Should you ever be a claimant and North American Risk Services is involvedGood Luckit had been three weeks since Maurice W [redacted] and adjustor was notified of our claimThe repair shop and myself are awaiting to hear backHe does not, I repeat, does not communicate with claimants at allI have not consulted my attorneyI will also be consulting the Insurance relation office in Tallahassee to file a complaintWhy in the world with out the negative comments about this company does have them listed as an A+ company???
Should you ever be a claimant and North American Risk Services is involvedGood Luckit had been three weeks since Maurice W [redacted] and adjustor was notified of our claimThe repair shop and myself are awaiting to hear backHe does not, I repeat, does not communicate with claimants at allI have not consulted my attorneyI will also be consulting the Insurance relation office in Tallahassee to file a complaintWhy in the world with out the negative comments about this company does have them listed as an A+ company???