Moore Restoration, Inc. Reviews (17)
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Address: 3610 Shelby Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, 46227-3359
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I wanted the carpet Moore Restoration replace due to sewage be installed with the same quality carpet I had originally. I did not expect them to replace carpet that had no sewage damage, however due the carpet layers placing wet furniture in that roomthey did agree to clean it. They seem to be trying to twist it to be my fault for their lack of using competent help.Yes, I asked for the meeting with Jim K*** so he could see first hand the quality and workmanship of the carpet installer. I am a working year old widow. I do not expect Moore Restoration to bring men to this meeting. That made me feel intimidated. And when Jim K***'s excuse for the carpet quality not being the same as original he talk down to me to say, "they don't make carpet the way they used to." Was he trying to convince me that Moore could not get the same quality any longer?Jim K*** stated that my InsCowould have to agree to replace the carpet. How does he figure inferior carpet, installed in different directions (probably a remnant), installed by man and his year old son who left carpet razor blades on the floor for my grandchildren to find and perhaps become dangerously hurt, was the responsibility of *** InsCo.?So the Ins Cohas not complete the payment of Moore Restoration because I am still not satisfied with the carpet Moore installed. I am not comfortable having Moore in my house to take care of the other repairs. They have lost my trust by intimidating and thinking I would believe their excuses.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.MrS*** stated that the floor had water damage and that I admitted to using water to clean the floorI have not gotten my floor wet and stated to the manufacturer that I vacuumed my floor, used a dry dust mop and a damp towel to wipe up spotsI do not and have not used a wet mop on the floor or allowed water to sit on the floorUsing a damp cloth to spot clean does not get the floor wetHe states that the cleaning instructions were clearly on the packaging I never saw the packaging when the floor was installed since the installer removed all trash and scrapsHowever, since MrS*** mentioned these special cleaning requirements I searched for the information on lineAccording to the manufacturers website it is recommended (but not required) that you use a spay cleaner that they sell, which is a liquid in a spray pump bottle, that you spray directly on the floor and then mop upIt clearly states that the floor is moisture resistant and is guaranteed against seam or joint failure under use It does not say that you cannot use a damp cloth to clean up spotsThis problem exists all over the house where the flooring was installedMost of the flooring has only been vacuumed and dusted, no spot removal required yet the seams are still warped and the boards are coming apartI did not pick out the manufacturer or brand for this flooring, if there was a very specific cleaning requirement I should have been informedIf the floor spots could not be cleaned with a damp cloth then it most likely should not have been installed in a kitchen and a large living area where it is likely that spots may have to be wiped up from time to timeThe warranty posted on their website does not say it is void if you spot clean your floor with a damp clothIt does say that the flooring's joints are guaranteed for life against failure under useThe joints on this flooring have failed under useMoore Restoration stated multiple times that they stood behind their work and materials usedIt is their responsibility to correct the problems with the flooring
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In an effort to reach a resolution on the claimant’s concerns, we’d like to address each issue individually: Moore Restoration was contracted to perform repairs from the resulting damage of the sewage claimThat included replacement of carpet in the living room and back bedroomWe have apologized for the damage caused by our flooring contractor, which is why we have cleaned the carpets in those areas to rectify said damages In reference to the meeting with Jim K***, the amount of people that attended the meeting was in no way an attempt to intimidate Ms***In addition to Jim’s attendance, our Flooring Manager who hired the flooring contractor was present, along with the Project Manager who was responsible for the repairs to the home, as well as their supervisor, the Production ManagerAll of these employees were there because they all have shared responsibility for the work that was performedWe have no record of Jim K*** making a statement that “they don’t make carpet the way they used to”In fact we apologized, again, and made an effort to replace the inferior carpet, at our cost, or gave Ms*** the option to receive a credit so that she may hire her own contractor of her choice As previously mentioned, we have offered to replace the inferior carpet that was installed in the back bedroom and living room only, as that is what *** Insurance has offered to cover as part of your claimThe only request we have denied was that we replace ALL of the carpet in the homeHer contention was the new carpet would not match pre-existing carpet in adjoining bedrooms and would affect the resale of her home, per an email to Jim K*** from Ms*** on October 2, A copy of our communications with Ms*** is included in the “*** Emails” attachment We understand that Ms***’s experience with Moore Restoration has not been satisfactory, which is why we have made multiple efforts to correct our mistakes and reach an equitable resolution for both partiesOn November 16, Jim K*** emailed a proposal to Ms*** that offered a credit to her account in the amount of $1,that would allow her to replace the inferior carpet by a contractor of her choiceThat proposal was never acceptedIn fact, we didn’t hear from Ms*** again until August 4, We have also never received any payment for the work that we performed even though the insurance company issued payment based off of our scope of work directly to Ms*** in August Therefore we cannot reimburse a customer for services for which we’ve not received compensationWithout receiving payment, there is no warranty for the work that we performedThis is why we are denying any payment to Ms*** at this timeWe have already offered to adjust our bill to credit Ms*** for the replacement of her carpet, but we received no response from her. Thank you,Amanda S***
After extensive review of this homeowners complaints we have enclosed documentation to show that we have gone out on multiple times to address the issues she is still concerned aboutHVAC system was checked multiple times, service call paid for by Moore Restoration, and an alternative solution was
presented to homeowner of which she declinedDocumentation validates that the HVAC system was installed exactly how it was prior to the lossDocumentation provided also shows labor to fix the windows, blinds, and drywall she had complained about in this complaint Customer signed a certificate of completion stating that all work was completed to her satisfactionWhy would the customer sign a certificate of completion if she's claiming the floor was never replaced? The floor was replaced prior to her signing the certificate of completion
I spoke to Mr*** earlier todayWe have agreed to finish the repairs to his property as per the original scope of work including a repair to a spot in the wood floor near the fireplaceWe have also agreed that once he supplies a list with values for items damaged by our sub-contractor we will
reimburse him for those items
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Moore Restoration was hired to fix broken sewer pipes in my crawl space, remove the sewage as well as place a vapor shield in the crawl space, plus replace bath vanity, bath floor, bath walls and kitchen floor. An independent engineer hired by my Insurance Coinspected the crawl space due to Sewer odor. They found the pipe under the kitchen had come apart, sewage in the crawl space and the vapor shield was bunched up plastic sheeting, not a barrier shield.Moore's workers trudged sewage through the house all over the carpet. Moore cleaned the carpet twice, still smelled and looked awful. Moore replace the carpet with their "in house" people. The carpet is not of the same quality and when I asked about that. I was told "they don't make carpet the way they used too". There were men from Moore looking at the carpet which felt intimidating to a year old widow. The replaced carpet appears to be a remnant because it was placed different directions therefore the pattern does not match; it looks like different carpet in each room. There is a inch square patch in the center of the living room. The carpet gets a pull and the whole row becomes bare. My original carpet never pulled. So this was not of equal quality. Plus I had found carpet razor blades on the floor; one of my grandchildren could have been seriously hurt. Moore said the InsCoshould replace the carpet. The InsCodid not allow sewage on the carpet, did not replace with inferior product or re-place a big patch in the center or leave razor blades. Why does Moore not want to take responsibility for their work?
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In response to Mrs***’s recent follow up complaint, Moore Restoration did make an attempt to inspect and rectify the issues she presentedAt the time of the inspection Moore agreed to do further clean up, repair a few other smaller items, and replace the carpet in questionWe never tried to put this back on the Insurance Company because this was clearly our issueWhat Mrs*** was upset about was the fact that the Insurance Company would not pay to replace the carpet in the adjoining, unaffected rooms, and felt that we should replace that carpet for her anywayAfter the meeting at her home, Per her request, she was going to contact us when her schedule allowed for us to complete the remaining repairsAgain, all of this was to be done with Moore not receiving payment for the Mitigation that had been completed or payment on the repairs as agreed by the Insurance CompanyWe waited almost a year before we were finally contacted and in the process of us scheduling to finally complete the remaining items was it presented to us that there may be another lossWe were then put on hold until an Engineer could inspect the property and it was then discovered that the drain line had indeed separated causing further damage to the crawlspace We received a copy of the Engineer report that indicated that a separation did occur and we have put our plumber on notice that there was another occurrenceThe details are still being worked out regarding her recent loss but Moore Restoration made every attempt to fix the issues in question for Mrs*** with little to no response over a very long period of time
We have been working with Ms*** to address her issues and concernsAt the time of the original complaint, we were still waiting on findings from an engineerWe have recently received the engineer’s report and are working to mitigate the damages In regards to Ms***’s request
*Moore Restoration, Inc
for reimbursement of her carpet and displacement, we were never paid for the mitigation services or repairs that were provided to a sum of $13,Per the contract that Ms*** signed, there is no valid warranty until we are paid in full We will continue to rectify the issues with the work completed, but Moore Restoration, Incwill not be issuing any funds to Ms*** at this time Thank you for your time. Amanda S
Our position has not changed on this matterPlease see our previous response.Thank you
March 10, 2015Unfortunately, we have been extremely busy over the past 4 to 5 weeks with all the cold weather. My name is Derry S[redacted], I am one of the owners of Moore Restoration. I was trying to respond to [redacted], unfortunately I was 2 days too late.Moore Restoration did install...
[redacted]’ Laminate Flooring approximately 6-7 months ago. We did ask Ohio Valley Flooring to provide an assessment of the floor as to what was creating the damage. [redacted] admitted that she was using water on her floor when she washed it. The flooring packaging provides instructions on cleaning the floor, which does not recommend using water because of the damages it can cause. Please review the attached report.Because the damage was caused by improper cleaning of the floor by the homeowner, Moore Restoration is not responsible for any damages that have occurred and will not be reimbursing any funds as originally requested by Ms. [redacted].Should you have any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.Thank you,Derry S[redacted] - Executive Vice President3610 Shelby Street |Indianapolis, IN 46227T: 317.791.3862 | C: 317.679.3141E: ds[redacted] | have reviewed the response made by the business in reference tocomplaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would notresolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewedappear below.The response is not acceptable because they have completely ignored my originalcomplaint which was the failure of the joints of the flooring. These are inareas that have never been cleaned by anything other than simple vacuuming anddusting. The raised edges that the manufacturer focused on were near the sinkwhere the original water leak occurred, this is why I say that if the floor hasabsorbed water over time it is most likely that the floor was not completelydry when the flooring was installed. I asked for a refund or replacement withmaterial that was not from this manufacturer because Moore ignored mycomplaints. You are correct the problems did not appear immediately buthappened gradually. I have done nothing to this flooring except normal use, walkingon it, dusting it, only normal use. You or your manufacturing inspector offeredno solution to the failed joints where the flooring is separating. Even theMoore flooring man, Tim, said that it should not be coming apart yet they didnothing more than take pictures with their cell phones. The inspectionconsisted of nothing more than a few cell phone pictures and a few questions.If there were some specialized care for this flooring that is different fromall other laminate flooring then I was never informed of that. I did have anearlier complaint that the flooring was buckling and it was repaired itrequired planks being replaced. This occurred in December or January2013/2014. As far as doing everything that you were supposed to do, it is clear on yourinvoice to my insurance company that you charged them for painting my livingroom and entry hall and that is work that you simply did not do. I point thisout to you because it gives me cause to find Moore Restoration less thantrustworthy. If you were to actually talk to me and send someone knowledgeableor come yourself you would see that the flooring is coming apart. According tothe manufacturers website the material is supposed to be guaranteed againstjoint failure for 20 years and is also guaranteed to be water resistant undernormal conditions. Wiping up spots with a damp cloth does not exceed normalconditions. Your flooring manufacturer was not interested in any type ofcustomer service or solution other than to blame the problem on me. MooreRestoration has not made an honest effort to solve the problem or even to talkto me about the problem. Rob and Tim who were sent to look at the problem hadno authority to find and recommend a solution to the problem and seemed to haveno knowledge at all of the product.I am attaching a photo of one of the failed joints. There are at least 3 others. Again these failures are not nearwater and have never been even wiped with a damp cloth. I would hope that Moorewould attempt to find a solution to the problem since they advertise that theystand behind their work.Regards,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.The flooring has the same problem in every area, areas that I have never used even a damp cloth. The planks of flooring are separating at the ends of the planks as well as along the sides of the planks. Again this failure is not in the areas where I have never used any water of any type. This flooring is less than two years old. The manufacturer you used has a history of not standing behind their product. Moore Restoration has proved themselves to be unreliable since they have charged my insurance company for work they did not do. If there is water damage to the floor it would be because Moore did not dry the floors properly and/or bought poor quality material. I am attaching reviews of the flooring itself. Here is the link for your viewing. The representative from Moore that is writing the response to the complaints has never seen my floor nor has he spoken to me directly. This is the worst flooring ever. Here is the website of flooring reviews:
To Whom it May Concern: The matter in dispute is not a workmanship issue, which is what our warranty covers. As a courtesy to the homeowner, we called out the manufacturer who performed an inspection and completed the attached report of their findings. We’re not accusing Ms. [redacted] of saturating her floor, but potential excessive moisture during cleaning over an extended period of time has led to the problem she is experiencing. The flooring installed waslike kind and quality of the flooring that was there prior to the water damage. A copy of a report verifying the original flooring in the home is also attached. We are truly sorry for any inconveniences; unfortunately this matter falls outside of our warranty coverage. A copy of the Service Authorization Contract is included. Thank you,Amanda S[redacted]Office ManagerMoore Restoration
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Couldn't reply in 5 days. Not living in the house due to sewage in crawl space again. I had to get someone to take pictures of carpet. All I want is the 2 rooms replace, but 1500.00 will not cover the cost with the same quality I have in the rest of the house. See the pictures - Moore's carpet has big runs in it. There replaced with a patch in the middle of the living room. Lowes will replace the 2 rooms with the same as the rest of my carpet for $3,000. Moore has not even addressed the gouge in my dining table that they were going to give me $300.So, $3,300.00 will settle this for me.[redacted]
Again, this is Derry S[redacted] with Moore Restoration, Inc. Mrs. [redacted] is correct, I personally had not seen or inspected Mrs. [redacted] house. Moore Restoration takes our business very seriously. I would guess that we have 4 warranties in production right now. They seem to be minor for the most part, we typically respond as quickly as possible to keep our customers happy.There are many questions regarding Mrs. [redacted]’ floor. We inspected her house on July 22, 2013 and completed their complete scope of work on August 14, 2013. We did not receive any negative feedback or questions for over 2 years. Now she wants a full refund. There are some real concerns on our part. If the floor was faulty, why would it take Mrs. [redacted] over two years to notice that her floor was now unacceptable? Her request for a full refund is totally unacceptable to Moore Restoration. I believe this is not a valid request. If there were any question or major issues that I am not aware of, taking into consideration that Mrs. [redacted] did not report this for the last two years, I would not provide Mrs. [redacted] with a full refund. As a courtesy, we asked the flooring manufacturer to perform an inspection of their product. Their report validated that the issue Mrs. [redacted] is now experiencing is not due to faulty workmanship, which is what our warranty covers. Her claim that we did not perform the work we were hired to do is incorrect – we were paid to replace the flooring, and we did. We are, again, deeply sorry for the issues that Mrs. [redacted]is experiencing, but we have fulfilled our end of our contractual agreementwith her. Thank you, Derry S[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted]. With all things considered, my conversation with the General Manager was pleasant, as he listened to our concerns, problems and complaints. The response/resolution is satisfactory to us, with the expectancy that the quality of work is satisfactory, and restores our property to a condition as good or better than it was originally, without further ado.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. $3,300 could solve this issue. Moore Restoration should be responsible for their work and the subcontrators they employ. Sorry, I ever involved, I should have gone to the media. A TV Investigative team is very interested after viewing the carpet and carpet blade and the over 5 yard long carpet pulls I've been saving. They called it something like Big Indianapolis business -vs- 69 year old Working Widow supporting her 7 grandchildren.