construction needs, please reach out to another one of the many builders in the area. -- Thank you, *** Senior *** Paradise Builders 1 *** - Direct Office Line *** - Cell ***

Added By: ***
Drywall Repair Follow Up *** 9:26 AM (0 minutes ago) to ***, *** Hi ***, Do you plan to have the drywall areas marked this week so that I can schedule a repair? If we don't receive a response by the end of this week, we will need to go ahead and close out this warranty case. Please let me know.

Added By: ***
*** Petersen Mon, May 20, 8:14 PM (12 hours ago) to ***, me The results of my floors are do to poor workmanship and negligence of a sump pump not properly installed causing the pumps to keep burning out. One of the many things overlooked by Paradise "transition period". I was told by *** numerous times that the floors are covered. I would also like all the damage done to the drywall and insulation from ice damming. *** 9:08 AM (0 minutes ago) to ***, ***, *** never said that he would cover the floors. Every email I have between the two of you states the complete opposite. We will repair the drywall one more time for you, but that is all.

Added By: ***
Follow up to Warranty Claim *** 11:37 AM (0 minutes ago) to ***, *** Hi ***, I wanted to reach out to you and follow up on our conversation from last week regarding the flooring. Paradise Builders will not be taking any action on the flooring with regards to materials or labor to repair or replace. The issues you are experiencing are a result of humidity and climate conditions of the living space. Our records indicate that this explanation of cause has been provided to you on multiple occasions. Paradise Builders will patch select areas of the drywall marked (by you) with colored painters tape. Please let me know when you have that done so that I can schedule a drywall repair. -- Thank you,

Added By: ***
After the snow left I met *** at her home on April 10th, 2019 to discuss and look her issue. When I look at the home I told her that there was nothing wrong with her roof but rather because it a shallower pitch and because snow is accumulating on the roof... she said that she does not have it shoveled off... the snow melts and creates a significant ice dam on the gutter and goes up several feet and specifically around the vent from her master bathroom which vents warm moist air and melts down snow and ice literally leaks back inside the house. I told her she absolutely has to get heat tape on her roof in order to mitigate any further issues because the heat tape will melt the ice so that it does not and Leak inside the Home. I told her that we are not responsible 4 making sure that the shoveled in the winter time because that is what is causing all of the ice damming . also indicated we are not responsible for the heat tape as this is a natural occurrence result of the weather not workmanship . it will workmanship it would be leaking all year round and not as a result of ice damming.. I also love at her which I told her that she should take blue tape put it on the walls where she needs the drywaller to address issues. she indicated that she would do that call us prior to floors being so that we could do the drywall ..... I told her the sand texture will know completely perfect but we will honor our 5 year warranty touch up her drywall one last time . she is responsible for painting The other day *** called NARI but *** at NARI was not clear as to what *** even wanted or what the issue was ...FYI

Added By: ***
Flooring Cupping and Warranty Inbox x *** < ***> 3:26 PM (1 minute ago) to ***, me Hello ***, I trust all is well with you. At the outset of this flooring issue I had said that this is the result of high humidity environment. Additionally, the effect of atmospheric humidity in the living area is multiplied by the fact that your house is on very low ground with a high water table and because of that the humidity levels in the crawl space are very high as well. To add to all of the atmospheric conditions you have wide plank Hickory floors which Hickory is a very unstable wood that expands and contracts more so than oak, maple or other hardwoods or engineered floors. Please reference ***s email below which indicates the same thing. The only way to resolve your situation is to maintain a consistent humidity level and then refinish the floors but even then if the humidity levels change you will be faced with re doing the floors again. As I had noted when we became aware of this issue a few weeks back, controlling the humidity is the only resolve. I was prepared to pay for repairs that were tied to faulty installation however atmospheric conditions are not covered by the manufacturers warranty or in our warranty. Please understand that I have spent quite of bit of energy to stand behind you and after having two professionals from different flooring companies inspect the floor they have come to the same conclusions. Once again, the floor is not covered under warranty. Please feel free to work directly with *** from *** if you would like them to address anything, they do very good work and are reasonably priced Please call me if you have any questions ***

Added By: ***
*** had problems with her floor cupping... Tile and More is out of business so we turned to *** to investigate. After a long extended time frame it simply comes down to the fact that she needs to control the humidity levels because she has wide planked natural Hickory and a very wet basement in a low area with high humidity levels Here is ***s (Does installs for ***) Email to me. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: *** < ***> Date: Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 5:04 PM Subject: Re: *** Paradise builders To: *** < ***> *** To fill you in on the *** home project. I ran tests for moisture in the air and in the wood. The floor is cupped worst in the Master bedroom but it cupped through out. All tests came back good now. In talks with ***. She told me in summer moisture level changes a lot . This issue with her floors is do to big swings in moisture levels. Super dry in winter and very humid in summer. Before ever fixing her floors I also told her she would need to get her home more under control with the humidity. Needs to stay around 40 % year round and then we could look into refinishing to get them smooth again. If Master doesn't come down at all that area would have to be replaced. Regards, *** Cell:Office:***

Added By: ***
Contacted customer yesterday to confirm drywall repairs completed as scheduled. She informed me that she had to reschedule and will do so directly with *** when she is ready. We need to close out this job as a service as her schedule is unknown.

Added By: ***
Talked to *** at *** and then emailed him info for him to schedule repair with home owner.

Added By: ***
Talked to customer yesterday. Today I tried getting a hold of someone at *** to schedule a time to make the repairs. No answer. I will try again until I can get them on the schedule. Once they are confirmed for schedule, I'll notify customer.

Paradise Builders Response • Oct 09, 2019

Mrs. Petersen,

You had noted that
"I fully understand what *** is talking about about humidity and have been running a dehumidifier 24/7 and my air was on pretty much of the summer and yet I could not get the level down any further the 60%. I feel with the money I paid for this addition I should not be having these problems. Once again I feel I was not informed of certain problems down the road or given options to prevent them."
As PB has stated in the past in writing and in person, your water table and your grade in the area of the addition has saturated your sub soil and causes excessive moisture and water to accumulate in your sump crock (to the extent that it burnt out prematurely) and therefore cause excessively high humidity levels in the crawl space, flooring and home. PB cannot be responsible or control environmental issues that impact the performance of the products that were installed.
The Heat tape on your roof would not be a band aid much the same way that putting a dehumidifier in a structure is a band aid. if the Environment calls for it then it is a viable solution and not a band aid.... simply put, we gave you a solution to avoid any further damage and quite honestly I don't understand why you refuse to put the heat tape up... it is a good and very cost effective solution that will mitigate your issues and further damage.
***, you are a kind person and seem to reasonable person and we have treated you with the utmost respect. I am not understanding why our communication and solutions are met with resistance. We have had hours and hours of meetings on the jobsite, letters, outside professionals come in to look at these issues. We have not side stepped any issues related to our craftsmanship.


Customer Response • Oct 18, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[I do not except any of the excuses Paradise have responded to. There was only one independent professional that looked at the floor and Carpet Town was not one of them. So don't try to say you had all these experts looking at my floors. As far as the ice damming, to have my roof insulated and vented properly will cost me 9,495.00. I would then have to pay for someone to come and install drywall and finish. I have not gotten a quote on what that would be yet. Your whole environmental claim is just leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I will be contacting the city/village structural engineers regarding the water table as the addition was built at a higher level than then existing house.

Great company to work with. Highly recommend. Great prices and customer service.

Sometime ago I had counter tops replace because of water damage. Now the countertops that were the replacement/ new have bowed and they will not remedy/replace the misinstalled product. The countertops were not sealed all around properly and now after months of trying to work with paradise builders they are not standing behind their 5 year warranty. If they had thought moisture was an issue why did they reinstall the counter tops in the first place unless they were completely confident it wasn’t. I feel taken advantage of and that they are taking advantage of me by blaming it on non existent residual damage which they didn’t feel was there before when they installed the countertops. Please help.

Paradise Builders Response • Oct 08, 2018

Hello ***,

The issue with the warping tops was sent to the manufacturer immediately after you had made us aware. It did take some time for them to get back to us with their determination. Unfortunately, their determination was that the basement in which these wooden tops were installed had too much moisture in the air as the tops would not normally do this under typical circumstances. I realize that you did have ServPro produce documentation showing the area to be free of moisture at the time of install, however there is always the possibility of moisture re-entering the atmosphere (especially in a basement) after install. This can cause natural materials such as wood to move and shift. The use of a dehumidifier seemed to help the situation and bring the tops back down to near level, but still not quite perfect. For this reason, we would like to honor our warranty conditions and take care of the issue regardless of what the manufacturer claims. There are some other methods and hardware options that we can explore to secure these tops from flexing to this extreme in the future. Per our last conversation, we have scheduled to remove these tops at the end of this month and move forward with an agreeable resolution.

Our family has been customers of Paradise Builders for over fourteen years. They are honest and dependable. Their work is of the highest quality and completed in a timely manner. Our latest project was a fence in our backyard. The project needed to be adapted to assure the safety of my daughter who has special needs. The workers were very cautious and precise with their work. We are completely satisfied with their work and would highly recommend them to anyone.

I had Paradise Builders build an in-law suite. As a retired engineer, I was looking for a contractor that could not only make the finished product look nice, but also be of solid, quality construction, something that would not need any remedial work for many years, if ever. That’s a tough requirement.
I found that Paradise was up to the job. Their subcontractors are great, very responsive and performed quality work.
There are always issues with new construction. Paradise was able to identify potential issues, communicated the issues well and always had a solution.
One example is the high water table on my property. They determined that there was enough pitch to put a French drain under the basement. The drain works great, zero water on the footings.
There plenty of other examples like this. I’m very happy with the end result, a good quality construction that looks great. I highly recommend Paradise Builders.

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+1 (262) 522-3576


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