This company advertises to help rebuild and reestablish poor or bad credit buy offering you a in house car loan with 25% interest and claims to report to the credit agencies that you are making timely payments. They do not report and they have your car wired to shut it off if you are 24 hours late on a payment. They do not give you the 5 day grace period. I wasn't even late and they turned my car off in the middle of winter
This company advertises to help rebuild and reestablish poor or bad credit buy offering you a in house car loan with 25% interest and claims to report to the credit agencies that you are making timely payments. They do not report and they have your car wired to shut it off if you are 24 hours late on a payment. They do not give you the 5 day grace period. I wasn't even late and they turned my car off in the middle of winter