Midwest Recovery Systems, LLC. Reviews (677)
Midwest Recovery Systems, LLC. Rating
Address: 2745 W Clay St STE J, Saint Charles, Missouri, United States, 63301-2540
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Midwest Recovery Systems (MRS) strives to provide the highest quality of service to our clients and our client’s customers. Therefore, MRS regrets hearing otherwise and takes these matters very seriously. Thank you for bringing this complaint to our attention and we appreciate the opportunity...
to respond. Upon receiving notification of this complaint, MRS conducted an investigation with regard to this matter. The investigation has found the following: Our records indicate we have never had any communication with this consumer prior to this complaint. Our internal policy is to honor both verbal, and written validation requests. This account has been marked as FRAUD and returned to our client. A credit bureau deletion record was submitted on 12/06/16. If there are any questions, please contact our office to resolve this at [redacted]. You may also email us at [redacted]@mrs-direct.com. - MRS Compliance Team
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:This is the same stupid response no resolution
Midwest Recovery Systems (MRS) strives to provide the highest quality of service to our clients and our client’s customers. Therefore, MRS regrets hearing otherwise and takes these matters very seriously. Thank you for bringing this complaint to our attention and we appreciate the opportunity...
to respond. Upon receiving notification of this complaint, MRS conducted an investigation with regard to this matter. The investigation has found the following: The consumer has submitted 6 online ACDV's through E-Oscar in which our company has provided an update providing the XB Compliance Condition Code stating that the consumer has disputed the account under the FCRA guidelines. On 10-06-16 our office received the full validation documentation from our client showing the original promissory note along with all payment history. Our office has since updated the ACDV Response Code to XC: FCRA Investigation Completed, due to the validation of the account being completed. The account is a valid debt that is owed. Please contact our office to resolve this at [redacted]. You may also email us at [redacted]@mrs-direct.com. - MRS Compliance Team
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. If it was removed from my credit reports on 5/27/17 than why is it still currently reporting on my credit reports? I will be satisfied as long as they are removed from all 3 reports.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because of the remark of them saying this is the first time of them hearing from me which is incorrect they agreed with [redacted] to delete please see attach. I do agree with IMMEDIATE DELETION from my credit report.
Midwest Recovery Systems (MRS) strives to provide the highest quality of service to our clients and our client’s customers. Therefore, MRS regrets hearing otherwise and takes these matters very seriously. Thank you for bringing this complaint to our attention and we appreciate the opportunity...
to respond. Upon receiving notification of this complaint, MRS conducted an investigation with regard to this matter. The investigation has found the following: Prior to this complaint being filed, our office has had no communication with this consumer, neither written nor verbal to address this dispute. Our internal policy, however, is to honor verbal & written validation/dispute requests any time a consumer is expressing such a claim. With that said, we have acknowledged this validation request, and have marked this account DISPUTE as of 12/02/2016, and have issued a request for validation documentation from our client. Those documents will be mailed to the newly provided physical address. Please contact our office to resolve this at [redacted]. You may also email us at [redacted]@mrs-direct.com. - MRS Compliance Team
Midwest Recovery Systems (MRS) strives to provide the highest quality of service to our clients and our client’s customers. Therefore, MRS regrets hearing otherwise and takes these matters very seriously. Thank you for bringing this complaint to our attention and we appreciate the...
opportunity to respond. Upon receiving notification of this complaint, MRS investigated regarding this matter. This account has been marked as Fraud as of 03/07/2018 and a record of deletion will be sent to the three credit reporting agencies. If there are any questions, please contact our office to resolve this at [redacted]. You may also email us at [redacted]@mrs-direct.com. - MRS Compliance Team
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I will wait to receive validation before this matter is considered resolved.
Midwest Recovery Systems (MRS) strives to provide the highest quality of service to our clients and our client’s customers. Therefore, MRS regrets hearing otherwise and takes these matters very seriously. Thank you for bringing this complaint to our attention and we appreciate the...
opportunity to respond. Upon receiving notification of this complaint, MRS investigated regarding this matter. Our internal policy is to honor both verbal, and written validation requests. This account has previously been marked as DISPUTE and a validation request has previously been submitted to our client and provided to the consumer. If there are any questions, please contact our office to resolve this at [redacted]. You may also email us at [redacted]@mrs-direct.com. - MRS Compliance Team
Recovery Systems (MRS) strives to provide the highest quality of service to our clients and our client’s customers. Therefore, MRS regrets hearing otherwise and takes these matters very seriously. Thank you for bringing this complaint to our attention and we appreciate the opportunity to respond. Upon receiving notification of this complaint, MRS conducted an investigation with regard to this matter. The investigation has found the following: Prior to this complaint being filed, we received no communication from this consumer either written, or verbal, after multiple attempts to contact her at various numbers provided by our client. Our internal policy however is to honor verbal & written DISPUTE claims any time a consumer is expressing such a claim. With that said, we have acknowledged this as a dispute/validation request, and have marked this account DISPUTE as of today's date, and will issue a request for validation documentation from our client. Those documents will be mailed to the newly provided physical address. Please contact our office to resolve this at [redacted]. You may also email us at [redacted]@mrs-direct.com. - MRS Compliance Team
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: it still in my credit report and hoe mong will it take for my score to go back up since you put a fraudulent claim in my record, you think am apology fixes somethimg you did that screws.peoplr over, had you made the neceassary communication with me before taking it upon yourself to put a false mark on my credit report. I am not even sure why or how your company is getting a mark of A+ on the Revdex.com, because of all the negative complaints and how your business has screwed people over.
Midwest Recovery Systems (MRS) strives to provide the highest quality of service to our clients and our client’s customers. Therefore, MRS regrets hearing otherwise and takes these matters very seriously. Thank you for bringing this complaint to our attention and we appreciate the...
opportunity to respond. Upon receiving notification of this complaint, MRS investigated regarding this matter. Our internal policy is to honor both verbal, and written validation requests. This account has been marked as Dispute as of 01/30/2018 and a record of dispute will be sent to the three credit reporting agencies. Additionally, a validation request has been submitted to our client. Once they have provided the requested documentation, it will be forwarded to you at the address provided in this complaint. If there are any questions, please contact our office to resolve this at [redacted]. You may also email us at [redacted]@mrs-direct.com. - MRS Compliance Team
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:This is the SECOND DISPUTE with-in 45 Days regarding the validity of this debt, and your agency is in clear violation of The Fair Credit Reporting Act as a result of this! Please be advised of the law as follows pertaining to the TIME-SENSITIVE PARAMETERS of investigations and disputes:I once again DO NOT recognize this account under The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), and I am requesting that you provide me with validation of this debt. Please note this is a statement that your claim is disputed and validation is demanded. (15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b)) I do hereby request that your office provide me with COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION to verify that I owe the said debt and have any legal obligation to pay you. Please provide me the following: Agreement with the creditor that authorizes you to collect on this alleged debt. The agreement bearing my signature stating that I have agreed to assume the debt valid, copies of the debt agreement stating the amount of the debt and interest charges, PROOF that the statue of limitations has not expired, COMPLETE payment history on this account along with an accounting of all additional charges assessed. Additionally, show me that you are licensed to collect in my state, and your registration numbers and registered agent. If your office fails to reply to this debt validation with with-in 30 days from the date of your original date of my dispute, ALL instances related to this account MUST be immediately deleted and COMPLETELY removed from my credit file by all 3 major bureaus: [redacted], and [redacted]. Moreover, all future attempts to collect on said debt must be ceased! Sincerely,
Everything has been removed from my credit report at this time. No more follow up needed. Thank you so much!
Midwest Recovery Systems (MRS) strives to provide the highest quality of service to our clients and our client’s customers. Therefore, MRS regrets hearing otherwise and takes these matters very seriously. Thank you for bringing this complaint to our attention and we appreciate the opportunity to respond. Upon receiving notification of this complaint, MRS investigated regarding this matter. Our internal policy is to honor both verbal, and written validation requests. This account has been marked as Unable to Validate and returned to our client. A credit bureau deletion record was submitted on 11/11/2017. Please allow 30-90 for the credit bureau to update their records. If there are any questions, please contact our office to resolve this at [redacted]. You may also email us at [redacted]@mrs-direct.com. - MRS Compliance Team
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
It was not until litigation was threatened did they have an issue with communications or discrepancies. The checks and reports were promised by the end of November, with no mention of any issue. There are 4 other companies, that we are aware of, that Midwest Recovery Systems have stolen money from. They continue to ignore requests for reports of funds they have collected to any of the 5 companies involved. Please have them show proof of certified letter(s) and that they actually have the funds to pay out the money they have collected.
Midwest Recovery Systems (MRS) strives to provide the highest quality of service to our clients and our client’s customers. Therefore, MRS regrets hearing otherwise and takes these matters very seriously. Thank you for bringing Mr. [redacted]'s complaint to our attention and we appreciate the...
opportunity to respond. Upon receiving notification of Mr. [redacted]'s complaint, MRS conducted an investigation with regard to this matter. The investigation has found the following: Our office has attempted to contact this consumer at [redacted] & [redacted], over 10 times, since 4/19/2016, which were the numbers provided by our client as a valid contact number. According to the FDCPA it is not required to provide the 809C Initial Demand Letter until verbal contact is made with a consumer, at which point it is then required to be sent within 5 days of the initial contact. Our first verified communication with this consumer was on 6/22/2016 at which time the consumer stated he had a previously paid in full letter from the lender. Our internal policy is to honor verbal & written validation requests any time a consumer is expressing such a claim. With that said, we have marked this account DISPUTE as of 06/22/2016, and will issue a request to our client to provide the required validation documents. Those documents will be mailed to the newly provided physical address. Please contact our office to resolve this at [redacted]. You may also email us at [redacted]@mrs-direct.com. - MRS Compliance Team
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: This is unsatisfactory, Midwest is reporting an unconfirmed account to the credit bureau which is has adversely impacted my credit score.
I request the record is deleted from my file immediately.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I do hope we can find a resolution to this matter ASAP,