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National Association of Professional Women

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Reviews National Association of Professional Women

National Association of Professional Women Reviews (824)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint...

ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

The NAPW repsonded saying that I would receive a check WITHIN 10 business days. After 10 business days after their response I called billing and a woman named [redacted] answered the phone. After I told her the situation she then became huffy and seemed to longer want to help me. Finally she said that they mailed the check the day before which made me upset because I was told I would receive a check in 10 days, not that they would send one in 10 days. It's now been almost a week and I still have not received a check. When I called back, [redacted] answered and I asked for a manager. She got even more huffy and puffy with me and no matter how many times I asked for one, she wouldn't put one on the phone. Finally, being frusterated, I hung up. I am concered that they never sent one at all until after I had to contact them again. I can not continue waiting for them when they already lied to me and the when they told me I would receive a check in 10 business days. I would like my money by the end of the week. If it does not arrive tomorrow June **, Then I want a new check over nighted to me.  
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
At this time, my complaint, ID [redacted] regarding National Association of Professional Women has been resolved.
(By clicking "OK", your complaint will be closed as...

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

Again, this organization continues with dishonesty. Please pull any recordings as they are evidence that I was very clear that I would not pay $489. I also have the original approved charge of $99 on my credit card statement. You absolutely did NOT have authorization for charging an additional amount. You stole my credit information without my permission and charged $489 TWICE. This case is NOT resolved until you reimburse my account the additional charge of $489.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me...

and the matter has been resolved.

We mailed check [redacted] to the address you provided in this complaint. on
June **, 2014. Please understand that because the original transaction took place
well over two months ago, we are unable to issue a credit to the
card that was billed. This is our standard practice for refunds.
Therefore, we had to send a request for a check to be issued. This
process can take up to ten business days as it is outside of our normal
protocols. Once the checks are issued, they are sent
via First Class US mail and the time of actual delivery to your address
will vary. If the address we used is incorrect, please let us know ASAP.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

While I did get refunded for half the total amount by card ($394),  I did not receive any refund by check.  According to representative, they could not refund because they pay out to their vendors immediately.  The total amount was $789, I did not see any value for the remainder membership fee as I was only a member for a week when I decided to cancel.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

We are sorry that[redacted]’s experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do strive toprovide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve theirlives, both personal and professional.  We encourage and expect ourmembers to avail themselves of those...

benefits and to contact us with anyquestions or problems regarding their memberships. Members who do take the timeto explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will findtremendous value in being a member of the NAPW. Our members are entitled to betreated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on the NAPW team istrained to work with our members to resolve any issues; however, there areprotocols and policies which must be followed.  These policies are companywideand all of our team members are required to follow them. [redacted] completed an application for membership in NAPW.  As our material states, there is no fee toapply for membership, and we do offer a free listing for those applicants whochoose not to purchase a full membership, as well as email delivery of ourmonthly newsletter. However, a password is required to access benefits likeseminars, local chapter meetings, other events and resources, which is issuedwhen an applicant purchases a membership. We do assume that anyone who applies for membership does take the timeto do some cursory research about the organization before submitting herapplication.  OnDecember *, 2014 NAPW contacted her and conducted its initial enrollmentinterview.  During this telephone callour representative explained the annual costs and benefits associated with membership.We do begin by offering the most comprehensive packages and work with the applicantto provide as many of the resources she seeks while staying within her budget.  BecauseNAPW is a membership-based networking organization, the primary benefits at alllevels are found through our membership portal ([redacted]) as well as through ourface-to-face networking at our over 300 Local Chapters nationwide.  Additionally, through our online portal,members are able to access ancillary benefits provided by our businesspartners.  Because NAPW incurs costs uponenrollment with those partners, we maintain a final sale policy.  Please be aware that membership aloneincludes no tangible product to be shipped to the member. Ourrepresentative explained that [redacted] would receive an email (within 24hours) containing login information for our members’ portal through which she isable access all of the online benefits and enroll in Local Chapters.  Our representative further explained that [redacted] should review our Terms & Conditions. Subsequent to logging in but prior to accessing her benefits, she wasrequired to review and accept those Terms & Conditions.  Therein, [redacted] was provided with thedetails of our final sale policy, along with all other policies governing herrelationship with NAPW.  NAPW’s Terms& Conditions are available at [redacted].  She accepted these terms and changed herlogin information.  [redacted] did contact us later that day, and hermother filed this complaint before we had the opportunity to speak with her.   As [redacted] is a college student with limited resources and clearly seems not to have understood the membeship, we did void that sale and her money should have beenrestored to her account.   We take the claim that a member was "scammed" orthat a charge was unauthorized very seriously.   NAPW provides an amazing value for themembership fee.  Included in ALL memberships levels are webinars,seminars, discounts, perks, online networking access and in-person chapteraffiliation as well as a myriad of other benefits.  Our organization isgrowing, expanding and moving forward through numerous initiatives, strategicalliances and corporate affiliations; offering members additional avenues toASPIRE, ACHIEVE and CONNECT.   Every member of NAPW's management team works diligently todeliver maximum value to our members, and any claim that someone was"scammed" is demonstrably false.  We currently have almosta half-million satisfied members, all of whom are free to use our onlinenetworking portal, which gives our members more connectivity optionsand far more ability to promote themselves than other networking sites. We have over 300 local chapters across America, in which tens of thousands ofour members get together to take their online experience into the real worldand create incredible connections with other professional women. These localchapters are constantly implementing new ways for the local members tointeract.  We encourage of our members tojoin all of the chapters in their area - this gives them more opportunities toattend events that fit their busy schedules and widens the circle of localwomen with whom to network. Moreover, we host an annual National Networking Conferencewhere almost two thousand members where members from all over the country enjoyan unforgettable day of networking, panel discussions, workshops andpresentations from extraordinary women like [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted]and [redacted].    Additionally, we are constantly providing and working toupgrade the secondary benefits such as free or discounted continuingeducation through leading providers like [redacted] and [redacted]
[redacted]; shopping and other discounts through a number of partnerships,including exclusive sponsors like [redacted], one of the world's largest computersuppliers; and interesting topical content provided through our social mediaand other outlets.  Again, our entire team is working hard every singleday to build these partnerships, identify and create content, and make greaterbenefits available to our members.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

1. While NAPW did refund the total amount as requested, their written response further demonstrates their practice is to bully and condescend to those who complain.2. The NAPW response is inaccurate and defaming of my good character. In fact, when I initially called on December [redacted] to ask for a refund, I was not at all rude, unreasonable, threatening or abusive. It was only when NAPW representatives repeatedly denied my request for a full refund, that I became upset and angry. 3. I am appalled and offended by the intimation regarding "a handicap." First, the term “handicap” is offensive to many individuals with disabilities, and NAPW customer service representatives should be informed. Second, the NAPW representative raised the issue and in response I asked, not demanded, what they would do if I did in fact have a disability. It was a legitimate question and NAPW is using it here in the written response in a reproachful, condescending manner.4. If this is to be published online, I request they remove the disparaging language in their written response that denigrates me as a person and as a professional. This includes the entire section that begins with, “[redacted] did contact us on December *, 2014 . . .” and concludes with, “. . . we cannot know these things unless we are advised by the member."I read here on the that NAPW has had 307 complaints closed with in the last 3 years, including 154 closed in the last 12 months. It is clear my experience is not unique.In conclusion, I want to go on record that the NAPW leadership should be ashamed of their business practices. No one should have to fight with NAPW representatives to get out of a membership that is no longer wanted. Membership funds can be, and should be, refunded when requested, with grace and not with argument. Plenty of successful businesses and membership organizations operate this way.Sincerely, [redacted] In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
At this time, I have not been contacted by National Association of Professional Women regarding complaint ID [redacted].

This member was issued a full refund.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

[redacted] # [redacted] - the transaction was voided and nothing was billed to [redacted]'s card. We have also removed her information.
white;"> [redacted]

We are sorry that[redacted]’s experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do strive toprovide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve theirlives, both personal and professional.  We encourage and expect ourmembers to avail themselves of those...

benefits and to contact us with anyquestions or problems regarding their memberships. Members who do take the timeto explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will findtremendous value in being a member of the NAPW. Our members are entitled to betreated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on the NAPW team istrained to work with our members to resolve any issues; however, there areprotocols and policies which must be followed.  These policies are companywideand all of our team members are required to follow them. [redacted]
[redacted] authorized the October *, 2014 charge reflecting her annual membershipdues.  During her initial enrollmentinterview, our representative went over the membership, beginning with the mostcomprehensive package – part of the goal of the interview is to determine thebest package to fit the member’s goals and budget. We want them to get themaximum benefits for the money, which is why they offer the options in theorder they do. [redacted] selected the Introductory membership.  Ourrepresentative also explained that NAPW uses an automatic renewal process,designed to protect [redacted]’s enrollment in and uninterrupted access to thebenefits provided by NAPW and its business partners.  Prior to concluding the interview, ourrepresentative specifically informed [redacted] that her annual membership wouldautomatically renew.  [redacted] had theopportunity to opt out of our automatic renewal program at that time. NAPWemploys a comprehensive call recording and auditing function.  Our staff reviews the recording of eachcompleted interview for multiple compliance points, including that therepresentative explained the automatic renewal process as described above.  Duringthe initial enrollment interview, our representative explained that [redacted]would receive an email (within 24 hours) containing login information foraccess to our members’ portal.  Ourrepresentative further explained that [redacted] should review our Terms &Conditions.  Subsequent to logging in butprior to accessing her benefits, she was required to review and accept thoseTerms & Conditions.  Therein, she wasprovided with the details of our automatic renewal policy, which was previouslyexplained during the initial enrollment interview. NAPW’s Terms &Conditions are available at [redacted].   [redacted] had been selected for consideration by our VIP membershipcommittee and was contacted on October *, 2014. This is the call to which shealludes in her complaint.  During thissecond interview, it was explained to her thatwith this selection, she would receive additional benefits, which are why thereis a fee for the upgrade. [redacted] chose at the time to upgrade hermembership.  She was also sent thepackage with the commemorative plaque, which should have been delivered to herby the end of November.  Our VIP membersare also invited to participate in our annual Legacy Registry, which is thesecond call to which she refers in her complaint. NAPWmade available to [redacted] a comprehensive membership services staff, which isqualified to field all inquiries and would have been able to work with her hadshe elected to opt out of her automatic renewal (or any other questions she mayhave had).  NAPW publicizes theavailability of this staff through multiple dedicated pages.  See [redacted].  Each of these pages publishes the contacttelephone numbers and email addresses, and provides a convenient form whichthis member could have submitted at any time if she wished to engage our staff forany reason, including opting out of her automatic membership renewal. From dayone of [redacted]’s enrollment with NAPW, we communicated via email using theaddress she provided: [redacted].  Email was clearly the primary communicationchannel, by which [redacted] received her monthly newsletters and numerous otherorganizational announcements.  We cannotcompel our members to utilize the benefits; we do remind them vie regular emailmessages and personal messages sent to the message center which is part of eachmember’s profile.  Wechanged our terms and conditions, including our renewal policies in March 2013,advising our members. This was also posted prominently on our website. A postcard reminder was mailed at the end of July to the address provided byher at the time of enrollment, which is the same as the one provided here.Additionally, well before it was processed, NAPW sent [redacted] a courtesyreminder of her upcoming renewal transaction via email, and another reminder aweek later. We havereviewed all of our records.  [redacted]did not contact us to cancel her scheduled renewal prior to processing, asrequired by our Terms & Conditions, so her renewal was processed as shepreviously authorized.  Had she contactedus in response to any of these reminders, we could have prevented the renewal.We do ask our members the courtesy of advising us if they do not want to renew– this is because once a renewal is processed, we also renew and pay for someof the benefits which are provided by our partners. These fees are notrefundable to us.[redacted] did contact us on October *, 2014 – aweek after her renewal was processed. As per her conversation with ourmembership services representative, during which all of this information wasprovided, we have issued a credit to [redacted]’s account and wehave also deactivated the automatic renewal function of her membership, so thatit will not renew We take the claim that a charge was unauthorized veryseriously.  We send three reminders specific to the renewal inaddition to all of the other correspondence we send. These topics are alsodiscussed in meetings and the information is permanently available on our website.NAPW provides an amazingvalue for the membership fee.  Included in ALL memberships levels arewebinars, seminars, discounts, perks, online networking access and in-personchapter affiliation as well as a myriad of other benefits.  Ourorganization is growing, expanding and moving forward through numerousinitiatives, strategic alliances and corporate affiliations; offering membersadditional avenues to ASPIRE, ACHIEVE and CONNECT.   Every member of NAPW's management team works diligently todeliver maximum value to our members, and any claim that someone was"scammed" is demonstrably false.  We currently have almosta half-million satisfied members, all of whom are free to use our onlinenetworking portal, which gives our members more connectivity optionsand far more ability to promote themselves than other networking sites. We have over 300 local chapters across America, in which tens of thousands ofour members get together to take their online experience into the real worldand create incredible connections with other professional women. These localchapters are constantly implementing new ways for the local members to interact. We encourage of our members to join allof the chapters in their area - this gives them more opportunities to attendevents that fit their busy schedules and widens the circle of local women withwhom to network. Moreover, we host an annual National Networking Conferencewhere almost two thousand members where members from all over the country enjoyan unforgettable day of networking, panel discussions, workshops andpresentations from extraordinary women like Sara Blakeley, Arianna Huffington,Star Jones, Martha Stewart, Ivanka Trump, Randy Zuckerburg, Barbara Corcoranand Robin Roberts.    Additionally, we are constantly providing and working toupgrade the secondary benefits such as free or discounted continuingeducation through leading providers like [redacted] and [redacted]
[redacted]; shopping and other discounts through a number of partnerships,including exclusive sponsors like Lenovo, one of the world's largest computersuppliers; and interesting topical content provided through our social mediaand other outlets.  Again, our entire team is working hard every singleday to build these partnerships, identify and create content, and make greaterbenefits available to our members.  As an additional courtesy, we have credited her account so herrenewal fee is the lowest fee charged, but we are keeping all of her benefitsintact at the VIP level.  We also inviteher to contact us so that we can guide her in using the resources and benefitsof her membership with the constraints of her busy schedule.

A full refund was issued to this member.

We are investigating the cause of these unsolicited contacts. [redacted] contacted us on November ** and we have been trying to reach her to discuss the specifics of these contacts in order to determine the reason for them. We have left several messages for her to call us back so that we can get...

more information and resolve this matter with her. We are not able to proceed until she does return our calls. We would appreciate it if she would call us as we wish to get to the bottom of these calls and come to a resolution for her individual situation. Please call us at ###-###-####, between 9-5 ET, Monday-Friday.Thank you

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

We have issued a second check, which will arrive within two business weeks. The original check has been stopped. Please do not deposit.

member was refunded partly through her card and partly by check.

We are sorry that[redacted]’s experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do striveto provide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve theirlives, both personal and professional.  We encourage and expect ourmembers to avail themselves of those...

benefits and to contact us with anyquestions or problems regarding their memberships. Members who do take the timeto explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will findtremendous value in being a member of the NAPW. Our members are entitled to betreated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on the NAPW team istrained to work with our members to resolve any issues; however, there areprotocols and policies which must be followed.  These policies are companywideand all of our team members are required to follow them. 
[redacted] completed an application for membership in NAPW.  As our material states, there is no fee toapply for membership, and we do offer a free listing for those applicants whochoose not to purchase a full membership, as well as email delivery of ourmonthly newsletter. However, a password is required to access benefits likeseminars, local chapter meetings, other events and resources, which is issuedwhen an applicant purchases a membership. On October**, 2014, NAPW contacted her and conducted its initial enrollmentinterview.  During this telephone callour representative explained the annual costs and benefits associated with membership.We do begin by offering the most comprehensive packages and work with the applicantto provide as many of the resources she seeks while staying within her budget.  [redacted] selectedan Introductory Membership. BecauseNAPW is a membership-based networking organization, the primary benefits at alllevels are found through our membership portal ([redacted]) as well as through ourface-to-face networking at our over 300 Local Chapters nationwide.  Additionally, through our online portal,members are able to access ancillary benefits provided by our businesspartners.  Because NAPW incurs costs uponenrollment with those partners, we maintain a final sale policy.  Please be aware that membership aloneincludes no tangible product to be shipped to the member. Ourrepresentative explained that [redacted] would receive an email (within 24hours) containing login information for our members’ portal through which she isable access all of the online benefits and enroll in Local Chapters.  [redacted] claims that she did not get thisemail – and we suspect that it is because the security protocols on her workemail – the only one which she provided to us – prevented the email from goingto her inbox. Within 10 days of enrollment, NAPW physically mailed a welcomepackage to the member containing a paid statement, a membership card and awelcome letter. [redacted] did contact us on November **, 2014and we began playing telephone tag. It is our policy – in place to protect theprivate information of our members and to meet PCI compliance regulations –that we speak with all members before making any changes to their account.   We did understand that it was difficult for [redacted]
[redacted] to speak during working hours, however, there is a two hour timedifference between Arizona, where she is, and the East Coast, where our officesare located and we hoped to be able to reach her when she was not at work.  A credit was issued to [redacted] for her full fee– and we have been trying to reach her to confirm this.

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Address: Brookline, North Carolina, United States, 02445-6817


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