I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below I'm going to try to keep this shortIn response to Mobile Window Washing, Inc'sresponse, let me first say that I'm not going to waste time responding to each of the many inaccuracies in itIt's typical for someone who has done wrong, and knows that they have done wrong, to try to defend themselves by countering with an almost overwhelming amount of excuses, and blaming the other party for everythingIt is, after all, just one person's word against anotherMr [redacted] can say anything he wants to try to turn this around and place the blame on usOf course he is this wonderful individual, and wouldn't, couldn't be guilty of not finishing the jobI expected nothing less out of him, and I commend him for his work in fictional literature That being said, here's the deal: Firstly, yes there was other work going on in the house, which is why I was upstairs in the master bedroomHowever I wasn't sleeping, I was watching tv, when Mr [redacted] knocked on the door, and asked to come in to clean the windowsWe spoke with one another while he was working on the windows in the master, and he knows that I wrote the complaint based on what my wife told me transpired I would certainly trust her word over his He wasn't asked to provide proof of insurance, as he states, but for his license information, as his website states that he is licensed He still hasn't responded to thatIs he licensed or not? If so, as what, and what is his number? I stand by the rest of the complaintsThe reader can decide who they care to believe This was simply a matter of finish cleaning the window frames and sills and get paidDon't finish and you won'tIf you don't have time, come back As far as the lien goes, of course I asked him to remove itHe obviously doesn't understand the Mechanics Lien law in California, and needs legal helpJust because the County allows you to do the paper work and record a lien, doesn't mean that you are qualified to file it and that it is legal It's not the clerk's job to advise youIn order for you to legally put a lien on someone's property, the work you perform for them must add tangible value to the property itself If it doesn't, you have illegally filed the lien, and must remove itIf you don't, and court action is required, you are liable for costs If Mr [redacted] had installed the windows, finished the job, and not been paid, he has added tangible value to the property, and would be qualified to file a Mechanics LienSomeone who cleans the windows adds no tangible value, and therefore if they file a lien, its illegal, and must be removed That is why I "requested" that Mr [redacted] remove the lienIf he refuses to remove it voluntarily, he will be forced to remove it by the Court, and it is stated very clearly in the Mechanics Lien law, that he will be required to pay all legal costs, and possibly punitiveThis is a very powerful device designed for use by the construction industry, and the Court takes a very dim view of it's misuse If Mr [redacted] thought he had been wronged (he hasn't), the place to take it up should have been Small Claims Court, but I suggest he may have gotten away with this type of act before, with people who were ignorant of the law and intimidated by the words "Mechanics Lien"I'm not, so I ask again for it to be removed by MrP***, or I'll have the Court do it, at his expense Not a threat, just a factual statementRead the lawSave yourself a bunch, and then, if you still want to persue this, take me to Small Claims Court I apologize, this ended up being much longer than I had intended it to be Regards, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Mr [redacted] continues his unprofessional conduct, and making statements in an attempt to defend himselfHe apparently lacks the ability to read, for himself, the law concerning Mechanics Liens, and has received legal advice from an attorney who has misinformed himHe states that the lien is going to stayHe is unwilling to solve this in the proper venue, Small Claims Court, probably because he knows he is in the wrong, and would loose.There is no paper work for me to submit, as the was never anything put in writingThis is obviously a situation where there is no solution, and nothing the can do to help When I finish with him in court, I would like to advise the, so that the final result of his misuse of the law, and the bad advice he has received, is made public, incase he tries this with someone elseIt will also serve to educate people on California's Mechanics Lien law Thank you, Regards, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below I'm going to try to keep this shortIn response to Mobile Window Washing, Inc'sresponse, let me first say that I'm not going to waste time responding to each of the many inaccuracies in itIt's typical for someone who has done wrong, and knows that they have done wrong, to try to defend themselves by countering with an almost overwhelming amount of excuses, and blaming the other party for everythingIt is, after all, just one person's word against anotherMr [redacted] can say anything he wants to try to turn this around and place the blame on usOf course he is this wonderful individual, and wouldn't, couldn't be guilty of not finishing the jobI expected nothing less out of him, and I commend him for his work in fictional literature That being said, here's the deal: Firstly, yes there was other work going on in the house, which is why I was upstairs in the master bedroomHowever I wasn't sleeping, I was watching tv, when Mr [redacted] knocked on the door, and asked to come in to clean the windowsWe spoke with one another while he was working on the windows in the master, and he knows that I wrote the complaint based on what my wife told me transpired I would certainly trust her word over his He wasn't asked to provide proof of insurance, as he states, but for his license information, as his website states that he is licensed He still hasn't responded to thatIs he licensed or not? If so, as what, and what is his number? I stand by the rest of the complaintsThe reader can decide who they care to believe This was simply a matter of finish cleaning the window frames and sills and get paidDon't finish and you won'tIf you don't have time, come back As far as the lien goes, of course I asked him to remove itHe obviously doesn't understand the Mechanics Lien law in California, and needs legal helpJust because the County allows you to do the paper work and record a lien, doesn't mean that you are qualified to file it and that it is legal It's not the clerk's job to advise youIn order for you to legally put a lien on someone's property, the work you perform for them must add tangible value to the property itself If it doesn't, you have illegally filed the lien, and must remove itIf you don't, and court action is required, you are liable for costs If Mr [redacted] had installed the windows, finished the job, and not been paid, he has added tangible value to the property, and would be qualified to file a Mechanics LienSomeone who cleans the windows adds no tangible value, and therefore if they file a lien, its illegal, and must be removed That is why I "requested" that Mr [redacted] remove the lienIf he refuses to remove it voluntarily, he will be forced to remove it by the Court, and it is stated very clearly in the Mechanics Lien law, that he will be required to pay all legal costs, and possibly punitiveThis is a very powerful device designed for use by the construction industry, and the Court takes a very dim view of it's misuse If Mr [redacted] thought he had been wronged (he hasn't), the place to take it up should have been Small Claims Court, but I suggest he may have gotten away with this type of act before, with people who were ignorant of the law and intimidated by the words "Mechanics Lien"I'm not, so I ask again for it to be removed by MrP***, or I'll have the Court do it, at his expense Not a threat, just a factual statementRead the lawSave yourself a bunch, and then, if you still want to persue this, take me to Small Claims Court I apologize, this ended up being much longer than I had intended it to be Regards, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Mr [redacted] continues his unprofessional conduct, and making statements in an attempt to defend himselfHe apparently lacks the ability to read, for himself, the law concerning Mechanics Liens, and has received legal advice from an attorney who has misinformed himHe states that the lien is going to stayHe is unwilling to solve this in the proper venue, Small Claims Court, probably because he knows he is in the wrong, and would loose.There is no paper work for me to submit, as the was never anything put in writingThis is obviously a situation where there is no solution, and nothing the can do to help When I finish with him in court, I would like to advise the, so that the final result of his misuse of the law, and the bad advice he has received, is made public, incase he tries this with someone elseIt will also serve to educate people on California's Mechanics Lien law Thank you, Regards, [redacted]