N.L.O.L.C. Reviews (8)
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
DO NOT HIRE ROB NORRBY. I have dealt with contractors for over 20 years and Rob Norrby is certainly one of the most dishonest and unreliable individuals that I have ever worked with. I hired Rob in the summer of 2017 to work on my porch and backyard. Here is a summary of my experience:
•Dishonest – Rob is a compulsive liar. I hired him to install an Andersen french door. He demanded full payment upfront and claimed to have placed the order immediately after the check had cleared. Every week I would ask Rob about the status of the door in which he would reply “it is coming soon.” The truth is Rob never ordered my door and now dodging my calls for him to return the money.
•Unreliable – Rob has no respect for your time. He does not show up on time to perform work. However, he shows up well in advanced when he wants to collect money. I hired Rob to remove a window and frame and brick the opening. After months of asking for it to be worked on Rob and I agreed on a date which I took off from work to oversee. Rob sent his workers with no tools and materials. After becoming suspicious I confronted Rob and ask him about the window. He made a bunch of excuses and finally agreed to do the work as I had already taken the day off. Rob instructed 2 workers to remove the windows and told another to leave then drove off. 10 minutes later Rob called his workers and told them to stop work immediately. Now my house is freezing cold because Rob removed the windows.
•Fraudulent – on several occasions I found Rob overcharging, installing cheaper materials than agreed to, billing more than what was agreed and misdiagnosing to get unnecessary work.
I am in the process of filing a claim against Rob to recover the money for the door and many unfinished/unsatisfactory projects such as leaking roof, garbage left on the property, and unsecured railings. I have asked Rob to reply to this post if I have misrepresented any aspect about his work and professionalism.
Review: I hired NLOLC LLC in September of 2012 to install pavement stones in my backyard patio and around the pool area. [redacted], [redacted] of NLOLC promised to complete the work within the three month time frame. It is still not complete 13 months later. While doing the work he made suggestions that additional work also be done - i.e. he recommended that we plant bushes/small evergreen trees around the perimeter of the property and install a fence around the backyard. Later, he also suggested that we pave the driveway and front walk to the house and install 18 metal post filled with cement around the side yard for added security against traffic hazards. To this day he has been paid in full for all work listed above yet most of it is yet to be completed. He doesn't show up to work for days and sometimes weeks and fails to respond to my attempts to contact him. He is clearly avoiding me and is showing complete lack of professionalism. He doesn't show up to our scheduled meeting and does thing without prior consultation with me which ends up being done wrong, or not according to our agreement.Desired Settlement: I would like [redacted] to complete the work he has started and has been paid for, specifically -
1. replace the chipped and cracked pavement stones that I have repeatedly asked him to do.
2.Fill up gaps between pavers with sand and seal the paved area as per requirement and his promise.
3.Replace bushes that did not acclimate - he planted them last December and when I questioned him on this he said if they did acclimate and turn green by August this year he would replace them.
4. He has replaced some of the bushes but he dug out more of the dry ones than he replaced them with new ones. The space between the previously planted bushes was about 2.5 feet. The new ones that he just planted are spaced at almost 4 feet.
5. He has to address the privacy issue with the fence around the pool. he recently re-did the gate and I told him that it doesn't solve the privacy in the pool area that he assured me last December would be very private. It looks even worse after he re-did it without prior consultation with me.
6. He need to complete the metal posts - it's been over 6 months since he received full payment.
At this time, I have been contacted directly by N.L.O.L.C. LLC regarding complaint ID [redacted], however my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Thank you very much. Please close the complaint as RESOLVED as per the business's promise to complete all outstanding work in prompt manner upon resolving the complaint.
Thank you,
At this time, I have been contacted directly by N.L.O.L.C. LLC regarding complaint ID [redacted], however my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
The business contacted me on January [redacted], 2014 and told me that once the weather warms up a little [redacted], [redacted], would come and go over everything with me. I cannot say the issue is resolved since I am very cynical about this business now and only full completion of the outstanding work will resolve the issues. I anticipate to meet with the business sometime in March and hope we can move forward.
In order for the Revdex.com to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Review: [redacted] of NLOLC LLC took a $500 retainer from my wife on June **, 2013 for the installation of a wooden fence. The check was cashed on June [redacted], 2013. He never performed the service after repeated calls he said he would complete the work but never did. I requested a refund and [redacted] has refused to return the $500 retainer. This gentleman and his company is unreliable and untrustworthy.Desired Settlement: We would like an immediate refund of the $500 retainer taken from us in June for the fence that was never installed.
I spoke with [redacted] on Monday 1-** we made arrangements to do the installation on march * depending on the weather. We also discussed that I will call her a few days before march * to confirm our appointment
Review: In February of 2013 the business offered to do work in addition to the work agreed on in the contract and charged me an additional $4980 to perform the work. At the time, the business owner told me the work would take three days to complete and now, almost 10 months later, the work is still only half-way done and the business has not been sending its workers to complete the job for months. There are also bits and pieces of other jobs that the business was working on my property that were never completed. My multiple pleads and requests are being ignored by the business and I have never done business with such an unprofessional business owner who promises the world, gets the contract and the money and then has to be chased for months to get the work done.Desired Settlement: I would like to the business come and complete the job and do it in a timely manner.
I spoke with [redacted] 10 days ago. We are meeting when the weather is better to walk around. We are going to measure all pavement areas to confirm the square footage. We are going to settle all open invoices and review all work to make sure [redacted] and us are both happy. I was also told weeks earlier that this complaint was removed? N.L.O.L.C.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
Although the business has promised me to come and walk through everything I cannot say that the issues have been resolved until everything is settled. The business had also promised me to come and walk through everything back in November and December but it never happened, so I am very cynical at this point and will only click on the "Resolved" button once it's all settled.
In order for the Revdex.com to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Review: NLOLC did landscape work in my rear yard that included installing an underground drain line that discharged near my houses side door and flooded my basement during a heavy rain. [redacted] conceded that this was a problem and agreed to correct the work by relocating the drain line. He never came back to do this work.
In addition, NLOLC installed numerous shrubs - some died immediately and [redacted] agreed to replace them. This was never done and we had to retain someone else to replace the shrubs.Desired Settlement: I would like [redacted] to correct the work as promised. I had to install a temporary external drain line to protect my house prior to Hurricane Sandy and it is still in place.
The dead shrubs should be replaced as warranted.
I spoke with [redacted] on Monday January [redacted] and we will be correcting any issues on or about march *. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.. Also told [redacted] I will call her a few days before to confirm
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
When [redacted] spoke to my wife on 1/** he was addressing a different complaint filed by us relating to a fence installation where he took a $500 retainer but never returned to do the work. [redacted] never discussed or agreed to correct the items noted in this complaint which includes relocating storm drainage line installed by him that causes flooding of our basement, replacement of shrubs that died immediately after installation and repair/replacement of certain Belgian Blocks.
We have spoken and are on the same page with how we are proceeding
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Now it is up to [redacted] to do what he says he will do. If he does not, I will file another complaint.
Review: I hired N.L.O.L.C LLC to work on my landscaping, swimming pool repair, and driveway a few months ago and paid a deposit upon agreement. At the time of agreement, [redacted], the ownwer of the company told me the entire job would take about 10 days to complete and was the one who persuaded me to go with paver stones in the driveway instead of the cheaper, concrete driveway that I wanted to do. Now, almost 3 months later the driveway is nowhere near complete and the landscape is one big mess. Every time I call [redacted] he doesn't pick up on me and only sends me text messages with promises to work on my property "tomorrow". He has been coming up with a whole bunch of excuses and promises but I am yet to see any results. Through my experience of dealing with him I have found him to be untrustworthy and wish I had done a thorough research prior to hiring him.Desired Settlement: I would like an entity such as Revdex.com to apply pressure on N.L.O.L.C to complete the job that has been mostly paid for and to complete it in timely manner as has been promised.
I was contacted by the business earlier today and owner of the business has promised me to address all issues promptly without further delays. At this point will take his word for it and would like to withdraw the complaint.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Review: On September **, 2012 my husband and I signed a contract with NLOLC to do work on our patio in the backyard and our swimming pool. The contract was for $28,000 to be paid in four installments of $7,000. The first installment was paid upon signing the contract,the second upon paving the patio was done and the third was supposed to be paid after the swimming pool equipment was set. We paid [redacted], [redacted] of NLOLC, the third installment when he asked us for it and since then, already 9 months later, no work on the pool has been done at all. He does not answer the phone when I or my husband call him and has been dragging this project for much longer than it should have taken him.In addition to this, the pool equipment was never set or installed as the contract stipulates, yet we paid him the third installment and now, after having been let down by [redacted] for so long and after having given him many chances I no longer have the confidence in him and want him to pay me the money that he owes me for the work he hasn't done so I can hire someone who will complete this project in less than 4 weeks. He also overcharged us on the amount of square footage for the paving of the patio that he needs to adjust and pay us back.At this point I feel that I can n o longer trust him and feel uncomfortable him continuing with the job that should have been completed by last November/December.Desired Settlement: I want to terminate my contract with [redacted] (NLOLC) because he has lost my confidence and I am not prepared to wait indefinitely while he keeps working on projects that he took on after signing the contract with us. We have so far paid him $21,000 and the work completed is for $13950. I would thereore need him to refund $7,050 plus another $2172 for the 240 square feet of paving that he over calculated. The total amount to be refunded is $9,222.
In response to complaint #[redacted] Yes we came to an agreement on September **, 2012. . We were hired to remove 106 sq' of concrete patio and wood decking. Install a top mount extrusion , Install 116 linear feet of bullnosed pool copping and install 1,200 sq' of paving stones. We were also going to purchase a pool filter, salt generator, a pool heater, pool step and a 1.5hp pool pump. We also were arranging for the installation of a pool liner on a vermiculite base. The first payment was due on the signing of the agreement which was paid. The second payment was due after the patio was installed which was paid. The third payment was due when the equipment was set in back yard. This payment was also paid. What [redacted] fails to mention is that the pool heater was stolen and at a later date the pool pump was stolen. The filter and generator were removed from the house. The house was under construction and sat empty till about one month ago. Since than a new heater was purchased at our expense. The pool pump was also replaced. [redacted] wanted to upgrade his pool pumpto a variable speed pump which cost an additional $500.00. The pool liner can not be installed until their is electric lines and gas lines are connected. Their gas line was changed by a licensed plumber who [redacted] hired. An electrician came to the house and said the old electric lines are outdated and that new lines must be ran. [redacted] has a family friend who is trying to rig up the electric using old pool lines and a new line. [redacted] and [redacted] have been told this is extremely dangerous but also illegal. We will not have anyone go near this pool without a licensed electrician doing the electrical work. As far as the patio being 240 sq' short. I will make an appointment with [redacted] to measure the patio with him present. Our calculations show our measurements to be correct.
In closing all work from invoices 220 and 221 comes to a total of $28,000.00 Plus $500.00 to upgrade total cost is $28,500.00
The liner and the base cost $6,600.00
We were paid $21,000.00. The final payment of $7,000.00 will be due when the liner is installed.
The $500.00 is due now
I am attaching pictures of the existing electric wires
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. I will have an electrician come and re wire the lines so they meet the local codes.