New Jersey Medical Institute Kaplan Medical Reviews (189)
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New Jersey Medical Institute Kaplan Medical Rating
Description: Schools - Academic - Colleges & Universities
Address: 3622 Anchorage Cv, Muskogee, New Jersey, United States, 22172-1047
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A response was sent 3/11/from Travelers as follows:
Claim Professional tried to make contact with *** *** by phone on February
5th, February 9th and 10th. Mr*** left voice mail messages for *** ***, but did not receive any returned calls.
On February 10th,
Mr*** mailed a contact letter to *** *** and she returned his call on February 17. The Claim Professional inspected the loss on the
February 23rd 2015, which was the earliest date that she was available
to meet with him
*** *** presented
a claim for interior damages sustained to her home, from the result of Storm
water leaking in through her roofOur investigation revealed that the claimed
damages occurred over a long period of time, from wear & tear,
deterioration, rot… which are specifically excluded for coverage.
believe our Claim Professional made a reasonable coverage decision based upon
his inspection of the claimed damages, the complainant’s statements and review
of the policy previsionsThe claimed damages did not meet the insuring
agreement for direct physical damage and is specifically excluded for coverage;
continuous repeated seepage of water over a period of time, wear & tear and
deterioration… Based upon the above information, we issued a formal disclaimer
letter, in compliance with *** *** State Regulation
While we can understand the concerns of *** ***, based upon our review of this matter our
coverage determination remains unchanged. (contact information was provided in the response letter)
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
That's great, that's your opinion that the costs were unreasonable However, your estimates where the ones that was unreasonableThey're were low balled and done incorrectly over and over again because your staff is incompetent and do what they do best which is make excuses and do their work so slowly that it drags on for months. FYI, *** does not set market prices for anything! This is between *** and me and not the insured, it was *** that took months to come to terms with paying, all that time not answering or returning phone calls and not doing anything Stop trying say that during the months the staff were diligently working on it, that's complete nonsenseIt doesn't take months to resolve a claim, they took their time on my dime and now they have to pay the damages in the form of interest I do have bases for damages that *** created from their slow work, whether they want to take another months to accept it is another story.
*** ***
A response was sent on 12/26/2014....The claimed injury of gastroparesis was included in the settlement as this is where all of the alleged body parts are listedThis is not an admission of liability or acceptance that this alleged
injury is related to the industrial injury
In addition, nowhere in the medical records from these hospital visits do they diagnose Ms*** with
This will be the final response to this issue
A response was sent 3/9/2015.A review of the files indicates that on March 3rd *** Insurance Agency documented receipt of the proof we were seeking for repairs and the policy has been reinstated, without any lapse in coverage. Just one question to Mr*** is to please verify the year
his house was built, and contact information has been provided in this response letter for him to contact Travelers
I never authorized or signed anything for a second policy, I only called in for a quote! You can can not automatically force someone into a policy when they only call in for a quote! I never ever agreed or authorized any insurance policy for *** *** ** **Your policies are illegal and deceiving, calling in for a quote does not authorize you to provide service in any way! I signed no paperwork or authorization what so ever!!! As far as the *** *** *** ** policy if your supervisor did not correctly notate the file when I called in for cancellation and got my refund that is also not my faultThis company have very deceiving practices and I will spead the word of the lying and strong arming I am enduring for this company! The day I called in and had the supervisor refund I also told her I no longer wanted you service and to cancel because of the deceiving way your company handled thingsIt is not my fault if thru human error she did not properly notate the account and I will not pay for your employees mistakesThey should be better trained and not try to steal from customers by not properly canceling policies or by illegally authorizing policies when a customer only calls in for a quote! This is the worse customer service I have ever experienced and this company should be ashamed of itselfIf this isn't made right I will fight it thru every avenue made available to meYour business practices are fraudulent.
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:I have reported to Travelers, any circumstances that "prevent work from being finished." The problem is that I am unwilling to hire any contractor that cannot provide what I had before the loss....cabinets that matched and were made the same quality as before. YOUR cabinet maker stated to me that he did not quote the cabinet as they were originally built, and that they would NOT be an exact match. I have quoted the policy to you on the phone and in emails, parts of the policy that apply. For example, HO-states "(1) Replacement cost of that part of the building damaged with material of like kind and quality..." The cabinets are ONE set, and should be treated as such. I have talked to many people in the restoration business, insurance, Tennessee Insurance Division, and more...and have not yet found anybody that claims, as you do, that upper and lower cabinets are not of one set, and do not have to match. First, your excuse was that the upper and lowers didn't have to match. Once I found clauses in the policy stating that they do, you now claim that cabinets were not a "direct" loss. .
I also have requested a new adjuster, on the grounds that the one I have now has repeatedly made decisions that would place my family health at risk. That request was denied, and the complaints have been ignored. Our adjuster never even saw the house until after the *** was removed. I called and told the adjuster that ServiceMaster had overbilled for equipment, and was told "let me know what you work out with them." I don't have time to worry about Traveler's money. I am busy trying to get my house done. Our first contents adjuster had told us to get rid of all electronic things in the house, and that smoke gets into them. The smoke is acidic and eats wires and circuit boards, creating risk of future fires. Now, even after I requested a new structure adjuster, the contents portion was moved to the structure adjuster. We now have to wonder if we will get replacement for many of the things the first guy told us to get rid of.I expressed legitimate concerns about the wiring in the house and its exposure to saltwater corrosion. Once Travelers got a hack-job electrician to say it was ok (WITHOUT DOING AN OHMMETER CHECK), my concerns were ignored. I complained that the test wasn't done...and nothing happens. We now have been told to move out of the hotel, yet we have no furniture, appliances, kitchen cabinets, etc. As for the Proof of Loss, it may be months before settlement, and we don't know how long that will take so we can't estimate how long we will need alternate living expenses. We cannot order cabinets until we get the amount necessary to get cabinets that are equal to what we had. Even after ordering, it may take up to weeks to get them. We have no place to store any replacement items we buy, so we will have to move into an empty house. We will move into a house where workers are coming in every morning to work, disrupting our lives, getting dust on our beds and anything else we have. All in all, I feel that travelers has put money savings over the safety of my family. I feel that my complaining about it is now being retaliated for. I think the treatment my family has gotten from this company is something more people need to be aware of. I paid for this coverage and now am being denied what I paid for.
*** ***
A response was sent from Travelers 5/27/2015.The response outlined the payments made, and billed, and the outcome was the $late charge has been waived, which reduced the amount now due
Please accept my sincere apology for the delay in
handling of your cancellation request and for any upset caused by the recent
collections notifications. I was able to
verify the cancellation date of September 10, at 12:01am and I have
updated our records accordingly. I
also made the necessary adjustments to remove your account from our collections
As we discussed, this debt was not reported to any
credit bureaus and therefore had no impact to your credit. You can expect to receive a refund in the
amount of $within the next two weeks
A response was sent to Ms *** 1/19/as follows:
We have thoroughly reviewed our policy records and I can confirm we have
received your signed cancellation request formWe are processing the
cancellation effective the date you are requesting, December 6, Because
your policy
period was paid in full, this will result a refund that will be
mailed to you in a separate mailing
In your letter you are requesting that we provide a written statement that
you followed the correct procedure for cancellation of your policyI can
confirm that a written and signed request from you, the named insured, is
required to cancel the policyI can confirm that we will not be communicating
any information, positive or negative, to a credit bureau
I am very sorry to hear that
you have decided to move your insurance away from TravelersI understand that
price importantI have reviewed your policy thoroughly and can confirm that
the rate for the coverages afforded is the most competitive rate we can
On 2/12/2015, phone contact was attempted by Travelers in order to speak with *** ***, however, we are waiting for a call back. An email was sent to him on 2/12/with the contact information of the person to call to discuss his complaint
A response was sent 4/29/as follows:
apologies that you feel Travelers response to your complaint was unacceptable
and unfair. However, Travelers stands by
our *** settlement, and our claims handling practices during the course of your
I am sorry that the settlement amount provided did not meet your expectationsYour
policy does provide an Appraisal Clause if you wish to invoke it to help
resolve the dispute over the value." (The language of the clause in the policy was provided in the response letter)
A response was sent 3/3/to Mr*** as follows:
I have been provided with a copy
of your complaint submitted on March 27, and have
been asked to respond to youI’m sorry for the confusion about the Extended
Transportation Coverage on your auto policy
Please allow me to explain
Your policy has a limit on rental
car coverage of $per day to a maximum of $to provide rental coverage
during the repair or replacement of your covered vehicle. The specific policy language regarding this
coverage is found in Endorsement *** under paragraph B of your policy. The endorsement contains the following
Our payment will be
limited to that period of time reasonably required to repair or replace the
“your covered auto” or the “non-owned auto”. (an explanation was given as to the timeline of his rental period)
As the policy language quoted above indicates,
the Extended Transportation Coverage does not provide an automatic days of
coverage. The day / $benefit you purchased is a limit or maximum
of coverageAs the policy specifically states, our promise to pay is for that period of time reasonably required to
repair or replace “your covered auto.” As the policy language quoted above indicates,
the Extended Transportation Coverage does not provide an automatic days of
coverage. The day / $benefit you purchased is a limit or maximum
of coverageAs the policy specifically states, our promise to pay is for that period of time reasonably required to
repair or replace “your covered auto.”
A response was sent 2/27/to Mr***, outlining the premium for current policy term and prior policy term. The increase was $875, but not by $1600.A review of the claim notes indicated it was reported timely, claim was paid and setteld March 29, due to the timing of the claim
closure, the claim was not used in the rating of the polcy renewal 4/30/to 4/30/2015. The policy renewal documents were printed and mailed on March 11, 2015. Per the GEICO phone contact records, there is no contact from Mr*** in regards to the renewal premium until February 3, 2015. The increase in Travelers homeowner insurance rates in Alabama were discussed with Mr*** on February 3, 2015, which was the reason for the increase in his policy
A response was sent to Mr*** from Travelers on 12/15/as follows:I am
writing to you on behalf of the Workers' Compensation Department at Travelers Property Causualty Insurance Company, in response to your complaint regarding this claim for *** ***You have alleged that we owe for her hospital bills related to "gastroparesis caused by RSD."
Ms*** had gone to the hospital several times for sore throat and gastro-intestinal issues during this claim, which we maintain had nothing to do with her industrial injuryWe never agreed to pay these billsThe providers have submitted these bills to Travelers at the instruction of Ms***'s attorney, and these bills will continue to be deniedThe medical records from these visits do not attribute her condition to her work-related injury
Also, review of her medical records from prior to this injury show she visited the hospital for these same complaints in and The date of her industrial injury was 12/09/
There are no medical records that actually diagnose her as having gastroparesis, much less that it was caused by the industrial injuryThis was alleged by her attorneyThe medical records for these visits do not diagnose her with gastroparesis, nor do they establish any causation as being due to the industrial injury
You have made reference to an agreement to pay all of her medical bills, but there is no such agreementTravelers is only responsible for paying for any bills related to the industrial injury
There is no language in the settlement documents agreeing to pay these bills, which were for nonindustrial treatmentAt the time of settlement, Ms***'s attorney asked to put specific language in the settlement documents that Travelers would agree to pay these bills, and we refusedMs*** decided to settle her claim anyway, without this language
A response dated 4/17/was sent to Mr*** as follows:
allow me to review the history of the issues you have raised in your complaint
September 3, Travelers provided you with a notice of our intent to perform
testing for *** to the dwelling since,
because of the building’s age,
there may have been the potential for friable ***Our intent on testing
is solely for the protection of our customers, claim professionals and other individuals
called upon to be involved in repairs When
the testing was returned with a positive result, we sent you an “***
present” letter on September 9,
September 18, 2014, *** of *** ***, a state certified ***
remediation company provided you with a comprehensive remediation estimate for
containment and removal of *** in the areas affected by a covered cause of
lossYou signed the work authorization
and the vender proceeded to successfully remove the ***. All costs of testing and remediation were
covered under the insuring agreementOwing to the extent of fire and smoke
damage, Travelers agreed to provide alternate housing for your family for the
reasonable period it would take to complete repairs
after the remediation was completed you selected a general contractor but within
days you dismissed the contractor and have apparently elected to facilitate
repairs on your own
period of restoration for this type of repair should take no longer than
4-monthsTravelers has been providing additional living expense coverage for
over months and has recently extended this coverage through the end of April
We have made several reinspections to this home, most recently on January 19,
2015, which showed there had been a limited amount of repairs completedIt is
our intention to provide additional living expense coverage, but that coverage
is only for the shortest time to repair or replace the damaged property using
reasonable diligenceIf there are extenuating circumstances that prevent the
work from being finished, we would expect you to report those to us in detail
regard to the kitchen cabinets, the policy is very clear that coverage applies
to direct physical loss or damageAs the upper cabinets were not damaged,
Travelers is under no obligation under the policy to replace themHowever, we are
sensitive to customers’ concerns about overall matching and appearance, and for
that purpose have sent a custom cabinet builder to inspect the cabinets and
provide an estimate for like kind and quality replacementsThe cost of making
reasonable appearance adjustments have been added to the repair estimate and our
actual cash value payment has been supplemented with these costs
will recall that on March 28, we requested, per the conditions of the
policy that you complete a Sworn Statement
in Proof of Loss so you would have an opportunity to formally present your claim
and explain the various issues that have come upTo date we have not seen your
response to our request
continue to be hopeful that the claim will be resolved according to the terms
and conditions of the policy"
A response was sent to Ms. [redacted], 3/20/2015, and Travelers position has not changed:
have been advised that our insured [redacted] has rejected our original response. Ms. [redacted] alledged that Travelers has fabricated
events. We respectfully disagree that we
have fabricated or be untruthful in the handling of this claim.
As stated in our original response, Ms. [redacted]’s
vehicle inspection took place on January 28, 2015. At the time of the inspection the Travelers Appraiser
reviewed the damages and determined that they were related to wear and tear which
would not be a covered loss. As stated in our original response, Ms. [redacted]’s
vehicle inspection took place on January 28, 2015. At the time of the inspection the Travelers Appraiser
reviewed the damages and determined that they were related to wear and tear which
would not be a covered loss.
following day, January 30, 2015, our Insured contacted the Appraiser at
approximately 11:00am, and the Appraiser discussed with her that the wear and
tear was not a covered loss. She also
advised her that the claim had been reassigned to a new Claim
Professional. At 2:00pm that same day our
Insured contacted the new Claim Professional to discuss why the claim would not
be covered. The new Claim Professional
advised her that he would rereview the claim and discuss with management to
confirm the findings of the Appraiser.
same day the Claim Professional reviewed the claim with management and we concurred
with the Appraiser’s coverage determination was accurate. The damage in question is corrosion to the
wiring harness. There is no indication
nor was it reported that the vehicle was involved in a flood or any other water
damage that would have corroded the wiring harness. The wiring harness and harness box are
located high on the fire wall inside the engine compartment and would protect
the vehicle from any normal exposure to water.
As a result the corrosion was determined to be the result of wear and
tear which is part of normal maintenance of a vehicle and not covered under the
automobile policy as a collision or comprehensive loss.
Claim Professional reached back out to our Insured at 3:00pm that same day to
advise her of our findings and the final determination on the claim. At that time the Claim Professional advised her
that a denial letter would be sent confirming the conversation.
A response has been sent to Mr. [redacted] from Travelers 5/8/2015:Mr. [redacted] will be receiving refund check of $6.00.
A response was sent to [redacted] on 5/4/2015 as follows:
you for your recent inquiry through the We appreciate the opportunity to address your
First, please accept my apologies for your overall service experience. We strive
provide the very best customer experience and regret not meeting those
expectations with you.
I have reviewed the billing
portion of your account thoroughly. (An explanation of the homeowners and
homesaver policies was provided in detail in the response letter.)
I was unable to locate a
cancellation request from you by phone or in writing on either policy. If coverage was replaced prior to the
cancellation date noted above, we would be happy to adjust your homeowner’s
policy. I have enclosed a cancellation request form that you can sign and
return along with proof of other coverage. Upon receipt, we will promptly
update your policy and adjust the balance due accordingly.
I hope this letter provides
you with an adequate explanation for the balance due. Please feel free to contact me (contact information was provided in the response
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
A response was sent 4/18/2016 to [redacted]
We have reviewed our billing records and find that this transaction was reversed and was not processed against your account, meaning no additional funds were taken from your account. Within the next few days, the pending transaction will...
no longer appear in your transaction history.