I decided to buy a couple temperature and humidity sensors for a project from Omega Engineering and the website says they require a lead time of weeksAfter waiting for two and a half weeks I called to find out where they wereI talked with a sales representative online, and found out that they were charging us full price while only sending out of the three sensorsAfter pointing out the mistake, the sales representative cut me out of the chat before sending a corrected invoiceIts now been more than a month and I've talked with another sales representative to find out that the sensors have not even been made yet let alone shippedI have had problems with Omega in the past as well, and I am never using this buisness again
I decided to buy a couple temperature and humidity sensors for a project from Omega Engineering and the website says they require a lead time of 2 weeks. After waiting for two and a half weeks I called to find out where they were. I talked with a sales representative online, and found out that they were charging us full price while only sending 1 out of the three sensors. After pointing out the mistake, the sales representative cut me out of the chat before sending a corrected invoice. Its now been more than a month and I've talked with another sales representative to find out that the sensors have not even been made yet let alone shipped. I have had problems with Omega in the past as well, and I am never using this buisness again.
I decided to buy a couple temperature and humidity sensors for a project from Omega Engineering and the website says they require a lead time of weeksAfter waiting for two and a half weeks I called to find out where they wereI talked with a sales representative online, and found out that they were charging us full price while only sending out of the three sensorsAfter pointing out the mistake, the sales representative cut me out of the chat before sending a corrected invoiceIts now been more than a month and I've talked with another sales representative to find out that the sensors have not even been made yet let alone shippedI have had problems with Omega in the past as well, and I am never using this buisness again
I decided to buy a couple temperature and humidity sensors for a project from Omega Engineering and the website says they require a lead time of 2 weeks. After waiting for two and a half weeks I called to find out where they were. I talked with a sales representative online, and found out that they were charging us full price while only sending 1 out of the three sensors. After pointing out the mistake, the sales representative cut me out of the chat before sending a corrected invoice. Its now been more than a month and I've talked with another sales representative to find out that the sensors have not even been made yet let alone shipped. I have had problems with Omega in the past as well, and I am never using this buisness again.