Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
A resolution to my case has not been achieved and I will not allow my case to expire without a response from me
*** ***
Please see the customer response that was sent on 8/30/16: Dear *** *** Your case/issue was referred to me in the Test Taker Advocacy Group here at ETSPlease accept my apologies for the length of time that this refund of $is taking. I was able to track down the information
regarding this refundUnfortunately, customer service made a note on 7/that we would process the refundHowever, the case was never sent to the correct department for processing. I have been assured that your $refund check will be in the mid September runAlthough I do not believe there will be further issues, if you do not see the refund check by the end of September, please notify me directly so I can trace it. Best regards,Linda M***, AsdvocateTest Taker Advocacy DepartmentGRE / ETS
Please see our response below: Dear *** *** I am responding to your complaint regarding the GRE that you were scheduled to take on July 12, Please accept my condolences for your lossWhile it is GRE policy to reschedule/refund for death in the family for immediate members,
I have made an exception and posted a full refund of your test fees back to your credit cardPlease allow business days for the refund to post to your accountIf you have further questions, please contact me Sincerely, Steve K***TOEFL Test Taker Advocacy
Please see our response to the customer, below:
Dear *** ***Your complaint to the (, Case #*** concerning score reporting fees for the GRE test has been forwarded to me for an investigation.The fee involved was for ordering an Additional Score Report after test
dayIt is the candidate's responsibility to be familiar with all the policies and procedures prior to the day of the examThis policy is described on the GRE website at: GRE revised General TestOn test day, after completing the test and viewing your unofficial Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning scores, you will be asked to designate which score recipients you want to receive your General Test scoresIf an institution is not listed, ask the test center administrator for the appropriate form to indicate unlisted institutionsComplete the form and turn it in before you leave the test centerThe form will not be accepted after you leave the test center.You will have the option to select the ScoreSelect Most Recent option or ScoreSelect All option for up to four institutions for freeYou also can choose not to send any scores at that time.After test day, you can order Additional Score Reports for a fee of US$per recipientAt that time, you can choose to send scores from your Most Recent, All or Any test administration from your reportable historySee Ordering Additional Score Reports.In addition, this information is provided at the end of your test sessionThe following is also shown on the test screen:"If you know where you want to send your test scores, you can select up to four (4) institutions now as part of you test fee. You can choose to send scores from your most recent test administration or from all your test administrations. Select the institutions by clicking “Add a Score Recipient” below.If you prefer, you can select score recipients at a later date for a fee through your my GRE account. At that time, you can choose to send scores from your most recent test administration, from all your test administrations, or from any specific test administration(s)Unfortunately, I cannot comply with your request for a refund of the fee paid for your score report since it was not selected on test day either via the computer or by completing the request form.I wish you much success in your future academic endeavorsSincerely,Doris LJ*** AdvocateEducational Testing ServiceTest Taker Advocacy Dept
Please see our customer response below: Dear *** *** I am writing in reference to the complaint you filed with the concerning your February 21, GRE General Test. According to your complaint, you did not complete the registration on file and that your
name and credit card number were used by someone else to complete the registrationOur records indicate that the February 21, registration was completed on January 15, at 03:PM through your online accountIn order to complete this registration the person registering would have needed access to your... - Username -Password -Credit card number -Credit card expiration date -Credit card three digit security number -Name on the credit card -Billing address of the credit card Our records also indicate that you emailed in to our customer service department on January 15, at 4:38:P.Mand indicated the following... "I did not mean to purchase the registration for the GREI am already admitted to grad school and do not need to take this test..." Based on all of this information it appears that you have registered for this GRE General TestIf you no longer need the exam you may cancel for a 50% refundUnder these circumstances, we cannot issue you a full refund of the fee paid for the GRE registration. If you cancel your GRE General Test registration no later than four days prior to your test date (days for individuals in Mainland China), you will receive a refund equivalent to half of the original test feeFor example, the deadline to cancel a Saturday appointment at a testing location in the United States is TuesdayYou can cancel your test registration online using your ETS AccountTo cancel by phone, call Prometric Services at *** ** *** I thank you for taking the time to contact us granting the opportunity to provide clarification regarding your complaint with the Sincerely, GRE Services
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
Please see our response below:-----Original Message-----From: TTA Praxis Advocacy [] Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 11:AMTo: ***Subject: *** *** *** CUST *** / Case ID *** / *** Dear ***
*** Educational Testing Service (ETS) was notified by the ( that you submitted a complaint regarding exam preparation materials for the Praxis I Core Academic Skills for EducatorsI am sorry that the system was down when you had set aside time to take the practice exams. As a goodwill gesture, our records indicate that you have been refunded the non-refundable purchase price of $for the exam preparation materialsAs all transactions for purchase and receipt of exam preparation materials is done electronically, once a candidate receives a refund, the access to the exam preparation materials expiresThis is why ETS policy states that exam preparation materials are non-refundable. Thank you for taking the time to contact us and providing us with the opportunity to provide clarification regarding refund of test preparation materialsI wish you success in your professional endeavors. Regards,*** ***Test Taker AdvocateEducational Testing Service
Please see our customer response below:Dear *** *** ETS was notified by the ( that you submitted a complaint regarding the services you received from our organization. In your complaint, you are requesting a refund of the $fee, incurred on July 17,
2017, to reschedule your Praxis English Language Arts: Content Knowledge (5038) test to July 21, in *** *** *** After reviewing your case, we have determined there was a technical issue at the time you registered for your test and not all of the available test centers were listed through the online registration systemI apologize for any inconvenience this has causedI have processed the refund for the $reschedule fee, which should appear on your credit/debit card statement in approximately seven days. We wish you success in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Praxis Services
Please see our customer response below: *** *** ETS was notified by the ( that you submitted a complaint regarding a test date change fee of $50. Please accept our condolences for your lossUnfortunately ETS policy stipulates, that we have
documentation in order to make an exception for a refund of service fees with regard to illness, a death in the family (immediate family members i.eparents, siblings and grandparents), inclement weather, traffic accidents, and other emergent matters. I would be happy to refund the $test date change fee if you can provide something regarding the funeralPlease send in the required documentation so that I can assist with the refund. I hope this information is helpful and await further information so that I may move forward and settle the case currently with the Regards,GRE Test Taker Services
Please see our customer response which was sent on January 26, 2017From: D***, Pamela Y Sent: Thursday, January 26, 3:PM To: D***, *** * *** Subject: RE: Fraudulent Credit Card Charges Dear *** ***
ETS was notified by the (
that you submitted a complaint regarding the fraudulent charges on your credit cardUnfortunately we are not able to release the name of the person who used your credit cardYou must report the thief to your local authorities and have them contact us for that informationI hope the information has been helpfulSincerely, Educational Testing Service Test Taker Advocacy Dept
The customer was contacted by phone today 4/20/15 by [redacted] She was advised that once she cancels the old registration, she can contact [redacted] directly, for a refund of the remaining 50%.
I have once again spoke to the Director of Graduate Admissions and she has confirmed that your iBT TOEFL scores have been received. She has advised that your scores will be entered into your file today. Please note, when registering for your exam on line, you entered your first name as Patha and not Partha which lead to the delay in matching your scores with your file and application at Columbia University GSAS.
I hope this information is helpful to you and wish you much success in your future academic endeavors.
[redacted], Advocate
Educational Testing Service
Test Taker Advocacy Dept.
TOEFL Services
Dear [redacted]It appears that the PRAXIS Inquiry area has already refunded the $40 fee. If you need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us again.Thank you and have a good day.Linda M[redacted] AdvocateTest Taker Advocacy[redacted]
The customer was having difficulty registering to take a PRAXIS exam. [redacted], an Advocate has spoken to the customer via phone to put her in contact with Dominque, who will assist her to register for the exam.
Please see our customer response below: Dear [redacted] ETS was notified by the ( that you submitted a complaint regarding the refund and ID policy set forth by Educational Testing Service (ETS). You are entitled to a 50% refund when canceling three business...
days before your scheduled appointment date. The is well aware of our refund policy. It is the candidate's responsibility to become familiar with all policies and procedures before entering in to a 'contract' of services to be rendered. "By clicking the COMPLETE APPOINTMENT button below, you agree to all terms and conditions related to payments, reschedules, cancellations, refunds and other policies set forth by your sponsoring organization." Therefore, a registrant is confirming, before paying, that they have read all policies and procedures set forth in the GRE® Information and Registration Bulletin. As previously mentioned, page 9 of the Information and Registration Bulletin, as well as on the website,, it states, "The name you use when you register must exactly match (excluding hyphens, accents and spaces) the name on the identification (ID) documents that you will present on the day of the test. If it does not, you may be prohibited from taking the test or your test scores may be canceled after you take the test." In addition, it also states, "If your online account has already been created, please confirm that the name on your ID documents still matches the name that appears in your account (excluding hyphens, accents and spaces)." In lieu of the above information, I am making a one-time exception to policy and refunding the other 50% ($102.50) since you will be scheduling a new appointment under your last name as it reads on your valid ID. I hope this information is helpful. Sincerely,Linda M[redacted], AdvocateEducational Testing ServiceTest Taker Advocacy Dept.
From: TTA TOEFL Response [mailto:[redacted]] Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 11:56 AMTo: [redacted]Subject: [redacted] February 12, 2016 TOEFL Exam - Case #[redacted] - DJ [#[redacted]]
Dear [redacted]...
Your complaint to the ( regarding the iBT TOEFL exam you had taken on February 12, 2016, was forwarded to me for a response. Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. Comments from test takers are always welcomed and are taken seriously in our effort to maintain the highest standards of quality for our tests and testing services.
I would encourage you to contact our Office of Testing Integrity to find out the status of your case. The phone number is [redacted] and email address is [redacted]. The office is very busy, so it might take a few days before an agent contacts you.
We hope this information was helpful. We wish you much success in your future academic endeavors.
[redacted] L. J[redacted]
Test Taker Advocacy
TOEFL Services
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you so much for your help and assistance! As a student, that voucher made a big difference for me.
Please see our customer response below: [redacted]I apologize for your frustration but as I explained during our phone conversation on 1/11/17, there are many candidates that opt not to send the reports until they see their scores. When candidates opt to report on test day, the score reports are...
processed and sent automatically during the scoring process. After the initial reporting, there are manual processes that need to take place, involving several areas to send out additional reports. Unfortunately for these reasons, I will be unable to process a refund as requested.Regards,Judy D[redacted]Operations ManagerTest Taker Advocacy
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
A resolution to my case has not been achieved and I will not allow my case to expire without a response from me
*** ***
Please see the customer response that was sent on 8/30/16: Dear *** *** Your case/issue was referred to me in the Test Taker Advocacy Group here at ETSPlease accept my apologies for the length of time that this refund of $is taking. I was able to track down the information
regarding this refundUnfortunately, customer service made a note on 7/that we would process the refundHowever, the case was never sent to the correct department for processing. I have been assured that your $refund check will be in the mid September runAlthough I do not believe there will be further issues, if you do not see the refund check by the end of September, please notify me directly so I can trace it. Best regards,Linda M***, AsdvocateTest Taker Advocacy DepartmentGRE / ETS
Please see our response below: Dear *** *** I am responding to your complaint regarding the GRE that you were scheduled to take on July 12, Please accept my condolences for your lossWhile it is GRE policy to reschedule/refund for death in the family for immediate members,
I have made an exception and posted a full refund of your test fees back to your credit cardPlease allow business days for the refund to post to your accountIf you have further questions, please contact me Sincerely, Steve K***TOEFL Test Taker Advocacy
Please see our response to the customer, below:
Dear *** ***Your complaint to the (, Case #*** concerning score reporting fees for the GRE test has been forwarded to me for an investigation.The fee involved was for ordering an Additional Score Report after test
dayIt is the candidate's responsibility to be familiar with all the policies and procedures prior to the day of the examThis policy is described on the GRE website at: GRE revised General TestOn test day, after completing the test and viewing your unofficial Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning scores, you will be asked to designate which score recipients you want to receive your General Test scoresIf an institution is not listed, ask the test center administrator for the appropriate form to indicate unlisted institutionsComplete the form and turn it in before you leave the test centerThe form will not be accepted after you leave the test center.You will have the option to select the ScoreSelect Most Recent option or ScoreSelect All option for up to four institutions for freeYou also can choose not to send any scores at that time.After test day, you can order Additional Score Reports for a fee of US$per recipientAt that time, you can choose to send scores from your Most Recent, All or Any test administration from your reportable historySee Ordering Additional Score Reports.In addition, this information is provided at the end of your test sessionThe following is also shown on the test screen:"If you know where you want to send your test scores, you can select up to four (4) institutions now as part of you test fee. You can choose to send scores from your most recent test administration or from all your test administrations. Select the institutions by clicking “Add a Score Recipient” below.If you prefer, you can select score recipients at a later date for a fee through your my GRE account. At that time, you can choose to send scores from your most recent test administration, from all your test administrations, or from any specific test administration(s)Unfortunately, I cannot comply with your request for a refund of the fee paid for your score report since it was not selected on test day either via the computer or by completing the request form.I wish you much success in your future academic endeavorsSincerely,Doris LJ*** AdvocateEducational Testing ServiceTest Taker Advocacy Dept
Please see our customer response below: Dear *** *** I am writing in reference to the complaint you filed with the concerning your February 21, GRE General Test. According to your complaint, you did not complete the registration on file and that your
name and credit card number were used by someone else to complete the registrationOur records indicate that the February 21, registration was completed on January 15, at 03:PM through your online accountIn order to complete this registration the person registering would have needed access to your... - Username -Password -Credit card number -Credit card expiration date -Credit card three digit security number -Name on the credit card -Billing address of the credit card Our records also indicate that you emailed in to our customer service department on January 15, at 4:38:P.Mand indicated the following... "I did not mean to purchase the registration for the GREI am already admitted to grad school and do not need to take this test..." Based on all of this information it appears that you have registered for this GRE General TestIf you no longer need the exam you may cancel for a 50% refundUnder these circumstances, we cannot issue you a full refund of the fee paid for the GRE registration. If you cancel your GRE General Test registration no later than four days prior to your test date (days for individuals in Mainland China), you will receive a refund equivalent to half of the original test feeFor example, the deadline to cancel a Saturday appointment at a testing location in the United States is TuesdayYou can cancel your test registration online using your ETS AccountTo cancel by phone, call Prometric Services at *** ** *** I thank you for taking the time to contact us granting the opportunity to provide clarification regarding your complaint with the Sincerely, GRE Services
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
Please see our response below:-----Original Message-----From: TTA Praxis Advocacy [] Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 11:AMTo: ***Subject: *** *** *** CUST *** / Case ID *** / *** Dear ***
*** Educational Testing Service (ETS) was notified by the ( that you submitted a complaint regarding exam preparation materials for the Praxis I Core Academic Skills for EducatorsI am sorry that the system was down when you had set aside time to take the practice exams. As a goodwill gesture, our records indicate that you have been refunded the non-refundable purchase price of $for the exam preparation materialsAs all transactions for purchase and receipt of exam preparation materials is done electronically, once a candidate receives a refund, the access to the exam preparation materials expiresThis is why ETS policy states that exam preparation materials are non-refundable. Thank you for taking the time to contact us and providing us with the opportunity to provide clarification regarding refund of test preparation materialsI wish you success in your professional endeavors. Regards,*** ***Test Taker AdvocateEducational Testing Service
Please see our customer response below:Dear *** *** ETS was notified by the ( that you submitted a complaint regarding the services you received from our organization. In your complaint, you are requesting a refund of the $fee, incurred on July 17,
2017, to reschedule your Praxis English Language Arts: Content Knowledge (5038) test to July 21, in *** *** *** After reviewing your case, we have determined there was a technical issue at the time you registered for your test and not all of the available test centers were listed through the online registration systemI apologize for any inconvenience this has causedI have processed the refund for the $reschedule fee, which should appear on your credit/debit card statement in approximately seven days. We wish you success in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Praxis Services
Please see our customer response below: *** *** ETS was notified by the ( that you submitted a complaint regarding a test date change fee of $50. Please accept our condolences for your lossUnfortunately ETS policy stipulates, that we have
documentation in order to make an exception for a refund of service fees with regard to illness, a death in the family (immediate family members i.eparents, siblings and grandparents), inclement weather, traffic accidents, and other emergent matters. I would be happy to refund the $test date change fee if you can provide something regarding the funeralPlease send in the required documentation so that I can assist with the refund. I hope this information is helpful and await further information so that I may move forward and settle the case currently with the Regards,GRE Test Taker Services
Please see our customer response which was sent on January 26, 2017From: D***, Pamela Y Sent: Thursday, January 26, 3:PM To: D***, *** * *** Subject: RE: Fraudulent Credit Card Charges Dear *** ***
ETS was notified by the (
that you submitted a complaint regarding the fraudulent charges on your credit cardUnfortunately we are not able to release the name of the person who used your credit cardYou must report the thief to your local authorities and have them contact us for that informationI hope the information has been helpfulSincerely, Educational Testing Service Test Taker Advocacy Dept
The customer was contacted by phone today 4/20/15 by [redacted] She was advised that once she cancels the old registration, she can contact [redacted] directly, for a refund of the remaining 50%.
Please see our response below:
From: [redacted] Response [[redacted]] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:53 AMTo: [redacted]Subject: [redacted] /iBT TOEFL/ETS ID: [redacted] /Case[redacted]]
Dear Mr. [redacted],
I have once again spoke to the Director of Graduate Admissions and she has confirmed that your iBT TOEFL scores have been received. She has advised that your scores will be entered into your file today. Please note, when registering for your exam on line, you entered your first name as Patha and not Partha which lead to the delay in matching your scores with your file and application at Columbia University GSAS.
I hope this information is helpful to you and wish you much success in your future academic endeavors.
[redacted], Advocate
Educational Testing Service
Test Taker Advocacy Dept.
TOEFL Services
Dear [redacted]It appears that the PRAXIS Inquiry area has already refunded the $40 fee. If you need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us again.Thank you and have a good day.Linda M[redacted] AdvocateTest Taker Advocacy[redacted]
The customer was having difficulty registering to take a PRAXIS exam. [redacted], an Advocate has spoken to the customer via phone to put her in contact with Dominque, who will assist her to register for the exam.
Please see our customer response below: Dear [redacted] ETS was notified by the ( that you submitted a complaint regarding the refund and ID policy set forth by Educational Testing Service (ETS). You are entitled to a 50% refund when canceling three business...
days before your scheduled appointment date. The is well aware of our refund policy. It is the candidate's responsibility to become familiar with all policies and procedures before entering in to a 'contract' of services to be rendered. "By clicking the COMPLETE APPOINTMENT button below, you agree to all terms and conditions related to payments, reschedules, cancellations, refunds and other policies set forth by your sponsoring organization." Therefore, a registrant is confirming, before paying, that they have read all policies and procedures set forth in the GRE® Information and Registration Bulletin. As previously mentioned, page 9 of the Information and Registration Bulletin, as well as on the website,, it states, "The name you use when you register must exactly match (excluding hyphens, accents and spaces) the name on the identification (ID) documents that you will present on the day of the test. If it does not, you may be prohibited from taking the test or your test scores may be canceled after you take the test." In addition, it also states, "If your online account has already been created, please confirm that the name on your ID documents still matches the name that appears in your account (excluding hyphens, accents and spaces)." In lieu of the above information, I am making a one-time exception to policy and refunding the other 50% ($102.50) since you will be scheduling a new appointment under your last name as it reads on your valid ID. I hope this information is helpful. Sincerely,Linda M[redacted], AdvocateEducational Testing ServiceTest Taker Advocacy Dept.
Please see the customer response below:
From: TTA TOEFL Response [mailto:[redacted]] Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 11:56 AMTo: [redacted]Subject: [redacted] February 12, 2016 TOEFL Exam - Case #[redacted] - DJ [#[redacted]]
Dear [redacted]...
Your complaint to the ( regarding the iBT TOEFL exam you had taken on February 12, 2016, was forwarded to me for a response. Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. Comments from test takers are always welcomed and are taken seriously in our effort to maintain the highest standards of quality for our tests and testing services.
I would encourage you to contact our Office of Testing Integrity to find out the status of your case. The phone number is [redacted] and email address is [redacted]. The office is very busy, so it might take a few days before an agent contacts you.
We hope this information was helpful. We wish you much success in your future academic endeavors.
[redacted] L. J[redacted]
Test Taker Advocacy
TOEFL Services
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you so much for your help and assistance! As a student, that voucher made a big difference for me.
The customer was contacted by phone on 1/27 by the Office of Testing Integrity.
After a phone conversation with the customer,today, 7/21, a voucher was issued for a free GRE retest. The situation has been resolved.
Please see our customer response below: [redacted]I apologize for your frustration but as I explained during our phone conversation on 1/11/17, there are many candidates that opt not to send the reports until they see their scores. When candidates opt to report on test day, the score reports are...
processed and sent automatically during the scoring process. After the initial reporting, there are manual processes that need to take place, involving several areas to send out additional reports. Unfortunately for these reasons, I will be unable to process a refund as requested.Regards,Judy D[redacted]Operations ManagerTest Taker Advocacy