Northwest Pain Relief Centers, LLC Reviews (4)
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Address: 910 Lenora St Ste 160, Seattle, Washington, United States, 98121-2754
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[redacted] Please See Attached Documents [redacted] To Whom it May Concern:This patient was seen for a consultation regarding their painDuring this consultationour procedures were explained to him at length and we discussed that we were an outof network provider as we are not in network with ANY major medical insurancecompanies in Alaska.We continued to explain further that even though we were an out of network provider wecould still proceed with treatment and that based on his consultation we believed that wewould be able to provide some pain reliefAt our clinic we have a variety of proceduresand interventional methods available, one of which is ultrasound guided trigger pointinjectionsThe trigger points are located based on area of painThe ultrasoundguidance and interpretation are for safety and to identify areas of treatmentWe use theultrasound to ensure that we are not injecting into any vessels or nervous tissueAgain,this is a safety concern for the patientIt was explained to the patient that treatmentprocedures that we do are not intended to solve problems overnight and that due to thechronicity of his pain, we were going to do an initial treatment plan of visits per weekfor six weeks.The treatment is one that benefits patients over timeEach treatment builds on itself andwe get more relief as we proceed by decreasing soft tissue inflammation and adhesion.The patient has had his current pain for 5+ years and it was expected that relief maytake longer than average
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Ineffective treatment done with the sole intent of running up the bill
I asked specifically if you were blue cross preferred and you dodged the answer in a way to make it sound as though you wereYou said yes we take blue crossThis of course was not the answer to my question but an affirmative answer to mislead
I have had REAL trigger point injections with REAL medicine not some lidocaine that won't have any lasting effect and all other times NO ultrasound guidance was neededYou use it to run up the bill and no moreYour reasoning it is done to miss and veins or arteries is not trueI have had many shots in my life and all of them into soft tissue or muscle all they did to get the verification you claim was pull back on the needle plunger and see if any blood comes backA simple solution to the over priced and unneeded ultra sound
Nothing but smoke and mirrors
I was deceived
Health care providers are people I should trust to do the right thing to help their patientsMy trust in your office was misguidedI was deceived
Sincerely,*** ***
To Whom It May Concern:On January 16, 2017, our patient [redacted] was recommended the use of a Serola S/I belt to assistwith her chronic low back pain. The patient was fitted, given recommendation of when and how oftento wear it as well as shown how to place and use the durable medical...
equipment on her own.On her subsequent visits, you can see my notes, highlighted in the subjective portion. On January 18th,the patient still had not actually used the S/I belt but reported that she would follow up with how it wasgoing. On her next visit on January 24th, she commented that it did feel better when she was using itduring exercise. This indicated to us, that she had not only worn the device, but it had helped with herpain levels and we encouraged her to continue use during exercise. The patient was then seen onJanuary 30th, reporting that her pain continued to be better.At this point, the patient had brought to us an EOB from her primary insurance company. She isrequesting a refund of $129.79, however as you can see on the explanation of benefits, that is only theplans allowable. The insurance company actually paid us $84.37. The attached e-mail is from our billingteam. We are issuing a refund of $84.37 directly to [redacted], her primary insurance company.Thank you for your time in this matter.Yours in Health,Dr. Tracey M[redacted], D.C.*Please view attached document.
[redacted] Please See Attached Documents [redacted]
To Whom it May Concern:This patient was seen for a consultation regarding their pain. During this consultationour procedures were explained to him at length and we discussed that we were an outof network provider as we are not in network with ANY major...
medical insurancecompanies in Alaska.We continued to explain further that even though we were an out of network provider wecould still proceed with treatment and that based on his consultation we believed that wewould be able to provide some pain relief. At our clinic we have a variety of proceduresand interventional methods available, one of which is ultrasound guided trigger pointinjections. The trigger points are located based on area of pain. The ultrasoundguidance and interpretation are for safety and to identify areas of treatment. We use theultrasound to ensure that we are not injecting into any vessels or nervous tissue. Again,this is a safety concern for the patient. It was explained to the patient that treatmentprocedures that we do are not intended to solve problems overnight and that due to thechronicity of his pain, we were going to do an initial treatment plan of 2 visits per weekfor six weeks.The treatment is one that benefits patients over time. Each treatment builds on itself andwe get more relief as we proceed by decreasing soft tissue inflammation and adhesion.The patient has had his current pain for 5+ years and it was expected that relief maytake longer than average.