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Paradigm Property Solutions, LLC.

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Reviews Paradigm Property Solutions, LLC.

Paradigm Property Solutions, LLC. Reviews (26) have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I understand that Paradigm expects to find the apartment in clean condition when a tenant moves out, they should and ours was. I understand that almost every apartment will require additional detail cleaning, I have no dispute with that. My dispute is that they are trying to offload that cost on my security deposit when all of the items on the inspection checklist are considered normal wear and tear. According to the lease agreement that we signed, Lease Addendum B, section 4 states: 
"Upon moving out, residents must restore their unit to a clean and "rent ready" condition as determined by Lessor, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Charges against the Security Deposit will be made for any damages or excessive cleaning beyond normal wear and tear." (emphasis added, see attached)
Furthermore, I have contacted the State of Idaho's Attorney General's office and they have confirmed that ordinary wear and tear may not be charged against the security deposit. In the Landlord and Tenant Guidelines document from the Office of the Attorney General, on page 26 under the paragraph entitled "Wear and Tear vs. Damage and Excessive Filth," it states:
"The landlord may use the deposit for reasons designated in the lease, such as cleaning or repairs necessary to restore the rental to its condition at the beginning of the tenancy. However, landlords may not use the deposit to pay for ordinary wear and tear resulting from a tenant’s normal living activities." (emphasis added, see attached)
None of the items noted as "dirty" on the inspection check list constitute "damages or excessive cleaning beyond normal wear and tear," thus per their own lease agreement our security deposit cannot be billed for these cleaning items. If we had caused damages that required repairs to be made or if we had left the apartment in such a mess that it required excessive cleaning then yes, I would wholeheartedly support Paradigm charging us for those 4.5 hours of extra cleaning. However, we did not cause any damages and we did not leave any mess that required excessive cleaning. If Paradigm wants to hire a third party to wipe down the baseboards, blinds, fixtures, etc a second time after we had already cleaned them then that is their prerogative but we shouldn't be charged for it; it isn't our fault that dust accumulated in the apartment between the time that we cleaned it and the time they hired someone to come in and do a detail cleaning. Liz (the property manager that conducted the inspection) explicitly told my wife that the reason why she marked everything as dirty was because there was dust on everything, and the only reason there was dust on everything was because Liz wasn't able to schedule the inspection until the week after we had already cleaned everything, thus allowing for dust to settle and accumulate.
Again, I ask that Paradigm present evidence of any damages or items that required excessive cleaning beyond normal wear and tear. Barring such evidence, I ask that they please drop the charge.Regards,[redacted]

I sent certified mail to paradigm to stay in contact with them. If they want to deny receiving letters from me I am happy to send them a copy of the certified mail receipt. 
putting 6 items into a billing category and then saying I owe $200 is not detailed. I deserve to know what was replaced/used and how much I am being charged for each item.  IF they spent $150 on paint and $50 on other items I deserve to know. How else would I know if they excessively charged me $60 for a towel bar and $60 for drip pans. Even fast food restaurants have the decency to break down each individual charge on the receipt so the customer can see what he is being asked to pay for. 
    I have asked for that line to be broken down so I can understand it for example:
      Paint...............$30 for x number of gallons
      Blinds.............$2/blind for x number of blinds replaced
      Towel Bar.......$15 for 1 towel bar
      Drip pans...........$X for x number of drip pans
 I never received a letter stating the balance had to be paid in 30 days. The letter said "immediately". The 30 day rule is just a policy Paradigm has that wasn't shared with me in any way. I assumed if I was writing letters to paradigm advising them I had questions they wouldn't just ignore it and send my account to collections anyways. 
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:Sincerely,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. I was never given a phone call nor a statement in the mail regarding so called damages and this is a flat out lie and I am ready to go to the media based on these lies and collection charges and the owner himself refusing to speak to me. I have never heard of any law that states they cannot speak to the tenant because it was sent to collections. Even the collection agency themselves said that was a lie to get them to get me off their back. I will sue for harassment and my money back if this does not get resolved. 

We have documentation of an itemized list of costs and amount due mailed to the tenant on April 30th, 2015, to the forwarding address she gave us. We clean the carpets in between every single tenant, as a standard. If a tenant chooses to pay for carpet cleaning they can provide a receipt and...

they will not be charged; we have never allowed a tenant to clean the carpets themselves. When it comes to discussing deposit disputes, yes, we do require that all correspondence be in writing, so that every conversation is documented, and any and all concerns can be addressed. [redacted], at the front desk, refused to discuss the charges with her over the phone because at that point the account had been sent to collections and we are legally not allowed to discuss directly with the past tenant. The damages she claims "never happened" are listed on the move out inspection, which she chose not to be present at. As for the specific amounts and charges:1) She was only required to pay a $250.00 deposit; which, typically barely covers a standard move out after carpet cleaning, general cleaning, and any maintenance needed.2) Maintenance items included: removing her satellite dish, patching nail holes, replacing light bulbs, drip pans/rings, furnace filter, and blinds damaged (the most expensive cost).3) A 3rd party professional cleaning company was sent and they deemed around 6 hours of cleaning necessary.4) Standard carpet cleaning. Again, all of these items, including what was dirty and what needed replaced were all documented on the move out inspection.Thank you,[redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Updated security deposit statement can be sent to [redacted] Regards, [redacted]

The security deposit statement outlining deductions from **. [redacted] Security deposit has previously been sent to him.  He can certainly request from us an additional copy to be mailed again or even emailed. What **. [redacted] has failed to mention in this complaint is that he left the...

property in TERRIBLE condition. This list will give you an idea of what deductions were taken from his deposit; in addition to charges that exceeded his deposit. Thus leaving him with a significant balance with us.The home was VERY dirty. A 3rd party cleaner was hired to clean after **. [redacted] vacated. In addition to lots of cleaning needed, the tenants had destroyed the carpet (heavy staining, pet and smoke damage as well) and walls to the point they needed painting. These charges were billed against the tenants deposit at a pro-rated amount. ALSO, blinds were damaged, microwave handle cracked, junk left behind on the curb, weeds everywhere in the landscaping, dead grass, and with oil staining in the garage that needed power washed. It was very obvious these damages were NOT due to normal wear and tear, but due to a great amount of neglect on **. [redacted] part.   It is absurd that he is expecting any of his deposit returned after treating one of our properties the way he did. His significant balance with us must be paid in full, otherwise we will send the account to collections, and allow the collection agency to pursue legal action to recover the balance owed to us by **. [redacted].

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Address: 4822 N. Rosepoint Way, Boise, Idaho, United States, 83713


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