The registrant has agreed to return ALL training materials. The pre-test is part of our training materials. As you can see we have offered to provide a full refund with the return of our materials and the someone other than the registrant who is actually the only entity bound by this registration-contractwill not comply with the agreed upon requirements for the refund to be issued. If they fail to comply to the agreed upon terms the refund will not be issued, only a credit into an upcoming training.I would advise the registrant take responsibility and resolve this asap since they legally are the contracted party.The solution has been presented and a refusal of the complainant has been given.
The registrant has agreed to return ALL training materials. The pre-test is part of our training materials. As you can see we have offered to provide a full refund with the return of our materials and the someone other than the registrant who is actually the only entity bound by this registration-contractwill not comply with the agreed upon requirements for the refund to be issued. If they fail to comply to the agreed upon terms the refund will not be issued, only a credit into an upcoming training.I would advise the registrant take responsibility and resolve this asap since they legally are the contracted party.The solution has been presented and a refusal of the complainant has been given.