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Old Republic Home Protection Company

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Old Republic Home Protection Company Reviews (333)

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/05/09) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for your well pump; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I reviewed the file that indicates you informed us the source of the water leak is the filter for the well pump system, and the leak is not originating from the well pump Please refer to page of the Plan under Well Pump/Booster Pump that states: "Covered: Pump utilized for the main dwelling only." We apologize the terms and conditions of the Plan do not provide coverage in this situationWhile the intent of ORHP is to provide as much coverage as possible, the Plan is not all inclusive and there are limitations which are standard in the home warranty industry ORHP values Ms [redacted] as a customer and we hope she will realize the value of the Plan and the many benefits it providesIf Ms [redacted] still wishes to cancel her Plan, please inform her to mail a written request to ORHP, or fax the request to XXX-XXX-XXXX, and the Plan will be cancelled in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/08/17) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the denial of coverage for the replacement of the air conditioner; I have reviewed the file and the following is a brief summary 09/26/Plan becomes effective for the Plan Holder 09/30/The Plan Holder called Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and advised us that his air conditioner has not been cooling properly since he moved in to the home, and it was not cooling properly during his walk through of the home prior to the effective of the PlanMr [redacted] was denied coverage based on the terms and conditions of the Plan 08/12/ORHP received an email from Mr [redacted] requesting reimbursement of his ton heat pump package unitMr [redacted] was contacted by ORHP and advised since his air conditioner was not in good operating condition on the effective date of the Plan, that his request for reimbursement was deniedIn addition, the Plan does not provide coverage for reimbursements Please refer to page of the Plan that states: "We [redacted] provide service for covered systems or appliances which malfunction, and are reported, during the term of the Plan that: B) Were correctly installed and working properly on the effective date of the Plan, and C) Have become inoperable due to wear and use, rust, corrosion, and chemical or sediment buiafter the effective date of coveragePre-existing conditions are not covered We require you to contact us so we [redacted] have the opportunity to select a Service Provider We [redacted] not reimburse you for services performed without our prior authorization." Please extend our sincere apologies to Mr [redacted] that the terms and conditions of the Plan do not provide coverage in this situationWhile the intent of ORHP is to provide as much coverage as possible, the Plan is not all inclusive and there are limitations which are standard in the home warranty industry If Mr [redacted] has any questions or the need to place a service request during his Plan term, please advise him to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/08/24) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) In short, these are the main points on this "air conditioner replacement topic", which are expanded upon further below: ORHP promises to warranty/replace aging appliances in both their advertising and renewal lettersHowever, there is a preponderance of evidence at and other customer review websites, documenting that ORHP is slow to fix or replace critical warrantied items, thereby forcing many Plan owners to act/resolve the critical problems more quickly The Plan Owner's air conditioner was operating satisfactorily prior to the ORHP Plan effective date, and for over months thereafterThere are multiple witnesses and supporting documentation(ORHP does not have an evidence based argument for saying the air conditioner was not "not in good operating condition on the effective date of the Plan".) The air conditioner needed replacement after months into the Plan The Plan Owner replaced the air conditioner at a minimal cost level, for which he is asking reimbursement ORHP is directly contradicting their claims of providing replacement warranty service for a purchasing homeowner's appliances (preexisting, aging appliances) Regarding the ORHP response of 8/17/15: 9/30/ORHP has misrepresented the conversation that took place between OHRP and the Plan Owner Here is the Plan Owner's summary: Prior to the Plan and purchase of the home, the air conditioning was operating satisfactorily during all walkthroughs and visits by the two closing realtors, the previous homeowner, and the new homeownerIn addition, the air conditioner was also operating for the housecleaning crew prior to closingThere are multiple witnesses (at least 6) to the air conditioner working prior to the Plan effective dateAlso, the home's closing documents do not report any disclosures about anomalies with the air conditionerAlso, the Plan Holder received information from the seller's realtor that the previous owner had periodic maintenance checkups performed on his air conditioner On 9/30/14, the Plan Holder called to advise ORHP that he had moved into his new home and wanted to ensure that the air conditioner was serviced properly since his daily electric consumption was more than he had anticipated, and the Plan Holder wanted to know if ORHP covers the visitORHP said a technician visit would cost $minimumThe Plan Holder declined to go pay ORHP $for a checkup ORHP does not have an evidence based argument for saying the air conditioner was not "not in good operating condition on the effective date of the Plan"There are multiple witnesses to the air conditioner working prior to the PlanIn addition, the air conditioner was working for over months (Sept - July 2015) during the Plan, again with multiple witnesses who were in the home during those months, and there are supporting electric bills Based on documentation in's records, and on other customer review sites, ORHP has had a history of slow repair/replacement services, which, when critical appliances are involved, becomes detrimental to the Plan Owner's living conditions In this specific case, it was not feasible to wait for many weeks or months for ORHP to replace the air conditioning during the Florida summer months (90-deg days)Taking action to quickly fix the issue was paramount ORHP should reimburse the cost of replacing the air conditioner The Plan Owner is confident that he obtained by far the lowest price replacement unit(based on input from adjacent homeowners and competitive quotes) The Plan Owner understands that if ORHP could have provided the replacement in a timely fashion, for less cost ($for the home's second story rooftop air conditioning unit), the Plan Owner would be agreeable with that ORHP reimbursing that dollar figure Please note that in ORHP's response, they did not address that the original point that was raised about ORHP's recent renewal notice, reiterating again to the Plan Owner that ORHP replaces aging appliances ORHP states that they provide replacement coverage for all Plan Owner existing appliances including air conditionerORHP states that they provide repair or replacement coverage for existing appliance failures including air conditioner, as the home ages, for a renewal fee of $The ORHP renewal letter's statements and terms, directly support the Plan Owner's request for ORHP to fund the air conditioner reimbursement MIDDLE GROUND: If ORHP can show that they could have provided a less expensive replacement service for the home's second story rooftop unit, the Plan Owner would be agreeable with that dollar figure reimbursement Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 15, 2015/09/03) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding Mr***'s request for reimbursement for repairs that were not authorized by Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP); according to the file, Mr [redacted] advised ORHP on September 30, 2014, that during his walk through of the home prior to the effective date of the Plan on September 26, 2014, that the air conditioner was not cooling properly, and "hasn't cooled properly since he's lived in the home"According to the Plan, pre-existing conditions are not covered, and Mr [redacted] was denied coverageIn addition, if this was not a pre-existing condition, the Plan does not provide reimbursement without prior authorizationPlease refer Mr [redacted] to page of the Plan that states: "We [redacted] provide service for covered systems or appliances which malfunction, and are reported, during the term of the Plan that: B) Were correctly installed and working properly on the effective date of the Plan, and C) Have become inoperable due to wear and use, rust, corrosion, and chemical or sediment buiafter the effective date of coveragePre-existing conditions are not covered For Service: Place service requests online at or call us at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX We accept service requests hours a day, days a year We require you to contact us so we [redacted] have the opportunity to select a Service Provider We [redacted] not reimburse you for services performed without our prior authorization." With regard to his statement that our "advertising and renewal letters promise unconditional warranty replacements" is simply not truePlan coverage is applied in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan, and is based on the diagnosis by an Independent Network Service Provider dispatched by ORHP As for the contact information for our registered agent in Florida; please provide Mr [redacted] the following: Corporation Service Company [redacted] St [redacted] XXXXX If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please advise him to contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX Ext [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 17, 2015/09/08) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) We thank Mr [redacted] for his responses and the information on his registered agent However, in light of not making progress towards a mutually satisfactory agreement, we can end this complaint thread at this point

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/11/25) */ Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the denial of coverage for the air conditioner; please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in the letter from Mr [redacted] According to the file, on August 17, 2014, Mr [redacted] placed a service request for a heat pump not cooling properlyHeat Pumps are covered under the terms and conditions of our Standard Plan, while Air Conditioner/Coolers require the purchase of Optional Coverage, which our records indicate you did not purchase Please refer to page of the Plan under Heating System/Ductwork Coverage that states: "heat pumps " Since Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) was informed this was a heat pump system, the service request was dispatched to Dove Air On August 18, 2014, the service request was cancelled by Dove Air because when they called to schedule an appointment they were advised by the Plan Holder he had contracted with an independent technicianWe contacted the Plan Holder to advise we would not provide reimbursement for any unauthorized services, and the Plan Holder then allowed us to dispatch to Anthony AirThe technician from Anthony Air informed ORHP that the unit required 6-pounds of refrigerant and two brass capsAuthorization was provided On September 1, 2014, a "recall" service request was placed for the heat pump, and Anthony Air was again dispatchedAt this point, the technician advised us that the heat pump was actually an air conditionerA review of the Plan determined the optional Air Conditioner/Cooler coverage was not purchased, and service was denied If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/12/01) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) They paid warranty work on my air conditioner during the previous policy year which they admitted to recentlyI never requested warranty work on a heat pumpall of their solicitation material refers to air conditioning repairs as coveredSince they had repaired the a/c in the past, it only made sense that the renewal policy I purchased from them included a/c repairHad they indicated that the air conditioner was not covered under their policy I purchased, I would not have purchased it Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/12/03) */ Ms [redacted] , As result of the circumstances that have occured, if Mr [redacted] would rather cancel his Plan and receive a full refund of the Plan fee, Old Republic Home Protefiton will accomodate a request for cancellation Please inform MrPalernmo to advise me if he wishes to cancel his Plan Best regard, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 13, 2014/12/09) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) The plan fee cost $375.00, the repair they failed to pay cost $1,By accepting the refund of the policy cost I would have to forego the full amount of the claim they deniedAt least by offering a pittance they are moving in the right directionI will continue to pursue the amount requested

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/11/09) */ Ms[redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner, and Ms [redacted] 's request to replace her electrical panel; I have reviewed the file that indicates the technician from Elite A/C diagnosed that when a lizard came in contact with the connections of the capacitor, it shorted out the capacitor Please refer to page of the Plan that states: "GENERAL LIMITATIONSTHIS PLAN DOES NOT COVER: CDamage caused by people, pests, or pets." With regard to Ms [redacted] 's insurance carrier requiring her to replace her electrical panel; the Plan provides coverage if there is a malfunction to a covered system or appliance, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan Please refer to page of the Plan that states: "We will provide service for covered systems or appliances which malfunction, and are reported, during the term of the Plan that: C) Have become inoperable due to wear and use (including rust, corrosion, and chemical or sediment build-up), after the effective date of coveragePre-existing conditions are not covered." If Ms [redacted] has any questions, please advise her to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/11/10) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) I don't believe that a lizard would short out a capacitor to begin withBut giving the benefit of the doubt, this particular lizard looked like it had been there for monthsThe a/c only shorted out the day before As for the electrical panel, my insurance company is forcing me to change it because they claim these are faulty panels Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2015/11/16) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding Ms [redacted] 's request to replace her electrical panels; I'm not sure what Ms [redacted] means by her statement that the electrical panels are "faulty"As referenced previously, if there is a malfunction to a covered system or appliance, in this case, the electrical panel, please advise Ms [redacted] to place a service request, and Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) will dispatch an Independent Network Service Provider to diagnose the malfunction and recommend the necessary repair If Ms [redacted] 's insurance carrier is requiring her to upgrade the electrical panel (i.ereplace it because it is old); coverage would not apply Please extend our apologies to Ms [redacted] that the terms and conditions of the Plan would not provide coverage in this situationWhile the intent of ORHP is to provide as much coverage as possible, the Plan is not all inclusive and there are limitations which are standard in the home warranty industry If Ms [redacted] wishes to place a service request for her electrical panel, please advise her to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 11, 2015/11/18) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) By "faulty" I mean that when I bought the house, the existing electrical panel was a Federal Pacific, who apparently manufactured some faulty panelsThis is why the insurance company required me to replace itI had to get it replaced quickly or the insurance company would drop my coverageI couldn't wait to get a resolution with ORHP ORHP hasn't responded to my complaint about being reimbursed for the capacitor in the a/c unitTheir subcontractor's contention that this was caused by a lizard is bogus and unfair

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/08/06) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear MsThomas, Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms***'s letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our customers place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 6, 2014/10/01) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr***'s letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Mr [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Provider and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I have reviewed the file and based on the delays completing Mr***'s service request, ORHP has agreed to honor his request and waive the $refrigerant reclamation cost ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 8, 2014/10/02) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) We actually wrote a $check last night when the company finally came out to fix the AC unitHow will I get that money back now? Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 10, 2014/10/03) */ Ms [redacted] , Please inform Mr [redacted] to provide me a copy of the invoice that he paid, and I will send him reimbursement within ten business days of receiptPlease advise him to write his Plan number on the invoice Sincerely [redacted] Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/10/27) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the HVAC system; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement As a result of the circumstances that occurred, and strictly as a matter of goodwill, ORHP has agreed to honor Mr [redacted] 's request and reimburse him $1,I have processed a check that will be mailed within the next days ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/11/09) */ They have claimed to have mailed me a check but I have not received the proceeds to date Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2015/11/10) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , I confirmed the check was issued on October 30th, 2015, and picked up by the USPS on Monday, November 2nd, 2015, and mailed to the property addressWe have advised Mr [redacted] that if he has not received the check by ten days after mailing, to advise us and we would place a stop payment and re-issue a new check Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 8, 2014/05/02) */ Ms [redacted] RE: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for a plumbing stoppage and pipe leak; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr***'s letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement ORHP values Mr [redacted] as a customer and we hope he will continue to realize the value of the Plan and the many benefits it provides After a review of the file, ORHP has agreed, strictly as a goodwill gesture, to honor Mr***'s request, and we have waived the Trade Call Fee for the service request placed for the plumbing stoppage and pipe leak ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 10, 2014/05/05) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) I accepted the companys resolution of the problem and I am fully satisified with the final results of this matterthanks to the for your outstanding help in this matterthanks from [redacted] ***

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/03/09) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the septic tank, and Ms [redacted] 's request for a refund of the Trade Call Fee (TCF); on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Ms [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Provider and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I have reviewed the file and ORHP has agreed to honor Ms [redacted] 's request to refund her the $TCFI have processed the TCF refund request, and a check will be mailed to Ms [redacted] within the next ten business days ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 7, 2015/03/10) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) As long as they truly fulfill their end in sending a refund I am satisfied

We got a protection plan through OR when we purchased our homeI can say I'm glad that it wasn't our money that was wasted on the "protection" plan OR sent a tech out for our AC and he gave us a whole list of things that were wrong with the untilWe had only owned the home for a month and had a HVAC inspection done before we closed on itBased on what the OR tech said compared to with the HVAC inspector had 2+didn't equal in this caseThe HVAC inspector said nothing was wrong with the unit at allThe OR tech said that it wasn't worth repairingIt would be cheaper to replace the unit and that would cost $4,to 5,Of corse OR doesn't cover the replacement because of what their tech said was wrong We decided to pay a HVAC inspector to come out and give us his findings to compare to the other reportsLong story short, we had it fixed for $It was a blown transformer and the HVAC inspector we paid also found where the OR tech had tried to drain the freon out of the unit Called to tell OR what happen and what had been found and they want me to pay $service free for their tech coming out and "diagnosing" what was wrong with our unitI refuse to pay this because their tech tried to scam us and lied to usOn top for this their customer service is a disgraceAlways rude and always trying to interupt you when you are talkingI asked for a supervisor to call me back and haven't heard anythingI have called back in and still nothing I would not recommend this compan it their techs to my worst enemyAfter reading all the reviews that have been left, I am not the only one that feels this wasSomething seriously needs to be done

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/09/17) */ Ms [redacted] RE: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the dishwasher; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Providers and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments According to the file, a new level sensor was ordered for the dishwasher, and once it is delivered to UKH Enterprise Inc, they will schedule an appointment with Ms [redacted] to complete the repairIf Ms [redacted] has any questions, please advise her to contact [redacted] at UKH Enterprises at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/09/20) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) OR manager never contacted us as we requested to talk to the manager, though I was told that we would be contacted by the end of the business day last Tuesday Also, we still do not have the time frame as when the part will be deliveredSo the answer from the OR is still insufficientThey answered back to but without trying to contact the customer about the situation when the part was ordered, and how long it will take for the part to arrive.Do the customers have to keep calling OR to check? Shouldn't OR people contact the customer to provide detailed information, instead? Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2015/09/22) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Please extend our apology that a Call Center Manager did not return Ms [redacted] 's phone callI assure you, this will be addressed with the appropriate individualsWith regard to the dishwasher; I was advised by Marilyn at UKH Enterprise that there is an appointment with Ms [redacted] to complete the repair todayIf Ms [redacted] has any questions or additional needs for service, please advise her to contact us at XXX-XXX+ [redacted] for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (2000, 11, 2015/09/24) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) The provider was efficientThey called and the next day they replaced the partThe dishwasher started workingThe issue resolved Thank you, ***

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/07/24) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Provider and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I have reviewed the file and my associate, Mr [redacted] has spoken with the owner of Nice Plumbing, and they are opening a claim with their General Liability Insurance carrier to investigate the water damage that Ms [redacted] contends occurred during the repair of her air conditioner Please inform Ms [redacted] that once I have received the adjuster's name, contact information, and claim number, I will forward it to her ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/03/18) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the past due $Trade Call Fee; I reviewed the file and the Plan Holder spoke with Mr [redacted] Call Center Supervisor, yesterday, and as a matter of goodwill, he agreed to waive the Trade Call Fee If [redacted] has any additional questions, please inform him to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/07/07) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Ms [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Provider and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments Please inform Ms [redacted] that we value her as a customer, and we hope she will realize the value of the Plan and the many benefits it providesHowever, if she still wishes to cancel her Plan, please advise her to mail a written request to ORHP, or fax the request to XXX-XXX-XXXX, and the Plan will be cancelled in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/06/03) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for your garage door opener; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr***'s letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses independent network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Providers and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments According to your file, the repair of the garage door opener springs was completed on [redacted] 30th, ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 7, 2014/06/08) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/03/13) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the garbage disposal and plumbing; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms***'s letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Ms [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/11/06) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the pipe leak, and Mr [redacted] 's request to be reimbursed for the repair of his water heater; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I have reviewed the service request and confirmed that the Independent Network Service Provider diagnosed the pipe leak was located outside the main foundation of the home and service was denied based on the terms and conditions of coverageDue to the circumstances that occurred, my associate, MrSpencer, spoke with Mr [redacted] on November 3, and agreed to waive the $Trade Call Fee With regard to the request by Mr [redacted] for reimbursement of part costs for repairs he completed to his water heater; I have reviewed the file that indicates Mr [redacted] did not place a service request for his water heater Please refer to page of the Plan titled When You Need Us that states: "We will provide service for covered systems or appliances which malfunction, and are reported, during the term of the Plan that: A) Are installed for diagnosis and located within the interior of the main foundation of the home and garage (inside the load-bearing walls of the structure) For Service: Place service requests online at or call us at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX We accept service requests hours a day, days a year We require you to contact us so we may have the opportunity to select a Service Provider We will not reimburse you for services performed without our prior authorization." We apologize the terms and conditions of the Plan do not provide coverage for these situationsWhile the intent of ORHP is to provide as much coverage as possible, the Plan is not all inclusive and there are limitations which are standard in the home warranty industry If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please inform him to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/12/24) */ RE: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the refrigerator, and reimbursement of the Trade Call Fee; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms***'s letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement I have reviewed the file that indicates my associate, Ms [redacted] , has spoken with Ms [redacted] and will follow up to ensure the service request is resolved in a timely mannerIf Ms [redacted] has any questions or further need of assistance, please advise her to contact Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX Ext***, or her Supervisor, Ms[redacted] , at Ext *** With regard to reimbursement of the Trade Call Fee; the file indicates the reimbursement was processed on December 21, 2015, and Ms [redacted] will receive the check within the next days ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2016/01/04) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) I spoke with [redacted] (apparently another supervisor) on the evening of 12/That day, I told her and [redacted] that 1) I did not want [redacted] (the manager at Appliance Protection contacting me because he never responds to my voice messages)2) I still have not received either of the checks in the mailNot sure why it would take days to arrive when it was over night that my check was deposited3) [redacted] confirmed that my appointment with Appliance Protection for 12/(this was to evaluate the damage and then they had to return for a 6th time to actually fix it) was cancelledThat evening, on 12/24, [redacted] called meFirst point was not followedThen on the morning of 12/26, Appliance Protection called me to state they were on their waySecond point was not followedI told them [redacted] had cancelled this appointment and they said it never was cancelledAnd point - never have received either check, to date Once again and two months later, not one thing that OR has told me has gone according to their wordsNothingAnd instead I have to suffer the consequencesNow explain to me WHY when the supervisor tells me something, it does not actually happen? Why are we still trying to get my wall fixed after a month? This is ridiciulous Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2016/01/05) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Please extend my apologies to Ms [redacted] for the delayI reviewed the file which indicates the processing of the $cash settlement toward the repair of the wall was expedited, and the check was mailed on December 30, Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 8, 2015/06/12) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the eligibility of Mr [redacted] to renew his Plan; I have reviewed the file and have agreed to allow Mr [redacted] the opportunity to renew his Plan if he wishes to do soOld Republic Home Protection appreciates that Mr [redacted] has been our customer for the past three years My associate, Ms [redacted] will be contacting Mr [redacted] within the next few days to discuss renewal Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/10/28) */ Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the denial of coverage for the air conditioner; please advise Mr [redacted] to provide me the written diagnosis and invoice from his Out-Of-Network Contractor for my reviewMr [redacted] can either email the information to me at *** , or mail it to my attention at the following address Old Republic Home Protection P.OBox San Ramon, CA XXXXX If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please advise him to contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX Ext *** Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection

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Address: PO Box 5017, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583


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