Outdoor Gear Barn Reviews (6)
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Description: Sporting Goods - Retail, Tents, Guns - Air, BB and Pellet, Ammunition, Campers - Supplies & Parts, Camping Equipment, Fishermens Supplies, Fishing Tackle Dealers, Gun sights, Scopes & Mounts
Address: 15451 Founders Ln, Apple Valley, Minnesota, United States, 55124-6066
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I sent you a addition to this complaint for this file - I thought you would post this for him:Jayson is correct - it was another customer who used a number of threats and cuss words as his response to me I do apologize for getting him confused with the other customer as both of them are from CaliforniaJason can keep the box of ammunition - below is a copy of his refund for the box of ammunition Here is a copy of his refund for his records:Transaction ID: [redacted] Payment Method: [redacted] Amount: USD (17.83)Customer Name: [redacted] ***Per our credit card processor, it takes - business days for this refund to reflect back on his account ThanksCarla
I sent you a addition to this complaint for this file - I thought you would post this for him:
Jayson is correct - it was another customer who used a number of threats and cuss words as his response to me. I do apologize for getting him confused with the other customer as both of them are from CaliforniaJason can keep the box of ammunition - below is a copy of his refund for the box of ammunition. Here is a copy of his refund for his records:Transaction ID: ***Payment Method: ***Amount: USD (17.83)Customer Name: *** ***Per our credit card processor, it takes - business days for this refund to reflect back on his account ThanksCarla
I was very respectfull when I responded to Carla and did not use any cuss words what so everI have copies of all of my emails and do not appreciate her insulting me or lying about what happenedI did inform her I was going to make a complaint with the Revdex.com and warn my friends not to order from that company because they are on honest and are very rudeI should be getting a refund since their policies say that the order should have been canceled if it was in fact an error
I sent you a addition to this complaint for this file - I thought you would post this for him:Jayson is correct - it was another customer who used a number of threats and cuss words as his response to me. I do apologize for getting him confused with the other customer as both of them are from California. Jason can keep the box of ammunition - below is a copy of his refund for the box of ammunition. Here is a copy of his refund for his records:Transaction ID: [redacted]Payment Method: [redacted]Amount: USD (17.83)Customer Name: [redacted]Per our credit card processor, it takes 5 - 7 business days for this refund to reflect back on his account. ThanksCarla
This customer, after being told this was a website error and he would not be receiving the balance of the shotgun shells responded by "[redacted] (in caps) this and "[redacted] that a number of times via email back to me as his response. In addition he continued to threaten to "ruin my...
business" by filing a complaint with the Revdex.com. This guy can keep the ONE box of ammo. By law, I cannot accept ammunition as a return. This is due to the fact we do not know if the customer has tampered with the ammunition, thus we cannot resell the ammunition. This is noted on our website about returns:The following products cannot be returned and are not refundable. All Sales are Final:AmmunitionClothingCleaning Solvents, Lubricates, and other Gun Care liquids or creams.Food[redacted] & Sentry SafesI have blocked this customer and would NOT welcome his business going forward - Carla
Review: I was online attempting to check items to purchase. Upon selecting items and placing them in my cart, I had to check the shipping costs. The computer locked up, and when it came back online, the items had been purchased.
I attempted calling 17 times, my wife called 6 times. I left multiple messages for a call back. Nobody ever called me back, and I never got through.
They charged me two separate times for shipping items that could have been shipped for one price in one box. The items could have been shipped in one box, they charged me for two boxes.
I would never had ordered the items through Outdoor Gear Barn, as I could have gotten them substantially cheaper locally without the shipping costs.Desired Settlement: I would like my shipping reimbursed, as I spent both $9 for one small box and $25 for another box. I would also like the company to enable customers to be able to contact them with questions and concerns, as none of my calls have been returned to this day.
I would be more than happy to give this customer his shipping costs back even though we do not offer FREE shipping on any order. We have it clearly stated on our website, based on the item(s) you order, your products will ship from Warehouse A which charges the customer published UPS rates, or Flat Rate Warehouse, which charges a flat rate for the order. This customer placed a mixed order, meaning that part of his order shipped from Warehouse A (UPS published rates) and the other item shipped from Flat Rate Warehouse ($7.95 flat rate). The shipping charges that were reflected on his order are correct based on what he ordered and what warehouse they shipped from. Also, I did contact him via email yesterday and sent him a prepaid UPS label so he can send his complete order back to me and I would gladly give him a full refund.
We are currently changing phone systems and have been having issues with our new system. We have removed the phone number as a way of contacting us at this time until we are sure the phone system is running correctly. This is a temporary solution. Customers can now contact us via email at [redacted] We are also looking into other options for customers to get in contact with us. We have always been very responsive to customer issues / problems. We have had no problems in the past with customer response. This happened to be a case of the customer calling us when we were and still are having issues.
I will complete his shipping refund today and send him a copy of his refund via email. The customer needs to be aware, per our credit card processor, it takes 5 days for the credit to reflect back on his account.