Nationwide Energy Partners, LLC Reviews (79)
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Address: 230 West St Ste 150, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43215-2785
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Nationwide Energy Partners (“NEP”) values and appreciates resident feedback regarding the quality of our services. Per the agreement between NEP and the property owners we partner with, residents are responsible for usage in their unit for the full term of their lease. Upon review of Ms. [redacted]’s...
account, NEP observed that, through no fault of the resident, we did receive late notice of her move out date. Ms. [redacted] did speak to a resident services representative about moving out on September 25th, however her property informed us that her lease did not end until September 30th. As a courtesy, NEP removed charges for those five days.The resident’s balance has been adjusted to reflect her move out date. Usage for the period after September 25th has been removed and no penalties were applied. Ms. [redacted]’s next billing statement will contain these changes. An NEP resident advocate has reached out to Ms. [redacted] to share this information and answer any questions she might have.
We thank Mr. [redacted] for his continued correspondence. It appears that Mr. [redacted] misread our last reply to his complaint. After recalculating all of his bills, we determined that he was actually under billed by $20.12, not over billed. Therefore, he would not be due a credit, but we did not backbill for the over billed amount. As a gesture of good faith, however, we have applied a goodwill credit of $25.00 credit to Mr. [redacted]'s account.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Nationwide Energy Partners (“NEP”) values and appreciates resident feedback regarding the quality of the services we provide on behalf of our partner property owners (i.e. our “customer(s)”). As a condition of service with our customers, NEP is obligated to always match or charge less than the given...
rate of the local host utility providers for both residential electricity and water usage. In other words, the rate that is applied to a resident’s water and electric usage should never be higher than that of the host utility provider.NEP delivers a unified bill to each resident in the community at the request of the resident’s property owner (our “customer”) that includes electricity, water, common area usage charges (referred to as “community charges” on a resident bill) and, also by request of the resident’s property, a $150.00 security deposit applied to all new billing accounts opened. This, being Mr. [redacted] first bill with NEP, included all of four these charges, which combined, totaled the $707.33 referred to within the complaint.For the water portion of Mr. [redacted] bill , several agents and the Resident Support Manager spoke directly with the resident to fully explain the charges. It was explained to Mr. [redacted], that we can only tell him how many cubic feet of water go through the meter each billing period, but we are unable to speculate as to what within the unit caused the water usage. We recommend that Mr. [redacted] continue to work directly with his Property Manager to investigate any possible infrastructure or maintenance issues within his unit, however, NEP provided possible explanations he could discuss with them, such as a toilet flapper malfunction, which if happens could cause high daily usage as was seen in Mr. [redacted] daily usage report. Those types of ”leaks” could also occur when no one is in the unit and able to fix the flapper manually. Many times, once regular use begins again, flappers no longer malfunction, which would account for the maintenance team not able to find a “leak” within the unit at the time of their inspection. But again, NEP could not know for sure what caused the water usage in this resident’s unit, only the number of cubic feet of water that passed through the meter. NEP provided this resident with a copy of his daily meter reads and also gave him a detailed explanation on how he could check meter functionality on his own. The meters used by NEP are built and tested to the standards set by the American National Standards Institute (for electricity meters) and the American Water Works Association (for water meters). Compliance with these industry standards ensure that NEP is using the most up-to-date and trusted metering equipment in the field. Historically, NEP meters have been found to perform within industry requirements 99.9 percent of the time. Additionally, NEP sends out “high usage” reports to all of its apartment property managers. These reports detail any unit that uses more than 50 cubic feet of water in a 24 hour period so, the property manager would have been notified and aware of the high usage and would have records they could share with the resident.As we discussed with Mr. [redacted], NEP is more than willing to discuss payment arrangements and reiterate the ways the $150.00 security deposit can be waived, should Mr. [redacted] want to further explore. Although the issue that caused the higher usage appears to be corrected, NEP is also willing to, as a courtesy, perform a water meter test free of charge.
Nationwide Energy Partners (“NEP”) values and appreciates resident feedback regarding the quality of our products. As a condition of service with the properties NEP partners with, we always match the rates of the local host utility providers for both electricity and water. In other words, you will...
never pay more for usage than a rate equal to or lower than your local host utility. The resident’s apartment is a two bedroom, two bathroom unit that measures 1300 square feet. The average water & sewer charge for this unit is $50.87 and the average electricity charge is $123.35. Upon review of the account, NEP did observe an increase in usage during the winter months. Electrical usage is the largest cost reflected on Ms. [redacted]’s bills. In particular, monthly electricity usage at this unit tripled from October to January. While recent weather has been warmer, average temperatures have been significantly cooler than the fall months. The average temperature in December was 44 degrees fahrenheit while the average temperature in January was 27 degrees fahrenheit. Reviewing the data, Ms. [redacted]’s usage appears to strongly correlate with temperature fluctuations - as the temperature falls, usage increases. This is a fairly common occurrence, as average community usage has also trended upward in similar fashion since October. Ms. [redacted]’s usage has been within 100 kWh of the community average for her entire time with NEP. Electrical usage at the observed levels isn’t unusual at this property. While NEP cannot determine what drives energy use in the home or throughout the community, this data indicates that there are common factors impacting usage as a whole. However, we take resident concerns very seriously and strive to be an open, transparent company. Our resident advocate has contacted the resident directly to provide additional information and answer any questions she may have.
Thank you for your inquiry. To answer your concerns it is important to keep in mindseveral items:A) While your bill and usage may have fluctuated in comparison to your prior residenceit is important to note that your square footage is now 1070 sq. ft. Your priorresidence at Polaris...
Parkway was 775 sq. ft. This now gives you an extra 295sq. ft. to account for when using heat and electric. To put this in toperspective your water usage from Polaris Parkway to Grove City Summit areconsistent. The higher usage is contributed to the larger square feet. B) NEP now has an updated customer portal website where you can access youraccount at any time. For your convenience NEP has developed transparent billingwhich includes a daily water and electric usage history graph. In addition toviewing your daily usage you can also see where your usage is at in comparisonto the community average, see when your next meter reading is scheduled and ifyour meter reading has been estimated, which yours has not. C) Regarding your first bill, it did include a $150.00 deposit. This deposit wasreturned to you on 2/27/2015. This would have made your first bill $235.65instead of $385.65.Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
They should credit back all fees / late fees, and any other present fees if they so should be charge to my account, Should be investigated for wrong doing towards those that have a disability and be forced to follow the same guidelines of any Utility Company. There letter are full of lies and untruths about helping and etc. If this was so the fact of them wanting to help then they should follow the laws that are set for by Ohio. Companies like this is what is hurting Ohio residents.
Nationwide Energy Partners (“NEP”) values and appreciates the resident's feedback regarding her billing statement. Upon review of the resident’s account, we did observe $432.16 in penalties accrued over a period of 19 months. On nine occasions, NEP delayed a late fee by 2 business days after payment...
was due. On six other occasions, a late penalty was delayed by more than five days. We offer a number of free online payment options and a free auto payment feature for our resident’s convenience. It’s also important to note that NEP never uses previous late penalty amounts in the calculation of a new penalty.We received late notice, through no fault of the resident, of the end of service for this residence. As such, the resident’s bill has been adjusted to remove the portion of the billing period for which she was no longer living there. Two penalties were also removed because they were applied after the resident’s move out date. As a courtesy, NEP has also removed the resident’s most recent penalty from her time living there. We appreciate the feedback this resident has provided about our service. Nationwide Energy Partners’ Resident Advocate has attempted to reached out to this resident multiple times to provide a summary of these changes. We look forward to continuing communication between our valued resident to resolve any questions or concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact us at [redacted]
In response to this customer’s concerns we have researched his account and the actions leading to his disconnection. NEP’s winter disconnection rules include thefollowing elements relevant to this customer’s situation:1. Customers with a past balance over $100 will be sent a...
disconnect notice in the mail andreceive an outbound telephone call prior to disconnection. According to our automated notice system we senta disconnect notice to the address where this customer is receiving bills onFebruary 5th. Additionally an outbound phone call was made to this customer on February 26th. 2. NEP’s disconnect rules prohibit disconnection during the winter on days forecasted to have a low less than 20 degree Fahrenheit. The actual temperatures record on March 5th the day of disconnection was a high of 42 and a low of 20. The following day March 6threcorded a high of 38 and a low of 23.3. NEP offers a medical assistance program that can help prevent disconnections when they would be dangerous or life threatening toa customer. This program requires documentation from a licensed physician. This customer has been a customer of good standing for many years with NEP and therefore we have waived his reconnection fee and providedhim with a convenience credit. The NEP Customer Advocate has made contact with this customer, explained our disconnection rules and issued the credit to his account.
Nationwide Energy Partners (“NEP”) values and appreciates resident feedback regarding the quality of the services we provide on behalf of our partner property owners (i.e. our “customer(s)”). As a condition of service with our customers, NEP is obligated to always match or charge less than the given...
rate of the local host utility providers for both residential electricity and water usage. In other words, the rate that is applied to a resident’s water and electric usage will never be higher than that of the host utility provider.Upon review of this resident’s account, NEP observed an average monthly cost of $176.15 since its creation in 2013. As the resident may be aware, NEP provides a unified bill at the request of the resident’s property owner (our customer) that includes electricity, water and common area usage costs. NEP’s Resident Advocate reviewed the account and confirmed that the rates utilized to produce the costs on her bill match those that would have been applied by the respective host utilities.A review of the resident’s account also showed that, since 2014, payment was made partially and/or late on more than two dozen occasions. NEP’s Resident Care Team offered multiple assistance options, including payment arrangements to encourage the resident to pay her bill on time to no avail. In September of this year, before this complaint was filed and as a courtesy in response to a stated need, NEP removed two late payment penalties from the resident’s account at her request.NEP’s Resident Care Department has contacted Ms. [redacted] directly to provide additional information and answer any remaining questions the resident may have regarding payment options.
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the statement is accurate based upon our conversation. I still have my dissatisfaction with the company as a whole. The resident advocate was one of the nicer people to deal with but as a company I'm totally dissatisfied and I still believe the company should be reviewed and thoroughly investigated.
the company has not "reached out to me" and cannot charge me more than what I really owe due to its policy of estimating charges month after month.
This customer’s service was disconnected in error. NEP has
waived $115.40 in fees and made additional arrangements with the customer. The
NEP Customer Advocate has reached out to the customer to ensure all concerns
were resolved. We value our customers and should you have any questions...
concerns please feel free to contact the Customer Advocate here at NEP Monday –
Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm at ###-###-####.
The response by John C[redacted] nothing but lies and unauthenticated information. I will continue to reject this garbage until they admit to the truth. However I am not confident that they will do so as NEP might be heading to a class-action lawsuit.
Nationwide Energy Partners (“NEP”) values and appreciates resident feedback regarding the quality of our products. As a condition of service with the properties NEP partners with, we always match the rates of the local host utility providers for both electricity and water. In other words, you will...
never pay more for usage than a rate equal to or lower than your local host utility. NEP’s Resident Advocate has reached out to Ms. [redacted] to address her concerns directly. The resident stated that she was satisfied with the offered resolution.
Yes, That would be great if a meter check is done free of cost, just to ensure everything is fine from a Meter perspective and there is no issues from NEP side. Other than that, everything seems reasonable and fine to me from NEP side.
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Nationwide Energy Partners (“NEP”) values and appreciates resident feedback regarding the quality of our services. Per the agreement between NEP and the property owners we partner with, NEP measures individual unit consumption in the communities it serves, but does not have the power to control...
consumption inside the home. Residents remain responsible for the level of usage and maintenance of items that consume electricity and water.When reviewing the resident’s account, NEP discovered a water consumption spike from 7/30/2015-8/2/2015 that is significantly higher than usual and consistent with consumption generated by a constantly running toilet due a stuck toilet flapper. This usage increase accounts for the higher-than-usual water bill and was the only abnormal usage measured from July to present. NEP shared daily usage reports which reflected that 3-day usage spike and indicated a temporary leak. At the request of the resident, NEP conducted a water meter test at no expense. The test consisted of passing two cubic feet of cold water through the meter and through Badger PSMT test equipment. Through that test, performed in front of the resident, NEP confirmed that the meter, radio transmitter and the testing equipment advanced two cubic feet.. NEP’s resident advocate has reached out to discuss the issue further and will be meeting with this resident to address his concerns.
Inresponse to the complaint list above, it is important to note severalitems: A) November and the most recent month (January) were both 28 day billcycles, whereas December was a 35 day bill cycle. This period covered anadditional week’s worth of usage and would increase...
bills for this time periodcommunity-wide. B) Reviewing the customer’s bill in December one can see that herbill was higher than other months because she had more usage. In November theamount used was 799 kWh; in December the amount used was 1,098 kWh and thendecreased in January with an amount used of 711 kWh. C) NEP applies the posted residential tariff rates of the hostelectric utility which services the customer’s community. Meaning, we arecontracted to charge the same or below rate that would be charged with thehost. Should you have further concerns or questions please feel free to contact us.
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I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11977228, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Z[redacted]