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NRG Retail Solutions

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NRG Retail Solutions Reviews (45)

From: of Metro Washington DC # Date: Thu, Oct 30, at 9:AMSubject: Fwd: How do I cancel a complaintTo: [redacted] < [redacted] > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: [redacted] < [redacted] > Date: Wed, Oct 29, at 11:AM Subject: How do I cancel a complaint To: whom it may concern How do I cancel a complaint I made to the [redacted] ***

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response If you wish, you may update it before sending it.] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***

To Whom It May Concern, NRG Home received [redacted] ’s complaint on April 5, The following outlines his enrollment, account status, and our resolution [redacted] ’s account was enrolled in person at a retail event with a NRG Home representative on November 10, 2016, by a [redacted] , and his service started with NRG Home on November 18, 2016, as determined by his local utility company, [redacted] During the enrollment, MrW [redacted] presented himself as authorized representative of this account, and was presented with all required disclosures including the fact that our electricity product was for an introductory month variable supply price plan Following enrollment, NRG Home mailed a copy of the Disclosure Statement to [redacted] for the electricity account, which additionally outlined the variable supply price plan, and that NRG Home does not guarantee savings compared to his local utility company Prior to receiving this complaint, on April 5, 2017, NRG Home received an inbound cancelation request from [redacted] ’s local utility company, [redacted] , and the account ended service on April 10, 2017, as determined by [redacted] Upon receiving this complaint, NRG Home spoke with [redacted] on April 6, We reviewed the terms of enrollment, supply prices charged, and confirmed the service end date on the account During this call, [redacted] advised us that he does not know a Garrett W***, nor would he have given someone he does not know authorization to enroll his account Based on [redacted] ’s claim, NRG Home believes this may have been an invalid enrollment Although we could find no wrong doing on the part of the representative who claimed this sale, we apologized to [redacted] for any inconvenience this had caused [redacted] advised his complaint was resolved We consider this matter closed Please let me know if you need additional information regarding this case Frank S [redacted] NRG Northeast Retail Phone: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-#### Email: ( [redacted]

To Whom It May Concern, NRG Home received [redacted] ’s complaint, filed on behalf of her mother [redacted] , on September 26, The following outlines her enrollment, account status, and our resolution [redacted] ’s account was enrolled with an NRG Home representative for NRG Home on June 1, 2015, by a [redacted] *** During the enrollment, [redacted] presented herself as authorized to complete the enrollment, was presented with all required disclosures, including the fact that our product was for a month fixed supply price plan [redacted] also completed third party verification Following the enrollment, [redacted] was mailed a copy of the Terms of Service for her electricity account, which further outlined the fixed supply price, including that it may be higher than the local utility company’s supply rate Finally, [redacted] ’s account was enrolled in the NRG Home Cash Back rewards program As a result, she earned certain benefits, including an initial bonus amount, in the course of his enrollment based on her electricity purchases Prior to receiving the complaint, NRG Home spoke with [redacted] on July 24, We reviewed the terms of service, supply prices charged, and offered alternative supply price plans available to her During this call, [redacted] requested to cancel her account with NRG Home Her request was processed immediately, and the account ended service on September 8, 2017, as determined by the local utility company, *** NRG Home spoke with [redacted] on July 28, We reviewed the terms of service, supply prices charged, and confirmed the service end date on the account Lastly during that conversation, as a show of good will, we offered to issue a courtesy credit in the form of a check [redacted] accepted our offer Upon receiving this complaint, NRG Home spoke with [redacted] on September 28, We reviewed the terms of enrollment, supply prices charged, and confirmed the service end date for the account Lastly during that conversation, as a show of good will, we offered to issue an additional courtesy credit in the form of a check We believe this resolution was fair, since the Terms of Service clearly indicate that her plan was for a variable supply price While we were not obligated to offer a credit, as [redacted] clearly stated she was authorized to complete the enrollment, we did so in order to amicably resolve her complaint [redacted] accepted our offer We consider this matter closed Please let me know if you need additional information regarding this case Sincerely, Frank S [redacted] NRG Northeast Retail Phone: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-####

To Whom It May Concern,NRG Residential Solutions received [redacted] ***’s response rejection on July 5, I have set out the details of [redacted] ***’s enrollment and account status belowUpon receiving this complaint, NRG Residential Solutions spoke with [redacted] on July 7, We reviewed the terms of the transfer, supply prices charged, confirmed the service end date on the account, and again reiterated the courtesy credit offer previous made [redacted] declined our offer Should he choose to accept it, we will honor the offer made Until then, we consider this matter closed Please let me know if you need any additional information regarding this matter.Please note that NRG Residential Solutions began using the trade name “NRG Home” for marketing purposes in October of Sincerely,Frank S [redacted] NRG Northeast Retail Phone: ###-###-####Fax: ###-###-####Email: ( [redacted]

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered] Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: this man called twice while I was workingUnlike him I do not have the luxury of talking on my phone during the day I am too busy to be on the phoneAnd I NEVER signed up for anythingIf I did I would not be complaining about the company's fraudulent activity on my accountI do not wish to have them on my [redacted] power billAnd I think it is ridiculous how he became arrogant and rudeI did not use any language in the complaint so I do not know where he saw any languageHe said due to the language he is discontinuing the serviceWell that is all fine but I do not know what complaint he was looking atObviously not mineAlso what about taking off the almost charge off of my [redacted] power billSeeing that they lie and use a service to price gouge people for a service that they are already getting, I dont think them refunding that money is going to hurt them.Regards,Francis S [redacted]

We apologize for not being able to reach you in regards to this caseIf there is a time you are available Monday through Friday between 8am and 6pm EST, we can have a supervisor reach out to you to discuss this complaint and work to a resolutionIn regards to the language used in the original complaint, we were not suggesting you used inappropriate languageWe simply inferred that you wished to cancel your account with NRG Home, and wanted to assist with that even though we were unable to reach youTell us why here

NRG Home received [redacted] ***’s complaint on March 6, The following outlines her enrollment, account status, and our resolution [redacted] ***’s account was enrolled into the Standard Offer Program with NRG Home by her local utility, [redacted] ***, on June 15, Following the enrollment, [redacted] was mailed a copy of our Disclosure Statement detailing the full terms, including her right to rescind the agreement [redacted] did not exercise this right and began service on June 29, 2016, as determined by [redacted] *** Prior to receiving this complaint, on October 13, 2016, NRG Home received an inbound cancelation request from [redacted] ***’s local utility company, [redacted] ***, advising us that the account ended service on October 13, 2016, as determine by [redacted] *** NRG Home spoke with [redacted] on November 10, We reviewed the service end date on the account, and offered to re-instate the customer with us if she wanted to re-enroll in the same Standard Offer Program [redacted] agreed to re-enroll with NRG Home Upon receiving this complaint, NRG Home attempted to speak with [redacted] on March 7, and 9, Unfortunately, we were unable to reach her Based on the cancelation request in the complaint, on March 10, 2017, NRG Home processed a cancelation for [redacted] ***’s account, and the account will end service as determined by her local utility company, [redacted] *** Should [redacted] return our calls, we will work to resolve her concerns Until then, we consider this matter closed Please let me know if you need additional information regarding this case Sincerely, Frank S [redacted] NRG Northeast Retail Phone: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-#### Email: ( [redacted]

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response If you wish, you may update it before sending it.] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]

NRG Home received [redacted] ’s complaint on February 1, The following outlines his enrollment, account status, and our resolution [redacted] ’s account was enrolled in person at a retail event with a NRG Home representative on August 23, 2016, and his service started with NRG Home on August 30, 2016, as determined by his local utility company, [redacted] Power During the enrollment, [redacted] was presented with all required disclosures including the fact that our electricity product was for an introductory month variable supply price plan Following enrollment, NRG Home mailed a copy of the Disclosure Statement to [redacted] for the electricity accounts, which additionally outlined the variable supply price plan, and that NRG Home does not guarantee savings compared to his local utility company Prior to receiving this complaint, NRG Home did not speak with [redacted] Upon receiving this complaint, NRG Home attempted to speak [redacted] on February 1, and 3, Unfortunately, we were unable to reach him Due to the language in this complaint, NRG Home processed a cancelation for [redacted] ’s account, and the account ended service on February 3, 2017, as determine by his local utility company, [redacted] Power Should [redacted] choose to return our calls, we will work to resolve his complaint Until then, we consider this matter closed Please let me know if you need additional information regarding this case Frank S [redacted] NRG Northeast Retail Phone: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-#### Email: (fr [redacted]

To Whom It May Concern, NRG Home received [redacted] ***’s rejection to our complaint response on September 15, The following outlines our response to his rejection Upon receiving this rejection, NRG Home attempted to speak with [redacted] on September 16, and 20, Unfortunately, we were unable to reach him Should he choose to return our call, we will work to resolve his complaint Until then, we consider this matter closed Please let me know if you need additional information regarding this case Sincerely, Frank S [redacted] NRG Northeast Retail Phone: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-#### Email: ( [redacted] Tell us why here

To Whom It May Concern, NRG Home received [redacted] ’s complaint on September 16, The following outlines his enrollment, account status, and our resolution [redacted] ’s account was enrolled online for NRG Home on January 25, During the enrollment, *** [redacted] was presented with all required disclosures, including that the electricity product was for a promotional month variable supply price planFollowing the enrollment, [redacted] was emailed a copy of the Terms of Service for the electricity account, which additionally outlined the variable supply price, including that it may be higher than the local utility’s supply rate Finally, [redacted] ’s account was enrolled in the NRG Home American Airlines rewards program As a result, he earned certain benefits in the course of the enrollment, including an initial bonus, based on his electricity purchases To date he has earned 10,points Prior to receiving this complaint, NRG Home spoke with [redacted] on September 15, We reviewed the terms of enrollment, supply prices charged, and offered alternative supply price plans available to him During this call, [redacted] requested to cancel his account with NRG Home His request was processed immediately, and his account will end service on October 8, 2016, as determined by his local utility company, BG&E Upon receiving this complaint, NRG Home attempted to speak with [redacted] on September 16, and 20, Unfortunately, we were unable to reach him Should he choose to return our calls, we will work to resolve his concerns Until then, we consider this matter closed Please let me know if you need additional information regarding this case Sincerely, Frank S [redacted] NRG Northeast Retail Phone: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-#### Email: ( [redacted]

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered] Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: Many parts of the response are untruthful and inaccurate They start by saying my name is [redacted] *** My name is [redacted] *** It is fitting in this case that NRG Home doesn't even know my name since my complaint stems from the fact that NRG Home is taking advantage of their customers and treating them like nameless sheep They also state that "his plan was for a variable supply rate", but the rate used in all of the billings since the end of the fixed price contractual period did not vary Not Once!!! In fact the rate they used to charge me is a peak demand rate, not even a residential rate that should have been charged to me They clearly price gouged me And they continue to I received my June bill and they once again charged me the NON VARIABLE rate of cents per KWH Residential rates in the area I live have varied from to cents per KWH They average around cents, so to charge cents is price gouging and taking advantage of their customers Companies such as this need to be exposed for what they are doing and that's what I told them during our conversations It is true that they offered me a credit The terms were for the past months of bills to retroactively make the rate cents per KWH Amazing how they could obtain a rate that low when they seemed perfectly happy charging me 50% more per KWH Also, if you do the math, it doesn't get back all of the money that they price gouged me for the past year And it doesn't ensure the rest of their customers stop getting gouged either.NRG Home needs to review their ethical standards and stop taking advantage of their customers Its companies like them that hurt this Country I'm glad the exists to call them out.Regards, [redacted] ***

See attachment have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is partially satisfactory to me.
I have asked them twice to send me my Terms of Service
with the kWh rate which I expected to receive within days. I have not received it yet. If I don't receive the letter by February I will open a new complaint. It should not be that difficult to get the terms of service in writing
Furthermore, although they did send me credit for the months in question, the fact is, I contacted them in OCT to renew my fixed price contract. At no time did I let anything lapse to be in a variable rate. Although my account rep, Jessica, sent me a $check for renewing, the actual renewal was never processed by NRG and therefore MrSanchez has no record of that conversation
To close this complaint competely, I want a copy of my Terms of Service in writing. The document should include the kWh rate and the end date
Regards, *** ***

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me considering I have no time to contact them as I work during their hours of operation.
*** ***

From: of Metro Washington DC
dir="ltr" "">Date: Thu, Oct 30, at 9:AMSubject: Fwd: How do I cancel a complaintTo: *** ***
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ***
Date: Wed, Oct 29, at 11:AM
Subject: How do I cancel a complaint
To: whom it may concern
How do I cancel a complaint I made to the
*** ***

NRG Home received *** *** ***’s complaint on January 19, 2017. The following outlines her enrollment, account status, and our resolution *** ***’s account was enrolled into the Standard Offer Program with NRG Home by her local utility, *** *** ***, on June 13, 2016.
Following the enrollment, *** *** was mailed a copy of our Disclosure Statement detailing the full terms, including her right to rescind the agreement. *** *** did not exercise this right and began service on June 25, 2016, as determined by *** *** *** Prior to receiving this complaint, NRG Home spoke with *** *** on January 19, 2017. We reviewed the terms of service, supply prices charged, and discussed the enrollment method for the Standard Offer Program. During this call, *** *** requested to cancel her account with NRG Home, however due to an error the cancelation was not processed successfully. Upon receiving this complaint, NRG Home attempted to speak with *** *** on January 20, and 24, 2017. Unfortunately, we were unable to reach her. Should she choose the return our calls, we will work to resolve her complaint. On January 24, 2017, NRG Home noticed that *** ***’s requested cancelation was not processed successfully. We reprocessed her request, and her account ended service on January 24, 2017, as determined by her local utility company, *** *** ***. We consider this matter closed Please let me know if you need additional information regarding this case Sincerely, Frank S*** NRG Northeast Retail Phone: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-#### Email: (***

To Whom it May Concern,NRG Home received *** *** ***'s complaint on February 4, The following outlines her enrollment, account status, and our resolution.Upon receiving his complaint, NRG Home researched our systems for an account matching *** ***'s name, address and contact
informationUnfortunately we were unable to find an account that matched her information in the complaintNRG Home attempted to speak with *** *** on February 4, and 11, Unfortunately we were unable to reach herShould she choose to return our calls, we will be happy to determine with her whether or not she is an active customer with NRG Home, and if she is, work to a resolution for her complaintUntil then, we consider this matter closed.Please let me know if you need any additional information regarding this complaint.- Frank S

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Address: P.O. Box 38781, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 19104


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