Owner at Law Offices of: Mary L. Wyatt, Attorney Reviews (6)
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Address: 1735 Nadowa Street, South Lake Tahoe, California, United States, 96150
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Mr. [redacted] - Ms. [redacted] is handling her complaint against me through the California Bar. I am, however, glad that you sent me the updated information from Ms. [redacted] because it gives me more insight into what went wrong in a very short period of time. I cannot respond to you more fully because communication between Ms. [redacted] and I is privileged. The Bar has confirmed that while a complaint to the Bar waives the privilege, a complaint to the Revdex.com does not. I am workng with Ms. [redacted] to resolve her confusion.
I am rejecting this response because:There has been no confusion on my part. This divorce was started May 15, 2013! Why is it that I have had to contact the Revdex.com and the Bar Association in order to get Mrs. [redacted] to respond to my emails/calls? Mr. [redacted] has repeatedly called her and emailed her with no response. She said she sent bifurcation documents to him twice but he said he as not received them~he finally has on the "third" send. Mrs. [redacted] has just now supplied me with her phone number and fax. Why was this not done when she moved to Tahoe? Why is it that I had to ask a mutual friend, [redacted], to give me a number that I could call to get a hold of Mrs. Wyatt? Why do I have to rely on this mutual friend to get a phone number? And it does not explain why she never answered emails prompting her to give me an update on the status of my divorce. There have been MONTHS in which I could not get any communication from her. AND she has my phone number~why did she not contact me and let me know what is going on or why the delays? (ie, she would promise me paperwork and then drop off the face of the planet). I have since found out that my complaints against her are not original~there was at least another complaint against her that almost mirrors my situation~[redacted]
It is unfortunate that Ms. [redacted] felt it was necessary to file a complaint. She is aware that when I relocated to Northeast California that I had some health issues. I fell in ice and fractured my spine. On top of that I was diagnosed with serious squamish cell skin cancer and...
could not have surgery until my back fracture resolved enough that I could undergo surgery. I was able to work for limited periods of time while wearing a painful back brace. I considered myself "back" to healthy status as of June 10, 2015. This was confirmed by my doctors.The documents Ms. [redacted] needs to have her marital status terminated were prepared by me and provided to Ms. [redacted]. Those documents were signed by Ms. [redacted] and have been forwarded by U.S. Mail to her ex-husband.All of the documents necessary for the two step process if "finalizing" the divorce (first to terminate marital status) will be provided to Ms. [redacted] within the next ten days. The documents necessary to finalize her marital status should be coming back to me with her husband's signature any day. Those documents will then be sent to the court requesting the court to sign the judgment of termination as to status only and we will have those documents back in our hands within the month. The other documents will be filed when we have all the signatures. Those documents take much longer to process because they go thru the judgment department at court and are often delayed. That is why we are doing the 2-step process as described above. We have previously resolved all of the property issues in the case and it will not be necessary to litigate (fight in court) because Ms. [redacted] and I agreed to handle her case with kid gloves as to her ex. There are other factors in the case that are not part of the public record and I will not set forth that information in this response as the relationship with Ms. [redacted] is privileged.Thank you for contacting me and I hope you will give a copy of this response to Ms. [redacted] so she understands her case is moving forward.
Yes, it is unfortunate I do feel this way.I did speak to Mr. [redacted] last night. He said he has not received any documents to sign since when the divorce was first initiated. So, the mysterious documents in question either: A. Got lost in the mail, or B. Mrs. [redacted] is scrambling to get them into the mail to the “Ex” during this communication on the Revdex.com Complaint Website and buying time with her lawyer speak to do so.Yes, it is unfortunate I do feel this way.I did speak to Mr. [redacted] last night. He said he has not received any documents to sign since when the divorce was first initiated. So, the mysterious documents in question either: A. Got lost in the mail, or B. Mrs. [redacted] is scrambling to get them into the mail to the “Ex” during this communication on the Revdex.com Complaint Website and buying time with her lawyer speak to do so. I’ve heard these promises before: “You will be getting documents in the mail in a week or so” and then nothing. I have ten days to receive paperwork from now? Ok, let’s see, that would mean they would arrive on or near the 14th of September~with a few weekends in there. We shall see.Before she moved to Tahoe, Mrs. [redacted] assured me that she would be aided by a retired lawyer who could help her with her Southern California cases. I was not given the gentleman’s name or supplied with his number. If Mrs. [redacted] has had so many personal setbacks which have made it difficult to move forward with this divorce, why did she not hand it over to the gentleman in question? Why is it that I have got thru the Revdex.com Complaint website to hear from Mrs. [redacted]? Why do I have to hear an update on Revdex.com Complaints and not through a simple phone call or email? The update on the progress of what is going on is news to me. I should not have to dig thru Mrs. [redacted]’s FB and try to piece together why she has not gotten back to me, nor should I have to talk to mutual friend, Mark Justin, to see if and why Mrs. [redacted] has fallen off the face of the planet. I find it infuriating that she is well enough to post or comment on FB, but not well enough to give me a call back. Because this is~oh so unprofessional.It has been brought to my attention that this not the first kind of complaint of this nature against Mrs. [redacted]. Another client complained about a case back in 2007 or 09 that she ignored any communication about their case as Mrs. [redacted] dropped completely off the radar. When pressed to explain herself, she stated personal problems. While she may have indeed suffered personal set backs, how hard is it to communicate to a client(s) who pay for and rely on her legal expertise to deal with conflicts? We hire lawyers to fight for us legally. So my question is: If Mrs. [redacted] can’t get her s
t together, what is the point or privilege of being permitted to practice law?
Review: My complaint is about Attorney Mary L Wyatt. Previously she resided in Southern California when I originally contacted and paid her for her services, but she has moved to [redacted]. Upon moving to Tahoe, I have not been able to get Mrs. [redacted] to finish my divorce. I have repeatedly called, left messages, emails, and sent messages throughout Facebook, but she avoids me. I think the last time I spoke to her was about 3 months ago. So basically, she took my money and then moved. The fee I paid her was around $4,000.All shes done is offer up excuses about why my simple case has not been addressed; back in the winter, 2014, she said she needed time to move to Tahoe, then she said her printer broke and then she said she hurt her back. Finally when all that was passed she said she was completing an 8 year case and could finish up my divorce by November. And since then Ive only had one or two conversations with her. I keep urging her to keep updating me, on the progress of my divorce. She will not get back to me and November is approaching. I leave messages on her phone repeatedly and she has yet to call me back. I believe I am almost done with the divorce; from my understanding documents should be sent to the ex [redacted]) signed, and brought before a judge. I just want to be done with this, settle legal matters and move on with my life.Is it possible to have another lawyer finish out my case and have this done with? Id really appreciate it. Im tired of the excuses.Desired Settlement: I would like to be divorced by the end of this year, if not, sooner. Either have her finish the case promptly or hand it over to someone else to finish it. Either way, I have already paid the fee and I believe I should be able to get this resolved without any further aggravation or fees or more time wasted.
t together, what is the point or privilege of being permitted to practice law?
It is unfortunate that Ms. [redacted] felt it was necessary to file a complaint. She is aware that when I relocated to Northeast California that I had some health issues. I fell in ice and fractured my spine. On top of that I was diagnosed with serious squamish cell skin cancer and could not have surgery until my back fracture resolved enough that I could undergo surgery. I was able to work for limited periods of time while wearing a painful back brace. I considered myself "back" to healthy status as of June 10, 2015. This was confirmed by my doctors.The documents Ms. [redacted] needs to have her marital status terminated were prepared by me and provided to Ms. [redacted]. Those documents were signed by Ms. [redacted] and have been forwarded by U.S. Mail to her ex-husband.All of the documents necessary for the two step process if "finalizing" the divorce (first to terminate marital status) will be provided to Ms. [redacted] within the next ten days. The documents necessary to finalize her marital status should be coming back to me with her husband's signature any day. Those documents will then be sent to the court requesting the court to sign the judgment of termination as to status only and we will have those documents back in our hands within the month. The other documents will be filed when we have all the signatures. Those documents take much longer to process because they go thru the judgment department at court and are often delayed. That is why we are doing the 2-step process as described above. We have previously resolved all of the property issues in the case and it will not be necessary to litigate (fight in court) because Ms. [redacted] and I agreed to handle her case with kid gloves as to her ex. There are other factors in the case that are not part of the public record and I will not set forth that information in this response as the relationship with Ms. [redacted] is privileged.Thank you for contacting me and I hope you will give a copy of this response to Ms. [redacted] so she understands her case is moving forward.
Yes, it is unfortunate I do feel this way.I did speak to Mr. [redacted] last night. He said he has not received any documents to sign since when the divorce was first initiated. So, the mysterious documents in question either: A. Got lost in the mail, or B. Mrs. [redacted] is scrambling to get them into the mail to the “Ex” during this communication on the Revdex.com Complaint Website and buying time with her lawyer speak to do so.Yes, it is unfortunate I do feel this way.I did speak to Mr. [redacted] last night. He said he has not received any documents to sign since when the divorce was first initiated. So, the mysterious documents in question either: A. Got lost in the mail, or B. Mrs. [redacted] is scrambling to get them into the mail to the “Ex” during this communication on the Revdex.com Complaint Website and buying time with her lawyer speak to do so. I’ve heard these promises before: “You will be getting documents in the mail in a week or so” and then nothing. I have ten days to receive paperwork from now? Ok, let’s see, that would mean they would arrive on or near the 14th of September~with a few weekends in there. We shall see.Before she moved to Tahoe, Mrs. [redacted] assured me that she would be aided by a retired lawyer who could help her with her Southern California cases. I was not given the gentleman’s name or supplied with his number. If Mrs. [redacted] has had so many personal setbacks which have made it difficult to move forward with this divorce, why did she not hand it over to the gentleman in question? Why is it that I have got thru the Revdex.com Complaint website to hear from Mrs. [redacted]? Why do I have to hear an update on Revdex.com Complaints and not through a simple phone call or email? The update on the progress of what is going on is news to me. I should not have to dig thru Mrs. [redacted]’s FB and try to piece together why she has not gotten back to me, nor should I have to talk to mutual friend, Mark Justin, to see if and why Mrs. [redacted] has fallen off the face of the planet. I find it infuriating that she is well enough to post or comment on FB, but not well enough to give me a call back. Because this is~oh so unprofessional.It has been brought to my attention that this not the first kind of complaint of this nature against Mrs. [redacted]. Another client complained about a case back in 2007 or 09 that she ignored any communication about their case as Mrs. [redacted] dropped completely off the radar. When pressed to explain herself, she stated personal problems. While she may have indeed suffered personal set backs, how hard is it to communicate to a client(s) who pay for and rely on her legal expertise to deal with conflicts? We hire lawyers to fight for us legally. So my question is: If Mrs. [redacted] can’t get her s
Mr. [redacted] - Ms. [redacted] is handling her complaint against me through the California Bar. I am, however, glad that you sent me the updated information from Ms. [redacted] because it gives me more insight into what went wrong in a very short period of time. I cannot respond to you more fully because communication between Ms. [redacted] and I is privileged. The Bar has confirmed that while a complaint to the Bar waives the privilege, a complaint to the Revdex.com does not. I am workng with Ms. [redacted] to resolve her confusion.
I paid this lawyer a year ago to file a bankruptcy petition. She took my money and hasn't done anything. She did not represent me in good faith.