National Association of Professional Women Reviews (824)
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Review: I want to terminate my annual membership (which started 12/**/13) and receive a full refund. I spoke with [redacted], a [redacted] (###-###-####), today about terminating my membership. I asked for a full refund of the $199 which is a pending charge today.
There was much disagreement between us. After some time, [redacted] stated that the best she could do was to provide a refund of $149. She said I would continue as member for this year. [redacted] also set it up so that my account will not be automatically billed next year.
According to [redacted], the billing department would not allow immediate cancellation and the full refund.
I have spoken to two others today -- including [redacted] in [redacted] (###-###-####) Each time I speak with someone they argue with me and refuse to refund my money in full.Desired Settlement: I request to terminate my membership and to receive a full refund. They are still holding onto $50 of my money.
We are sorry that[redacted]’s experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do striveto provide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve theirlives, both personal and professional. We encourage and expect ourmembers to avail themselves of those benefits and to contact us with anyquestions or problems regarding their memberships. Members who do take the timeto explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will findtremendous value in being a member of the NAPW. Our members are entitled to betreated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on the NAPW team istrained to work with our members to resolve any issues; however, there areprotocols and policies which must be followed. These policies are companywideand all of our team members are required to follow them. [redacted] authorized the December *, 2014 charge reflecting her annualmembership dues. During her initialenrollment interview, our representative went over the membership, beginningwith the most comprehensive package – part of the goal of the interview is todetermine the best package to fit the member’s goals and budget. We want themto get the maximum benefits for the money, which is why they offer the optionsin the order they do. [redacted] selected our most basic paid membership. Ourrepresentative also explained that NAPW uses an automatic renewal process,designed to protect [redacted]’s enrollment in and uninterrupted access tothe benefits provided by NAPW and its business partners. Prior to concluding the interview, ourrepresentative specifically informed [redacted] that her annual membershipwould automatically renew. [redacted]had the opportunity to opt out of our automatic renewal program at that time. NAPWemploys a comprehensive call recording and auditing function. Our staff reviews the recording of eachcompleted interview for multiple compliance points, including that therepresentative explained the automatic renewal process as described above. Aspart of our investigation into this case, we reviewed that call again and [redacted] was made completely aware of these points at the time. This interviewis available for review if required. Duringthe initial enrollment interview, our representative explained that [redacted] would receive an email (within 24 hours) containing login informationfor access to our members’ portal. Ourrepresentative further explained that [redacted] should review our Terms& Conditions. Subsequent to loggingin but prior to accessing her benefits, she was required to review and acceptthose Terms & Conditions. Therein, shewas provided with the details of our automatic renewal policy, which waspreviously explained during the initial enrollment interview. We know that she did this because the login informationwas changed by her – something which cannot be done without accepting the termsand conditions. Throughoutthe year, NAPW made available to [redacted] a comprehensive membershipservices staff, which is qualified to field all inquiries and would have beenable to work with her had she elected to opt out of her automatic renewal (orany other questions she may have had). NAPW publicizes the availability of this staff through multiplededicated pages. See [redacted]. Each of these pages publishes the contacttelephone numbers and email addresses, and provides a convenient form whichthis member could have submitted at any time if she wished to engage our stafffor any reason, including opting out of her automatic membership renewal. From dayone of [redacted]’s enrollment with NAPW, we communicated via email using theaddress she provided: [redacted],which is also the same as in this complaint. Email was clearly the primary communication channel, by which [redacted] received her monthly newsletters and numerous other organizationalannouncements. A postcard reminder wasmailed at the end of October to the address provided by her at the time ofenrollment, which is the same as the one provided here. Additionally, wellbefore it was processed, NAPW sent [redacted] a courtesy reminder of herupcoming renewal transaction via email, and another reminder a week later. We havereviewed all of our records. [redacted] did not contact us to cancel her scheduled renewal prior toprocessing, as required by our Terms & Conditions, so her renewal wasprocessed as she previously authorized. [redacted] did contact us on December *, 2014,and she was rude, unreasonable, threatening and abusive. Apparently, she believesthat it is our fault that she failed to pay attention to her business. Shedemanded to be the exception to the rules which apply to everyone else. As a member of the [redacted] profession, sheshould be familiar with [redacted] and understand that while there might beexceptions to the rule, her choice to ignore the reminders did not qualify. Sheinsisted that because she intended to cancel her membership, we should haveknown this and demanded a refund. Engaging in more flawed logic for her argument, she then accused us ofnot knowing what is going on in her life – obviously, as she did not advise us ofany problems or issues. She then demanded to know what we would do if she had ahandicap, and we explained, for the fourth time, that we cannot know thesethings unless we are advised by the member. We have refunded all of [redacted]’s renewalfee, and we are happy to have the opportunity to explain why it was charged inthe first place.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
1. While NAPW did refund the total amount as requested, their written response further demonstrates their practice is to bully and condescend to those who complain.2. The NAPW response is inaccurate and defaming of my good character. In fact, when I initially called on December [redacted] to ask for a refund, I was not at all rude, unreasonable, threatening or abusive. It was only when NAPW representatives repeatedly denied my request for a full refund, that I became upset and angry. 3. I am appalled and offended by the intimation regarding "a handicap." First, the term “handicap” is offensive to many individuals with disabilities, and NAPW customer service representatives should be informed. Second, the NAPW representative raised the issue and in response I asked, not demanded, what they would do if I did in fact have a disability. It was a legitimate question and NAPW is using it here in the written response in a reproachful, condescending manner.4. If this is to be published online, I request they remove the disparaging language in their written response that denigrates me as a person and as a professional. This includes the entire section that begins with, “[redacted] did contact us on December *, 2014 . . .” and concludes with, “. . . we cannot know these things unless we are advised by the member."I read here on the that NAPW has had 307 complaints closed with in the last 3 years, including 154 closed in the last 12 months. It is clear my experience is not unique.In conclusion, I want to go on record that the NAPW leadership should be ashamed of their business practices. No one should have to fight with NAPW representatives to get out of a membership that is no longer wanted. Membership funds can be, and should be, refunded when requested, with grace and not with argument. Plenty of successful businesses and membership organizations operate this way.Sincerely, [redacted] In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Review: (Disclaimer. For privacy concerns, I have removed all phone numbers and replaced the actual names with WOMAN A, WOMAN B, WOMAN C, and WOMAN D.)
On December **, 2013, I contacted NAPW via their website ([redacted]) to get information on the association. On December ** 2013, a WOMAN A called me and "interviewed" me. She then congratulated me and told me that I met their rigid qualifications and was accepted into this prestigious women's association. Wow, was I flattered! Then she started in on the cost. She first attempted to get me into their [redacted] status with a price tag of $2,000. I told her I could not afford that. She then offered a different membership level at a lower price. I told her I wanted to think about it, but she continued to pressure me by dropping the price to other levels. I was traveling from Texas to Ohio and had to pull off the road to talk with her. I needed to get back on the road, so I eventually settled for a $199 membership level, thinking that if it's as great as she claims, I will at least have the logo behind my name.
Following the phone call, and having time to process the phone call as I continued my trip, I questioned whether I was scammed. So, I pulled over and called back. I was transferred to voice mail. I left a voice mail requesting that someone call me back, and that I felt like I might have been scammed. I never received a return phone call.
On February **, 2014, I received another phone call from NAPW. WOMAN B congratulated me on becoming “2014 [redacted] Woman of the Year”. She made it sound like I was selected from hundreds of women. She told me I would receive a plaque and be acknowledged in their newsletter. In addition, she said I would have access to numerous webinars, workshops, etc. Then she wanted to charge $995 to my credit card (I now understand that this was to put me in the [redacted] membership level, the one I was initially told cost $2,000.) Still on my ego high, I gave it to her. I called my husband to tell him about this prestigious honor I was just awarded. While waiting on my next flight (I was traveling this day too), I had time to ponder the conversation, trying to deny that I might have been scammed once again and wanting to believe that this award was real, given to just me out of the entire organization. But my husband saw a red flag right away, especially since I just joined the organization in December. So he got online and found several complaints of NAPW’s sales tactics. ( I had not even told him about the $995 at that time. )
After he texted me about his findings, I tried to call WOMAN B back but got a voice mail. I left her a voice mail to call me to discuss the award and the money. I then sent her the following email:
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I wanted to speak with you when I am not traveling about our conversation today, particularly why I had to pay $900 +. If I did not have to do that, I prefer to have my money returned.
It has been bothering me all day. Perhaps we can speak tomorrow.
Sent from my iPhone
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Instead, I received the following email:
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Good afternoon [redacted], sorry I missed your call, now upon your interview with your account [redacted], I am sure as you remember you were asked several questions and with that said we have utilized much of that information to make our decisions. We also have a research and development team that spend time in doing their own diligence in helping to make those choices using major search engines, etc. You are also mainly selected considering your prominence in your profession, your commitment to further expand within your industry role and your leadership achievements thus far. Only about 2% of well over 500,000 members both on regional and national levels were chosen this year to represent their professional industry.
The [redacted] level is a different and coveted area as explained. You are now obtaining access moving forward to unlimited and free access to Seminars, Conferences, workshops, archived webinars and teleconferences. As well as an allocated space for the business websites onto our Member Marketplace which is a high visibility directory as well. I must say, many members that have not been chosen must allocate $1995 just to obtain the unlimited access for the trainings alone. However, being that you were chosen as said, that is why we incurred the 50% of that reducing it to $995 in which is significantly discounted considering what you are obtaining.
WOMAN B I [redacted]
National Association of Professional Women
The next day (February **), I called WOMAN B. I told her that I wanted to talk to her, and not handle my concerns via email. I told her that I researched the company and found that they had an “F” rating with the [redacted] (source: [redacted]). She denied this and told me that they had an “A” standing. She proceeded to tell me that there are 500,000 women in NAPW and that I will find a few complaints on any organization.
I questioned her about the [redacted] status, but all I got from her was a marketing speech. She started naming women associated with NAPW, such as [redacted], I can only assume to impress me for being part of an organization associated with high profile women. She reiterated all the unlimited and free access I now have. I told her that if I really won such a high honor as “2014 NAPW [redacted] Woman of the Year”, that I would have expected to be put in the [redacted] status automatically, without paying money. I then asked her, “Had I not paid the $995, would I have still won ‘2014 NAPW [redacted] Woman of the Year’?” She would not answer directly. Rather, she repeated all the benefits to me. I continued to press her on the issue. The more I pressed, the more aggressive she got, to the point of talking over me.
When I told her I wanted my money back, she started the benefits list again.
Getting nowhere with her, she transferred me to WOMAN C in the Billing Department. WOMAN C greeted herself and by looking at my information in front of her, acknowledged that I was now a [redacted] member—How could she help me. (I noticed that she stated nothing about any award given to me. I would have thought she would have that in front of her too if it was such an honor.) I told her my story and that I wasn’t getting anywhere with WOMAN B. She apologized and told me that they would talk with WOMAN B about how WOMAN B handled the situation. Thinking I was going to get somewhere with this person, I told her that I felt like I was manipulated into joining the association. She apologized. Then I told her I wanted my money back. She began her marketing speech--mentioning prestigious women’s names, talking about the benefits of the organization, etc. For me, the red flag was once again waving high. I began pressing her about the tactics to the point that she agreed to refund me $500, reminding me once again of the savings. Feeling like I would never see all of my money again, I mentally accepted that fact. She offered to have someone contact me to show me around the site so I could take advantage of the benefits. I went ahead and accepted this offer.
During the above conversation, I learned that NAPW is a for-profit business. Also, I shared with WOMAN C alternative methods to get people to join, such as offering a 30-day trial membership versus pressure sales tactics. I told her that for all they knew, I could have the same benefits from other organizations and might not benefit at all by having membership with NAPW. The only way one can find out is to join, see, and if I didn’t need it, jump through hoops to try and get my money back.
Below is the email I received from Billing regarding the refund. (I checked my Chase account, and $500 was returned):
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As per your conversation with our Billing Department, we have issued a credit to your account. It should post in three to five business days, depending on the policies of your card issuer, it may take longer. As requested, the automatic renewal for your membership has been deactivated. We do encourage you to log in while it remains active and take advantage of your exclusive member benefits by signing on to our website.
If you've forgotten your login information, please click here: Forgot Password?
and enter your Member ID # . If you do not have your member ID, please call ###-###-####.
• Network on-line with over 500,000 professional women
• Attend Local chapter meetings and events at over 400 locations across the country
• Expand your knowledge through seminars, webinars, certification courses and other on-line educational tools
And don’t forget about our National Networking Conference. Last year’s event, hosted by Star Jones, included inspirational key note speakers [redacted] and [redacted]. Click here for news about our 2014 Conference topics, speakers and break-out sessions.
Thank you for being a part of the country’s largest network of professional women.
National Association of Professional Women
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On March *, 2014, I received my call from WOMAN D of Membership Services. She was to show me around the site. When she identified that I was now a [redacted] member, I chimed in and said something like, “only because I was conned into it”. This set our conversation back to the same path that I had with WOMAN B and WOMAN C. After some discussion with her, she transferred me to WOMAN C.
During my conversation with WOMAN C this second time, I told her why [redacted] transferred me to her—that I was still frustrated that I felt conned into becoming a [redacted] member. WOMAN C tried to get me to only focus on positive things. She acted as though I had not given NAPW a chance to prove itself. I kept telling her it had nothing to do with the benefits (which she once again, went through). It had to do with the HOW I was drawn into the [redacted] program; not the WHAT the [redacted] program offers. For some reason, I could not get anyone to see this. At one point, I said to WOMAN C, “Am I the only person that was selected ‘2014 [redacted] Woman of the Year’ or do others get this too?” Her response was that they are given monthly.
I told her that now I know I was manipulated and I wanted ALL my money back. I told her that I was going to report NAPW to the [redacted] and that I was going to let my friends on [redacted] know about their immoral practices. I told her that I would tell what NAPW would say about my complaint. They will attempt to minimize it, and try to make me look like the bad person in all of this. I told her that for a company that claims to help women, what they are really doing is manipulating women into joining by getting them to feel great about themselves and then ask for money, knowing that having a woman on such as high is easier to get money from them. When reality sets in after the fact, it’s too late.
I lost my $199 in December due to my vulnerability. I am glad I FINALLY got my money back from the second sales tactic. But this should not continue to happen. It is an unethical business practice, and quite frankly demeaning to women.
Feel free to contact me for further discussion if needed.
Thank you for your time.Desired Settlement: As I stated in my story, NAPW is using unethical tactics to get women to join. They are manipulating women's emotions, getting them on a high and then going in for the credit card. Once your in, it's almost impossible to get your money back. As I stated, I'm still out $199. As I also stated, for a professional company as NAPW advertises itself to be, I was humiliated by their tactics and "denial" of what transpired.
This member was refunded $495 on March **, 2014. It was not possible to refund to her credit card her renewal fee, but a check requested has been submitted in the amount of $199. This check should be issued within the next 7-10 days and will be sent directly to the member's address on file? ([redacted]).
Review: When I first spoke with the "membership department" and completed my "interview" for membership, I believed this was potentially a worthwhile organization. The agent I spoke to over the phone indicated that my professsional background and desire to grow my professional network with likeminded women in my community was a need that they could help me with. After I agreed to join the organization, and purchase a membership, I was called back at a later date by someone from the NAPW notifying me that I had won an award based on my interview! I was thrilled until she told me that I would have to pay $995 for my award --- which consisted of a plaque and my name in one of their publications (btw --- which I have never seen in my mailbox). It was at this point I suspected that this organization was nothing but a fraudulet sales organization preying on the ambition and good faith of professional women. Eventually after getting a series of useless spam mail from NAPW, I started to unsubscribe. Imagine my surprise when 12 months later, just a week ago, I realized they had charged me $199 for ANOTHER worthless year! Even better -- they did not notify me and when I called to speak to someone about it -- her name was [redacted] -- she was RUDE, UHELPFUL, and when I asked her to send me the notification letter letting me know my membership was about the renewed, she never did it.
This organization is nothing but a terrible scam. And after reviewing additional reviews online about them, I understand that others have gone through the exact same experience. Please help me get the word out about this group.
Thank you,Desired Settlement: A full refund of 2014 membership dues.
This member has been refunded. Due to the age of her account, it was not possible to credit her credit card, but a check requested has been submitted in the amount of $100. This check should be issued within the next 7-10 days and will be sent directly to the member's address on file? ([redacted] / [redacted]).
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
The renewal charge was for $199, and I contacted them January [redacted] to cancel the membership.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Hello, I have been trying to confirm payment from the business, and I have not received payment via check.
Check number [redacted] was sent to you this week. Please allow seven
business days for delivery.
Review: I received a post card a week prior indicating that I was offered a FREE membership to their organization and only needed to fill out the info online. I wasn't quite sure what it entailed, however, as a very new [redacted], I felt like maybe at least it would provide me with a connection to other business women. On Monday, I got a call from a blocked number (which I dont know why I answered) and it was someone from the NAPW. I listened to them and answered all their questions. Although the card said I was accepted, they were re-interviewing me (not sure why) and then stated that I was really ACCEPTED and congratulated me on what I was bringing to Professional women.
She then goes on to let me know that I can join the $995 membership or the $700+ membership. Really? I asked what the 3 prices were again because the card said FREE and she stated there were only 2 (never mentioning the free one). At this point, we were already into a 20 min conversation and I felt a little pressured and frustrated at the same time. I paused and told her that wasnt something I could afford and she quickly lowered her price to $199. While this was going on, I have 3 kids at home for a snow day, I was caught right in the middle getting ready to head out for a meeting and I had ALL 3 children continue to come in and talk to me. Multiple times I asked her to repeat what she said and still didn't hear all of it. I considered the $199 ONLY to get off the phone regardless my not wanting to (but she continued to stroke my new business ego and let me know how valuable this was). I asked if I could call back and talk to someone when I had time to process it, and she quickly stated NO that MANY women are being considered for this and it was a privilege to be accepted, however, they will move on and I would miss out on this. She then states that they have 2 framed certificates for me (only $99 each) which I passed on and when she mentioned a 1 time set up fee of an additional $99, I stopped her and she ended up waiving that (but highly frustrated). I gave her my card number and hung up feeling sick to my stomach. But 45 minutes on the phone, highly distracted, talking to a women who was very well equipped with script and me as a new [redacted], feeling vulnerable and not sure who to ally with and what companies would be of benefit, did me in.Desired Settlement: I sent an email and have called 3 times. I either was forwarded to a machine with no forwarding or was hung up on. I did receive a call that I missed after my first email, however, they left no extension and I tried calling back with no success. I want a full refund back to my credit card.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
My complaint has been resolved in some fashion as they finally refunded and cancelled my account despite their objections. I am still content with having my complaint posted on your site as it may help other women, but I did want to let you know the outcome.
Review: The NAPW processed an unauthorized renewal fee of $789. Per their terms and conditions, we should be notified that they are processing the renewal with the option to cancel, however, no e-mail was ever sent before my credit card was charged. Additionally, the fee charged was far in excess of the $100 renewal fee I discussed with the customer service agent on the phone.
Additionally, I have not agreed to their new Terms and Conditions as posted on their web site where they're trying to [in my opinion] sneak in these fees by making users agree that they will be automatically charged a renewal fee equal to their original membership fee. I never would have agreed to join if I thought I'd be charged almost $800 / year.Desired Settlement: I want the credit card charge reversed (I've also filed a complaint with AMEX) and I don't want any further renewal charges processed.
I would like to apologize to [redacted], as our system apparently failed her.
Review: NAPW has been posting unauthorized charges to our business account. We are trying to resolve the matter and are not receiving the appropriate answers. We have been being charges for an account that did not exist and was canceled in 2009.Desired Settlement: We would like all the unauthorized amounts reimbursed immediately!
Review: I was called by a woman with NAPW who asked a ton of questions about my businesses. Thinking it would be a quick phone call, I obliged and answered. After about 20 minutes of feeling bad about neglecting my company, she finally got done. She then told me I was accepted -- great! Until she told me the fees. When I told her that was WAY out of my budget, she lowered from $700-900/year to $199. Much more reasonable. I gave her my payment info and she began to sign me up. We ended up getting disconnected and since my newborn was screaming, I had company, and it was almost 8 at night, I decided not to call her back to complete my membership. About an hour later, I emailed saying I didn't want to be apart of it and I just didn't have time to do any sort of extra networking. I got no response. I later looked on my bank account and had a $199 charge AND a $99 charge. I have emailed two more times since then and received no answer. Out of curiosity, I just looked up my name on their website. Their description of me is terrible and makes me look like I can't write and is extremely unprofessional. This makes me even angrier that they have eluded my attempts to contact them for over a month. I never authorized an extra charge and really didn't want the first one. I honestly feel like I was pressured into joining because after I requested to have more time to look things over and think about making such an investment, the representative said I had to join right then. She obviously worked on commission, I haven't heard from her since. I do not want to work with such an organization that can't be contacted and is not upfront about their fees. I would like for my profile to be removed from their website.Desired Settlement: I would like a refund and for my profile to be immediately removed from the website.
I have reviewed the activity on [redacted]'s account. She was charged a total of $298, for her initial membership and for her profile setup/maintenance fee. The latter involves a dedicated team of profile managers who work with the member to create a professional profile and maintain it for the lifetime of her membership. In this case, [redacted] was not contacted and her profile was never updated or professionally completed (all that appears is the initial, auto-generated profile that was created by her responses to our interview questions).
I personally send apologies on behalf of NAPW to [redacted]. I have asked our Customer Service Manager to look into this and identify where the failure occurred, as [redacted] should have been contacted by our profiles team.
I have further directed our Finance Department to issue [redacted] a full refund in the amount of $298. I have been informed that, because her charges are over 60 days old, a credit cannot be issued to her credit card. Instead, my request has been placed into a queue and a company check in the amount of $298 will be cut and issued to [redacted] within 7 days. Please invite [redacted] to contact me directly at [redacted] if she does not receive her refund in that time and I will personally work with her to resolve any issues.
[redacted] | [redacted]
National Association of Professional Women
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
It has been nearly 3 weeks and I still have not received a check. I have copied the Mediator on this email.
Please send refund check to [redacted] at [redacted] as soon as possible. Thank you.
Our Controller just confirmed for me that company check #[redacted] was mailed on Friday, November *, to the address you provided below. Is there any chance you may have missed it in the mail? It seems that it should have been there by now. Our Controller is checking right now to make sure that it hasn't cleared, which might indicate that it was intercepted in the mail. If I learn anymore on that front I will let you know. In the meantime, please double-check your mail. If need be, I can see about cancelling that check, reissuing a new check and having it shipped via a trackable method like UPS.
Thank you,
[redacted] | [redacted]
National Association of Professional Women
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
The check arrived with today's mail. Not sure why it took so long to get here as it was stamped at the Post Office on the [redacted]. Thank you for your prompt response and for rectifying this matter.
Review: I was prompted via LI to join the NAPW. It stated 'free registration' and has misleading advertisement about exactly what this organization is. It needs to be clear about membership fees, renewal methods and 'perks'. I was called on the phone for an 'interview' and essentially pushed to join this group and pay the outrageous membership fees. Now, it is not permitting a refund or membership cancellation. As an organization that is supposed to be about female empowerment and professional support, this is a damn shame and disgrace.Desired Settlement: Refund my money and cancel my 'membership'.
[redacted] joined NAPW at the $198 membership level. This membership entitled her to participation in our online networking portal, to join up to two of our several Local Chapters in the metro DC area, to reduced-price continuing education benefits, to attend our 2014 National Networking Conference held in Manhattan, and numerous other benefits. She was never "pushed" to join NAPW, she did so freely. At that time, it was explained to her that her membership dues are immediately put to work to enroll her in benefits provided by NAPW's partners and, for that reason, all membership sales are final.
However, NAPW understands that consumers may have buyer's remorse or wish to discontinue their memberships for other reasons. To that end, we have a fully-staffed customer service department, which speaks to members and attempts to reiterate the member's benefits, etc., in order to maintain the membership. In [redacted]'s case, that process apparently failed and we regret that. As such, we have issued her a full refund in the amount of $198.00. This credit should appear in her account within the next 3-5 business days, depending on her bank's policies.
[redacted] | [redacted]
National Association of Professional Women
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Review: High pressure sales tactics by phone, and next to impossible to get someone on the phone without having to leave a message first.
Based on an advertisement I saw on [redacted], I did not think there was a fee to join the organization. When I was first contacted by a sales representative after indicating interest, I was first "interviewed" and then , after being "accepted" as someone who would be a good member, was asked to pay $600 for a one-year membership. I couldn't afford this, so my original membership cost was lowered substantially during the first phone call. The high pressure sales-feel left a bad taste in my mouth though, so I later sent an email stating I wanted to cancel my membership. I also sent back the membership materials I was mailed. Rather than cancelling my membership, I got a call back. I missed that call, and when I called back I had to leave a message. When I got a call back, I stated I wanted to cancel my membership. Instead of the sales person "acquiesing", I was offered two reduced membership prices; so I kept my membership for $100. I decided a few days later that I still did not want the membership, so called back and again had to leave a message. I am tired of playing phone tag and want my membership cancelled and my credit card refunded. I have not taken advantage of any of NAPW's membership benefits, and want a refund. Any membership organization that makes things this tough for someone they purportedly want as a member, that also has a rating of 'F', is not an organization I want to be a part of.Desired Settlement: Refund of all payments made to NAPW and cancellation of membership. I DON'T want to be contacted by this anyone from organization by phone; I want them to send me an email notification stating that the membership has been cancelled and my card refunded. I will complain to again if they can't follow through with this simple request.
Per this member's request, she is being issued a refund of $99, representing the cancellation of her membership. Because the initial transaction was more than 60 days ago, the refund will be issued by live check. This request has been issued. Unless we hear differently, the check for $99 will be mailed to the address on file, and [redacted] should expect to receive it in the next 2-3 weeks.
Review: I requested to join the NAPW not knowing what the charges would be and received a phone call on ** Oct from a representative. I work nights but still took the call early in the morning. Although the representative stated a charge of $789 plus an extra $99 fee for something else, it didn't really register the full amount since I was not alert. My husband called me on ** Oct, upset that we were charged $888. I called 12 times to get my account cancelled and all 12 times, I was transferred to a recording. Every time I spoke to a representative, I told her I didn't want to be transferred to voicemail but yet I was still transferred to a voicemail. For $888, you would think you would be able to talk to someone live. After calling for 3 hours, I demanded to talk to a representative. It was then that she stated that this was non-refundable. How can joining an organization be non-refundable? I stated that my husband is unemployed, it has only been 1 week since I joined and that I did not want the services. The representative was very frustrated with me and kept reinterating that they had me recorded and stated that I agreed to the amount and that it was non-refundable. The business doesn't care about it customers, their satisfaction, or the service they provide. After going back and forth with a frustrated respresentative, she gave me back $600 of my money regardless of the fact that I stated that my husband was unemployed and I didn't want the services. Regardless, if this was a successful organization, why would make sure you record someone, not send them an email stating the amount to be charged as well as it being non-refundable, and not allow them to be released from the program if a customer doesn't want the services? I feel that this organization is dishonest, unfair and has an unethical business practice. It has only been one week, I have not used any of the services but yet, because of a recording, they will not give me the full refund. They gave me the impression that it was a priveledge to join this organization but with the way the representative handled me and the fact that it is non-refundable makes me not trust want this organization is all about.Desired Settlement: I would like a full refund. They kept $289 of my money. I would like a full refund and they can deactivate my access to the website. I am very dissatisfied with this organization and do not want to be a part of it.
[redacted] became a Preferred member with NAPW on October **, 2013. Shortly thereafter, she contacted NAPW’s billing department stating that her husband had lost his job and that her annual dues rate was financially onerous. At that time, NAPW issued her a courtesy credit of $500 to help reduce the burden. On November **, 2013, NAPW issued an additional credit of $289, thereby crediting [redacted] in full. I have confirmed that [redacted]’s membership has been deactivated and her personal information has been removed from NAPW’s database. I trust this matter is resolved. Is [redacted] has any additional questions, she may contact me anytime at [redacted]
Review: The Napw contacted me a year ago to join and we had not finished the application when I had to go into a meeting. The gal was to call me back to complete and never did and billed my credit card. My book keeper called to cancel , but never got a hold of someone. to cancel . I was just billed again for another year on my credit card statement and when called to talk with someone that I did not approve the charge was rude and told me I had 30 days since billing to cancel and my time was up and they would not cancel it. Since the charge happened at the beginning of my billing cycle I just got the bill .Desired Settlement: I do not want to be a part of the NAPW that just takes your money and does nothing for it. I want a refund to my credit card and a note telling me they will destroy the credit card number they have on file ASAP.
[redacted] spoke with a member of our Customer Service team on September ** regarding her renewal charge of $199. At that time, the team member reiterated the benefits available to [redacted] and they agreed to a refund of $99.
I have directed our Finance Department to issue a full refund in the remaining amount of $100, and that credit has been confirmed. It should appear on her account within 3-5 business days, depending upon her bank's polices. I have further directed our IT Department to deactivate [redacted]'s account and wipe our database of her credit card information. That process has been completed.
National Association of Professional Women
I want to advise other professional women that this organization is a pure scam. They are begging for members - they use your credit card for unauthorized renewal of your membership. It is without a doubt the most unprofessional organization you will ever deal with! Their staff are sweet when they want your credit card information then they are just the opposite when you try to get your money back. Don't settle for them taking any of your money - if they have billed you tell them you want a 100% refund. It took months for mine to arrive but I got it back! Don't let them intimidate you!
I first saw the National Association of Professional Women advertised on LinkedIn. Interested in learning more, I clicked the link. At first, they seem like a legitimate organization, but then the incessant calling (if you answer, it's a good 20-minute interview about everything in your life to try to "help you set up your profile") started. Everything sounds great, but then it costs so much to join, a value they claim is nearly $10,000! No other professional organization I have ever been a part of costs so much with so little to offer. The networking is nonexistent. "Meetings" are held in the middle of the work day. There are no true benefits that you couldn't get from field-specific professional organizations. Even if you do sign up as a member, they will be calling you back telling you that you're a featured member, but you need to pay an additional $500 or $1,000 on top of what you have already paid.
Review: Every year for the last three years I have had to email to stop charging my credit card and to credit my account back as they keep charging my account for services I did not ask for or authorized them to do. I have asked to cancel any further charges and I have told them to stop any further transactions yet they keep charging my card. I have had to contact my credit card company all three times to report the fraud. However, this time my credit card company ([redacted]) went ahead and cancel my old card and still put the charge on my new card and said I have to contact to credit me back. I report [redacted] as to them helping committing fraud yet I am the one who has pay money and late fees charges for something that is consider fraud and I never authorize I wanted. I have report now a second time to and to the [redacted] of [redacted] office because of this. Now I have to add [redacted] in the fraud since they clearly do not have their customers back.Desired Settlement: I want my new credit card credit back for the charge and for the late fees charge that [redacted] have added to it.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Review: My account was automatically renewed without notice. The day I saw the pending charge I called immediately to discontinue my membership. A standard script was read stating that I cannot cancel my membership and was not entitled for a full refund as my information was already sold to third party vendors. I disagree with this practice. The greater issue is that they are refusing to cancel my membership. They will not delete my information nor with they cancel my account. I am forced to remain a member for the 2016 calendar year which is unacceptable. I do not want to be a part of this organization. It seems unreasonable that my account and my information is there's to do with as they please for the next year.Desired Settlement: I have already cut my loses on the portion of my membership fee that wont be returned as it was sold without my full understanding to a third party vendor. That in itself is unfair. I simply want my account deleted immediately. I do know want to be part of the NAPW and I do not believe I should be forced to remain a member.
Our initial investigation of this claim indicates that we received one call from [redacted], on December *, 2015, after her membership renewed. She authorized the renewal during her enrollment interview. We sent her a reminder as a courtesy at the end of October via [redacted] Service.We did speak to [redacted] on December *, 2015, explained why her card was charged and issued a partial refund. We are undergoing further reviews of all correspondence between NAPW and [redacted] and if her claim meets the criteria for a complete refund, it will be issued. If not we will advise her of the outcome within ten business days.
Review: I can't believe I actually accept the membership... but according to their policy I shall be able to get a full refund specially since not even 60 days had passed (1 day so far). Another thing is that I used my fiancee's card that he borrow me... EXCUSE ME thinking about, how come you even accept a card without asking the name of the card holder. I called right away because my fiancee informed me that there was a charge of 14,000 pesos... and the dollar rate is about 13 mexican pesos per USA dollar. SO HOW COME 799 dlls became about $1,000 dollars?... Once I called they said they will refund 589 dlls. Since the transaction didn't show up reflected my fiancee cancelled his card after reading all the other complains of charges made by this organization to other people with out consent. So today I called again, No proper answer, I told them I want to cancel everything and that I want my money back, I haven't even use the username and password they gave me... if so I should be able to get a refund for something I haven't even use. My fiancé's name is [redacted]Desired Settlement: I want all the money back!
We are sorry that
[redacted]’s experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do strive
to provide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve their
lives, both personal and professional. We encourage and expect our
members to avail themselves of those benefits and to contact us with any
questions or problems regarding their memberships.
[redacted] completed an application for membership in NAPW. We assume that applicants have done some
basic research on the NAPW before completing an application for membership to
determine if the NAPW would be an organization from which they would
benefit. All of our invitations contain
links and information where more details about the NAPW can be researched in
addition to conventional Internet searches.
As everyone knows, the Internet is a forum in which anyone may express
an opinion regardless of facts and while unhappy applicants have made claims
and accusations about the NAPW, most of which are utterly baseless, most of our
members who participate and take advantage of the resources and benefits of
membership are more than satisfied.
NAPW provides an amazing
value for the membership fee. Included in ALL memberships levels are
webinars, seminars, discounts, perks, online networking access and in-person
chapter affiliation as well as a myriad of other benefits. Our
organization is growing, expanding and moving forward through numerous
initiatives, strategic alliances and corporate affiliations; offering members
additional avenues to ASPIRE, ACHIEVE and CONNECT.
Our members are entitled to be
treated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on the NAPW team is
trained to work with our members to resolve any issues; however, there are
protocols and policies which must be followed. These policies are companywide
and all of our team members are required to follow them.
On September
**, 2014 NAPW contacted her and conducted its initial enrollment
interview. During this telephone call
our representative explained the annual costs and benefits associated with this
level of membership, and that all membership enrollments are final. When [redacted] provided her credit card
information, she did not advise the representative that she was using a card
belonging to someone else.
NAPW is a membership-based networking organization, the primary benefits at all
levels are found through our membership portal ([redacted]) as well as through our
face-to-face networking at our over 300 Local Chapters nationwide. Additionally, through our online portal,
members are able to access ancillary benefits provided by our business
partners. Because NAPW incurs costs upon
enrollment with those partners, we maintain a final sale policy. Please be aware that membership alone
includes no tangible product to be shipped to the member.
representative explained that [redacted] would receive an email (within 24
hours) containing login information for our members’ portal through which she is
able access all of the online benefits and enroll in Local Chapters. She notes in her complaint that she did
receive this information. Our representative further explained that [redacted] should review our Terms & Conditions. Subsequent to logging in but prior to
accessing her benefits, she was required to review and accept those Terms &
Conditions. Therein, [redacted] was
provided with the details of our final sale policy, along with all other
policies governing her relationship with NAPW.
NAPW’s Terms & Conditions are available at [redacted]. We believe that there may have been a
language barrier, judging by the text of the complaint.
Clearly, [redacted] was not authorized to use the card in question
to purchase a membership; therefore, we have refunded the entire amount of her
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved, yet the process that did is satisfactory. Is NOT been resolved because it takes several business days to clear the full refund from NAPW so until then I'll consider this complaint NOT fully resolved.
For record purposes let me quote the NAPW text:
"Clearly, [redacted] was not authorized to use the card in question to purchase a membership; therefore, we have refunded the entire amount of her fee."
For safety reasons my fiance had to cancel his card, he assumed that the NAPW could try to retrieve more money, yet we will keep a close eye on the transactions, if needed we are willing to accept a check for the full refund. We will wait, since we are aware that refunds may take some business days. If refunds are not clear with in a month I'll make another call to NAPW and quote the text from this ID# [redacted] or in any case open another complaint., thank you so much, thanks for helping all of us. As soon as we get the refund I'll gladly consider the case resolved.
Best Regards
Please find attached receipts for the credits issued to the card in question. The transaction IDs are found in the description - your bank can check the status of the credit using those numbers.
We trust this is satisfactory.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Than you very much!!!
Review: The company used hard sales tactics and false claims on program benefits. I received a call saying I was being recognized for my outstanding leadership and they needed information for a press release. The then tried selling me a membership which cost nearly $1,000. I declined but they kept going telling me how there are special discounts for stores I frequent often like Target, Kohl's, etc. They also said that there was access to free classes, mentorship programs and that my plaque was included. My initial membership was $100 paid in December. In January I was charged $99 for the plaque. On March **, I received another phone call saying I was being recognized as Woman of The Year. Again hard sales was used and they falsely advertised the benefits yet again. I was told that the free classes I was promised with my initial membership were only discounted but if I was a VIP they would be free and I would also have access to professional marketing help. I was charged $495 for my VIP membership which is supposed to include a framed certificate. I never received the certificate and yet again the free classes and seminars are not free. Nobody has responded regarding a press release. This organization is using false advertisement on what their services include and scamming young professionals into joining. Because the offer is only good right then it doesn't give people a chance to research their company although they said they are an A rated company. Turns out they are an F rated company that has many complaints similar to mine. All sales should not be final if what you're selling isn't what is actually being bought.Desired Settlement: A full refund totaling $694.
This member will be issued a check for $694.00, which will be mailed to the address shown in the complaint. Due to the age of the transaction, it is not possible to issue a credit directly through the card billed. This check should arrive within two weeks.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Review: I never talked with this company. I am not sure who gave them my account information but when I explained to them the situation they would only agree to give me back $600 and not the full $998 because they spent that already. This company has more files for being a fraud company when a simple [redacted] search happened. I am 22 years old and hardly even qualify for this and most definitely cannot afford this.Desired Settlement: I just want my money back. The last of it so then my bank can reopen my account and this entire mess can be resolved. I do not need a screwed up credit score for something I did not purchase.
Our check #[redacted] was mailed to [redacted] on May *, 2014.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
This check was not a full refund like it was supposed to be.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Just wanted to touch base with you again because the company came back stating the mailed it last week and I have still not received it.
We mailed check [redacted] to [redacted], the address you provided as your shipping address when you became a member, on June **, 2014. Please understand that because the original transaction took place
well over two months ago, we are unable to issue a credit to the
card that was billed. This is our standard practice for refunds.
Therefore, we had to send a request for a check to be issued. This
process can take up to ten business days as it is outside of our normal
protocols. Once the checks are issued, they are sent
via First Class US mail and the time of actual delivery to your address
will vary. If the address we used is incorrect, please let us know ASAP.
Review: After reviewing and researching the NAPW, this is not an organization that I want to be part of. The hundred's of complaints against them alone, are reason to steer clear. I had hoped that this would be a creditable website to network with other professionals but it is not that. I do not want to be associated with this organization in any way. I have emailed both the customer service and billing departments to cancel my membership immediately and refund the $199 that was billed to my chase CC today. (Still pending). Also, I received a phone call from the billing department today and when I called back, I was unable to get a live person. Lastly, [redacted] (the girl who called me originally), did not give me the correct phone number to reach her back at. I have contacted Chase bank and will be putting a stop on all future transitions from NAPW.Desired Settlement: $199 registration fee and do not charge me the $99 (profile fee) - total refund
At this time, my complaint, ID [redacted] regarding National Association of Professional Women has been resolved.
(By clicking "OK", your complaint will be closed as Resolved.)
Review: IN late July or early August I saw an advertisement on [redacted] that said "free membership" in the National Association of Professional Women. I made the mistake of clicking on it as I thought it would be beneficial to network with other professional women. I then received a "qualifying" phone call from a monotone woman who would just recite her script and not really interact. When she quoted me something near $1000 I advised her that my husband was out of work and that I could not afford that much money for something I was supposed to get for FREE! She kept at me and at me with the things I would be forfeiting if I didn't pay them at least X amount for my membership. I finally caved in and agreed to the lowest level which was $99. I was told I would receive my "Welcome" packet which would be "packed with valuable information." What a joke! I received the thinnest, most flimsy, nearly empty envelope you have ever seen. I called yesterday and spoke with [redacted] in Customer Service to ask for a refund and was told that they have a "no refund policy as they had already spent the money on my behalf." I'd like to know exactly what they claim to have spent the money on! She did say she would "inactivate" my membership and send me a confirmation email within 30 minutes. I have yet to receive any email from NAPW. It has taken me this long to file the complaint because I have been working extra hours to be able to pay our bills. The bait-and-switch nature of the service and the very high-pressure sales tactics are disgraceful! It made no difference to them that they LIED in their ad and that you actually get NOTHING for free.Desired Settlement: I would like: 1) a refund, 2) to never be contacted by them again and 3) to ensure that they stop their false advertising! With so many complaints, the should be ashamed of the "A rating" the NAPW advertises on their website.
I have received a refund from the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.