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Northrup Associates, Inc.

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Northrup Associates, Inc. Reviews (144)

I apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced in dealing with this issue. We are very close to having everything corrected.  Per our phone conversation last week, we are in the process of completing the credit adjustments to your account.  I have been in...

communication with our billing department who is taking care of the credit back to you toward the amount that you paid in May.  You will only be billed through 3/6/15, the sale date of the property.  The Billing Department has already credited $59.75 in usage charges (only 1,000 gallons of water was used from 1/9-3/6) and will be crediting an additional amount of $23.31 in service charges that were billed to you through 3/28/15. 
In addition, we are canceling the $6.36 bill that was billed to you for the time period 6/24/15-6/30/15.  That account has been closed and I will continue to monitor it.
In regards to your request for email and written confirmation that [redacted] is no longer in your name and that you will incur no further charges, I will send that today.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if there's anything else I can to do assist with this matter.
Manager, Business Operations

I am in receipt of an inquiry to the Louisville, dated December 15, 2016, regarding water service at the address above.
Below is a timeline based on our records:
• 7/11/2016 - customer requested water off at the above address.
o Turn off order placed for...

• 7/14/2016 – Louisville Water representative turned water off per customer’s request, zero usage.
• 8/19/2016 - routine meter read detected 3 thousand gallons used and triggered an SFO (service found on - unauthorized - someone other than Louisville Water turned on the water).
• 10/16/2016 - routine meter read detected 55 thousand gallons used between 08/19/2016 and 10/16/2016.
• 11/28/2016 - examine for leaks order placed. Field Representative noted: Underground Leak, customer notified. Meter read 47 thousand gallons.
o Based on previous reading this was used between 10/16/2016 and 11/28/2016.
• 11/30/2016 - special inspection to check for leaks at meter scheduled for 12/1/2016.
• 12/1/2016 - special inspection performed. Field Representative noted: Underground Leak, customer notified, turned off service per customer request.
o An additional 3 thousand gallons was used between 11/28/2016 and 12/1/2016
• 12/15/2016 - order placed by Customer Service to turn meter off on 12/7/2016.
• 12/7/2016 – meter turned off.
o Zero usage between 12/1/2016 and 12/7/2016.
Mr. [redacted] has been billed correctly based on the meter readings obtained. Louisville Water turned off water service as requested on 07/14/2016. Someone other than Louisville Water Company turned the water on after we turned it off.
As a courtesy, we have adjusted his December 15, 2016 billing statement as we should have placed a turn off order on 11/28/2016 when he called since service was turned back on by someone other than us. This goodwill credit is in the amount of $405.93. We have also adjusted the late fees in the amount of $25.86. This leaves a balance due of $532.80.
Mr. [redacted] can file a report with Louisville Metro Police Department for theft of water between 07/14/2016 and 10/18/2016. If this is done we will need a copy of the police report to review for an adjustment. If Mr. [redacted] decides not to file a police report, and repairs the leak, he may submit the repair info (receipts or invoice for parts purchased) for review of any additional adjustments.

Manager – Customer Service

June 26, 2017 [redacted]
[redacted] RE: Account #: [redacted] Dear [redacted]: I am in receipt of your inquiry to the Louisville dated, June 19, 2017, regarding service starting at the address above and the level of customer service you...

received. According to our records you called on June 13, 2017 to start service on June 15, 2017. On June 15, 2017 at 1:34pm we arrived at the property to turn your service on, however due to water passing thru the meter when we attempted to turn service on we turned the service back off and left a door tag advising of this. On June 19, 2017 you contacted us and we advised the reason we did not leave the water on. Another ticket was opened to start service. This ticket was never dispatched to be worked which we are investigating as to why. On June 23, 2017 we spoke with you and created at “rush on” and service was turned on at 3:12pm. Thank you for your suggestions on ways to improve the level of service we provide. As a courtesy, I have adjusted the $30.00 service activation fee. Sincerely, [redacted] Manager, Customer Service

March 6, 2017

I am in receipt of your inquiry to the Louisville, dated February 28, 2017, regarding the property listed at the address above.
[redacted] Collections Team Lead, spoke and emailed you today, advising your account has been rebilled and the balance due is $198.47. The $30.00 service activation fee charged on 01/17/17 was waived due to the water was already on and in your name from the unauthorized usage by the tenant. Your account will be final billed once the service is turned off today, which will increase the current balance.
Below is a breakdown of cancelled/rebilled charges:
[redacted] service activation fee waived)
We need a copy of the lease and eviction paperwork for your current tenant at [redacted] should there be any unauthorized usage after today so we can bill them.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action may be able to be resolved in response to  my complaint. I would like to see a breakdown in what the remaining charges are for, itemized and dates of service. Due to the fact that the charges post adjustment seem to still be extremely high for dates of service that should not have exceeded a 6-8week timeframe after speaking with the owner of the property from 2006, monthly bills did not typically exceed $100. Thank you for your additional assistance in the matter.

May 26, 2017 [redacted]
[redacted] RE: Account #: [redacted] Dear [redacted]: I am in receipt of your follow-up inquiry to the Louisville While I understand your concern, we can only go by the usage indicated on the meter. When we perform an inspection, as we did with you, we can only advise what is going on at that moment. I would suggest you perform a dye test to check for an intermittent toilet leak as this can waste thousands of gallons of water a month. To perform the dye test • Put a dozen drops of food coloring in your toilet tank. • Do not flush the toilet. • If after 6 hours color appears in the bowl you’ve got a leak. As meters age they typically under report usage, however if you would like we can test your meter and you can be present during the test. If the meter passes you will be charged a non-refundable $35.00 meter test fee. If you would like to have your meter tested please contact customer service at 583-6610. Sincerely, [redacted] Manager, Customer Service

I apologize for your experience with the Louisville Water Company’s customer service. We implemented a new customer care and billing system in late March and recently encountered a billing error within your billing cycle in which bills were estimated when we had...

obtained regular readings. While we are adjusting to the changes and processing times are longer, it is not an excuse for our team members to be unprofessional and unwilling to help our customers. We will make it priority to review whom you interacted with and ensure we provide a teachable moment on our customer service expectations. 
I have sent your account to our billing department to make the correction on your bill.  They will send out a corrected bill within the next 5-7 days.  Please don't hesitate to contact me at [redacted] or [redacted] if I can be of further assistance.
Manager, Business Operations

[redacted]I am in receipt of your inquiry to the Louisville dated October 1, 2015. I have reviewed your billing statements over the last six months and find your bills to be fairly consistent from billing period to billing period. I do not find in this time period...

where you had an abnormally high bill. To summarize and visualize, I have attached a table to show your billing and payment history going back to April 28, 2015.As you have asked us to research this matter, we have made some errors in handling your inquiry in a timely and accurately manner. I apologize for the delay in a supervisor returning your calls and in our error in your [redacted]l complaint by responding with another customer’s response. For your inconvenience, I will be waiving your late charge of $5.14 along with the water service charges for your June and August bills which totals $40.51. So you will see a total credit of $45.65 on your next bill. Again, I apologize for any delays in service and communication errors we have made. If I can be of further assistance, my contact information is provided below.  Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Service and Business Operations[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[redacted]i have an email stating that it was in fact the water company’s leak with my district councilmen copies. This same person is the one that even had my account investigated and credited. So I am not sure why you think that the leak was on my side when it was not. I have copies of this email if need be. 

August 19, 2016
RE: Account #: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
I am in receipt of your inquiry to the Louisville dated, August 15, 2016 regarding the meter number listed...

on your billing statement not matching the meter for your address.
Your water service was signed up using an incorrect address which caused us to bill for a meter that was not associated with your address. Listed below shows the readings and consumption on the meter you were originally billed, versus the meter you should have been billed for.

Was Billed - Mtr # [redacted] Previous Read Date Current Read Date Reading Usage in 1,000 gallons 5/8/2015 5/22/2015 22 0 5/22/2015 7/27/2015 23 1 7/27/2015 9/26/2015 24 1 9/26/2015 11/20/2015 25 1 11/20/2015 1/26/2016 26 1 1/26/2016 3/28/2016 28 2 TOTAL     6 Should've Been Billed - Mtr# [redacted] Previous Read Date Current Read Date Reading Usage in 1,000 gallons 5/8/2015 5/22/2015 1229 0 5/22/2015 7/27/2015 1230 1 7/27/2015 9/26/2015 1230 0 9/26/2015 11/20/2015 1231 1 11/20/2015 1/26/2016 1231 0 1/26/2016 3/28/2016 1232 1 TOTAL     3

As you can see from May 8, 2015 – March 28, 2016 you were billed for 6,000 gallons when you only actually used 3,000 gallons. Since you were overcharged by 3,000 gallons during this timeframe we adjusted this usage and issued a credit to your account on June 27, 2016 in the amount of $24.04.

We have only received 3 payments on the account since May 2015. As of today, the balance due is $743.75. This includes a past due amount of $646.98. Any past due balance is subject to disconnection of service.
[redacted] Manager – Customer Service
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

October 26, 2017 [redacted]
[redacted] Louisville, KY 40291 RE: Account # [redacted]
Dear [redacted]: I am in receipt of your inquiry to the Louisville dated 10-19-17, regarding the bill and service at [redacted] On...

10-26-17 at approximately 4:00pm you spoke with [redacted] regarding this issue and given an explanation for the letters and the adjustments.  Your account will bill again in early December, when you receive the new bill with the adjusted amounts and you have any further questions please contact [redacted] ext [redacted].  If you need anything further at this time please advise.  Sincerely, [redacted] Director – Customer Service

Tell us why here... November 20, 2017 [redacted]
[redacted] RE: Account # [redacted] Dear [redacted]: I am in receipt of your inquiry to the Louisville dated 11-16-17, regarding the bill and service for [redacted]....

After detailed review of your account below are the findings: ·        There is no record of a cancelation request for [redacted] on 4-17-17.·        On 6-29-17 you called in and spoke with [redacted].  Louisville Water Company records all phone calls an upon reviewing the recording you did call in to request service at [redacted] and simply stated you moved out of [redacted] Road.  You never stated that you called in to request service ever be turned off at [redacted]. Therefore Mr. [redacted] transferred your service from [redacted] to [redacted] which is standard policy.·        I did review the [redacted] account and it does appear there was no water usage at this location so the money transferred was simply service fees.  Therefore, I have removed these service fees and any associated late fees.·        The current balance for [redacted] is $147.64 due on 12-11-17.  As previously stated any amount associate with [redacted] has been removed.·        In the future when you move please contact Louisville Water Company with a move date so we can officially close out your account for the old address to ensure situations such as this do not happen again.    If you need anything further at this time please advise.  Sincerely,
[redacted] Director – Customer Service

January 6, 2017
[redacted] [redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
I am in receipt of your inquiry to the Louisville, dated December 29, 2016, regarding the level of customer service you received when we spoke...

with you on December 27, 2016.
[redacted], Customer Service Supervisor, spoke with you earlier today regarding your complaint. Our goal is to provide quality water and service to all of our customers and we failed to execute the level of service when we spoke with you on December 27, 2016.
As a courtesy, I have adjusted the $30.00 service activation fee. You are a valued customer and we appreciate your business.

[redacted] Manager – Customer Service

Dear Mr. [redacted],This morning I sent the following email in response to your email to me regarding the missing payment.  I believe this resolves the issue.  Please don't hesitate to contact me again [redacted] if I can provide further assistance.  Thanks again for your patience in dealing with this issue.Hi Mr. [redacted],Thanks for sending the screenshots; we were able to use them tolocate the missing payment.  The payment had your old account number on itand went to our unapplied payment account.  We have transferred thepayment to your account and credited the late charges that were charged inerror.  At your convenience will you please update your online bankingprofile to the account number [redacted]?  Sorry for the inconvenience andlet me know if I can assist further.  Thanks!Sincerely,[redacted]Manager, Business Operations

August 11, 2017 [redacted] RE: Account # [redacted] Dear [redacted]: I am in receipt of your inquiry to the Louisville dated August 7, 2017, regarding the bill and service at [redacted] Lane. Upon review...

of the account the following actions have taken place: ·        The water at [redacted] Lane was turned off on 8-8-17 per your request ·        The bill has been review and adjusted.  The new bill amount is $189.83. ·        The billing address for [redacted] Lane was changed to [redacted] Drive per your request   Sincerely, [redacted] Director – Customer Service

August 12, 2016 [redacted] RE: Account #: [redacted] Dear [redacted]: I am in receipt of your inquiry to the Louisville dated August 9, 2016 regarding starting service at the address listed above. [redacted],...

Collections Supervisor, spoke with you on August 10, 2016 and water service has been started in your name and will be turned on by 11:59pm today. Sincerely, [redacted] Manager, Customer Service

Dear [redacted]:
I am in receipt of your inquiry to the Louisville dated February 2, 2016 regarding a leak on the meter tail piece. ...

A company leak adjustment was posted to your account in the amount of $260.37. We have also adjusted the January 2016 late fee in the amount of $13.81. Our claims department issued a check for the plumbing invoice on January 28, 2016 in the amount of $645.00.

[redacted] Manager – Customer Service

Dear Ms. [redacted]
I apologize for the difficulties experienced in dealing with our payment system.  Our records show that the payment that was returned due to "unable to locate account" was made through our free electronic check option online.  This payment was returned by our bank due to...

the account number being entered incorrectly.  There is a validation of the routing number in this process, but unfortunately the system is not able to validate whether the account number is entered correctly.  The second payment made via phone with the $2.50 convenience charge was successful.
I have removed the $30 returned item fee as a courtesy for the time and inconvenience experienced in dealing with this situation.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about our payment options or any other matter. 
Manager, Business Operations

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