On Holiday Clubs Reviews (42)
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Address: 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware, United States, 19958
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I'm very sorry about the delivery complication where we failed to update the delivery address to your new address before the delivery was made.As far as the seating section, these are premium box seats and you are right - our seating map does not reflect this section, I am sorry for the confusion
We will submit a request for our map team to make the necessary updatesAttached is a pdf file seating chart reflecting the most recent premium box seat sectionsYou can also access the attached seating chart from: http://www.livenationpremiumseats.com/download/65/seatingPlease let us know if we can be of any further assistance
I'm sorry our customer service agent failed to complete your order in a timely mannerWhen popular events are selling quickly, multiple buyers may attempt to purchase the same set of tickets at the same timeOnly the first order submitted will be processed.BigStub is a ticket resale marketplace
When we receive an order it is sent to the independent ticket seller who may require additional verification in order to prevent fraudIt is uncommon for a legitimate order to be rejected in this manner, sellers are penalized for rejecting orders, but it is at the discretion of the seller.I'm sorry for your frustrationPlease let us know if we can answer any additional questions.http://www.bigstub.com/help.aspx#faqhttp://www.bigstub.com/about-us.as...⇄
I'm terribly sorry our customer support staff was not able to resolve this quickly and especially regret the rudeness you experienced.As far as your orders, I do see the orders you mentioned for tickets; however, it seems they were split into five separate orders (not three), I am sorry for any
confusionIf you only downloaded seven tickets, there should be two more separate downloads that will print your remaining ticketsThe order numbers are:18***724, three tickets18***727, two tickets18***730, two tickets18***877, two tickets18***899, two ticketsIf you have created an account, you can access your tickets by logging in here: https://secure2.bigstub.com/ - if not, typically you are e-mailed a link to download your ticketsPerhaps check your spam folder for the missing e-mail(s) for the remaining tickets.If you still have trouble downloading your tickets, please contact customer service by e-mail or phone: http://www.bigstub.com/help.aspx - you shouldn't have to wait for a manager, any customer support agent should be able and happy to help you download the remaining tickets
Hi Rhonda, I'm sorry I misunderstood, it wasn't clear that the seats you were sat in were not actually a cabaret table.You stated on another review site that we forged the ticketsThat is simply not the case and a forgery of that nature has never occurred in hundreds of thousands of orders we've handled. Tickets are typically printed by the venue or their designated agent, e.gTicketmaster.However, it is clearer now how the confusion probably occurredThe tickets, as you said, do state "Cabaret Seating." Which the venue printed, I assume, to indicate the seating arrangement for this show was "Cabaret Seating." And when you look at the venue's own "Cabaret Seating" chart, there is a Table Eand there is no indication of other seating around the tables.In any case, I am very sorry we didn't realize the full scope of the issue earlierAs we definitely sold you "Cabaret Table" seating, and that is not what you ultimately received, I am sending you a company check for a full refund
Dear customer, I'm sorry you had trouble with your orderIt looks like this matter has already been resolved.To recap, the tickets were available within minutes of customer order but customer had accidentally entered incorrect email addressWhen customer later reached customer-service by phone,
their email address was corrected and customer was able to download tickets and confirmed they were received
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12229272, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
Thank you,
R*** ***
Hi [redacted],We haven't heard back from you on an email we sent explaining how we'd like to make this up to you and also to get more information about what you feel was different when visiting our site from different sources. We can't figure out what you are referring to but would love to fix whatever...
it is that may cause any confusion. Thanks for your help!
Customer has been refunded.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 10754173, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
The response from the business in the Revdex.com email does not appear. The response they emailed me was to refund the ticket price and I keep the tickets. I have responded to their email, clarifying the issue and suggested that they just cover the difference instead of the total cost. So I pay what was expected to pay.In the response to this email there is no mention of the settlement they offered by email. I don't know if that is typical or not but I appreciate their offer to cover the paid price and believe it is a fair compromise to just cover the difference. If that is what I am agreeing to then I completely accept their offer. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11688322, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Chris Douglas
Hi R[redacted]l, I'm sorry you had purchased tickets for the wrong date but all sales are final. However the mistake was made, the exact event you are purchasing is clearly shown throughout the checkout process. Please understand, this all sales final policy is to protect both buyers...
and sellers and is standard across all ticket sellers, including both primary box offices and secondary resellers. Unfortunately, there is no easy remedy, I'm sorry!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11491427, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Complaint: 12862513
I am rejecting this response because:
I reject the response because the problem with that website is that the tickets were NOT visible upon purchase. They only showed the section and row-no seat Number’s. I would NOT have purchased these tickets if I knew the view was obstructed. The way this vendor displayed the information was deceitful. I was willing to pay more for better seats when I called them. They should issue me a refund and they should change the way the sell their tickets. I have not had time to contact the Academy if Music yet but I am furious that this happened to us. I may also contact the agency that protects consumers in California where this business is located.
Complaint: 12229272
I am rejecting because we chose the seats that we wanted, from the seat chart that you provided, that showed a table and called them "cabaret seating". We bought those seats that were labeled "cabaret seating". The confirmation emails from you say Section "Cabaret Table"...and yet they weren't. How is this NOT a Bait and Switch scam? You offered tickets that you either 1.did not bother to confirm or 2.knew they were incorrect and sold them anyway.Order #23947529CabaretSunday, 2017-06-25 at 6:30PMParamount Theatre - Seattle, Seattle, WASectionCabaret Table E1RowEEQuantity2...they read "cabaret seating"...and yet they were not even close to the "cabaret seating" tables.
Hi [redacted],If it wasn't you, someone using all of your correct information and Visa credit card placed the order on Sunday, December 10, 2017 from IP Address after repeated visits to our website looking at this particular concert. Perhaps someone in your family used your credit...
card without your permission. In any case, because a dispute has already been initiated with your Visa credit card, you'll have to continue to resolve the matter through them. I'm sorry we couldn't be of more help.
Dear L[redacted]The tickets you purchased were listed exactly as "Terrace Level 4B" – it’s hard to imagine how that could have been any clearer. The seating chart shows two 4B sections, one in the Loge Level and one in the Terrace Level - not a single "lower floor section" as you described. I don’t...
understand the source of any confusion. Since you received the exact tickets you ordered, we have no recourse against the seller in this case. I am sorry you weren’t satisfied with your purchase.
Hi K[redacted],The tickets you purchased were noted: "These tickets are printed Obstructed or Partial View." I'm sorry for any confusion. Notes like this are displayed if you click on the ticket information icon as well as displayed near the order total throughout the checkout process.That said, the...
Academy of Music is a beautiful venue but large for Broadway shows and they need to note the partial view if there's any potential for obstructions which is a large portion of the upper level sections. In this case, there's likely a pole in front of your section that has the potential to be slightly annoying but otherwise shouldn't prevent you from viewing the entire performance.We are unable to refund or exchange tickets but I hope that information helps and you can enjoy the show!
Complaint: 10773651
I am rejecting this response because:
It appears that the broker listed the inventory incorrectly and because of how our maps work, it listed as a pit ticket instead of lawn. Our team reached out to the customer and they agreed to a cancellation so we are cancelling the order and refunding them in full.
I was just looking into the details of your order from your review and was surprised to see a second order from you. No one had knowledge of your review yet. It sounds like you weren't satisfied with the alternate tickets available and the ticket seller was able to cancel the first order. I'm sorry...
if that wasn't your desire, it seems like a misunderstanding since you weren't happy with the alternate tickets. I hope you're satisfied with your latest order. I will send you a refund of the service fees on your order.