Nutrisystem, Inc. Reviews (630)
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August 3,
of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
John FKennedy Blvd., Suite
Philadelphia, PA
Attention: *** *** ***
Re: *** ** *** ID ***
Dear *** ***,
The complaint filed by
*** *** ** *** was received in my office on July 27, and has been forwarded to me for response
After reviewing *** ***’s complaint I contacted our Customer Service Department to determine if they had a listing for *** *** or his email address ***@***.com. *** ***’s email address is not registered with Nutrisystem and Nutrisystem has no profile for *** *** in its database. Based on the information that *** *** provided, it appears that he received an email from a third party which contains some type of Nutrisystem promotional offer.
Nutrisystem takes spam emails and the sending of them very seriously. Nutrisystem is unable to determine the origin of the emails from *** ***’s complaintIf *** *** could forward the actual emails to me, we would be in a better position to determine who is sending them. In the meantime, Nutrisystem has placed *** ***’s email address on its own “Do Not Email” list
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above
Donna D***
Senior Corporate Paralegal
Nutrisystem, Inc
Tell us why here
October 24,
Of Metro Washington DC and
Eastern Pennsylvania
Attn: *** *** ***
John FKennedy Blvd.,
Philadelphia, PA
RE: *** *** # ***
Dear ***
Contacted customer on 10-and
advised of full refund due to sales confirming order was cancelled even though
order shipped prior to her calling inShe said she had positive results with
program and was excited her only issue was the deliveries and all the issues
Offered to reactivate account and delay customer declined wanted to keep
account cancelled
complaint submitted by *** *** was received in my office on October 21,
records all calls for quality assurance and training purposes and reviewed the
call when *** *** called in to cancel her program on October 18, 2016. The customer service representative (“CSR”)
who spoke with *** *** did not inform *** *** that the order already
shipped. Therefore, Nutrisystem issued
*** *** issued a full credit in the amount of $for the shipment she
received on October 18, 2016. *** ***
should see the credit applied to her account within 5-business days depending
on her financial institution. In
addition, the Nutrisystem Auto-Delivery program for *** *** was cancelled
on October 20, 2016. We wish *** ***
continued success with her weight loss goals.
If you
have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####,
or by email to ***,
or you may write me at the address set forth above
Denise B***
Vice President, Legal & Corporate Compliance
February 15,
Of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
Attn: *** *** ***
John FKennedy Blvd., Suite
Philadelphia, PA
Re: *** ** ***, ID ***
Dear *** ***,
The complaint submitted by **
*** ** *** was received on February 5,
On January 12, *** *** enrolled in the NutriSystem Auto-Delivery Program at With our Auto-Delivery Program, customers receive a special discount off the full retail value of a 4-week plan with an auto-delivery purchaseYou also receive free shipping (Continental US). By clicking the Submit My Order, customer’s authorize us to automatically charge and ship their order every weeks unless they cancel. If they are not 100% satisfied, they can call ###-###-#### within days of delivery of their order and send the remaining non-frozen food back to us for a full refund, less return shipping. If our customers decide to cancel before the second shipment and after the day guarantee period, they authorize us to charge a $early cancellation fee. If they cancel any time after they receive their second month there is no fee. After reading this language, customers click to “submit their order”. The terms and conditions of the auto-delivery program are also posted throughout the website. The auto-delivery terms and the cancellation fee are conspicuously displayed at the “submit my order” button (please see the attached page). *** *** submitted her order and agreed to the terms prior to purchasing. *** ***’ order was shipped to her on January 13,
*** *** did not contact Nutrisystem within the day Money Back Guarantee period to return her first orderShe then called and cancelled her auto-delivery program before she received her second shipment and was then charged the $early cancellation fee in accordance with the terms and conditions of her purchase of the 4-week auto-delivery program. However, we value our customer’s input, and will take *** ***’ input into consideration as we continually update and make our website more customer-friendly. In the spirit of good consumer relations, Nutrisystem has issued a credit of $to *** ***. *** *** should see the credit applied to her account within 3-business days depending on her financial institution We wish *** *** continued success with her weight loss goals
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above
Donna D***
Senior Corporate Paralegal
Cc: *** ***
As provided in my letter dated November 15, 2017, in accordance with our Money Back Guarantee and cancellation policy, if a customer is not 100% satisfied, they can call ###-###-#### within days of delivery of their order and send the remaining non-frozen food back to us for a full refund, less return shipping. If our customers decide to cancel before the second shipment and after the 14-day guarantee period, they authorize us to charge an early cancellation fee. This cancellation fee is a portion of the auto-delivery discount received on the first shipment. There are no fees charged after receipt of the second shipmentAdditionally, *** *** sales call of May 15, was reviewed by me. I was able to confirm that the Money Back Guarantee, commitment of two orders, and early cancellation fee of $was clearly provide to *** ***. The cancellation fee is a portion of the auto-delivery discount received on the first shipment Since *** *** cancelled outside the Money Back Guarantee and before accepting a second shipment, *** *** was appropriately charge a $cancellation fee Thank you Jacqueline M*** Corporate Paralegal
June 2, 2016Dear *** ***,The response from *** *** was received on May 13, 2016.Nutrisystem records all telephone calls for quality assurance and training purposesBased on *** ***'s original complaint we reviewed the calls she had with Nutrisystem representativesThe chat conversations were not reviewed until *** *** provided them in her response.*** ***'s first order was delivered to her on February 19, Under the terms of Nutrisystem's Money Back Guarantee (it is posted on our website and I am enclosing a copy for your review) our customers must contact us within days delivery of their order to request a refund and return the unused food products they have to obtain a refund.*** *** contacted Nutrisystem via chat on February 27, and indicated she did not like some of the food products and was not satisfied with her weight loss*** *** was offered replacement items and told to donate the items that Nutrisystem was replacing to a food pantrySpecifically, the representative said "You can donate them to a locale food pantryI can replace thoseWhat items would you like for me to send.' *** *** was not advised via telephone or chat to donate her entire order to a food bank*** *** was encouraged to continue with the plan and did not request to cancel her program at this time, The replacement products were sent to *** *** as indicated in my previous response via *** ***/the U.SPostal ServicePlease see the attached *** *** records, Nutrisystem does not show that the products were returned to us or that there was a problem with delivery to *** ***.*** *** contacted Nutrisystem again via chat on March 8, (please see the attached transcript)*** *** was not satisfied with her weight loss and requested the cancellation of her April order and some kind of refundIt was recommended that *** *** contact the call center which she didWhen *** *** contacted the Nutrisystem via chat and telephone on March 8, 2016*** *** was outside of the day Money Back Guarantee period (Her shipment was delivered to her on February 19, 2016)*** *** called days after the receipt of her orderSo the representative *** *** spoke with properly advised her that she would be charged a $cancellation fee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the auto-delivery programHowever the representative waived the charge as a courtesy since *** *** was not satisfied with the program and some of the foods did not agree with her*** *** did not request to obtain a refund for any food products she had left during this callBut, the representative also did not inform *** *** that she was within the day return period and did not offer *** *** the option to return the unused food products she had leftTherefore, *** *** was contacted on April 5, and given the option to return the unused, non-frozen food products she had under the day return period*** *** was provided with a return authorization number and instructions for returning the productsHowever, *** *** never returned any food products to Nutrisystem.Nutrisystem cannot offer *** *** a full refund under the Money Back Guarantee, however we can either issue her a refund for the replacement items she indicated she did not receive or we can resend them to herPlease ask *** *** to contact me and let me know what she prefers.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to didavidson(d), or you may write me at the address set forth above.Sincerely,Donna D*** Senior Corporate Paralegal
I ordered Nutrisystem because I thought it would be a good to have pre-prepared meals and save me the time that I was spending doing meal prepI'm not a foody and will almost eat anythingI'm not picky and rarely complain about food but Nutrisystem is literally the worst tasting food I have had in my lifeI do not feel full after eating the mealsI eat fruits, vegetables and nuts with the meals and as in between snacks and I am still completely unsatisfied when I go to bed at nightThis food is not a good idea when working outI go to the gym every day and I was getting dizzy and not feeling good while eating this foodI switched back to eating a healthy diet of real food and quickly shed pounds and felt betterI didn't lose any weight on Nutrisystem even while pared with daily exercise because my body went into starvation modeI had let my boyfriend as well as numerous people at work try the food to make sure it wasn't just my taste buds but every person had the same conclusionI let my personal trainer look at the back of the packages to see the nutrition facts and he was shocked that Nutrisystem is still in business and that people actually believe this food (that somehow sits in packages for months at a time without going bad or being refrigerated) is healthy for themI fell for the scam so I hope this helps someone naive like me avoid a costly mistakePlease get on a food plan and buy fresh groceries it is so much cheaper, better tasting and healthier
*** *** 10:AM (minutes ago)to me, I received my order from Nutrisystem I am happy with that They have lost a customer because of their practices I am satisfied with my orderPlease close my complaint. Thank you
December 4, Dear *** ***,The response from *** *** was forwarded to me for response.It appears from *** ***'s response that she received an email promotion for $off and clicked on a link which brought her to a 50% off web pageI am not sure if *** *** has ever visited the Nutrisystem webpage before, but depending on her browser history she may have landed on an outdated promotional pageI believe that is what the representative meant when she said “display error”I cannot verify exactly what *** *** saw as she did not take a screenshotI have verified with our eCommerce Department that the last time we offered the 50% off promotion was on Labor Day.Nutrisystem contacted *** *** on November 26, to inform her that Nutrisystem is running the 50% off promotion again beginning Black Friday (November 28, 2014) through Cyber Monday (December 1, 2014)In addition, the Customer Service Representative provided *** *** with her personal contact information should she encounter any other problems.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above.Sincerely,Donna D
Senior Corporate Paralegal
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
They have agreed to cancel the contract at no further cost to meIf this holds true than I am pleased with resolution.
*** ***
May 10,
Of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
Attn: Ms*** ***
John FKennedy Blvd., Suite
Philadelphia, PA
Re: *** ***, ID ***
Dear Ms***,
The complaint submitted by Mrs*** *** was received on April 25,
Our customers have the option to purchase a one-time order, an auto-delivery order or they can purchase a la carte items. If our customer’s purchase a one-time order or a la carte order they do not receive the discounted price that our auto-delivery customers receive. On April 1, Mrs*** purchased the NutriSystem Auto-Delivery Program at With our Auto-Delivery Program, customers receive a 35% discount off the full retail value of a 4-week plan with every auto-delivery purchaseThey also receive free shipping (Continental US). By clicking the Submit My Order, customer’s authorize us to automatically charge and ship their order every weeks unless they cancel. If they are not 100% satisfied, they can call ###-###-#### within days of delivery of their order and send the remaining non-frozen food back to us for a full refund, less return shipping. If our customers decide to cancel before the second shipment and after the day guarantee period, they authorize us to charge a $early cancellation fee. If they cancel any time after they receive their second month there is no fee. After reading this language, customers click to “submit their order”. The terms and conditions of the auto-delivery program have always been posted throughout the website (please see the attached page)However in response to customer complaints and inquiries Nutrisystem has added additional language and information throughout the website to make it clearer to our customers that they are choosing the Auto-Delivery program and agreeing to the terms and conditions of the program, including the $cancellation charge before they make their purchase. Specifically, the auto-delivery terms and the cancellation fee are conspicuously displayed at the “submit my order” button (please see the attached page) and if the customer clicks on the Auto-Delivery option the benefits of auto-delivery as well as the cancellation fee are clearly stated (please see the attached page). Mrs*** submitted her order and agreed to the terms and condition prior to her purchase. Mrs***’s order was shipped to her on April 5,
Mrs*** contacted Nutrisystem on April 20, (less than days after the delivery of his first order, but prior to paying for his second consecutive week order) requesting the cancellation of his Auto-Delivery programMrs*** was informed that she was within the day Money Back Guarantee and could return the food for a full refund (less shipping). Mrs*** was informed that she would be charged $if she didn’t return the food for a refund. Mrs*** indicated that her and her husband lost most of the weight they wanted to lose on their first month so there would be no reason for her to return any portion of the food. Mrs***’s program was cancelled and she was charged the $cancellation fee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the auto-delivery program. Mrs*** is not due a refund. We wish Mrs*** all the best
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above
Donna D***
Senior Corporate Paralegal
Cc: Denise B***
February 3,
Of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
Attn: *** *** ***
John FKennedy Blvd., Suite
Philadelphia, PA
Re: *** ** ***, ID ***
Dear *** ***,
The complaint submitted by *** ** *** was received in my office on January 28,
We were unable to find any client records for *** ** *** with the name, address, telephone or email that was provided in the complaint. Please ask *** *** to provide additional information regarding the name, address, telephone number or email under which the order was placed and we will be happy to research this matter further
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above
Donna D***
Senior Corporate Paralegal
Cc: *** ***
February 15,
Of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
Attn: *** *** ***
John FKennedy Blvd., Suite
Philadelphia, PA
Re: *** ***, ID ***
Dear *** ***,
The complaint submitted by ***
*** was received on February 5,
On January 10, *** *** enrolled in the NutriSystem Auto-Delivery Program at With our Auto-Delivery Program, customers receive a special discount off the full retail value of a 4-week plan with an auto-delivery purchaseYou also receive free shipping (Continental US). By clicking the Submit My Order, customer’s authorize us to automatically charge and ship their order every weeks unless they cancel. If they are not 100% satisfied, they can call ###-###-#### within days of delivery of their order and send the remaining non-frozen food back to us for a full refund, less return shipping. If our customers decide to cancel before the second shipment and after the day guarantee period, they authorize us to charge a $early cancellation fee. If they cancel any time after they receive their second month there is no fee. After reading this language, customers click to “submit their order”. The terms and conditions of the auto-delivery program are also posted throughout the website. The auto-delivery terms and the cancellation fee are conspicuously displayed at the “submit my order” button (please see the attached page). *** *** submitted his order and agreed to the terms prior to purchasing. *** ***’s order was shipped to him on January 12,
On January 31, 2016, *** *** was sent an email indicating his second order was being processed for him. Nutrisystem has no record of *** *** delaying his second order either through the website or via telephone.
On February 4, 2016, *** *** was shipped his second order
On February 4, 2016, *** *** also contacted Nutrisystem and indicated he did want the order that was in transit to him and he wanted to cancel his auto-delivery program. *** *** was informed that since he cancelled his auto-delivery program before he received his second shipment he would be charged the $early cancellation fee in accordance with the terms and conditions of his purchase of the 4-week auto-delivery program. *** ***’s auto-delivery program was cancelled and he was charged the $cancellation fee
In the spirit of good consumer relations, Nutrisystem has issued a credit of $to *** *** and has issued him a label to return the second order that was shipped to him. When the order is returned to Nutrisystem, a credit will be issued to *** ***We wish *** *** continued success with his weight loss goals
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above
Donna D***
Senior Corporate Paralegal
Cc: *** ***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
July 8, 2016Dear *** ***,The complaint submitted by *** *** *** was received on July 5, 2016.On May 14, *** *** purchased the NutriSystem Uniquely Yours AutoDelivery Program through an online offer campaignWhen our customers click on an offer link and place an order the
advertised discounts are automatically applied to their ordersNutrisystem does not currently detail all of the promotions that are applied to a customer shipment on the packslip that is sent to our customers with their ordersThe packslip is lists all of the products that are included in our customers' orders with a final price at the bottom at the invoice.We reviewed the promotions that were applied to *** ***'s shipments and all of the promotions were correctly applied to *** ***'s shipments in accordance with the online campaign in which she purchased the programPlease see below for more details.The full retail value of the Nutrisystem Uniquely Yours Program that *** *** purchased is $(please see the screenshot from attached)The full retail value of the Turbo Shakes that *** *** purchased are $(please see the screenshot from*** *** was properly charged $for her first shipment which included the Nutrisystem Women's Uniquely Yours Program and the Turbo Shakes*** *** had multiple discounts and promotions applied to her first shipment including the following:Nutrisystem Uniquely Yours Program for Women, 35% Auto Delivery Discount ($180.38), Regular Price $50% Discount off of her first order of Turbo Shakes ($39.99), Full Retail Value $79,Free Blender Bottle (Full Retail Value $8.49) Free Shipping (Regularly $19.99)*** ***'s second shipment included the Nutrisystem Uniquely Yours Program and the regularly priced Turbo shakes and she was properly charged $for her shipment*** *** received the following discounts applied to her second shipment:Nutrisystem Uniquely Yours Program for Women, 35% Auto Delivery Discount ($180.38), Regular Price $Free Shipping (Regularly $19.99)We do not show that *** *** inputted the refer a friend code when she placed her initial orderWe will be happy to issue *** *** and her friend or family member a credit for the friends and family discountPlease have *** *** contact me with the name of the family member that she referred or she was referred by and we will apply the discount.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at *** ***, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above.Sincerely,Donna D.Senior Corporate Paralegal
October 6,
Of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
Attn: *** ***
John FKennedy Blvd., Suite
Philadelphia, PA
Re: *** ** ***, ID ***
Dear *** ***,
The complaint submitted by *** ** *** on September 17, was received in my office on September 18, and has been forwarded to me for response
After reviewing *** ***’s complaint I contacted our Customer Service Department to determine if they had an account on file for *** ***. The Customer Service Department used the address and telephone number that *** *** provided in her complaint and found three (3) different accounts set up for *** ***. It appears that *** *** spoke to customer service on multiple occasions regarding an order she indicated she placed, but none of the accounts that were found in Nutrisystem’s database had any orders connected to them. No orders were placed under these accounts.
At times, Nutrisystem receives checks from customers which do not reference an order number or an account number. These checks are logged and researched to determine which customer they belong to. Nutrisystem has reviewed the check log and could not find any checks which referenced *** ** ***. Nutrisystem does not have any other checks at this time that are unaccounted for. It is unclear from *** ***’s complaint where the checks were mailed to and who cashed the checks. It is possible that someone may have illegally obtained the checks that *** *** indicated she sent and fraudulently cashed them. I would not be able to determine if this is the case without seeing a copy of the cashed checks. If *** *** can obtain a copy of the front and back of the cashed checks I can review them with our Accounting Department to determine if they were cashed by Nutrisystem or another individual/entity Please have *** *** contact me directly with this information and I will investigate this matter further.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above
Donna D***
Senior Corporate Paralegal
Cc: *** ***
March 17,
Of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
Attn: *** ***
John FKennedy Blvd., Suite
Philadelphia, PA
Re: *** *** ***, ID ***
Dear ***,
The complaint submitted by *** *** *** submitted on March 4, was received in my office on March 5, and has been forwarded to me for response
According to Nutrisystem’s records, on February 6, *** enrolled in the NutriSystem Auto-Delivery Program With the current Auto-Delivery program, customers get a 20% discount off the month to month program price and free shipping within the Continental US when they remain on the program for at least shipmentsCustomers are automatically shipped their 28-Day order once every four weeks, and charged accordingly, unless they cancel. Customers are sent an e-mail reminder or given a telephone call when their next order is to be shippedCustomers can edit, customize or delay their Auto-Delivery order, simply by calling ###-###-#### or visiting nutrisystem.comTo cancel their Auto-Delivery order, customers must call ###-###-####. If a customer cancels prior to paying for their second 28-Day program delivery, their payment method is charged for the amount of the auto delivery discount they received on their first 28-Day program delivery. The Terms and Conditions of the Auto-Delivery Program are posted on the website where *** enrolled in the program. *** also indicated that he read and accepted the Terms and Conditions when he submitted his order for processing. Please see the attached example of what *** saw prior to submitting his order. **.*** was shipped his first order on February 10,
On February 27, 2014, *** was sent an email indicating his second order was being processed for him.
On March 2, 2014, Nutrisystem attempted to send *** his second order. However, Nutrisystem was not able to obtain payment for this order and it was not sent to ***
Nutrisystem left a voicemail for *** on March 3, 2014.
On March 4, 2014, *** contacted Nutrisystem and indicated he wanted to cancel his second order and his Auto-Delivery Program. *** was informed that he would be charged for the discount he received on his first order ($71.50) if he cancelled his Auto-Delivery Program before accepting and paying for his second order, in accordance with the terms of the Auto-Delivery Program. ***’s Auto-Delivery Program was cancelled as requested and Nutrisystem attempted to charge *** for the discount he received on his first order. However, Nutrisystem was unable to obtain payment.
Under the terms and conditions of the Auto-Delivery Program that *** enrolled in *** was required to purchase two (2) orders in order to receive the discounted price that he received on his first order. However, as *** has indicated he was not aware of the Terms and Conditions of the Auto-Delivery Program Nutrisystem has cancelled ***’s Auto-Delivery Program and waived the charges for the discountWe wish *** continued success with his weight loss goals
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above
*** ***
Senior Corporate Paralegal
Cc: *** ***
April 1, 2016Dear *** ***,We are sorry that *** *** was not satisfied with our original response,*** *** is correct that she did not create a profile for herselfConsumers provide personal information on the Nutrisystem website in order to receive feedback from Nutrisystem regarding, for example, their BMIThe website then creates a profile (data record) for that individual*** *** visited the Nutrisystem website on more than one occasion and requested feedback from Nutrisystem, and data records or profiles were thus created for her.Nutrisystem takes customer complaints and unsubscribe requests very seriouslyAfter receiving *** ***'s response and the emails provided by the, I met with the pertinent departments to determine why *** *** continues to receive emails from NutrisystemOur IT and Ecommerce teams were able to use *** ***'s email address to trace her digital footprint throughout our siteAll Nutrisystem emails contain an unsubscribe linkOnce clicked you are taken to an email preference center where you can choose to unsubscribe from some or all of the digital media that is sent to our customersAccording to Nutrisystem's records, *** *** never went to the email preference center to unsubscribe herselfHowever, *** *** sent multiple emails to the customer service department to request that she be unsubscribedDue to the duplicate profiles created and her email being erroneously removed but not put on the Do Not Email List, *** *** was not unsubscribed as she should have been.We again apologize to *** *** for any inconvenience the receipt of these emails has caused herAt this point *** ***'s email address has been completely removed from the Nutrisystem database and we are addressing the issues that lead to this complaint.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ***, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above.Sincerely,Donna DSenior Corporate Paralegal
December 30,
of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
John FKennedy Blvd., Suite
Philadelphia, PA
Attention: *** *** ***
Re: *** ***, ID ***
Dear *** ***,
The complaint filed by
*** *** was received in my office on December 28,
After reviewing *** ***’s complaint I contacted our Customer Service Department to determine if they had a listing for *** *** or his email address ***@***.net. *** ***’s email address is not registered with Nutrisystem and Nutrisystem has no profile for *** *** in its database. Based on the information that *** *** provided, it appears that he received an email from a third party which contains some type of Nutrisystem promotional offer.
Nutrisystem takes spam emails and the sending of them very seriously. Nutrisystem is unable to determine the origin of the emails from *** ***’s complaintIf *** *** could forward the actual emails to me, we would be in a better position to determine who is sending them. In the meantime, Nutrisystem has placed *** ***’s email address on its own “Do Not Email” list
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above
Donna D***
Senior Corporate Paralegal
Nutrisystem, Inc
October 6, of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania John FKennedy Blvd., Suite Philadelphia, PA Attn: *** *** ***
* Re: *** ***, Case# *** Dear *** *** The complaint
submitted by *** *** *** was received on September 14, Nutrisystem does not have an account in its database for *** ***, but we do have an account on file for *** *** with the contact information that *** *** provided*** *** purchased the NutriSystem Auto-Delivery Program via telephone on August 22, With our Auto-Delivery Program, customers receive a 35% discount off the regular one-time rate of a 4-week plan with an auto-delivery purchaseOur customers also receive free shipping (Continental US). By clicking the Submit My Order, customer’s authorize us to automatically charge and ship their order every weeks unless they cancel. If they are not 100% satisfied, they can call ###-###-#### within days of delivery of their order and send the remaining non-frozen food back to us for a full refund, less return shipping. If our customers decide to cancel before the second shipment and after the day guarantee period, they authorize us to charge a $early cancellation fee. If they cancel any time after they receive their second month there is no fee. *** *** placed her order and agreed to the terms and condition prior to her purchase. *** *** received her first order on August 26, 2016. On September 12, *** *** was sent an email indicating her second shipment was being processed for her*** *** contacted Nutrisystem to cancel the second shipment and her auto-delivery program. *** *** was informed that she would be charged a $cancellation fee if she decided to cancel the auto-delivery program before accepting and paying for her second shipment. *** ***’s auto-delivery program and second order was cancelled and she was charged the $cancellation fee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the auto-delivery program. *** *** called back on September 12, requesting to pay for the $cancellation fee with a gift card. *** *** was informed that Nutrisystem was not able to use a gift card to pay the $cancellation fee as the charge is automatically charged to the payment method on file (credit card). However, in the spirit of good consumer relations, Nutrisystem is willing to make an exception and charge *** ***’s gift card. Someone from Nutrisystem attempted to contact *** *** on September 27, to inform him that we will apply the gift card to the charge, but Nutrisystem was unable to reach *** ***. Please ask *** *** to contact the individual that left him the voicemail and Nutrisystem will apply the gift card to the charge. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above Sincerely, Donna D*** Senior Corporate Paralegal Cc: *** ***
April 6,
Of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
Attn: *** *** ***
John FKennedy Blvd., Suite
Philadelphia, PA
Re: *** ***, ID ***
Dear *** ***,
complaint submitted by *** *** was received in my office on March 17,
On January 25, *** *** enrolled in the NutriSystem Auto-Delivery Program at *** *** was shipped two (2) orders under the Auto-Delivery program.
As with all customer service departments, there will be times when the call volume is higher or lower. When the call volume is higher, our customers may wait a little longer to reach a representative. It is unusual that our customers have to wait that long for their call to be answered *** ***’s call was ultimately answered on March 16, and she did speak to a customer service representative to cancel her Auto-Delivery Program. We apologize to *** *** for the delay in getting her calls answered Nutrisystem strives to promote good customer service and it is not our intention to make it difficult for our customers to reach us. We wish *** *** continued success with her weight loss goals.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, or by email to ***, or you may write me at the address set forth above
Donna D***
Senior Corporate Paralegal
Cc: *** ***