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Next Level Health Cooperative

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Reviews Next Level Health Cooperative

Next Level Health Cooperative Reviews (4)

I participated in days of the Next Level Health weight loss I did follow the program and loose the weight....However, when I paid over $for this program, I was promised personal attention to my program, a program with assistance to ease back into eating, and a maintenance program I asked these specific questions before signing up and giving them a lot of money After the days, I was given yet another bill asking for over $again, to continue with the program I was promised a lot of service, and received nothing other than a weigh in, and a book At times I was told to refer to the book This program cuts your calories to a day, and they give you "supplements & drops" I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS PROGRAM TO ANYONE! It was a HUGE DISSAPPOINTMENT They promised a lot, and gave back nothing other than pills, drops, and look at the book

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2014/03/10) */
Contact Name and Title: *** ** Nicolosi
Contact Phone: XXXXXXXXXX
Contact Email: ***
In regards to the complaint filed against my client, my client's response is as follows:
First and foremost, complainant
voluntarily executed a legally binding, written agreement that provided that all sales were final and that no refunds would be providedThe only exception to this provision is as stated under my client's written pound weight-loss guarantee contained in the agreement signed by complainantComplainant initialed the agreement three separate times including those parts that stated that she fully understood and read the agreement (which was also signed it in front of a staff witness)
Once a prospective client commits to participating in my client's program, they are provided with proprietary materials, products and services from my clientThe confidential and proprietary nature of the written materials, products and services are of the utmost importance and value to my clientThe overall program has been developed with great expense, time and effortIn addition, my client incurs significant costs it pays in advance for the products and certain procedures part of the overall program, which are included as part of the total program costMy client is unwilling to take the enormous risk that a prospective client may simply sifor the program for non-legitimate reasons and then demand a refund
According to my client, complainant stated she began losing weight upon starting the program as instructedBut, within two weeks, she stated to my client's staff on multiple occasions that she "cheated"Complainant then admitted that she had noticed she stopped losing weight only after "cheating." She then began to threaten my client with damage to its business reputation if a full refund was not made to her immediately
My client had made every good faith effort to attempt to remedy complainant 's concerns initiallyHowever, complainant never communicated any legitimate reasons to my client as to why she felt the program was not meeting her expectations or why my client did not meet its express guaranteeShe merely proclaimed that "she didn't lose weight" and wanted a full refund a mere two weeks into a forty-day programThe program is a forty day program with plenty of time to remedy challenges she may have met along the way within the first two weeks to ensure she lost the minimum twenty poundsMy client had fulfilled its duties under the agreement with complainant as contractually promised and stood ready and able to continue to do soOnce complainant abruptly demanded a refund without any legitimate explanation, she effectively refused to be further served by my client
Complainant 's alleged lack of understanding of my client's program should have been clearly communicated to my client before she had committed to the program and paid to participate in the program in advanceBy her own admission, she was shown a detailed thirty minute video regarding the nature and details of the program, which all clients are required to review prior to beginning the programIn addition, also by complainant's own admission, she was directly provided with additional information about the nature, goals, obligations and cost of my client's program in person during the voluntary thirty minute "Review of the System," the subsequent class and individual doctor consultation
My client takes great measures to ensure that the program details and costs are clearly communicated to each prospective clientIt is for this reason it conducts an introductory class and personal doctors consultation to clearly explain the program details and benefits and to provide an opportunity to answer any further questions any prospective client may haveAgain, these measures are done before any prospective client is permitted to sign up for the programQuite frankly, my client is puzzled as to why complainant would be willing to pay for the program (or any similar program) when she alleges she did not have a clear understanding of the program detailsIn short, my client rejects any assertion that the details of the program were never communicated clearly to complainant
As stated, the agreement complainant signed does provide for a guarantee of pounds of weight lossHowever, that guarantee is conditioned upon whether the client keeps all appointments, enters the appropriate entries in her "Fat Loss Journal" and otherwise follows the program steps in full and can demonstrate thatBy her own admission to my client, complainant stopped performing the program steps as instructed and failed to keep entries in her journalAgain, the program guarantee is expressly conditioned upon each client's strict adherence to the program requirements and demonstration to my client that no deviation from those requirements occurred
Unfortunately, the mere assertion by complainant that she did not lose any weight without any further explanation is simply insufficient to justify any refundShe has failed to provide evidence to my client that would demonstrate that my client's program did not meet its stated pound guarantee
In addition, my client is not receptive to harassment or immediate threats of damage to its business reputation if it does not provide a full refund upon a mere demandMy client sincerely hopes it is also the position of the that such conduct should not be tolerated by any businessMy client feels that is was in fact harassed and threatened by complainant in the form of constant calls made to my client's business after initially being told that my client was unwilling to provide a refund at this time for the reasons set forth in this responseAs the would undoubtedly agree, any type of threat, harassment or badgering should never be used as a tool to attempt to coerce any business into taking action it feels is not warranted
In summary, complainant has been unable or unwilling to demonstrate to my client that she followed all program requirements as directed and without deviation and was still unable to lose at least twenty pounds despite my client's written guarantee
I trust my client's response will serve to terminate this matter, as far as the is concernedOf course, if any additional information is necessary, please do not hesitate to contact my office

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2014/09/06) */
Contact Name and Title: *** *** Attorney
Contact Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact Email: ***
In regards to the subject complaint filed against Next Level Health Cooperative, my client's response is as
The complainant voluntarily executed a legally binding, written agreement that provided that all sales were final and that no refunds would be providedThe only exception to this provision is as stated under my client's written pound weight-loss guarantee contained in the agreement signed by complainantComplainant initialed the agreement in multiple spots, acknowledging that she fully understood and read the agreement
The complainant was provided with proprietary materials, products and services from my clientThe confidential and proprietary nature of the written materials, products and services are of the utmost importance and value to my clientThe overall program has been developed with great expense, time and effortIn addition, my client incurs significant costs it pays in advance for the products and certain procedures part of the overall program, which are included as part of the total program costIn light of these facts, my client is unwilling to offer any refunds
My client had made every good faith effort to attempt to remedy complainant's concerns initiallyHowever, complainant never communicated any legitimate reasons to my client as to why my client did not meet its express guarantee or obligations under the contract she signedThe complainant has merely stated that she was dissatisfied with the information she received under the program relating to which foods "store fat" and which foods "burn fat"She has also asserted that she felt that the program was not customized, despite being led to believe this in my client's advertisingComplainant's lack of understanding about certain information associated with my client's program should have been clearly communicated to my client before she had committed to the program and paid to participate in the program in advanceThe complainant was shown a detailed thirty minute video regarding the nature and details of the program, which all clients are required to review prior to beginning the programIn addition, she was directly provided with additional information about the nature, goals, obligations and cost of my client's program in person during the voluntary thirty minute "Review of the System," the subsequent class and individual doctor consultationClearly, complainant was provided with an ample opportunity to educate herself about the details of the program and ask any questions she may have had prior to providing payment to my client
My client takes great measures to ensure that the program details and costs are clearly communicated to each prospective clientIt is for this reason it conducts an introductory class and personal consultation to clearly explain the program details and benefits and to provide an opportunity to answer any further questions any prospective clients may haveAgain, these measures are done before any prospective client is permitted to sign up for the programMy client is uncertain as to why complainant would be willing to pay for the program (or any similar program) when she alleges she did not have a clear understanding of the program details or that they did not meet her expectation in certain respects before making payment in fullMy client rejects any assertion that the details of the program were never communicated clearly to complainant before she signand made payment to my client
Unfortunately, the mere assertion by complainant that she is unsatisfied with the information she has received from my client without any further explanation is simply insufficient to justify any refundThe complainant has not provided any evidence that would indicate that my client's program did not meet its stated weight-loss guaranteeAgain, my client is only willing to provide a refund to any client upon a failure by my client to fulfill the express weight-loss guarantee
My client is also unwilling to provide a refund since valuable technical services have already been rendered to the complainant, at considerable expense to my clientSpecifically, the BCA body composition analysis was already conducted on the complainant including the entire body functional scan using my client's proprietary Whole Body Bio-Functional NRF Technology and ScanMy client incurs significant expenses in connection with providing this portion of its services to its clients
Furthermore, despite complainant's assertions, each client actually receives a customized and personalized supplement solution formulaThe food plan is similar for all clients, but the food plan in the diet is not what drives the weight-lossRather, it is the technology and my client's resources and customized supplement solutions that trigger weight-loss by its clientsEach supplement formula is personalized and created specifically for each individual client, which takes into account each client's individual body biochemistry based upon the whole-body functional scan my client performs using its Whole Body Bio-Functional NRF Technology and ScanMy client can demonstrate that all details were made aware to the complainant as my client takes great measures to ensure that each client initials and signs the contract complainant executed in multiple locations before services are renderedOf course, this is partially done in an effort to avoid frivolous complaints meant only to attempt to wrongfully obtain a refund based on illegitimate reasons, such as those the complainant as asserted in her complaint
In short, my client had clearly fulfilled its duties under the agreement with complainant as contractually promised and has stood ready and able to continue to do soOnce complainant abruptly demanded a refund without any legitimate basis under the contract she signed, she effectively refused to be further served by my clientComplainant has been unable or unwilling to demonstrate that she followed all program requirements as directed and without deviation and was still unable to lose at least twenty pounds, despite my client's written guaranteeAccordingly, my client is unwilling to provide a refund to the complainant in any amount
Additionally, my client is not receptive to anyone attempting to use the as a tool to effectively damage its business reputation upon the mere demand that a full refund be madeMy client sincerely hopes it is also the position of the that such tactics should not be tolerated by any business
I trust our response will serve to terminate this matter, as far as the is concernedOf course, if any additional information is necessary, please do not hesitate to contact my office directly

I participated in 45 days of the Next Level Health weight loss. I did follow the program and loose the weight....However, when I paid over $1000 for this program, I was promised personal attention to my program, a program with assistance to ease back into normal eating, and a maintenance program. I asked these specific questions before signing up and giving them a lot of money.
After the 45 days, I was given yet another bill asking for over $1000 again, to continue with the program I was promised a lot of service, and received nothing other than a weigh in, and a book. At times I was told to refer to the book. This program cuts your calories to 500 a day, and they give you "supplements & drops". I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS PROGRAM TO ANYONE! It was a HUGE DISSAPPOINTMENT. They promised a lot, and gave back nothing other than pills, drops, and look at the book.

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Address: 2835 McFarland Rd STE D, Rockford, Illinois, United States, 61107-6819


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