Mitchell & Faust LLC Reviews (5)
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Address: 143 S. Main Street, Lodi, Wisconsin, United States, 53555
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Business states they do *not [redacted] have consumer's applicationThey did reach out to consumer this morning to discuss with her
This is in response to the letter our office received regarding *** ***First, please note the company that you are addressing is not the correct company for thecomplaint that was raisedThe company is *** & Faust, LLCWe wish to immediatelyhave this complaint
removed from F&F Properties/ F&F Home Construction as they are in noway connected to the complaint that was made other than we use this office to answer phonecalls.Ms*** claims that no one has returned her calls or responded to her request for anapartment with *** & Faust, LLCFrom speaking with the owner of the property, *** and our office bookkeeper we have the following timeline.Please also note during much of the time that Ms*** is questioning a returned phone callour office was closed and we were out of the countryOur office closed on March 27, andre-opened on April 6, (We have our travel documents to verify if you need them.)During our departure, we did have our bookkeeper checking messages on the days that she wasin - Tuesday, Wednesday & ThursdayShe was instructed to respond to urgent requests, allother calls were returned upon our return April 6, to our office.The property in question was placed on Craigslist for rentWe received phone calls forshowings and follow up for this unitWe showed Ms*** the unitShe called andinquired about sending an applicationI personally spoke with her what we needed and gave herthe addressI asked if she wanted to FAX or email the application and she stated she wouldprefer mailI did explain that mailing was perfectly fine, however, we were expecting multipleapplications and it would rent quickly.I do not show that our office ever received the stated paperworkIt is not our policy to followup on paperwork not received as many people say they are sending applications but sometimeschose not to or decide on a different property.My phone records do show that *** *** called our office at 12:071'on Monday toinquire about the applicationWe al so show that *** *** left a message on ouranswering, machine on 3/30/ at 5:p.minquiring aboulthe un it(Both during the lime Thatour office was closed and our bookkeeper not available.)Ms*** called again on Wednesday, April S\ at 12: p.mChecking on applicationstatusIn the message she states that " she spoke with *** last night and he believed the un itwas rented and someone was signing a lease." In a conversation with *** - he tells me that hetold *** that he was sorry but he didn't believe we received the application and that hethought the unit was rented.*** Mitchell , owner, approved an application on Tuesday, March 1,for this property.He was waiting for my return on Monday, April 6,to confirm a lime to sign a lease.The unit was still on Craigslist as we were out of the country and I wasn't able remove it untilour returnWe arc a small business and have to manage our business to the best of our ability.We are sorry that Ms*** doesn't feel that we responded to her in a timely manner.We have rentals so our phone calls during this busy lime or year arc at an extreme highvolume for our office to manageFinally, I believe *** spoke with her and explained thesituation so am not sure what could have been done differently for herIt sounds as though heverbally told her the unit was rented but she continued inquire abouit it.If you have further questions, please let us knowThank you!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowThe owner of F & F Properties did contact me, but he left me a voice mailI did call back on my lunch break, leaving a voice mail saying what I knew to be true of the situation, how I felt about my so-called missing application (which was confirmed that it had been there by the person they had checking on their business while they were out of the country), that I wanted my application found and sent back to me because not only do I have to worry about identity theft, but my boyfriend as well, and what time I'm available to physically talk to him and not another voice mailI'm guessing my application was either stolen from said worker, shredded, or just plain lost in their officeNone the less, I would never want to rent from a company that is this disorganizedI want them to pay for a service that watches out for identity theft (aka Life Lock) for both my boyfriend and me because of the compromised sensitive information that is now out there due to there negligenceLike I had said previously in my original complaint, I sent the application right inside the Baraboo,WI Post Office, and it was sent to their post office box in Lodi, WI, so there was very little room for error for it to not be sent to the proper location.
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowThe ad for the apartment, which I print-screened for you at the bottom of this letter, clearly states F&F Properties was to be contacted with their phone number for said apartmentNowhere does it state they were out of the office during the time they claimed to be out of the country, nor did their voice mail state that as wellWhen I spoke to F&F Properties to see where I needed to send my application to, because both companies (F&F Properties and *** & Faust LLC) were listed on the application, they told me to mail it to themThey said I could mail it to themThe only way they would take it through an email was if I scanned the application, which I do not have access to, same with the fax optionThey never once told me they would be out of the office, let alone for a good week, otherwise I would of hand delivered it to their doorWhen I talked to the secretary the day after sending in my complaint to, she physically saw my application OPENED on the desk of the owners of the company while I was talking to her on the phoneI have yet to ever get any response back from the company, nor has my boyfriend
Considering this company claims they don't have any connection to said apartment, they are extremely defensive with their excuses, and they appear as though they are pretty involved with the rental process of an apartment they don't supposedly have any association withI would like to put this complaint on any company/person involved in renting/owning this apartment complexTheir statements do not add up and I'm holding my ground on my complaintI'm in fear that they will steal my boyfriend's and my identities with all the sensitive information they posses of ours. If it's not the company, it's one of their workers that stole our informationNo one should have to go through this much hassle to find a place to live and have to worry about identity theft.
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Business states they do *not* have consumer's application. They did reach out to consumer this morning to discuss with her.