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North Florida Timber Management

PO Box 1194, Wewahitchka, Florida, United States, 32465-1194

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Reviews Timber Companies North Florida Timber Management

North Florida Timber Management Reviews (%countItem)

Signed contract to harvest timber, completed by 12/30/2018. Have not received payment for timber from my land. Minimum guaranteed payment $10,000
This is the contract Chance *** and I signed in July 2018. Work was completed by 12.30.2018.

THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this _6th_ day of __July__ 2018 between _Mary *** hereinafter referred to as the "Seller" and North Florida Timber Management, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer". Buyer acting on behalf of North Florida Timber Management LLC is Chance ***.
For and in consideration of the mutual covenants of the parties hereto the Seller agrees to sell, and the Buyer agrees to buy timber located on the properties described as _ 18-2N-XX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX _Buyer shall cut and remove the following described timber and pay for it in the following manner:
$25.00 per ton / Grade logs $17.00 per ton / chipping saw logs $11.00 per ton / pulpwood/ tops
Clear cut
At least $10,000 worth of timber to be harvested.
When harvested, the timber shall be weighed on the truck scales located at the mills where the timber is delivered. Said weights shall be conclusive as to the weights of the timber sold here under.
When timber harvesting begins, all tickets generated will be turned in for processing on a weekly basis, beginning first Monday after harvesting begins.
Neither of the Seller nor its' agent make any guarantee as to the quality or quantity of the timber conveyed.
All timber conveyed shall be cut and removed from the sale area as quickly as weather permits, but prior to __12/30/2018_ at which time title to any remaining timber shall revert to the Seller.
Seller guarantees title to the timber conveyed herein and agrees to defend said title, and Buyer's right to cut and remove it, against any and all claims of ownership, for taxes, mortgages, or other encumbrances of all persons whether lawful or unlawful.
Seller grants the Buyer right of ingress and egress across and upon the sale area and other lands of Seller adjoined to the sale area as may be necessary for the purpose of harvesting and removing the timber. Buyer reserves the right to assign this contract.
The Buyer further agrees as follows:
1. To hold Seller harmless for any and all damages to the Buyer's equipment, or injuries to the Buyer, its agents or workmen, or claims of third parties resulting from the Buyer's negligent acts while operating here under.
2. To protect Seller's fences, gates, roads, survey corners and any other improvements from damages by the Buyer's operations here under.
3. To cut trees as low as possible in order to leave lowest possible stump.
4. Dumping spent motor oil or other petroleum products is prohibited.
5. Trash generated during logging such as oil cans, broken cable, old tires, lunch wrappers, etc. will be removed from the tract as it is generated.
This agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida and should either party be required to obtain the services of an attorney to enforce its rights hereunder it may be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney's fee in addition to the other relief obtained.

Please direct all correspondence to our office at:
North Florida Timber Management
Chance ***
PO Box ***
Wewahitchka FL XXXXX

To date, I have not received payment for the trees harvested from my land. This is fraud. Over $10,000 worth of timber has now been stolen from my land.

Desired Outcome

Payment. I am seeking payment for contracted work (tree harvesting) to my land. Chance *** of North Florida owes me minimum of $10,000. On February 7, 2019 he sent a text message picture of an $11,000 check that he said he mailed to me. I contacted and told him I have not received and he confirmed he would mail again. I have numerous emails and text messages from Chance and his Office Manager Ashley confirming payment to be made as work has been completed. I have a picture of the signed #1024 check he said he mailed to me.

North Florida Timber Management Response • Mar 22, 2019

She has been paid for the timber but now wants to be paid interest.

Customer Response • Mar 28, 2019

I was under the impression that I had a timeline of April 1 to respond to Mr. statement. I see the case has been closed without the information that was forwarded to you yesterday. I contacted the mills and they told me all monies were processed weekly. He was paid for the bulk of the wood in August, 2018. He kept my money for six months and only paid me when I informed him I was contacting the He has not paid me the sum we both agreed to for his delinquency of six months. I have been advised to take this case to civil court and I will be pursuing that course. Please attach this information to this case.

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Address: PO Box 1194, Wewahitchka, Florida, United States, 32465-1194


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