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Address: 5391 Three Notched Road, Crozet, Virginia, United States, 22932
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Hello Rich,My name is [redacted] from One Live Media's Team. I sincerely apologize for the delay in shipping your [redacted] order as well as any inconvenience you have experienced. I have looked into your order information and all channels of communication tied to the information you have provided...
to the [redacted] 2015 Axalta Rainbow 1:24 Die Cast was a pre-sale item scheduled to be released from the licensee in December 2015. At the time your order was placed, there was a technical glitch between Pay Pal and our order system. The glitch mislabeled orders which prevented them from being identified.Unfortunately, the items on your order are out of stock, with no potential restock date. I have processed a refund to you for the full cost of the order, in the amount of $85.97. The refund was issued in the form of a Direct Payment sent to your PayPal account. Upon receiving the credit notification, please allow up to 10 Business days for the refund to be reflected on your payment method, which depends on PayPal's processing time.Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience or frustration you have experienced. If there is anything more I can do to help with questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me either through the or by e-mail. Thank you for your support and allowing us to make this right for you,[redacted]
The refund for this order has occurred on 6/29 for the returned merchandise received.
Hello [redacted], I sincerely apologize for any concern or inconvenience this situation may have caused you. I want to ensure that you have a positive experience shopping with the official Fare Thee Well Store. It is very important that you are served properly. I definitely understand your...
frustration, we are attempting to deal with some communication errors on our end. However, this does not forgive the poor customer service experience that you have endured. We are currently looking to make improvements in our system.Unfortunately, we are no longer authorized to process the exchange for this order. The Fare Thee Well Store has changed companies from One Live Media to Sparkart. We truly wish we could do more to assist you however, due to the change in companies, we no longer have products to make the exchange nor can we handle any customer support for the orders as well. So that your exchange request will be expedited, we would suggest contacting Sparkart at [redacted]. Once again, we greatly apologize for the inconveniences you have experienced. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions either through the or e-mail.[redacted]
Hello [redacted],My name is [redacted] with One Live Media's Advanced Customer Support Team. I am terribly sorry for the delay that has occurred with both our response time and with your return of the incorrect item. I have attached to this e-mail a return label to ship back your merchandise to us. Once the...
tracking for the item shows that it is being returned to us, I will process a manual order so we can ship out the correct item immediately.If there is anything more I can do to help with questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me through the Once the correct item has shipped, I will send you the tracking information. I do understand if you do not wish for a replacement at this point. We will be able to process a refund instead if you prefer.Thank you for your patience and support,[email protected]
[redacted] – One of the items on this order was discontinued and was refunded in the amount of $140.73 for the quantity of 2. The calendar was received on 01/02/2015, and the mug was received on 1/12/15 per tracking...
information on the UPS website.
Hello [redacted], My name is [redacted] from One Live Media’s advanced customer support. I understand you were having difficulties downloading the live show from your USB for The Who. I greatly apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. After reviewing past email...
communication, we found that the show you purchased was sent to you on 4/1/2016 from [redacted]. Per our email thread on 4/6 - 4/7/2016, you stated you were able to successfully download the show you purchased. You mentioned you were having some difficulties importing the files to iTunes. Earlier this morning I contacted you via email, which you may have already seen, with instructions on how to import your files to your iTunes Library.Please contact us through our support email if you have any further issues with your download. It is very important to us that you are served properly. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience. [redacted]
Hello Mr. [redacted],My name is [redacted] with One Live Media's Advanced Customer Support team. I am sorry for the delay that has occurred with your order. We have recently transitioned to a new warehouse for an overall better customer service experience. Unfortunately, this has caused some delays...
with orders.We have been informed that transition will be completed next week. All orders will be able to process normally after the transition has been completed. Once again, I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience that has occurred due transition that took longer than we expected.At this time, we can cancel your order and refund your order in full or we can ship out your order once the transition is complete. I would like to offer a discount code for 10% off one Future order:[redacted]Please note that this discount code cannot be combined with another discount code and will expire in 6 months. Please respond on how you would like for us to proceed. If there is anything more we can do to help with questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.Thank you for your patience and [email protected]
Miss [redacted],I have attached the file that was uploaded to the previous e-mail but the checkbox was not checked so it was not sent, unfortunately. I did attempt to reach out to the moments after sending the e-mail to ask to attach the file but were unable to do so until you have responded. I do apologize for the miscommunication that did occur because I did not suggest that you are embellishing or that you are falsifying in any way. There seems to have been Inside the attachment is a screen shot of the software we use for e-mails sent to [redacted]. All e-mails coming through and all sent e-mails sent through this platform cannot be altered in any way.
[redacted] – This customer has been refunded in the amount of $10 for the items not received. The rest of the order was received on 1/8/15 per the tracking on the USPS website.
No response from customer service. All you get when you call is an answering machine and never get any type of response. Questioning possible fraudulent charge on my credit card and can not speak to anyone!!!!!!!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Thank you.Going forward, I encourage OneLive Media to deal more proactively with customer concerns so issues do not need to be escaped to this level in order to be resolved. Thank you to the for their assistance in getting this matter resolved; I do not believe it would have been without your involvement.
Hello [redacted],
We sincerely apologize for the delay in response. We are having an agent reach out to you on combining your codes.
Complaint: [redacted]
t I am done!!!!!!!!! She says it has just began moving through processinghowever we can no longer ship your merchandise due to the credit card dispute. I said I reallydon’t give a rats a
s. I placed my order 10-8-15. She says I stated there was a glitch in ourshipping systems that kept the orders from being shipped. I told her I don’t believe a word yousay because I have been told more than once my order was being shipped today and it neverhappened. I also stated looks like there problems have been going on for years because I can readeveryone else complaints on the website She says we stated the order should ship today. Ican assure you we are all aware of the issue your order has and have been trying to resolve this. So as you can see above all the excuses I received day after day, why would you believe anythinganyone has to say about an order. What a coincidence that I file a complaint with the andmy credit card company on 11-3-15, then low and behold I get an email from Onelive MediaTHE VERY NEXT DAY that my order has been shipped 11-4-15 WITH A TRACKINGNUMBER. After all this, I will NEVER order from them again. Apparently you have to file acomplaint for them to get off their a
s and do something!!!!!!!!! Once I receive my order and seeeverything is there that is suppose to be I will let you know!
I am rejecting this response because:
?On the website it states in the shipping FAQ -orders with ship to address within the US will be shipped via UPS or USPS-orders take 1-5 business days to process before they are shipped-if you would like to check the status of your order, please see “track order” instructions below(which there is nothing below that says “track order”)when I placed my order the website did not state any of the item I selected were out of stock. On10-15-15 the first time I checked on my order is when I learned one item was out of stock. I wasalso told the warehouse does not ship what is in stock and then later ship items that comeavailable. My credit card was charged on 10-9-15. Since when does a website charge a customerBEFORE the shipment ships out?! I have ordered stuff on the Internet for many years and NOwebsite charges BEFORE shipping and NOT ship items separately, and NOT notify you itemsare NOT in stock.Below are chat conversations I had with people on the Motley Crue Website:10-15-15 with Dustin asking about the status of my order that was placed 10-8-15. He told me anitem was not available. He offered ship out what was available and refund the back ordered itemor refund the entirety of the order. I said I would wait for the item to come available. I asked myorder to be held and then be shipped when the one item comes in stock. He said that would befine. I asked what Item was out of stock he said it was the Dr Feelgood Lyric Womens ZipHoodie. I asked if he had a time frame the item would be available he said we do not have anexpected date but he put in an inventory request from the eComm Dept for an update on availableinventory for this item.10-21-15 spoke with [redacted]. I asked if they knew yet when the hoodie will be back in stock. Hesaid we have created a ticket for this order because there seems to be a communication errorwhen the order was placed. He says another agent has informed me that we placed another orderon your behalf but not that it was canceled because you would rather wait for the hoodie to be instock. That agent still does not have an update on when the item will be back in stock. We cancreate a ticket that way he will update you on when and if the item will be reordered.10-23-15 spoke with [redacted] I asked when someone places an order and if something is not instock can the items available be shipped and when the out of stock item is available be shippedthen? He said NO items/orders cannot be short shipped be the warehouse request. He contactedthe customer service dept and he said he had been advised to push the order through. He thensays we do have inventory for this order is what has been relayed to us but the system is notshowing that we do. I said so everything IS available? He says Now it is. The warehouse hasreplayed they have some inventory for the item but the system does not reflect it. I asked can youfind out when my order will be shipped out? He says we will have to check with warehouse forthat info. We will send an email immediately. We have your email so we can contact you afterwe have shipping info. 10-26-15 spoke with [redacted]. I contacted them because I received an email stating my shipmentwas sent FedEx and NO tracking number was provided. I found this suspicious because theirwebsite states they us UPS and USPS. Plus no tracking number. His response we have created aticket to send to the sComm team. We will be refunding your shipped charged for these issues.Once we have your tracking info, we will email it to you. NEVER GOT THAT INFO.10-30-15 spoke with [redacted]. Stating I still have NOT received my tracking info and my orderwas supposedly shipped out last Friday 10-23-15 per the email I received and have not receivedmy shipment. I also stated to her the website states they use UPS and USPS so thismakes me believe I was lied to that my order was not shipped. She replied I am creating a ticketfor you. You will have tracking info by the end of the day. NEVER GOT THAT INFO. I said aticket was created Monday and nothing happened. She assures me it should be fixed by the endof the day. I will be back with you soon by email. THAT NEVER HAPPENED11-2-15 spoke with [redacted]. Where is my Order? I told him I spoke with [redacted] on Friday 10-30-15 and she stated I would have my tracking info by the end of the day and that neverhappened. That my order was supposedly shipped FedEx on 10-23-15 and never had a trackingnumber. He stated he updated my order because IT WAS NEVER SHIPPED due to a shipmenterror. I said I am sick of being jerked around and lied to. I received my credit card statement inthe mail saturday10-31-15. I said if I do not have an answer today where my order is I am filinga stop payment with my credit card and will file a complaint with the He says currentlyyour order is shown as picked on 10-30-15 because the warehouse does not work weekends. Youorder will be delivered FedEx 2 day. I said there has been nothing but errors with this companyfrom day one. I asked again where is the tracking info. He says its not been shipped yet. He says Ican explain the error that had occurred but it was unfortunately with the shipping method ofFedEx Ground. I asked why would I get a confirmation email that my order was shipped when itwas not? He says All orders had to be manually changed. On Friday I was told to look into yourorder again from [redacted]. I personally changed your order to be sent FedEx 2 day instead and Ihad refunded shipping because your order was affected by the broken link. It was a broken linkthat never exported the orders to the warehouse because of a broken shipping method so it wouldshow as shipped with a blank tracking number once the processing max period was over. A lot oforders both made manually on our end and on the customers side was effected. The problem wasaddressed last Friday. Your order shows both movement from the warehouse. They have alreadyreceived, released to the floor, and picked your order out. Once they have packed your order, youshould be receiving tracking info from us. I asked is my order scheduled to be shipped outtoday? He says, Unless some incident happens at the warehouse today, it should ship out todaysince your order has already been picked up. I said well I guess I wont hold my breath since thereseems to be problems with my order from day one of 10-8-15. He says once the tracking info hasbeen updated I will reach out to you to update you.11-3-15 spoke with [redacted]. I let him know I have filed a complaint with and have learned ontheir website several complaints have been filed against onelive media about never getting theirmerchandise. I have also made a complaint with my credit card co. He immediately transferredme to [redacted]. She asked what can we do for you. I said GIVE ME MY MERCHANDISE!!!!!!She states they experienced a technical glitch with our shipping systems. We tried a number ofsolutions Friday particularly for your order. I said same excuse after excuse after excuse. I amsick of this b
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: these people are liers you can contact my bank I have not received a penny from these people as far as any refund goes.
We do apologize for the issue on this order, it does appear that this order was overlooked in the warehouse. We have placed an expedite on this order so that it will go out today and apologize for the oversight with our warehouse.
Hello [redacted],We truly apologize for any inconvenience. We are requesting the warehouse to ship your order out as soon as possible. Once the order has shipped you will receive tracking information.
Pure awesomeness to say the least. The experience was great in all accounts, the unexpected surprises added some extra smiles, and the excitement around getting a deeper feel of how the show works made the actual concert even more exhilarating. Everyone was amazing and caring, so we were always in good hands. All in all, I give it and 11. Pure awesomeness!
Hello Miss [redacted],
My name is [redacted] with One Live Media. I am incredibly sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced with your order. This issue has never happened in the past when dealing with damaged items. I have escalated the issue to management to ensure that our policies are adhered to when refunding orders.
I have already processed a refund for the full amount of your order. You will be receiving a credit notification shortly regarding the remaining amount on your order being refunded. Please allow up to 10 Business days for the credit to be reflected onto your account, which varies depending on the bank.
If there is anything more I can do to help with questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for shopping at the Ghost store.
Ordered XXL Tshirt on 7/20, was sent XL shirt. After several emails, phone calls (their number is a answering service with no info) I received a return label a few weeks later. I returned it and it was delivered 8/19. Crickets from them since. After several emails with no reply I opened a claim with paypal for the order before the time window to due so expires.