Mr. Hero Reviews (21)
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Address: 21680 Libby Rd, Maple Heights, Ohio, United States, 44137-2943
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ADVERTISEMENT I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12212167, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, E [redacted] ***
After a thorough investigation into the complaint made by MrC***, we have determined that our client had referred this account to our company on 04/14/17. On May 15, 2017, we informed MrC*** that we do not produce our client contracts to consumersWe informed he could contact the client
to verify our relationshipOn 05/16/backup documentation was sent to MrC*** as per their request illustrating the balance in questionCurrently, the account reflects a disputed status and the information has been forwarded to our client for reviewThis account has not been credit reported
We have contacted MrR*** and explained that at this time the account is on hold pending further review. MrR*** stated that our client has “taken care” of this matter and we need to determine exactly what that means. If our client has closed, written off, etcthis account, we
will permanently close this account
We have not credit reported this account
Please be advised we are in receipt of your correspondenceAfter a thorough investigation into the complaint made by MsT*** we want to first apologize to MsT*** as this is not the experience we want a consumer to have when dealing with A.R.MSolutionsWe will be sure to discuss with our
internal staff what is expected when we are speaking with our client’s customersWe appreciate the time MsT*** has taken and her feedback so we can better service the consumers we contact in the future
MsT*** is welcome to contact William Paules, Collection Manager at A.R.MSolutions if she would like to work on her remaining payments or continue her efforts with Amerigas directly
After a thorough investigation into the complaint made by MsE***, we have determined that our client had referred this account to our company on 9/21/17. We have reviewed the information and substantiated that it matches what was sent to our office from the client. At this time, our
records do not indicate that our client has updated us with any changes to the balance. As of 10/17/17, we have updated the account to reflect a disputed status and closed this account in our office. This account has not been credit reported
After a thorough investigation into the complaint made by MsM*** we have determined that our client had referred this account to our company on 04/02/In regards to your concerns, we reviewed the information and substantiated that it matches what was sent to our office from the
client. On 07/15/we received dispute documentation and have marked this account as disputed and forwarded onto our client for reviewWe have not reported this to the credit bureaus
To clear some things up for MsM***, it is not our “intent” to ruin any consumer’s credit and as a company policy, we do not leave messages. This helps to protect the consumer in a case where a 3rd party may hear the message and we do not ever want that to happen. We appreciate the time MsM*** has taken and her feedback so we can better service the consumers we contact in the future
After a thorough investigation into the complaint made by MsS*** we have determined that our client had referred this account to our company on 05/28/We reviewed the information and substantiated that it matches what was sent to our office from the clientIn regards to the claimed payment,
it does not appear that our client has updated us of this payment. At this time, the account is updated as disputed while we investigate further with the client. We have not credit reported this account
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[They have a history of being rude and unprofessional before so what MsO*** did was very rude and unprofessional as they lied to protect her and I will not accept their response.Before when I contacted them to complain about unprofessional employee's working there, they do not encourage employee's that work there to wear their nametags.]
*** ***
From: Jolly P*** Date: Mon, Jun 20, at 11:PMSubject: Fw: id ***To: "***" ***
Dear sir/Madam
This message is regard to complaint about *** *** and ID - ***
I (JOLLY) sincerely appologize for this issueOur intention is to ensure all customers get excellent quality & serviceWe would like to invite this customer back for a compliment meal replacementplease inform us that you would like your meat well done at order placement and we will make that happen for you we cook all our food as described from our operations manual we always have complaints with our customers that have meat preferenceAgain we appologize on behalf of our staff at Mr.Hero
Jolly P*** & Staff at Mr.Hero
East Erie Ave
Lorain, Ohio P: 440-288- Dispute Resolution Specialist
Euclid Ave.,
th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-
Friday, April 15,
Dear *** ***:
My response and resolution to the complaint (assigned ID ***) submitted about my MrHero,
located at East Erie Avenue, Lorain follows:
I was able to locate the transaction for $for sandwiches and regular waffer fries, with the
$coupon redemption discountUnfortun***y, prior to the distribution of the last round of
coupons, the discount amount on this coupon was not adjusted to reflect the updated selling/sale price
In the process of this transaction, our cashier did not realize this, or seek out assistance to properly
resolve the discrepancy on the discount, however tax was not included on the final receipt of $
We have reviewed proper customer resolutions with our management team and employees to prevent
this type of issue from occurring again
We would also like to apologize to the customer, for any inconvenience, stress or frustration this
occurrence causedUnderstanding the customer desires not to return to our store again, we would still
like the chance to redeem ourselves with the customer by offering to refund his purchase of $
and give him certificates
for a free meal, to be used at the customer’s convenience
Please let us know if and how the customer would like us to proceed to facilitate complete resolution
Vinod P***
Owner, MrHero
East Erie Avenue
Lorain, Ohio
(The following was copy/paste by staff - LST)[redacted]January 15, 2018 VIA FACSIMILE AND ELECTRONIC MAIL [redacted] [redacted] 2800 Euclid Avenue, 4th Floor Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2408 RE: My client: Restaurant Developers Corp....
t.. . those are the details no flyer was made for the fundraiser..." While most individuals would have simply ignored this response and terminated communication, Ms. O[redacted] actually took time to professionally respond (see e-mail chain): "I am sorry, but we will not be donating to the fundraiser. I do not appreciate being called an I
t. That was extremely uncalled for and we require a letter on letterhead or a flyer pertaining to the event..." Please do not e-mail me again." Unfortunately, [redacted]" would not go away and responded (see e-mail chain): "I will be calling to speak with your manager as you are acting very unprofessional [redacted].." (As an aside, this communication would constitute telecommunication harassment... as [redacted]" was told to cease further communicating with Ms. O[redacted] Ms. O[redacted] made a final attempt to quell this and was called a "[redacted]" (See e-mail chain) Clearly, Ms. O[redacted] was neither "rude" nor "unprofessional." Clearly, [redacted]" is the one that was rude and offensive. Ms. O[redacted] did nothing more than act in a professional, patient, manner. [redacted]" is either intentionally wasting everyone's time (playing a prank) or has other issues. (See comment posted on RDC's Facebook page by [redacted]," attached) Regardless, RDC should not suffer any negative rating or repercussion from the complaint raised by [redacted]." Finally, other than [redacted]" stating that an employee at a Mr. Hero was "talking low," when taking the order, RDC has no other information about any alleged customer service issue. However, given [redacted]'s" conduct and e-mails, it is safe to assume that the customer service issue is fabricated. I hope this information addresses your concerns. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.' Very Truly Yours, [redacted] Enclosures cc: [redacted]
Case No. [redacted] Dear Mr. T[redacted] Relative to the above-captioned matter, please be advised that the undersigned is legal counsel for Restaurant Developers Corp. (RDC). By way of background, RDC is the franchisor for the Mr. Hero restaurants. I have been provided a copy of your letter dated January 9, 2018 relative to a complaint made by [redacted]." The following is the history of this matter and an explanation of the frivolous complaint/allegations raised by [redacted]." I have been legal counsel for RDC for well over ten years. Throughout that time, I have known RDC and its employees to be professional, kind, generous and polite to customers, franchisees, vendor and charitable organizations. Thus, when I was told a complaint was raised against RDC and, especially, Tammy O[redacted] (Marketing Manager for RDC), I refused to believe it. When I came to learn of the nature of the allegations and then saw the communications at issue, my belief was reaffirmed. The complaint raised by [redacted]" is, in fact, a prank by someone who wants to waste the time of RDC and the To illustrate: On or about January 8, 2018, RDC received a request from [redacted]" for a donation for an alleged fundraiser. The request was non-specific and did not comport with typical charitable requests that consist of a formal letter/flyer from the charitable organization. Ms. O[redacted] responded: "I would be happy to donate some certificates however, can you please attach the letter or flyer? It did not come through." (See enclosed e-mail chain) In response, [redacted]" provided a bizarre/rambling e-mail about "Brandy's Bucket Brigade." (See e-mail chain) As you can see, there were no specifics provided by [redacted]" as to an event date, time, location, etc. Ms. O[redacted] professionally responded: "Good morning! Can you please attach an actual flyer on letterhead." (See e-mail chain) In response, [redacted] stated (see e-mail chain): "I
After a thorough investigation into the complaint made by Ms. G[redacted], we have determined that our client had referred this account to our company on 9/27/17. We have reviewed the information and substantiated that it matches what was sent to our office from the client. Our records...
indicate that on 10/20/17 we spoke with Ms. G[redacted] who claimed payment had been made to our client and on the same day we placed the account into a payment verification status while we awaited confirmation from our client. On 10/26/17 we received documentation from Ms. G[redacted] disputing the account and updated the account to reflect a disputed status and closed the account in our office. As of 10/27/17, our client has updated the account to now reflect a zero balance.
717 East Erie Ave.
Lorain, Ohio 44052 P: 440-288-3150 Dispute Resolution Specialist
2800 Euclid Ave., 4
th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2408
Friday, April 15, 2016
Dear [redacted]:
My response and resolution to the complaint (assigned ID [redacted]) submitted about my Mr....
located at 717 East Erie Avenue, Lorain follows:
I was able to locate the transaction for $11.60 for 2 sandwiches and 2 regular waffer fries, with the
$10.99 coupon redemption discount. Unfortun[redacted]y, prior to the distribution of the last round of
coupons, the discount amount on this coupon was not adjusted to reflect the updated selling/sale price.
In the process of this transaction, our cashier did not realize this, or seek out assistance to properly
resolve the discrepancy on the discount, however tax was not included on the final receipt of $11.60.
We have reviewed proper customer resolutions with our management team and employees to prevent
this type of issue from occurring again.
We would also like to apologize to the customer, for any inconvenience, stress or frustration this
occurrence caused. Understanding the customer desires not to return to our store again, we would still
like the chance to redeem ourselves with the customer by offering to refund his purchase of $11.60
and give him 2 certificates
for a free meal, to be used at the customer’s convenience.
Please let us know if and how the customer would like us to proceed to facilitate complete resolution.
Vinod P[redacted]
Owner, Mr. Hero
717 East Erie Avenue
Lorain, Ohio 44052
Complaint: 10724121
I am rejecting this response because they are incorrect and have obviously not updated their notes towards my account. I called on Monday and disputed that my account with Truly Nolen is and has been up to date and that they need to stop sending me menacing letters in which the lady informed me that it still shows I owe the $100. How can they say I have not contacted them when I just did THIS week?
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11499758, and have indicated that I would be satisfied only when I receive a response in writing from the ARM company indicating that the action has been cleared and closed with no credit damage to my account..
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11028286, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have spoken directly with P[redacted] at Amerigas and have made payment arrangements with them at 4 payments of $640.00 and I have made the first payment already. I prefer to work directly with Amerigas. Thank you for your response.
After a thorough investigation into the complaint made by Mr. [redacted], we have determined that our client had referred this account to our company on 01/23/17. As of 06/21/17 we have updated the account to reflect a cease and desist status per Mr. [redacted]’s request and the information has been forwarded to...
our client for review. This account has not been credit reported.
After a thorough investigation into the payment Ms. S[redacted] had indicated was paid directly to the client, we have determined that there was a timing issue in the update from our client. As of 07/22/15 we had responded we had not been updated of the payment by our client, subsequent to that response, an update was received. The account has been updated to a closed status and brought to a 0 balance, there will be no more communication in regards to this account from A.R.M. Solutions.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12212167, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.