Nexon Co. Ltd Reviews (3)
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Nexon Co. Ltd Rating
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Nexon is the worst online game publisher and developer that I currently know of. I wasted so much time, money, and effort into their most popular game, MapleStory. I have played several other online games, and I swear to god I have had better experiences with other online games rather than this one.
They have not taken care of a plethora of hackers other than commercial gold sellers from China or the people who advertise these sites, and they have protected or gave them lenient bans to funded players known to hack their online game based on the fact they have spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars in cash shop items. Nexon is a predatory game company that promotes their games but tricks people into buying microtransactions with unsubstantiated and sketchy claims so a game addict falls into their trap, and both Nexon and the hackers in it makes a living off of a virtual game economy dominated by hackers and people who sell gold.
Trust me on this one because I reported people myself before. For example, I have attempted to report a hacker myself before, it was a girl who has been harassing numerous players and guilds, and they took at least six months to ban this person. She was banned on around October 8, 2015, and when they banned her, they only gave her 14 days even though she was causing trouble for a year. Plus, their in-game report buttons do not seem reliable, their live chat support may or may not work, the MapleStory game masters are not present in the game and take too long to respond to player's complaints, and the quality of their ticketing system or moderator contact is poor.
I would not recommend MapleStory to even my worst enemy. I would maybe recommend Mabinogi, but overall, Nexon has failed their job as a business.
Nexon Co., Ltd. is an irresponsible game company who markets their best-selling cash shop items from their best-selling games through unsubstantiated claims, and the developers have a reputation of constantly altering their games in an effort to defraud even their loyal customers. They also have a reputation for not taking care of their customer complaints according to the general public who play MapleStory, the most broken and pay-to-win game I have ever played in my whole life. I played several other games and I could enjoy most of them without relying too much on game cash.
I have reported one player as well as their friends, most of them people who hack and sell gold or equips in exchange of real world money, because not only I was bullied by such group of people, but also they have harassed several other people and guilds for one year or more. I witnessed people who hacked or bullied, but it was more uncommon and usually was a problem that only comes and goes because most other games have a better game master presence and these people usually get banned within days or even minutes. These problem people like those in MapleStory will take weeks or even months for a game master to ban all of them, and even give lenient 14-day bans or just stripping of their ranking privileges rather than actually permanently banning their accounts or at least giving them lengthier bans, because these people have spent hundreds or even thousands in this game. Only hackers who get banned are those who that are unfunded, or low-level bots that use hacks to loot and AFK train in order to farm loot that belong to commercial Chinese gold sellers, or those who advertise gold selling websites. They made a living off of these people, even if they do cheat or sell gold. And I know, because I have reported those people before, the hacker that I have reported got banned within at least 6 months after I reported this person, and have got only 14-day ban. Nexon is too lenient with these bans and gives horrible customer support.
I will not recommend MapleStory to even my worst enemy, but maybe I can recommend Mabinogi. MapleStory is the worst online game right now for the casual gamer. Nexon does not fix their broken, pay-to-win game because they are a money-hungry company that does not care about their own customers, but about making a living off of the players who do not mind about playing this game even though it is so broken. Nexon, good luck getting your players back because I doubt this will happen anytime soon.
Start with trust. You can't trust Nexon and their game [redacted] as it is a intentional scam for their profit. Where do I start. Their game is broken and over run by glitches, hackers, bugs, and worst of all Nexon owns players accounts and can alter them in any way. Read their terms of service. I have had supoort go back and check my game logs plenty of times. They own all players accounts as their own and do with then how rhey please, targeting high spenders and intentionally dropping players apps after they have spent money. Their in game statistics constantly change without notification. They claim to have fixed some in game problems in their public notes which is supposed to inform the player base of game fixes. They list a bunch of fixes yet half of the things rhey said they fixed are still broken. How do they get away with this? They have told me to be patient about everyrhing and never fix problems just cause more. They add things to the game which make previous game parts unfair and disfuntctional sonthey then change the stats of what was already[redacted] in the game to fix their new additions. They say they dont do refunds and direct you to e and the [redacted] store who will and has given the majority of players a small percentage refund which is usally just used right back in the game. Once you have invested 4 thousand dollars in a game like I have Nexon's DomiNations, it is hard to throw away that investment and addicting game for a small portion of your investment. They change stats without notifying anyone. They say they fix stats and problems and announce it in their updates but the majority of the "fixes" are not fixed and exactly as before. They own our accounts per their updated terms of service and have full access and control over our accounts. If I were to request a subpoena in court for their game servers interaction with my account it would show their illegal tampering with peoples accounts intentionally causing these problems. They will block you from their forums, block you from commenting on their facebook page, and they will discipline you if they feel like it. They used their terms of service whichclaim to hold them responsible for nothing, allowed to do anything, and the players have no rights at all. This game has taken a grip of my ocd in which I went to a 3 month program for and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to partially get help with my addiction to games like this. Last year I attwmpted suicide 4 times partially due to me being in debt from these thieves and scam artists. They want money and oull every dirty string in the book to get it from the players once they are addicted. They allow hackers and their bases to knowingly still be a part of the game. Someone really needs to check this company and game out because this cant be legal. They are doing WHATEVER THEY WANT to rob people of money they spend on the game. All people do in the entire game is complain about all the games problems and foul play. This needs investigated because the copy of [redacted] of [redacted] game is a huge scam and noone is doing anything about it. Me and a few dozen others tried to plan a class action lawsuit against them but we failed to be able to follow through for several reasons but every penny soent on the game should be returned. One recent example is the changed thebpower of a weapon without saying anything so it now destroys your highest costing troop. The weapons still has the same stats but is all of a sudden completly unrealistic. This is the type of non stop activity they put into their game. It is fraud, false advertisment, illegal tampering, lying and having nothing done about it. I thought there was a gaming commission or something that made sure this type of illegal activity was not allowed and punished to the maximum penalty. This company needs some serious investigation and correcting as they are a billion dollar profiting company from their games thrugh tactics that intentionally rip people off and waste money after they have soent it in the game. Who's job is it to atop these criminals because they are doing a terrible job and [redacted] is supporting them. [redacted] has refunded I am sure hundreds to thiusands of people a small percentage of the money they have paid on [redacted] without dealing with alk the complaints but they SUPPORT the game when they knkw it is comprimised and have so many complaints about it. There is a reason Maplestory and [redacted] are both bad and malfunctionable. This increases the revenue for Nexon. Nexon also owns every players account and can interact with it however they want as said in their terms if service. There has to be a limit on the rights of a buisness owner and consumer in the Terms of service that were supposedly signed when we downloaded the game. I have thousands of pictures, I have videos, and everywhere you look you will see the same complaints for this company and game. Who is in charge to put this fradulant scam of a game that inte