NRG Home Solar Reviews (131)
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NRG Home Solar Rating
Description: Solar Energy Equipment & Systems Dealers, Solar Energy System Design & Installation, Contractors - Solar Energy
Address: PO BOX 121122, Dallas, Texas, United States, 75312
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This company sucks they are thieves they lied to you just to get you on so when you call them you get no answer no one called you back I've been complaining about not saving any money on my electric billI believe this company is a liar and on top of all of this they put a lien on my house and that was one of the questions I ask him from the beginning I asked if that would be done and date absolutely told me no and now I'm trying to do a refinance and I'm having trouble because no one from that company won't even answer my calls.Believe me when I tell you you do not want this company you're plenty of companies out there that are sold panels for free and you do not have to pay one done on the contrary with this company you have to pay them so the panels plus they keep the $10,that they get from the government rebate then you're paying them an additional $20,to rent the panels all who's winning they are you're not saving any money on your electric bill
I wish I had read these reviews before moving forward with our decision to sign with NRGThis was by far the worst experience I have ever had as a homeownerI am terrified about what the next years has in store for usWe made the decision to use NRG because a friend was in the process of having an install doneI was happy to go with a verbal recommendation because we have looked into the systems before and our neighborhood was becoming inundated with Solar Company salesmen from out of state,
Our appointment was in August, with a very nice and seemingly knowledgeable salesperson.After accessing our JCPL information, we were given our proposal with a higher than expected out of pocket costThe flags did not go up because we were told once before our house was not in the ideal directionWhat should have been the indication was all the back and forth on his Ipad and cell phone with who I thought was NRG peopleI specifically asked was assured 100% that NRG would be the installersI wanted their signs, their trucks and their peopleThat's what I was paying forWe were asked to give $down and $at the installation and the last $when the system was ready to goOur salesman also told us there would be a discount if we paid in full at the installHe made several phone calls and could not get an answer as to what the discount would be...they would let us know at the install
We were then put on the phone with someone from "Sunrun" who would be handling the monthly billing for our serviceJust the billing, not to worry we were toldWe decided to move forward, paid the $and waited for the next stepWe were scheduled for the Thanksgiving weekend for the installation...great newsThen a phone call came from a different company telling us that they were doing the installation because NRG was so backed upThat was when it went from bad to worseCall after call after call to NRGNo sales reps getting back to us, no one helping us- they disappeared
The installers showed up in their vehicles and technicians which looked the furthest from professionalNot one NRG logo to be foundThe inspections were the icing on the cakeWe failed times, we had a person from the install company show up for the inspection- no ID, no idea who he was...sat in his truck waitingWhen the town inspector came, the solar person didn't have the permits...they were lostMy husband took days off of work for this disasterIn the meantime- Sunrun wants $1000.00, knows nothing about a discount, threatens to sue us, and NRG is not calling back
Now we find out this week that NRG home solar no longer exists...I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they never existedWhat a disaster, a terrible experience and I can't imagine what the next years and months are going to entail
Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: This company sent multiple representatives out to my home when we told them what our contractor foundThey took pictures and corresponded in emails that they wanted us to get quotes so they could determine how they would provide payment to correct the issueWe provided them with requested quotes and they wanted to send their people out to make repairsThis was not acceptable as we already experienced the poor workmanship they provided with the solar work that they "specialize" inSince then we have been in touch with our homeowner insurance agent in order to have someone represent us safely since the company was not responding to the Revdex.comThere have been multiple visible damages determined and other damages are expected once inner iterior work is startedThe company insists on doing everything themselves which is unacceptable at this pointThey are requesting to do work they do not normally do We expect that our insurance agent will be in touch with them to attempt further resolutionIn the meantime our house remains damaged and we are residing in the home with the possibility of mold continuing to growWe request to have our own contractors complete the work as the company has only provides poor work and excuses.
*** ***
[A default letter is provided here which
indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
Hi thank you for your help with this matter I am in contact with Nrg solars
34)">home office in Texas and am working out this case directly with them ...At this time I would like to close this case. Company stated the processfor what I have requested.Thank you for your time with this matter
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
Please review the following notes provided by the representative that met with Ms*** at her home in August when she had initially surfaced this issue:
Expectations delivered at the point of sale:
Our company (NRG Home Solar) would sell her a solar system that would meet her electrical needs and it would be financed by a 3rd party loan providerThe loan provider (***) divides the loan payments into segments; roughly 70% to be paid monthly, and 30% to be paid in full by the date of months post installationmonths from installation the homeowner will have had the opportunity to file their taxes including the form for the Solar Tax CreditThe 30% tax credit is how most homeowners choose to pay for the 30% portion of the *** loanThe tax credit can be recovered for up to years from the year of installation to reach the full 30% creditTherefore if the entire 30% credit cannot be recovered in the first year after installation they can continue to file and receive the credit on the following years taxesI am not a tax adviser and I also cannot give legal advice so I advised her to consult more than one tax consultant if her usual tax preparer was not familiar with the Solar Tax Credit form*** will send her a monthly production statement showing cumulative charges, however she is not obligated to pay the balance until year from installation*** calls this end of year bill the "True-Up" statementThis system is called "Net Metering"Other Notes:
At the time Mrs*** purchased the solar system the Monthly Electric Minimum Charge was subtracted at the "True-Up" billThere is no reason to believe this has changedShe will not be charged the Monthly Electric Minimum ChargeShe needs to wait for the "True-Up" statement to arrive in April to see itBefore the August 14th meeting she called me saying her tax preparer was not familiar with the Solar Tax CreditI advised her to seek out another tax consultant who would give her more informed information about the Solar Tax CreditShe was upset but I never heard back whether she talked to another tax preparerThe meeting on Aug 14th was made to set up the online monitoring lfor the solar systemWe did also discuss how the tax credit worked and again strongly advised her to consult a tax preparer who was familiar with how the Solar Tax Credit works
We purchased a home in Prescott Arizona and agreed to purchase the contract with NRG as a condition of the saleUpon closing escrow, I called for a representative to meet with us to go over the entire system and explain it to usThe call-taker told us they wouldn't come out and check the systemI got wise to their deceptive responses and asked: "do you have a representative in the entire state of Arizona? Answer: NOI then asked: "do you have any sales persons in Arizona or any sales orders in progress in Arizona? Answer: NOI now know that this company is one of those overnight companies to sell and installs the systems, then makes the killing and leaves the stateI'm ready to dump the system at the risk of taking them to court over any attempt to damage my excellent credit ratingMark *** ought to be ashamed to have his name associated with this scam, but then, crooks have no conscience!
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
*** ***
NRG Home Solar is in receipt of your complaint ID #*** and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you thus far.
Upon fielding this complaint, I had contacted you to discuss this matter further and as stated on the call, we are
diligently working to resolve this concern. Please understand that we are at a stand still with the township in regard to receiving necessary documentation and have been following up weekly to hopefully receive this document.
Although this is of no excuse, we would like for you to know that a call is scheduled for 7:30am, Monday, 8/15/2016, with the township inspector to again, stress the importance of this document & the need for inspections to take place as soon as possibleAs promised, I will be reaching out to you first thing Monday to discuss next steps and the outcome of this call.
We are looking forward to resolving this matter and again, we sincerely apologize for the delay in your project.
Kind Regards,
Natalie K***
Customer Care Manager
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the
business in reference to complaint ID *** and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Contractors utilize different products; therefore, it is greatly advisable to commission the *** to insure my warranty is not voided, quality workmanship and product matching. Attached is a PDF reflecting the property damage, etcTo date, I have not received the $deposit paid to *** that NRG promised to refund
*** ***
Buyer bewareNRG Home Solar has technician to service the entire state of NJ and Staten Island NYThat means IF you need service GOOD LUCKThe representatives state 7-business days once the ticket is openedIt's more like 25-days and you have to be a stone in their shoe
*** ***
NRG Home Solar is in receipt of your complaint, ID # *** and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have causedPlease know that NRG Home Solar does place what is called a UCC Fixture Filing on your home.
This is covered in section
of your lease, which states the following:Preservation of Access and Ownership RightsYou grant NRG Home Solar the right to reasonablyaccess the Property for the reasons set forth in thisLeaseYou further grant us the right to preserve ouraccess and ownership rights of the Solar SystemNRGHome Solar may file an appropriate record evidencingour ownership and interest in and to the Solar System inthe appropriate property records where the Property islocated
Please also note that if you are looking to refinance your home, or sell your home, there are releases that can be sent to the escrow company that is working with you on this request.
NRG Home Solar takes complaints such as these very seriously and we would be more than happy to have someone contact you with further explanation & information regarding this matter
Kind Regards,
Natalie K***
Customer Care Manager
Mr** ***
arial, sans-serif;">NRG Home Solar is in receipt of your complaint ID # *** and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused thus far.
Upon fielding your complaint, an analysis has been performed to verify the system productionWe are happy to report that the system installed on your home has consecutively exceeded our estimated generation and is operating in accordance with your lease, (attached)I would also like to make note of section in your lease agreement that states the following:
"Ownership of Electricity; Additional ElectricityYou will be the owner of all electricity produced by the Solar System during the Term and you will have control and title to electricity produced by the Solar System prior to the time, if any, when it is delivered to the distribution grid and transferred to the local utilityYou acknowledge and agree that if you need more electricity than the Solar System produces you will be solely responsible for purchasing such additional electricity from your utility"
We are actively looking into the claims that may or may not have been made by your salesperson and we apologize for any miscommunication or misunderstanding that may have stemmed from your initial appointment.
Our Operations & Maintenance Team has been made aware of this matter and, as stated in a call to you this morning, will be reaching out to discuss this further; no later than Friday, 10/14/16.
NRG Home Solar takes complaints of this nature very seriously and we will work to resolve as soon as possibleWe apologize for the length of time that has passed in between you reaching out and can only work to ensure this does not happen in the future to you, or any of our valued solar customers.
Kind Regards,
This company sucks they are thieves they lied to you just to get you on so when you call them you get no answer no one called you back I've been complaining about not saving any money on my electric billI believe this company is a liar and on top of all of this they put a lien on my house and that was one of the questions I ask him from the beginning I asked if that would be done and date absolutely told me no and now I'm trying to do a refinance and I'm having trouble because no one from that company won't even answer my calls.Believe me when I tell you you do not want this company you're plenty of companies out there that are sold panels for free and you do not have to pay one done on the contrary with this company you have to pay them so the panels plus they keep the $10,that they get from the government rebate then you're paying them an additional $20,to rent the panels all who's winning they are you're not saving any money on your electric bill
Continued calls as previous caller indicatesThey also do not respond to continued requests to remove our name/number from there databaseLatest 'lie" was that "someone has hacked" our phone system and pretending to be NRG solar: or really?? I've spoken to "***"- all are inept and have left multiple messages, but have no clue as to how to stop the calls they personally have madeI do NOT want any service/products this company provides- when it's obvious the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing
The matter was resolved as we had an electrician speak to the customer about the issue and also sent our technicians to the residence on 9/25/
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
They sent some one out to look at the job about three weeks ago have not heard from them again since. We never had a problem with the building inspector until they put the solar in. Putting the solar in caused the problem. I am at my wits endThis
has been going on for almost a year
*** ***
We have been in communication with the customer and sent her an updated offer in response to this rejection
They lie to you and tell you they will save you money on your electric billThen they charge you a set amount each month and only ONCE was my actual electric bill credited for the amount I gave them, let alone any SavingsSince trying to leave them I have noticed the credits to my electric company CUT IN HALFThieves plain and simple