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Address: PO BOX 55, Kinsman, Ohio, United States, 44428
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Ohio WRO (brand new outfitter)falsely advertised their property as well as amenities. I paid $2,000 for a 5 day all inclusive hunt that was far from advertised. I also prepaid for a youth hunt later in the year with the agreement that it would be refunded if I was not satisfied with my 5 day archery hunt in which I definitely was not causing me to leave 2 full days early! I have attempted to contact the business to get my refund prior to submitting this, with no response. I have the email correspondence for reference if needed. I am also looking for at least a 50% refund on the 5 Day hunt due to amenities being poorly conditioned (See thru holes in dining room floor, bugs in house, dangerous tree stand conditions, dangerous travel to stand conditions, Covid-19 protocols not being followed daily, lack of knowledge from the outfitter on deer patterns on property, late arrival to morning stands due to outfitter not prepared for hunter placements and food quality below advertised standard, thank God we all the hunters in camp brought their own coolers and snacks. Also due to the false advertising and pics from their website that shows individual sleeping cabins which was not true. The website also does not state any info regarding refunds and the fact that they do not issue them.
Please find the attached letter and zip file with all supporting exhibits (20), as our official response to Complaint ID. I trust an electronic copy is acceptable therefore a hard copy will not be mailed. If additional information is needed please do not hesitate to contact us at this email address or me directly at ***. To ensure this matter is addressed properly and on time, please update your system, removing all other email addresses you may have for OhioWRO, LLC. (including ***.) Otherwise, please contact me once this case has been investigated and a determination has been made from the Revdex.com.
Thank you for taking the time to communicate to us why our 5 Day, All Inclusive Archery Hunt did not meet theexpectations of Mr. ***best solution available to resolve any issuescorrespondences I told that he would reach out to his credit card company to dispute all charges and Icommunicate with him further. However, in an effort to prevent similar problems in the future, OhioWRO immediatelybegan to evaluate the validity of Mr. complaint.I am grateful to have the opportunity to present our side and to shareaddress below. I have also attached numerous exhibits as evidence ofCompliantFalseAdvertisingof PropertyOur website, *** pstate that we offer free-range, whitetail deer hunts on do not guarantee a kill as we are not a high fence operation.RefundAgreementThere was no agreement,pertaining to a refund if he was not satisfied. Our website,sheet (which is attached to each invoice), and allfact that all deposits, payments, and/or monies paid are nonindependent contractoragreements or contracts on behalf of OhioWRO.Left Early Mr.’ hunting locations were selected and available for all 5 days of his hunt.He was transported to each location at will*** made the conscienceso until after the fact. He admits thisNonResponsiveMr. first informedat 5:12pm. It was first opened and read on October 2, 2020 at roughly 4:45pmresponse immediately followed,hours after he reached out.PoorlyConditionedAmenitiesMr. never mentioned, complained or alluded to issues or complaintsany aspect of his hunt or anywebsite. As a matter of fact, heHoles in theFloorUnfortunately, there is no way to avoid holes in the floors when you have applianceswhich must be vented up from a
Bugs in theHouseUnfortunately, no home is 100%& out constantly an occasionalDangerousTree StandsEach of our tree stands are brand new, had never been used andindustry standards. During his hunt,to communicate to us why our 5 Day, All Inclusive Archery Hunt did not meet the. *** – Complaint ID# ***. OhioWRO had every desireavailable to resolve any issues(s) however at 6:52pm on October 2, 2020 after a coupletold that he would reach out to his credit card company to dispute all charges and IHowever, in an effort to prevent similar problems in the future, OhioWRO immediatelybegan to evaluate the validity of Mr. complaint.present our side and to share our findings with the Revdex.com. Each of his concerns isaddress below. I have also attached numerous exhibits as evidence of our position on this complaint.Our Responsepage and hunters payment receipts all verbal communicationrange, whitetail deer hunts on nearly 4000 acres of land. Wedo not guarantee a kill as we are not a high fence operation.There was no agreement, verbal, written or otherwise, made with Mr.pertaining to a refund if he was not satisfied. Our website, the hunters informationtached to each invoice), and all customer receipts each reiterate thefact that all deposits, payments, and/or monies paid are non-refundable. In addition,independent contractors for OhioWRO, LLC do not have authority to enteagreements or contracts on behalf of OhioWRO. Complaints receipts are attached.hunting locations were selected and available for all 5 days of his hunt.He was transported to each location at will and would have continued to beconscience decision to leave early and stated no reason for doing. He admits this at 5:12pm, in the email on October 1, 2020Mr. first informed us of his dissatisfaction in an email on October 1, 2020first opened and read on October 2, 2020 at roughly 4:45pmimmediately followed, also on October 2, 2020 at 5:08pm, less than 24hours after he reached out. Two separate voicemails were also left for him.Mr. never mentioned, complained or alluded to issues or complaintsaspect of his hunt or any of the included amenities. Amenities are listed on ourAs a matter of fact, he constantly praised OhioWRO on various items.Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid holes in the floors when you have appliancesich must be vented up from a basement of the home (refrigerator, stove, washermachine, dryer, etc.)Unfortunately, no home is 100% free of insects. Of course, with 6 people coming in& out constantly an occasional fly or mosquito do make their way insideof our tree stands are brand new, had never been used and by far exceedDuring his hunt, Mr. praised OhioWRO countlessto communicate to us why our 5 Day, All Inclusive Archery Hunt did not meet theevery desire to provide thea couple emailtold that he would reach out to his credit card company to dispute all charges and I was asked not toHowever, in an effort to prevent similar problems in the future, OhioWRO immediately. Each of his concerns isour position on this complaint.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.The response from the business is full of inaccuracies. I am not disputing the 5 day although highly disappointed in the amenities as well as the knowledge of the guide. That is the reason I would never return or encourage anyone to use their service. I am challenging the youth hunt that was paid for in advance with the understanding from the owner that if for any reason I was unhappy with the 5 day they would refund that expense which was for a hunt in late November. This phone conversation took place in September during the original contact with this new outfitter. I never stated this was offered as a guaranteed hunt, I stated that the outfitter lacked knowledge of the deer movement on his leased properties for that time of year. It was obvious that he set cameras out with mineral licks and had their preseason movement outlined, yet when the patterns changed he failed to do so. This is evident by his facebook posting referring to the movement change and his early setting of stands prior to that change. As far as drop offs to and from the stands- On Thursday morning he dropped me off late to an impassable stand in which I have video and photo proof of me trying to pass a field that was in the process of getting large drainage installed. The ruts from the heavy equipment as well as the flooding made it impossible. This impassable ground was over 1000 yards from the drop off point.Lastly, the food and amenities- Food was way below standard. The outfitter actually soaked sausage in well water to get it to cook faster for a breakfast sandwich. Two of us clients had breakfast that morning and both through the sausage out. The guide actually bragged about this process as one that helps the sausage cook faster. He attempted the same thing with a breakfast burrito the morning following. On Wednesday evening when I was picked up from a compromised stand that was hung in a dead tree, he stated to me and another client that once everyone was in he would have to run to the store so he could make Chili that night. Mind you last light was nearly 7-40PM meaning dinner would not be available until much later. This is after his clients have been up since 5 am and in the woods all or most of the day. This alone shows the quality of the outfitter.
Our response was not full of inaccuracies, as a matter of
fact, documentation was provided as proof to combat each and every ‘complaints’
Refund - Unsure why the complainant's story is now changing as it pertains to this topic. I am the solo owner of the company. I did not tell the complainant that he would receive a refund for
the youth hunt if unhappy for any reason. I would never say that as it is not our
policy. In addition, why would I or
anyone else at OhioWRO, think or even insinuate that a hunter would not be happy
with us. As I stated before, each of the invoices and receipts clearly indicated our “NON-REFUNDABLE” policy
which was obviously not a problem or something would have been mentioned directly after booking.
Knowledge - As any outfitter or deer hunter knows, patterns
and movements change all the time for various reasons, unless of course high
fence! This is why a kill is never guaranteed with us. The area that was attempted to assess on the morning the complainant left
so abruptly had been used prior in the week by another hunter, without any
problems. During orientation, the complainant was asked if he had any physical restrictions that we should be aware of and he said no. As a matter of fact, when I asked
how far he would walk for “Hulk”, a huge OhioWRO buck on the hit-list, I was told 6 miles and then he bragged about how much he ran every day. In addition, any hunter knows that 1000 yards
is nothing to walk especially on flat terrain.
Water - When tested and treated properly, it is not harmful
to drink or cook with water from a well. However, we choose to bring in bottle water for all cooking and
drinking, including making coffee, etc. Therefore I have no idea what the complaint is speaking of with the
sausage. Other than the fact, that we do
allow it to steam in water to insure that it is cooked completely.
Dinner time – As you will see from the screen shots provided, hunters normally arrive in the woods closer to 6 or 6:30 am, not 5am. However, the complaint never sat in the woods all
day. He hunted in the morning, returned
to camp for lunch and then went back out again later in the afternoon, usually
around 3pm. This is typical for a pre-rut or early season hunt. Lunch was available while he
was at camp and snacks available to take into the woods with
him. That being said, any experienced
hunter knows that it is usually after 8pm by the time everyone eats dinner
because all hunters remain in the stands until 30 minutes past sunset, have to get
out of the woods, come back to camp, change their clothes and then get cleaned up
for dinner. On a night when a deer is shot right before dark, it may be even later!!
I would like to close by saying that even though the complainant
drew at and missed the biggest 8 point he had ever seen, he didn’t have to leave
his hunt early! Sure, we certainly would
have appreciated some honesty when asked why his arrow was found in the center
of the shooting lane, buried in the roots of three sapling trees about 20 feet away and with
the trajectory and alignment of the arrow directly angled to his stand but we allowed
him to remain at camp to finish out the hunt. The other hunters at camp also knew that he had shot at but missed, and lied
about the incident because they spoke and joked about it when he wasn’t around. In an effort to avoid an argument or our
clients embarrassment, I asked them not to confront the complainant and they
agreed. Finally, even though the
complainant had difficulty getting to and/or finding a tree stand (that wasn’t a problem to others
in camp earlier in the week) he didn’t have to leave his hunt early! We would have just relocated him another
area, no questions asked.
We are disappointed that we have been unsuccessful in resolution for this matter but wish you the best of luck hunting with other outfitters!
Thank you,
OhioWRO Member