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Montessori Academy of Southfield

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Montessori Academy of Southfield Reviews (5)

Complaint: [redacted] We categorically deny ChrisContract’s rebuttal that we suspended work beyond 1/26/ Our attached email to ChrisContract of 1/27/(quoted in our previous rebuttal) speaks for itself “Recapping our conversation this morning, we would like to resume work pertinent to our contract.” ChrisContract acknowledged in the attached 1/28/2016: “As we disused (sic) in the meeting I have no way of paying for any additional work whether it be for labor or materials until we figure out the finances If you can’t make any of those payments to those venders or suppliers then I can’t move forward with the project“ Our position remains unchanged – ChrisContract is not only invited, but expected to perform under contract We invited ChrisContract to meet with us this past Friday/8APRto discuss and restate this position, but ChrisContract refused to meet with us Sincerely, [redacted]

The client was sent a cost break down spread sheet statement showing the cost of the project up to the date in questionThe cost of the project was documented on emails per weekly reports form the start of the project to the time when the allocated contract funds were no
longer available per owners request. We were told by the owners request per email and signed document dated Jan 26, to suspend work personally and all subcontractors effective at that time

Complaint ***
We still
contend that we were herby contacted by owners on Jan 26th to suspend all
work effective immediate and then subsequently that same day by written
notification by owners. We have asked the owners if we can be on site
during weekly business hours to do work but have been told not to show up
during those working hours. MahaloChris J***

Complaint: [redacted]
We categorically deny ChrisContract’s rebuttal that we
suspended work beyond 1/26/2016.  Our attached email to ChrisContract of 1/27/2016 (quoted in
our previous rebuttal) speaks for itself “Recapping our conversation this
morning, we would like to resume work pertinent to our contract.”  ChrisContract acknowledged in the attached
1/28/2016:  “As we disused (sic) in the
meeting I have no way of paying for any additional work whether it be for labor
or materials until we figure out the finances.  If you can’t make any of
those payments to those venders or suppliers then I can’t move forward with the
project. “
Our position remains unchanged – ChrisContract is not only
invited, but expected to perform under contract.  We invited ChrisContract to meet with us this
past Friday/8APR2016 to discuss and restate this position, but ChrisContract
refused to meet with us.

Complaint: [redacted]
We reject ChrisContract’s reply.  It neither addresses  our complaint nor offers any resolution. 
As stated in the initial complaint, ChrisContract, Inc. remains
in default of our fixed fee contract for major home addition and
remodeling.  The basic facts of the
complaint remain unaddressed:
-          --As of 1/28/2016, ChrisContract stopped well
short of completing the contracted work
-          --ChrisContract failed to complete the project
within the contracted 190 days duration
-          --ChrisContract has accumulated significant delinquent
debt to subcontractors/suppliers pertinent to the contract.  That debt remains unpaid and exceeds $85,000.00
(15% of the total contract).  Some of
this debt is nearly 1 year overdue. 
ChrisContract failed to advise us of his non-payment. 
The following addresses ChrisContract’s statement:  “We were told by the owners request per email
and signed document dated Jan. 26, 2016 to suspend work personally and all
subcontractors effective that time.” 
Indeed we did suspend work for a single
day due to mounting evidence of financial irregularity and likely fraud.  Please consider the following:
-         --On 12/10/2015, the ChrisContract’s painting
subcontractor inquired of us (homeowners) directly why ChrisContract had laid
him off.  In his email, the painter
recognized the substantial amount of painting work remaining and stated his
desire to work through the holidays.  We
addressed this with ChrisContract at the time and received a response
discrediting to the painter.
-        -- On 12/21/2015 and 12/22/2015, ChrisContract’s
electrical subcontractor contacted us directly to ascertain why he had received
no progress payments for electrical rough-in (rough-in inspection passed
9/29/2015).  We addressed this with
ChrisContract at the time and received and unsatisfying response.
-         --During
the week of 1/18/2016, our architect relayed disconcerting news from his
colleague, ChrisContract’s cabinet/ door/window supplier, that ChrisContract
was deeply indebted to said supplier who had provided substantial material for
our home’s construction.
-        --On 1/24/2016, ChrisContract provided us with the
“spread sheet statement showing the cost of the project up to the date in
question” (as stated in the ChrisContract response).  Line 13i (Overhead & Profit 12%)
indicated expenses of $41,200.00 and line 10a (Rough Electrical) showed
$0.00.  See "Expenses to Date"
column of the attached [redacted] Spread Sheet 01-24-2016.  The previous such spreadsheet provided 9/20/2015
indicated values of $0.00 (13i) and $16,000.00 (10a).  See "Expenses to Date" column of
the attached [redacted] Spread Sheet 09-20-2015. 
Why would the rough electrical expense disappear, particularly in light
of the electrician’s payment queries? 
Why would ChrisContract be collecting profit and overhead while his
project electrical subcontractor and cabinet/door/window supplier remained
unpaid or non-current on payment?
-          --On 1/25/2016, our architect told us that
ChrisContract had informed another common client of theirs that he was defaulting
on his contract with them.  The architect
advised that we get an attorney and brace for similar news at our scheduled
meeting with ChrisContract the following day.
our faithful and current payments to ChrisContract and the above evidence, we
felt it prudent to take a one day
pause to have our scheduled meeting with ChrisContract and the
architect to review the financial standing of the contract.  Following our 1/26/2016 meeting, we stressed
the importance of ChrisContract meeting his obligation to provide lien
releases.  We directed resumption of work effective 1/27/2016.  My email to ChrisContract of 1/27/2016
stated, “Recapping our conversation this morning, we would like to resume work
pertinent to our contract.” 
ChrisContract acknowledged this email on 1/28/2016 replying:  “As we disused (sic) in the meeting I have no
way of paying for any additional work whether it be for labor or materials
until we figure out the finances.  If you can’t make any of those payments
to those venders or suppliers then I can’t move forward with the project.”
As of 1/28/2016, the project stood
vastly incomplete and uninhabitable as detailed in the original complaint and 298
days from Notice to Proceed (4/6/2015) on a contract that specified 190 days
duration.  Additionally, the expenses
reported on the 1/24/2016 spreadsheet referenced above and referenced in the
ChrisContract “Message from Business” showed expenses 15% below the revenue
collected via our contract payments, despite the inclusion of ChrisContract profit!    
Regarding ChrisContract’s statement:  “The cost of the project was documented on
emails per weekly reports form (sic) the start of the project to the time when
the allocated contract funds were no longer available per owners request”, the
phrase “per owners request” does not apply. 
We did not request the above mentioned weekly reports and we certainly
did not request that contract funds be no longer available.
The lack of availability of contract funds is the substance
of this complaint.  We responded promptly
and in full to every ChrisContract invoice. 
During the 1/26/2016 meeting
mentioned above, ChrisContract stated that he had misappropriated our contract
funds, using them to pay delinquent General Excise Tax for renewal of his
contractor’s license and to pay unrelated credit card debt.  These statements are validated by a written
witness statement from our architect who attended this meeting (see attached).  This misappropriation of funds resulted in
the lack of fund availability for the purpose it was intended and contracted
In order to resolve this complaint, ChrisContract must take
responsibility for this misappropriation of contract funds that has resulted in
his contract default, pay the delinquent debt to the subcontractors and
suppliers who furnished labor and materials under the contract, complete the
contract, and pay for the mounting damages associated with his ongoing failure
to meet contract duration.  Failing the
above, we request that the continue to investigate this
complaint and reflect its findings in ChrisContract’s accreditation and

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Address: 27467 Greenfield Rd, Southfield, Michigan, United States, 48076


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