[redacted] is a bridesmaid registered under our bride, [redacted] ** [redacted] , the bride had an appointment on 2/25/with our sales manager [redacted] at which time she registered her wedding party and selected the dress styles and colors for each of her bridesmaidsThese bridesmaids were each notified and given a date to order their selected dress by [redacted] came to our salon on 2/27/with her GodmotherWhen [redacted] showed her the dress and colors [redacted] selected for each of her bridesmaids [redacted] and her Godmother said they did not like it and since she was the maid of honor she should be allowed to choose what ever she wantedShe started trying on other dresses and continued to states that she wanted to change the style and color of the dress the bride registered for.(See notes from our End of Day recap reports on the attached document) [redacted] explained to her and her mother that these are the styles and colors the bride has selected and if she ( [redacted] ) wanted to change it she should notify the bride to update the registry [redacted] 's mother got involved and began arguing and said to [redacted] calling [redacted] a "Lone Ranger" and then left(Again see notes for additional info on this appointment) We were concerned over this situation and called the bride that evening and left her a voice mailThe bride and groom were both at the store the next day and told my manager, [redacted] not to worry about [redacted] 's behavior, she was a relative and she should only be ordering the dress for the wedding as registered by the bride and apologized for [redacted] 's actions [redacted] said no one is to change the wedding party dress selections On 5/9/ [redacted] placed her order online through our website for the correct dress style and color as the bride registered her in [redacted] falsified her email to Revdex.com by stating twice that she placed her order on 3/10/If a copy of her online order is requested we can provide it at anytime The following occurred and is documented in the attachment6/19/ [redacted] inquired about the estimated delivery of her dress6/19/ [redacted] (Mira Bridal Couture) responded to herDresses have an estimated ship date from the designer of 7/31/and to expect a 7-day shipping time frame.6/19/ [redacted] replied asking why they were taking so long.6/19/ [redacted] replied and said the dresses are on time and reminded her that these are special orders and standard delivery for special order bridesmaids is weeks.6/20/ [redacted] replied and accused us of not placing orders accurately and demanded we expedite her dresses and refused to understand the process for customer order/special order dresses.6/20/(12:21PM)Mira [redacted] (owner) replied to [redacted] once again explaining to her the special order process and Mira expressed concern as to why she needed them so early since the wedding is not until weeks after the estimated deliveryI [Mira] also expressed concern as to if the wedding date had changed and we were not notified and that I would contact the bride to see if there were any updates.6/20/(12:45PM)Mira called the bride and left a voice mail asking if there were any updates or changes to the wedding date as [redacted] has expressed urgent concern around the delivery of her dress(no other bridesmaids have expressed concern and [redacted] never replied to my email)6/20/(6:04PM) [redacted] emailed the designer falsifying her statements when she began claiming that my bridal salon would not respond to any of her inquiries about her dress order and wanted to expedite her order6/24/(12:27PM) The designer rep( [redacted] ) forwarded me the email from [redacted] I explained to the designer repthat we had replied to her and have given her all of the necessary information and that for some odd reason she feels she should have her dress in 6-weeks but that I [Mira] explained to [redacted] that 6-weeks would require a rush order with additional costs which she ( [redacted] ) did not request or pay forOur designer repreminded me that they do not share information with the public and that they rely on stores to relay the info which we did.6/24/(12:46PM) I emailed [redacted] againI informed her the designer had contacted me regarding her inquiry and that I shared the necessary information with them, that I had responded even though she claimed we did not"I went ahead and informed JLM that you had in fact received information and I cc'd them on the emails from myself and from [redacted] and told them you must not be satisfied with our answer since you provided them with information and told them my store was not responding to you." I then reminded her of the special order process and that if she would like to pay additional shipping costs to overnight the dresses she could do so and to inform me of her decisionI also reminded her that if she had any additional concerns to feel free to reach me at my email providedI never heard from her.6/24/(1:16PM) I emailed the bride, [redacted] and informed her of the concerns brought to me by the bridesmaids she had registered and wanted to make sure we were doing everything on our end to satisfy her and if she had any concerns regarding her bridesmaids orders she was more than welcome to contact me at any time.7/7/ [redacted] once again contacted the designerShe told the customer service department at JLM Couture that my responses were rude and she did not want to work with my store and wanted her dress expedited to her still insisting on a 6-week delivery.(her emails is attached) Please keep in mind at this point she has never responded to any of my emails or made any attempt to contact me, the owner.7/16/My designer rep informed me of [redacted] 's emailI told her she was more than welcome to contact [redacted] as [redacted] has never once responded to my emails and that maybe [redacted] would believe her since she does not believe me.7/22/(9:42AM) [redacted] (designer rep) emailed me and informed me the following: "I just told her we are not open to the public, so she would not be able to get her dress directly from us and the delivery time was correct."7/22/(12:40PM) She wrote her complaint letter the Revdex.com [redacted] placed her special order online on 5/9/through Mirabridal.com Not on March 10, as she claims in her complaint to Revdex.com [redacted] the following is a portion of the online special order agreement [redacted] is required to read and check off in order to submit her order to us.'In order to finalize her order she was required to the box with special order information and policies and procedures including this as listed below Special orders are NOT made to customer's measurements and alterations are normally REQUIREDConsultants SUGGEST sizes based upon manufacturer size charts and measurements providedThe size chosen is your (the customer) decisionWe strongly suggest customers have their measurements taken by a professionalThe customer will assume full responsibility for sizing when measurements are not taken at our store, or have changed from the original measurements done professionally in storeAdditional charges apply for rush cuts, women's sizing and extra length and vary with each manufacturerBridesmaid orders are placed when the ENTIRE bridal party has been sized and a 60% deposit has been placed on each dressStandard delivery is 12-weeks based on designers estimated ship date provided once all orders are placedThese dates may vary by designer and and are always ESTIMATED datesAny variation from this procedure may result in noticeably different dye lots and/or rush charges.' Based on the date [redacted] placed her order (5/9/14), standard delivery (weeks) would give us an estimated ship date on or around August 18, yet we were able to get an estimated ship date of 7/31/This was also explained to [redacted] by the designers rep [redacted] claims concern of Mira "attempting to damage my [ [redacted] 's] character by providing information to the bride" however all of the information provided to the bride was accurate and only copies of [redacted] 's emails while investigating the need for a change in delivery were shared with the brideOur concern was that [redacted] originally wanted to change the dress style and color that the bride registered and later that the wedding date may have been changed which was the only reason we could assume [redacted] wanted her dress expeditedIf [redacted] had preferred to order her own dress style and color she could have but we would not have placed this under the bride and grooms wedding registry(This would be like [redacted] going to purchase the couples' registered china and not liking the style or color and asking the department store to change the registered china pattern to suit [redacted] 's likings.) A couple selects specific styles and colors for their bridesmaids based on their wedding theme or color paletteAs our policy states we place all of the orders together so we do not risk dye lot variations and many times the bride will make adjustments before we finalize the ordersWe also inform our clients through their special ordering contract that we will notify the bride when her wedding party dresses arriveThis is also stated on the order page [redacted] used to place her order [redacted] 's attempts to carry lies over from one person to the next have been consistent, even providing Revdex.com with information and dates and at this point we would recommend she not return to Mira Bridal Couture as she is not welcomed at our place of business The bride placed an additional $towards [redacted] 's purchase and [redacted] 's special order is paid in fullIn an effort to avoid [redacted] from coming back to Mira Bridal Couture we would suggest she do the following: She may arrange and pay to have the special order shipped directly to her home address for $via USPS or UPSShe may make arrangements to do this and pay for it by following this linkPayments for Mira Bridal Couture [redacted] If she prefers not to pay the shipping she may write me an e-mail to [redacted] releasing her merchandise to someone else for pick-upIn this email to me she must list the first and last name of the person picking up her purchase in order for us to release it It is in the best interest of [redacted] and Mira Bridal Couture that she uses one of these steps so we can avoid any more accusations and harassmentWe take pride in our customer service and do not tolerate harassment, lies, and accusationsI have been in business for almost years and have NEVER witnessed this type of behavior from a bridesmaid Please let me know if you would like copies of her online order and paymentsThese can be provided very quickly Thank you and I apologize for the time wasted due to inaccurate statements and claims Mira [redacted] President, Mira Bridal Group Inc D.B.AMira Bridal Couture
At this point we have spoken to our corporate lawyer and Mira Bridal Group Incwill stand by the information we have provided as it is accurate and detailed and Mira Bridal Couture has not done anything to place them at faultThe emails and statements provided are directly from *** *** and while she claims she did not falsify information, each email she has sent to Revdex.com and *** *** has included and/or exaggerated statements and my emails in response as provided have confirmed this
*** *** has hassled not only my staff, the customer service reps at *** *** and myself for matters unnecessary in an attempt to control something that is clearly out of her controlHer intentions to fight something that has no grounds for argument are disruptive and we will honor ***'s request to not do business with her as she stated in her email to *** *** on 7/7/14, "At this point in time, I was hoping that I may be able to arrange some sort of accommodation with your company directlyWould there be any way that I may pay the company directly to expedite my order and ship directly to my home? I no longer feel comfortable working directly with Mira due to her accusatory and unprofessional responses to my concerns and questions" and her statement to Revdex.com on 7/28/14, "As stated above, I prefer to no longer work directly with the salon"
Mira Bridal Couture has not provided *** with any inaccurate information and her special order was placed per her online contractThere has been no wrong doing on behalf of Mira Bridal CoutureTo protect our staff and business from further harassment, attempts to intimidate and uncooperative behavior *** ***, she is not welcome in our place of business
*** *** special order dress for the Gonzalez Wedding Party will be available Tuesday 8/12/*** has two options to prevent her from coming Mira Bridal Couture as she requested, she can email me directly at *** with the name of the person that she has authorized to pick up the dress or she can pay shipping fees and we will ship the dress to her
Since *** has expressed through numerous emails that she has an urgent need to retrieve this merchandise as soon as possible we will assume she will not drag these unnecessary and deceptive arguments further and expect to hear from her no later than Tuesday 8/12/
Once again, the email she can contact me at to arrange her piis ***
*** *** is a bridesmaid registered under our bride, *** ** ***, the bride had an appointment on 2/25/with our sales manager *** at which time she registered her wedding party and selected the dress styles and colors for each of her bridesmaidsThese bridesmaids were each
notified and given a date to order their selected dress by
*** *** came to our salon on 2/27/with her GodmotherWhen *** showed her the dress and colors *** selected for each of her bridesmaids *** and her Godmother said they did not like it and since she was the maid of honor she should be allowed to choose what ever she wantedShe started trying on other dresses and continued to states that she wanted to change the style and color of the dress the bride registered for.(See notes from our End of Day recap reports on the attached document) *** explained to her and her mother that these are the styles and colors the bride has selected and if she (***) wanted to change it she should notify the bride to update the registry***'s mother got involved and began arguing and said to *** calling *** a "Lone Ranger" and then left(Again see notes for additional info on this appointment)
We were concerned over this situation and called the bride that evening and left her a voice mailThe bride and groom were both at the store the next day and told my manager, *** not to worry about ***'s behavior, she was a relative and she should only be ordering the dress for the wedding as registered by the bride and apologized for ***'s actions*** said no one is to change the wedding party dress selections
On 5/9/*** placed her order online through our website for the
correct dress style and color as the bride registered her in*** falsified her email to Revdex.com by stating twice that she placed her order on 3/10/If a copy of her online order is requested we can provide it at anytime
The following occurred and is documented in the attachment6/19/*** inquired about the estimated delivery of her dress6/19/*** (Mira Bridal Couture) responded to herDresses have an estimated ship date from the designer of 7/31/and to expect a 7-day shipping time frame.6/19/*** replied asking why they were taking so long.6/19/*** replied and said the dresses are on time and reminded her that these are special orders and standard delivery for special order bridesmaids is weeks.6/20/*** replied and accused us of not placing orders accurately and demanded we expedite her dresses and refused to understand the process for customer order/special order dresses.6/20/(12:21PM)Mira *** (owner) replied to *** once again explaining to her the special order process and Mira expressed concern as to why she needed them so early since the wedding is not until weeks after the estimated deliveryI [Mira] also expressed concern as to if the wedding date had changed and we were not notified and that I would contact the bride to see if there were any updates.6/20/(12:45PM)Mira called the bride and left a voice mail asking if there were any updates or changes to the wedding date as *** has expressed urgent concern around the delivery of her dress(no other bridesmaids have expressed concern and *** never replied to my email)6/20/(6:04PM) *** emailed the designer falsifying her statements when she began claiming that my bridal salon would not respond to any of her inquiries about her dress order and wanted to expedite her order6/24/(12:27PM) The designer rep(***) forwarded me the email from ***I explained to the designer repthat we had replied to her and have given her all of the necessary information and that for some odd reason she feels she should have her dress in 6-weeks but that I [Mira] explained to *** that 6-weeks would require a rush order with additional costs which she (***) did not request or pay forOur designer repreminded me that they do not share information with the public and that they rely on stores to relay the info which we did.6/24/(12:46PM) I emailed *** againI informed her the designer had contacted me regarding her inquiry and that I shared the necessary information with them, that I had responded even though she claimed we did not"I went ahead and informed JLM that you had in fact received information and I cc'd them on the emails from myself and from *** and told them you must not be satisfied with our answer since you provided them with information and told them my store was not responding to you." I then reminded her of the special order process and that if she would like to pay additional shipping costs to overnight the dresses she could do so and to inform me of her decisionI also reminded her that if she had any additional concerns to feel free to reach me at my email providedI never heard from her.6/24/(1:16PM) I emailed the bride, *** and informed her of the concerns brought to me by the bridesmaids she had registered and wanted to make sure we were doing everything on our end to satisfy her and if she had any concerns regarding her bridesmaids orders she was more than welcome to contact me at any time.7/7/*** once again contacted the designerShe told the customer service department at JLM Couture that my
responses were rude and she did not want to work with my store and
wanted her dress expedited to her still insisting on a 6-week
delivery.(her emails is attached) Please keep in mind at this point she has never responded to any of my emails or made any attempt to contact me, the owner.7/16/My designer rep
informed me of ***'s emailI told her she was more than welcome to
contact *** as *** has never once responded to my emails and that
maybe *** would believe her since she does not believe me.7/22/(9:42AM)*** (designer rep) emailed me and informed me the following: "I
just told her we are not open to the public, so she would not be able
to get her dress directly from us and the delivery time was correct."7/22/(12:40PM) She wrote her complaint letter the Revdex.com
*** placed her special order online on 5/9/through Mirabridal.com Not on March 10, as she claims in her complaint to Revdex.com*** the following is a portion of the online special order agreement *** is required to read and check off in order to submit her order to us.'In order to finalize her order she was required to the box with special order information and policies and procedures including this as listed below
Special orders are NOT made to customer's measurements and alterations
are normally REQUIREDConsultants SUGGEST sizes based upon manufacturer
size charts and measurements providedThe size chosen is your (the
customer) decisionWe strongly suggest customers have their
measurements taken by a professionalThe customer will assume full
responsibility for sizing when measurements are not taken at our store,
or have changed from the original measurements done professionally in
storeAdditional charges apply for rush cuts, women's sizing and extra
length and vary with each manufacturerBridesmaid orders are placed
when the ENTIRE bridal party has been sized and a 60% deposit has been
placed on each dressStandard delivery is 12-weeks based on
designers estimated ship date provided once all orders are placedThese
dates may vary by designer and and are always ESTIMATED datesAny
variation from this procedure may result in noticeably different dye
lots and/or rush charges.'
Based on the date *** placed her order (5/9/14), standard delivery (weeks) would give us an estimated ship date on or around August 18, yet we were able to get an estimated ship date of 7/31/This was also explained to *** by the designers rep
*** claims concern of Mira "attempting to damage my [***'s] character by providing information to the bride" however all of the information provided to the bride was accurate and only copies of ***'s emails while investigating the need for a change in delivery were shared with the brideOur concern was that *** originally wanted to change the dress style and color that the bride registered and later that the wedding date may have been changed which was the only reason we could assume *** wanted her dress expeditedIf *** had preferred to order her own dress style and color she could have but we would not have placed this under the bride and grooms wedding registry(This would be like *** going to purchase the couples' registered china and not liking the style or color and asking the department store to change the registered china pattern to suit ***'s likings.) A couple selects specific styles and colors for their bridesmaids based on their wedding theme or color paletteAs our policy states we place all of the orders together so we do not risk dye lot variations and many times the bride will make adjustments before we finalize the ordersWe also inform our clients through their special ordering contract that we will notify the bride when her wedding party dresses arriveThis is also stated on the order page *** used to place her order
***'s attempts to carry lies over from one person to the next have been consistent, even providing Revdex.com with information and dates and at this point we would recommend she not return to Mira Bridal Couture as she is not welcomed at our place of business
The bride placed an additional $towards ***'s purchase and ***'s special order is paid in fullIn an effort to avoid *** from coming back to Mira Bridal Couture we would suggest she do the following:
She may arrange and pay to have the special order shipped directly to her home address for $via USPS or UPSShe may make arrangements to do this and pay for it by following this linkPayments for Mira Bridal Couture ***
If she prefers not to pay the shipping she may write me an e-mail to *** releasing her merchandise to someone else for pick-upIn this email to me she must list the first and last name of the person picking up her purchase in order for us to release it
It is in the best interest of *** and Mira Bridal Couture that she uses one of these steps so we can avoid any more accusations and harassmentWe take pride in our customer service and do not tolerate harassment, lies, and accusationsI have been in business for almost years and have NEVER witnessed this type of behavior from a bridesmaid
Please let me know if you would like copies of her online order and paymentsThese can be provided very quickly
Thank you and I apologize for the time wasted due to inaccurate statements and claims
Mira ***
President, Mira Bridal Group Inc
D.B.AMira Bridal Couture
I am rejecting this response because
there has been no apparent attempt to resolve my complaint
I corrected my misstatement of the month
that I submitted my order to Mira Salon in my last correspondence (mistakenly
stated March when my order was placed in May)Additionally, the salon owner’s
claim that I have falsified/exaggerated information to the staff with *** is incorrect
I did not receive a straight response answering my initial questions to the
salon (whether or not I could expedite my order) until after my correspondence
with the staff at *** (see previous email attachments)
In my emails, there was never any malicious
intent against Mira’s salon nor was there any harassment toward any of her
staff (during my only visit to the salon or during any email correspondence)
Again, as I have stated numerous times, all emails were sent with the intent to
seek clarification from the salon and/or manufacturer about my orderAs I stated
in my original document, I was seeking clarification on shipping status that I
was never formally/contractually notified of (on all receipts there was never an
estimated ship date provided nor was there any identification that my order
would be considered a “special” order) Being
that the majority of customers of any business would likely have similar inquiries
(shipping estimates/expedition inquiries), I am still unsure as to why the
salon owner felt that it was appropriate to address my inquiries as a waste of
time or to attack me and insult my character by insinuating that I am a liar
Nothing could be further from the truth
It may be wise for the salon to
update all receipts to include type of order (special versus regular),
estimated shipping time based on order receipt, and an electronic online
signature for all orders so that all contracts are legitimateI feel that this
would better help with the Salon’s customer service experience while also
avoiding any miscommunications or misunderstandings to the customers (from the
salon) in regards to timelines and orders
At this point, I do not understand
why I would be responsible for paying additional shipping to obtain my order
from a salon that will not allow me into their businessIf the salon owner is
not willing to release my dress directly to me (as I am the paying customer),
then I believe that the salon should be held responsible for overnight shipping
costs so that I may receive my orderThe order will be available for pi
on Tuesday, August As such, I will be available that morning to pimy
order directly from the salonIf the salon owner refuses to release my dress
to me in person, then I request that my order be shipped overnight directly to
the address provided on my order form and that the salon be held responsible
for all charges
[redacted] is a bridesmaid registered under our bride, [redacted] ** [redacted] , the bride had an appointment on 2/25/with our sales manager [redacted] at which time she registered her wedding party and selected the dress styles and colors for each of her bridesmaidsThese bridesmaids were each notified and given a date to order their selected dress by [redacted] came to our salon on 2/27/with her GodmotherWhen [redacted] showed her the dress and colors [redacted] selected for each of her bridesmaids [redacted] and her Godmother said they did not like it and since she was the maid of honor she should be allowed to choose what ever she wantedShe started trying on other dresses and continued to states that she wanted to change the style and color of the dress the bride registered for.(See notes from our End of Day recap reports on the attached document) [redacted] explained to her and her mother that these are the styles and colors the bride has selected and if she ( [redacted] ) wanted to change it she should notify the bride to update the registry [redacted] 's mother got involved and began arguing and said to [redacted] calling [redacted] a "Lone Ranger" and then left(Again see notes for additional info on this appointment) We were concerned over this situation and called the bride that evening and left her a voice mailThe bride and groom were both at the store the next day and told my manager, [redacted] not to worry about [redacted] 's behavior, she was a relative and she should only be ordering the dress for the wedding as registered by the bride and apologized for [redacted] 's actions [redacted] said no one is to change the wedding party dress selections On 5/9/ [redacted] placed her order online through our website for the correct dress style and color as the bride registered her in [redacted] falsified her email to Revdex.com by stating twice that she placed her order on 3/10/If a copy of her online order is requested we can provide it at anytime The following occurred and is documented in the attachment6/19/ [redacted] inquired about the estimated delivery of her dress6/19/ [redacted] (Mira Bridal Couture) responded to herDresses have an estimated ship date from the designer of 7/31/and to expect a 7-day shipping time frame.6/19/ [redacted] replied asking why they were taking so long.6/19/ [redacted] replied and said the dresses are on time and reminded her that these are special orders and standard delivery for special order bridesmaids is weeks.6/20/ [redacted] replied and accused us of not placing orders accurately and demanded we expedite her dresses and refused to understand the process for customer order/special order dresses.6/20/(12:21PM)Mira [redacted] (owner) replied to [redacted] once again explaining to her the special order process and Mira expressed concern as to why she needed them so early since the wedding is not until weeks after the estimated deliveryI [Mira] also expressed concern as to if the wedding date had changed and we were not notified and that I would contact the bride to see if there were any updates.6/20/(12:45PM)Mira called the bride and left a voice mail asking if there were any updates or changes to the wedding date as [redacted] has expressed urgent concern around the delivery of her dress(no other bridesmaids have expressed concern and [redacted] never replied to my email)6/20/(6:04PM) [redacted] emailed the designer falsifying her statements when she began claiming that my bridal salon would not respond to any of her inquiries about her dress order and wanted to expedite her order6/24/(12:27PM) The designer rep( [redacted] ) forwarded me the email from [redacted] I explained to the designer repthat we had replied to her and have given her all of the necessary information and that for some odd reason she feels she should have her dress in 6-weeks but that I [Mira] explained to [redacted] that 6-weeks would require a rush order with additional costs which she ( [redacted] ) did not request or pay forOur designer repreminded me that they do not share information with the public and that they rely on stores to relay the info which we did.6/24/(12:46PM) I emailed [redacted] againI informed her the designer had contacted me regarding her inquiry and that I shared the necessary information with them, that I had responded even though she claimed we did not"I went ahead and informed JLM that you had in fact received information and I cc'd them on the emails from myself and from [redacted] and told them you must not be satisfied with our answer since you provided them with information and told them my store was not responding to you." I then reminded her of the special order process and that if she would like to pay additional shipping costs to overnight the dresses she could do so and to inform me of her decisionI also reminded her that if she had any additional concerns to feel free to reach me at my email providedI never heard from her.6/24/(1:16PM) I emailed the bride, [redacted] and informed her of the concerns brought to me by the bridesmaids she had registered and wanted to make sure we were doing everything on our end to satisfy her and if she had any concerns regarding her bridesmaids orders she was more than welcome to contact me at any time.7/7/ [redacted] once again contacted the designerShe told the customer service department at JLM Couture that my responses were rude and she did not want to work with my store and wanted her dress expedited to her still insisting on a 6-week delivery.(her emails is attached) Please keep in mind at this point she has never responded to any of my emails or made any attempt to contact me, the owner.7/16/My designer rep informed me of [redacted] 's emailI told her she was more than welcome to contact [redacted] as [redacted] has never once responded to my emails and that maybe [redacted] would believe her since she does not believe me.7/22/(9:42AM) [redacted] (designer rep) emailed me and informed me the following: "I just told her we are not open to the public, so she would not be able to get her dress directly from us and the delivery time was correct."7/22/(12:40PM) She wrote her complaint letter the Revdex.com [redacted] placed her special order online on 5/9/through Mirabridal.com Not on March 10, as she claims in her complaint to Revdex.com [redacted] the following is a portion of the online special order agreement [redacted] is required to read and check off in order to submit her order to us.'In order to finalize her order she was required to the box with special order information and policies and procedures including this as listed below Special orders are NOT made to customer's measurements and alterations are normally REQUIREDConsultants SUGGEST sizes based upon manufacturer size charts and measurements providedThe size chosen is your (the customer) decisionWe strongly suggest customers have their measurements taken by a professionalThe customer will assume full responsibility for sizing when measurements are not taken at our store, or have changed from the original measurements done professionally in storeAdditional charges apply for rush cuts, women's sizing and extra length and vary with each manufacturerBridesmaid orders are placed when the ENTIRE bridal party has been sized and a 60% deposit has been placed on each dressStandard delivery is 12-weeks based on designers estimated ship date provided once all orders are placedThese dates may vary by designer and and are always ESTIMATED datesAny variation from this procedure may result in noticeably different dye lots and/or rush charges.' Based on the date [redacted] placed her order (5/9/14), standard delivery (weeks) would give us an estimated ship date on or around August 18, yet we were able to get an estimated ship date of 7/31/This was also explained to [redacted] by the designers rep [redacted] claims concern of Mira "attempting to damage my [ [redacted] 's] character by providing information to the bride" however all of the information provided to the bride was accurate and only copies of [redacted] 's emails while investigating the need for a change in delivery were shared with the brideOur concern was that [redacted] originally wanted to change the dress style and color that the bride registered and later that the wedding date may have been changed which was the only reason we could assume [redacted] wanted her dress expeditedIf [redacted] had preferred to order her own dress style and color she could have but we would not have placed this under the bride and grooms wedding registry(This would be like [redacted] going to purchase the couples' registered china and not liking the style or color and asking the department store to change the registered china pattern to suit [redacted] 's likings.) A couple selects specific styles and colors for their bridesmaids based on their wedding theme or color paletteAs our policy states we place all of the orders together so we do not risk dye lot variations and many times the bride will make adjustments before we finalize the ordersWe also inform our clients through their special ordering contract that we will notify the bride when her wedding party dresses arriveThis is also stated on the order page [redacted] used to place her order [redacted] 's attempts to carry lies over from one person to the next have been consistent, even providing Revdex.com with information and dates and at this point we would recommend she not return to Mira Bridal Couture as she is not welcomed at our place of business The bride placed an additional $towards [redacted] 's purchase and [redacted] 's special order is paid in fullIn an effort to avoid [redacted] from coming back to Mira Bridal Couture we would suggest she do the following: She may arrange and pay to have the special order shipped directly to her home address for $via USPS or UPSShe may make arrangements to do this and pay for it by following this linkPayments for Mira Bridal Couture [redacted] If she prefers not to pay the shipping she may write me an e-mail to [redacted] releasing her merchandise to someone else for pick-upIn this email to me she must list the first and last name of the person picking up her purchase in order for us to release it It is in the best interest of [redacted] and Mira Bridal Couture that she uses one of these steps so we can avoid any more accusations and harassmentWe take pride in our customer service and do not tolerate harassment, lies, and accusationsI have been in business for almost years and have NEVER witnessed this type of behavior from a bridesmaid Please let me know if you would like copies of her online order and paymentsThese can be provided very quickly Thank you and I apologize for the time wasted due to inaccurate statements and claims Mira [redacted] President, Mira Bridal Group Inc D.B.AMira Bridal Couture
At this point we have spoken to our corporate lawyer and Mira Bridal Group Incwill stand by the information we have provided as it is accurate and detailed and Mira Bridal Couture has not done anything to place them at faultThe emails and statements provided are directly from *** *** and while she claims she did not falsify information, each email she has sent to Revdex.com and *** *** has included and/or exaggerated statements and my emails in response as provided have confirmed this
*** *** has hassled not only my staff, the customer service reps at *** *** and myself for matters unnecessary in an attempt to control something that is clearly out of her controlHer intentions to fight something that has no grounds for argument are disruptive and we will honor ***'s request to not do business with her as she stated in her email to *** *** on 7/7/14, "At this point in time, I was hoping that I may be able to arrange some sort of accommodation with your company directlyWould there be any way that I may pay the company directly to expedite my order and ship directly to my home? I no longer feel comfortable working directly with Mira due to her accusatory and unprofessional responses to my concerns and questions" and her statement to Revdex.com on 7/28/14, "As stated above, I prefer to no longer work directly with the salon"
Mira Bridal Couture has not provided *** with any inaccurate information and her special order was placed per her online contractThere has been no wrong doing on behalf of Mira Bridal CoutureTo protect our staff and business from further harassment, attempts to intimidate and uncooperative behavior *** ***, she is not welcome in our place of business
*** *** special order dress for the Gonzalez Wedding Party will be available Tuesday 8/12/*** has two options to prevent her from coming Mira Bridal Couture as she requested, she can email me directly at *** with the name of the person that she has authorized to pick up the dress or she can pay shipping fees and we will ship the dress to her
Since *** has expressed through numerous emails that she has an urgent need to retrieve this merchandise as soon as possible we will assume she will not drag these unnecessary and deceptive arguments further and expect to hear from her no later than Tuesday 8/12/
Once again, the email she can contact me at to arrange her piis ***
*** *** is a bridesmaid registered under our bride, *** ** ***, the bride had an appointment on 2/25/with our sales manager *** at which time she registered her wedding party and selected the dress styles and colors for each of her bridesmaidsThese bridesmaids were each
notified and given a date to order their selected dress by
*** *** came to our salon on 2/27/with her GodmotherWhen *** showed her the dress and colors *** selected for each of her bridesmaids *** and her Godmother said they did not like it and since she was the maid of honor she should be allowed to choose what ever she wantedShe started trying on other dresses and continued to states that she wanted to change the style and color of the dress the bride registered for.(See notes from our End of Day recap reports on the attached document) *** explained to her and her mother that these are the styles and colors the bride has selected and if she (***) wanted to change it she should notify the bride to update the registry***'s mother got involved and began arguing and said to *** calling *** a "Lone Ranger" and then left(Again see notes for additional info on this appointment)
We were concerned over this situation and called the bride that evening and left her a voice mailThe bride and groom were both at the store the next day and told my manager, *** not to worry about ***'s behavior, she was a relative and she should only be ordering the dress for the wedding as registered by the bride and apologized for ***'s actions*** said no one is to change the wedding party dress selections
On 5/9/*** placed her order online through our website for the
correct dress style and color as the bride registered her in*** falsified her email to Revdex.com by stating twice that she placed her order on 3/10/If a copy of her online order is requested we can provide it at anytime
The following occurred and is documented in the attachment6/19/*** inquired about the estimated delivery of her dress6/19/*** (Mira Bridal Couture) responded to herDresses have an estimated ship date from the designer of 7/31/and to expect a 7-day shipping time frame.6/19/*** replied asking why they were taking so long.6/19/*** replied and said the dresses are on time and reminded her that these are special orders and standard delivery for special order bridesmaids is weeks.6/20/*** replied and accused us of not placing orders accurately and demanded we expedite her dresses and refused to understand the process for customer order/special order dresses.6/20/(12:21PM)Mira *** (owner) replied to *** once again explaining to her the special order process and Mira expressed concern as to why she needed them so early since the wedding is not until weeks after the estimated deliveryI [Mira] also expressed concern as to if the wedding date had changed and we were not notified and that I would contact the bride to see if there were any updates.6/20/(12:45PM)Mira called the bride and left a voice mail asking if there were any updates or changes to the wedding date as *** has expressed urgent concern around the delivery of her dress(no other bridesmaids have expressed concern and *** never replied to my email)6/20/(6:04PM) *** emailed the designer falsifying her statements when she began claiming that my bridal salon would not respond to any of her inquiries about her dress order and wanted to expedite her order6/24/(12:27PM) The designer rep(***) forwarded me the email from ***I explained to the designer repthat we had replied to her and have given her all of the necessary information and that for some odd reason she feels she should have her dress in 6-weeks but that I [Mira] explained to *** that 6-weeks would require a rush order with additional costs which she (***) did not request or pay forOur designer repreminded me that they do not share information with the public and that they rely on stores to relay the info which we did.6/24/(12:46PM) I emailed *** againI informed her the designer had contacted me regarding her inquiry and that I shared the necessary information with them, that I had responded even though she claimed we did not"I went ahead and informed JLM that you had in fact received information and I cc'd them on the emails from myself and from *** and told them you must not be satisfied with our answer since you provided them with information and told them my store was not responding to you." I then reminded her of the special order process and that if she would like to pay additional shipping costs to overnight the dresses she could do so and to inform me of her decisionI also reminded her that if she had any additional concerns to feel free to reach me at my email providedI never heard from her.6/24/(1:16PM) I emailed the bride, *** and informed her of the concerns brought to me by the bridesmaids she had registered and wanted to make sure we were doing everything on our end to satisfy her and if she had any concerns regarding her bridesmaids orders she was more than welcome to contact me at any time.7/7/*** once again contacted the designerShe told the customer service department at JLM Couture that my
responses were rude and she did not want to work with my store and
wanted her dress expedited to her still insisting on a 6-week
delivery.(her emails is attached) Please keep in mind at this point she has never responded to any of my emails or made any attempt to contact me, the owner.7/16/My designer rep
informed me of ***'s emailI told her she was more than welcome to
contact *** as *** has never once responded to my emails and that
maybe *** would believe her since she does not believe me.7/22/(9:42AM)*** (designer rep) emailed me and informed me the following: "I
just told her we are not open to the public, so she would not be able
to get her dress directly from us and the delivery time was correct."7/22/(12:40PM) She wrote her complaint letter the Revdex.com
*** placed her special order online on 5/9/through Mirabridal.com Not on March 10, as she claims in her complaint to Revdex.com*** the following is a portion of the online special order agreement *** is required to read and check off in order to submit her order to us.'In order to finalize her order she was required to the box with special order information and policies and procedures including this as listed below
Special orders are NOT made to customer's measurements and alterations
are normally REQUIREDConsultants SUGGEST sizes based upon manufacturer
size charts and measurements providedThe size chosen is your (the
customer) decisionWe strongly suggest customers have their
measurements taken by a professionalThe customer will assume full
responsibility for sizing when measurements are not taken at our store,
or have changed from the original measurements done professionally in
storeAdditional charges apply for rush cuts, women's sizing and extra
length and vary with each manufacturerBridesmaid orders are placed
when the ENTIRE bridal party has been sized and a 60% deposit has been
placed on each dressStandard delivery is 12-weeks based on
designers estimated ship date provided once all orders are placedThese
dates may vary by designer and and are always ESTIMATED datesAny
variation from this procedure may result in noticeably different dye
lots and/or rush charges.'
Based on the date *** placed her order (5/9/14), standard delivery (weeks) would give us an estimated ship date on or around August 18, yet we were able to get an estimated ship date of 7/31/This was also explained to *** by the designers rep
*** claims concern of Mira "attempting to damage my [***'s] character by providing information to the bride" however all of the information provided to the bride was accurate and only copies of ***'s emails while investigating the need for a change in delivery were shared with the brideOur concern was that *** originally wanted to change the dress style and color that the bride registered and later that the wedding date may have been changed which was the only reason we could assume *** wanted her dress expeditedIf *** had preferred to order her own dress style and color she could have but we would not have placed this under the bride and grooms wedding registry(This would be like *** going to purchase the couples' registered china and not liking the style or color and asking the department store to change the registered china pattern to suit ***'s likings.) A couple selects specific styles and colors for their bridesmaids based on their wedding theme or color paletteAs our policy states we place all of the orders together so we do not risk dye lot variations and many times the bride will make adjustments before we finalize the ordersWe also inform our clients through their special ordering contract that we will notify the bride when her wedding party dresses arriveThis is also stated on the order page *** used to place her order
***'s attempts to carry lies over from one person to the next have been consistent, even providing Revdex.com with information and dates and at this point we would recommend she not return to Mira Bridal Couture as she is not welcomed at our place of business
The bride placed an additional $towards ***'s purchase and ***'s special order is paid in fullIn an effort to avoid *** from coming back to Mira Bridal Couture we would suggest she do the following:
She may arrange and pay to have the special order shipped directly to her home address for $via USPS or UPSShe may make arrangements to do this and pay for it by following this linkPayments for Mira Bridal Couture ***
If she prefers not to pay the shipping she may write me an e-mail to *** releasing her merchandise to someone else for pick-upIn this email to me she must list the first and last name of the person picking up her purchase in order for us to release it
It is in the best interest of *** and Mira Bridal Couture that she uses one of these steps so we can avoid any more accusations and harassmentWe take pride in our customer service and do not tolerate harassment, lies, and accusationsI have been in business for almost years and have NEVER witnessed this type of behavior from a bridesmaid
Please let me know if you would like copies of her online order and paymentsThese can be provided very quickly
Thank you and I apologize for the time wasted due to inaccurate statements and claims
Mira ***
President, Mira Bridal Group Inc
D.B.AMira Bridal Couture
I am rejecting this response because
there has been no apparent attempt to resolve my complaint
I corrected my misstatement of the month
that I submitted my order to Mira Salon in my last correspondence (mistakenly
stated March when my order was placed in May)Additionally, the salon owner’s
claim that I have falsified/exaggerated information to the staff with *** is incorrect
I did not receive a straight response answering my initial questions to the
salon (whether or not I could expedite my order) until after my correspondence
with the staff at *** (see previous email attachments)
In my emails, there was never any malicious
intent against Mira’s salon nor was there any harassment toward any of her
staff (during my only visit to the salon or during any email correspondence)
Again, as I have stated numerous times, all emails were sent with the intent to
seek clarification from the salon and/or manufacturer about my orderAs I stated
in my original document, I was seeking clarification on shipping status that I
was never formally/contractually notified of (on all receipts there was never an
estimated ship date provided nor was there any identification that my order
would be considered a “special” order) Being
that the majority of customers of any business would likely have similar inquiries
(shipping estimates/expedition inquiries), I am still unsure as to why the
salon owner felt that it was appropriate to address my inquiries as a waste of
time or to attack me and insult my character by insinuating that I am a liar
Nothing could be further from the truth
It may be wise for the salon to
update all receipts to include type of order (special versus regular),
estimated shipping time based on order receipt, and an electronic online
signature for all orders so that all contracts are legitimateI feel that this
would better help with the Salon’s customer service experience while also
avoiding any miscommunications or misunderstandings to the customers (from the
salon) in regards to timelines and orders
At this point, I do not understand
why I would be responsible for paying additional shipping to obtain my order
from a salon that will not allow me into their businessIf the salon owner is
not willing to release my dress directly to me (as I am the paying customer),
then I believe that the salon should be held responsible for overnight shipping
costs so that I may receive my orderThe order will be available for pi
on Tuesday, August As such, I will be available that morning to pimy
order directly from the salonIf the salon owner refuses to release my dress
to me in person, then I request that my order be shipped overnight directly to
the address provided on my order form and that the salon be held responsible
for all charges