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National Association of Professional Women

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Reviews National Association of Professional Women

National Association of Professional Women Reviews (824)

Despite the fact that [redacted] agreed to this renewal charge, accepted the terms and conditions of her membership and has made false and defaming statements about the NAPW; we have no desire to force people to remain members. Her fee has been completely refunded, her membership deactivated.
We trust that she will find this satisfactory.

- MEMBER FULLY REFUNDED either through card or by check

We are sorry that[redacted]’ experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do strive toprovide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve theirlives, both personal and professional.  We encourage and expect ourmembers to avail themselves of those...

benefits and to contact us with anyquestions or problems regarding their memberships. Members who do take the timeto explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will findtremendous value in being a member of the NAPW. [redacted] received an email offer to renew her membershipat a special price for early renewal. Responses to this offer were handled by aspecific team of customer service representatives.  These representatives have only limited accessto our member accounts and are not able to make any changes to the status ofthe account except to renew it at the special rate. [redacted] was advised of this and that she would bereceiving additional reminders about her renewal, which would have contactinformation for any questions or requests that she had regarding that renewal. We did receive a request from [redacted] that we not renewher membership. This was handled by the correct department and her membershipwill not renew. She will receive a confirmation email shortly, if she has not already.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.  I just want to clarify the "business" response.1.  Said business did not contact me the following Monday, I contacted them directly after having left several messages.2.  I was not angered nor "less than polite"; however, after being asked 4 different times in 4 different ways why I was cancelling, one less than seasoned sales retention associate may feel that a stern no is "less than polite". As far as not paying attention to the availability of the profile, I received an email withing an hour of my initial phone call stating my profile was ready to be updated.3.  The statement "refusing to accept that she bore any responsibility for not researching the NAPW before joining because she wanted something for nothing"  Obviously, I didn't want "something" for nothing, because I gave my credit card.  However, they are correct in saying that I may not have thoroughly researched the organization, initially since they had a only at this time offer. HOWEVER, buyers remorse and an uncomfortable feeling made me research moments later. After researching, this organization has less than stellar reviews on more than 15 different websites.  All 300 negative reviews cannot be wrong, not to mention the probability that countless others did not post reviews as many others have.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
[redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I did not know/ do not recall that the membership was automatically renewed which is why they never were contacted about it. I truly believe that their interviews are designed to distract and mislead you. I recall telling the person interviewing me that I was at work and didn't want it to take too long. I did not call and complain that no useful services were provided to me in the area and I "walked away" from the initial membership charge as a lesson learned that I should not have gotten a membership to this company in the first place. I definitely am not interested in paying another $100.00 for it again and not using it again. As an unhappy customer I have vocalized within seven days of the "automatic renewal" that I do not want the membership for this year. The reason that I found out that it was automatically renewed is because I saw the charge on my credit card. I have demanded that the membership for this year be canceled and a full refund ($199.00) of the charges on my credit card. They have given me a partial credit of $99.00 with a statement that they have already paid vendors for valuable discounts I can receive. It is not my problem that they pay vendors "in advance" for discounts their members receive (or don't receive). I guarantee that those vendors are paid regardless of whether or not my membership was automatically renewed. I do not believe from December * to December * they specifically took my money and paid it to other vendors. I want anything having to do with a membership ceased, including emails and I want a full refund of the fees charged on my account.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

Our phone numbers are identified by toll-free lines, and we did make several attempts to contact [redacted] - messages WERE left for her. Again, [redacted]'s version of events is markedly different from the evidence we have in the form of her conversations with our representative. She continues to maintain her original clai[redacted] which we have demonstrated are untrue - that she did not open her mail or email is a decision which is beyond out control; the materials were sent out as promised.
The fact that she chose to use the as a forum to resolve her complaint, rather than contact us directly so that we could work with her, is unfortunate as we are always willing to help our members with any concerns and we are not unsympathetic to the financial realities of life. However, to make such damaging claims about our organization when the reasons for her displeasure are due to her own choices, is unfair, and will not go unchallenged.
[redacted] was contacted successfully on the same day that she replied to our response, and her fee was refunded in full. It would have been helpful on her part if she reported this to the with the assiduousness in which she reported her displeasure.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because.  We disagree on the events that occurred. While they may have a recording, it cannot verify my understanding of what transpired as well as what I understood the intent to be.   As stated before, it does not appear this will be resolved but appreciate the's attempt in doing so.  
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
At this time, I have not been contacted by National Association of Professional Women regarding complaint ID [redacted].

We are sorry that[redacted]s experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do striveto provide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve theirlives, both personal and professional.  We encourage and expect ourmembers to avail themselves of those...

benefits and to contact us with anyquestions or problems regarding their memberships. Members who do take the timeto explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will findtremendous value in being a member of the NAPW. Our members are entitled to betreated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on the NAPW team istrained to work with our members to resolve any issues; however, there areprotocols and policies which must be followed.  These policies are companywideand all of our team members are required to follow them. [redacted]completed an application for membership in NAPW.  On December **, 2014, NAPW contacted her andconducted its initial enrollment interview. During this telephone call our representative explained the annual costsand benefits associated with this level of membership, and that all membershipenrollments are final.  Because NAPW is amembership-based networking organization, the primary benefits at all levelsare found through our membership portal ([redacted]) aswell as through our face-to-face networking at our over 300 Local Chaptersnationwide.  Additionally, through ouronline portal, members are able to access ancillary benefits provided by ourbusiness partners.  Because NAPW incurscosts upon enrollment with those partners, we maintain a final salepolicy.  Please be aware that membershipalone includes no tangible product to be shipped to the member. Ourrepresentative explained that [redacted] would receive an email (within 24 hours)containing login information for our members’ portal through which she is ableaccess all of the online benefits and enroll in Local Chapters. She was also advised that there would be a one-time Profile Set-Up fee, whichcovers all costs associated with creating and maintain our members’ profiles.We do realize that with the amount of information provided during theinterview, elements of the sale may be missed, so we have refunded that feeback to [redacted]s card.   We take the claim that a member was "scammed" orthat a charge was unauthorized very seriously.   NAPW provides an amazing value for themembership fee.  Included in ALL memberships levels are webinars,seminars, discounts, perks, online networking access and in-person chapteraffiliation as well as a myriad of other benefits.  Our organization isgrowing, expanding and moving forward through numerous initiatives, strategicalliances and corporate affiliations; offering members additional avenues toASPIRE, ACHIEVE and CONNECT.   Every member of NAPW's management team works diligently todeliver maximum value to our members, and any claim that someone was"scammed" is demonstrably false.  We currently have almosta half-million satisfied members, all of whom are free to use our onlinenetworking portal, which gives our members more connectivity optionsand far more ability to promote themselves than other networking sites. We have over 300 local chapters across America, in which tens of thousands ofour members get together to take their online experience into the real worldand create incredible connections with other professional women. These localchapters are constantly implementing new ways for the local members tointeract.  We encourage of our members tojoin all of the chapters in their area - this gives them more opportunities toattend events that fit their busy schedules and widens the circle of localwomen with whom to network. Moreover, we host an annual National Networking Conferencewhere almost two thousand members where members from all over the country enjoyan unforgettable day of networking, panel discussions, workshops andpresentations from extraordinary women like Sara Blakeley, Arianna Huffington,Star Jones, Martha Stewart, Ivanka Trump, Randy Zuckerburg, Barbara Corcoranand Robin Roberts.    Additionally, we are constantly providing and working toupgrade the secondary benefits such as free or discounted continuingeducation through leading providers like [redacted] and [redacted]; shopping and other discounts through a number of partnerships,including exclusive sponsors like Lenovo, one of the world's largest computersuppliers; and interesting topical content provided through our social mediaand other outlets.  Again, our entire team is working hard every singleday to build these partnerships, identify and create content, and make greaterbenefits available to our members.  Tell us why here...

Again, we are sorry that [redacted] is unhappy with the situation; however, as we hav demonstrated, she chose to apply for membership, she was advised very clearly that there were fees involved for access to all but basic benefits, and she called to cancel only after she was informed by her company that they would not reimburse her. It was her responsibility to make sure that her company would sponsor her membership and under the circumstances, we did refund a substantial portion of her fee. We are responsible to other members and shareholders and cannot simply issue complete refunds without cause.

I clicked on the advertisement for NAPW on [redacted] and I applied to this group, I thought they would evaluate my accomplishments in order to accept my application to become a member. When they called me they did asked many questions and recorded all my accomplishments as a professional business owner. Then they subtlety added plaques and perks that mounted to over $1500 for a simple "preferred membership" I refused to most of it and what was left was still $1000. So I felt for it and paid, soon after I got emails requesting I fill out a questionnaire because I was going to be featured as a new member in their new letter (6 months later I never got the newsletter or my name anywhere near a feature selection). I also got access to virtual training, nothing I saw in the affiliate website they promote as NAPW was of interest to me. Then I got emails from my chapter group that invited me to conference calls in order to network with other women in my area, to my surprised when I signed up for the call I was charged, $15 to listen in for 1 hour. I thought it was petty that after all I had paid I still hadn't seen any benefit. I reported that to someone in sales and I requested to have my membership revoked, the lady refunded me most of my money and allowed me to stay for the year, soon after this happened I get another call from another sales person stating that I their higher up people selected a few members to become VIPs and I was luckily selected for the modest amount of $1200 to become a VIP. They review perks after perks and all I remember was being able to attend big conferences for free so I got my VIP membership reduced to $400. I went to sign up for the NYC summit and realized the most fun part where you meet Star Jones and participate in the luncheon is not free, all that is free is me roaming around for 2 hours listening to other members speak and buying stuff the association sells in the main hall. Now to make things worst I get a call to submit a picture for the book of VIPs they are printing and the lady is selling me my books for $450. I said I just want one book, I think I should be entitled to at least one book in which I appeared, she said $250 and then I said, no, no I should get one as courtesy and then she hanged up on me. Mow I am contacting the head quarters in order to remove myself from anything concerning this association, it is a scam, you basically have to buy your way into recognition, I have 2 glass plaques with my name on it that reads " for an outstanding and professional woman" they know nothing about me, I found out I paid for those plaques, $100 something each.

[redacted] authorized her renewal at the time of her initial enrollment. We also sent a reminder of her upcoming renewal via [redacted] at the end of October 2015. She did not contact us until two weeks after her membership renewed, and our preliminary investigation has confirmed that...

this charge was indeed authorized and not fraudulent as she claims.
We have attempted several times to reach out to [redacted] to work on a resolution, but she has not returned our calls.
We are further reviewing her accounts and all correspondence between  to determine if [redacted]'s claims meet the criteria for a full refund. We invite her to contact us directly to discuss a  resolution.

This member did contact us regarding the renewal of her membership. this member was refunded in full.

The balance of your refund was issued this morning. It may take two to five business days for it to post to your account. Here is the bank transaction number

[redacted]'s membership was cancelled per her request on 2/**/2014, and an email confirmation was sent (please see below for copy of correspondence sent) to the addresses she listed with us. Since [redacted] has also requested no further contact, her info has been...

removed from our email contact list, and she will no longer receive calls in reference to her membership.
As requested, the automatic renewal for your membership has been deactivated. It will expire in August 2014. Nothing will be billed to your card.  We do encourage you to log in while it remains active and take advantage of your exclusive member benefits by signing on to our website.
If you've forgotten your login information, please click here:[redacted]
and enter your Member ID# . If you do not have your member ID, please call ###-###-####.
Network on-line with over 500,000 professional women
Attend Local chapter meetings and events at over 400 locations across the country
Expand your knowledge through seminars, webinars, certification courses and other on-line educational tools
And don’t forget about our National Networking Conference. Last year’s event, hosted by [redacted], included inspirational key note speakers [redacted] and [redacted]. Click here for news about our 2014 Conference topics, speakers and break-out sessions.
Thank you for being a part of the country’s largest network of professional women.
National Association of Professional Women
* [redacted]


Check [redacted] was mailed 6/**/14 to the address indicated. Please check your accounts.  We will have our bank check to see if the check was presented for payment and advise.

This complaint was resolved over the phone with [redacted] on September **, 2014.

Per [redacted]'s initial request, on February **, 2014, her membership renewal was cancelled. Her membership did not renew with the association on her anniversary date (March [redacted]), and she is no longer a member. She spoke with a representative and on the [redacted], and received notification that her...

membership was cancelled during the call. She then received email confirmation on the on the [redacted], and both email and voicemail confirmation on the [redacted], per her requests.

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Address: Brookline, North Carolina, United States, 02445-6817


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