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Midco Reviews (75)

A credit of $187.92 for payments back to the July conversion date has been generated and a check will be mailed to the address on record for [redacted].

Mr. [redacted]'s account had already received a credit for one month of service.  Charges of the second month had been prorated to the date of disconnect but Midco will credit an additional $10.00 for the 6 days his services had been soft-disconnected Mr. [redacted] can request that adjustment in a check or it can be applied to his old account.

The EQ has been returned and is removed from the account.  The customer's last statement and her payment were mailed and received the same day, so the customer's balance is zero.  Our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.

Mr. [redacted] did call in Sat with billing questions and got one of our CSR’s on the phone, who transferred the customer over to Account Services to look into the offer that was falling off the account. We added a Retention offer to the account so now the customer is getting $15 off for 24 months. The...

customer wanted to know if he can get a credit for ongoing issues with his services and was issued a $15 credit which was okay with the customer.        We called the customer this morning, but the call went to voicemail. We left a message asking the customer to callback if he is still experiencing issues with the services we are providing.   Thank you, Marj [redacted]

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/11/20) */
Technical support has tried contacting our customer but have been unable to reach him; messages have also been left for him to call and he has not returned the call.
We have monitored his modem for several days and find that it has been online....

Trouble has not been reported to our Company by our customer and we need to visit with him so we can troubleshoot and assist with any issues he may be experiencing.

Midco stands behind the original response to the complaint.

I am rejecting this response because:
First off there is no store open to drop off this equipment - only a drop box.  I have dropped off every piece of equipment I had so I would like to see Midcontinent take some of the heat for this problem.  They decide to save money for the company by closing stores and leave it so a customer uses a drop box - if equipment is ever missing it does not seem like they conssider themselves at fault.  I have heard of this happening to other people when equipment is just suppose to be put in a drop box.  A customer should be able to go inside a store where there is a live person who can take the equipment, scan it in and perhaps even give the customer a receipt!  I will be telling my renters to not use Midcontinent for their television services.

The apartment complex where Ms. [redacted] son is living changed their contract with Midco, it was not Midco raising their rates.  If they want to have basic cable and any upgrades they will be responsible for the charges.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/29) */
We have received and reviewed Mrs. [redacted]'s complaint. Mr. [redacted] called in to disconnect service on 11/11/15. On 11/12, a return box was sent to the customer to return the modem they were leasing. On 11/19 & 11/24 we tried calling...

regarding the EQ. On 12/7 Mrs. [redacted] called to say she would be mailing back the EQ. Unfortunately, Mrs. [redacted] did not mail back the modem they were leasing, but instead sent back a router that was not ours. We have sent the router back to Mrs. [redacted] and have also sent a postage paid box for her to mail the modem. Once the modem has been received, the account will be credited and we will notify the collection agency so that they can remove it from their records also.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2016/01/29) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There were no attempted calls made to me what so ever, I verified that while on the telephone with the supervisor of your company on a recorded telephone conversation. She also verified no letters were sent or and contact attempted to be made after I sent the router. Your statement of attempting to contact me is false. I will await my router and you pre-paid postage box and will return you modem when that is received. But I will not close this case until then.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 10, 2016/02/04) */
We have returned the customer's router and today received the modem. Her account has been credited and the collection agency has been notified to pull back the debt.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/07/21) */
We have received and reviewed Ms. [redacted]'s complaint. She has moved into a new area that we are in the process of developing. We submitted an address verification in December to verify the address, but if her home was not completely built...

before the winter weather we would not have had it on our maps. When we submitted the AV, due to it being a newly built home, we advised Ms. [redacted] that we could not do any work until spring when the ground has thawed. Once the ground thawed (enough for us to dig 4-6' deep), since this was a home added to a development, it was not on the spring projected schedule list to build and add on a pedestal. We do not do construction once we get the first snow or freeze and had to wait out a long winter and wet spring. It was not on the preplanned schedule due to it being completed at the end of our season. Notes on the account indicate that it should be serviceable soon. When it is ready we will gladly give her a call. We do not lay lines before homes are built.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/07/21) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept this response. Given the fact that I have been calling since DECEMBER, I do not believe it appropriate that I didn't make it on the "spring projected schedule list to build and add a pedestal." I realized and accepted the difficulty and inability to do any work in the winter and having to wait until the ground thawed. That, is exactly why I called back at the end of February, hoping to be proactive and get on "a list" for as soon as building started back up in the spring. Yes, I am in a brand new home that was finished at the end of November, HOWEVER, I am in a well established neighborhood of over 10 + years, where my neighbors have had service for many years. The area that you are in the process of developing is two miles from me. My neighbors on either side of me now BOTH have your service and one has had it for several years. They are BOTH less than 300 ft from me. Obviously I am not in an "newly developing area." Please enlighten me as to how far out this "preplanned schedule" is created, because it is very difficult to understand and accept that my house built in the winter before could not make it on the following spring build schedule especially since I have been calling since December. If this is the normal process, please be so blunt as to inform potential customers that call looking for service at a new construction home, that they have to wait longer than 8 months to get service because they won't make the build schedule soon. I could have accepted an unusually long lead time if I had moved into an area where service is not already present in the neighborhood or had not been established for over 5 years, however I am not in an area like this. I physically have your lines running thru my property right now. I also do not accept being told that "there may be other higher priority or more profitable projects that might affect "the list."" This tells me that Midcontinent is not really interested in doing more than the average install work for someone in an area with established service, especially when it isn't charged extra, than they are for the area 2 miles down the road from me where a new development of over 40 houses are being built and I see Midcontinent vehicles in that area quite often.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/07/31) */
Our construction coordinator has assigned this to a contractor and the work should be done next week. He tried to reach the homeowner but did not get a reply.
Final Consumer Response /* (3000, 11, 2015/08/09) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Yes, the construction coordinator did email me. I emailed him a reply shortly after receiving this latest response. I emailed him back and thanked him for the email. I have also been waiting to accept or not accept this response until the situation has been rectified. So far last week we had the pedestal junction box installed but are still waiting for the rest of the cable to buried and installed at the house. When this has been completed and hopefully this week, we will be more satisfied. Although I am declining to accept the response right now until it is finished, I do wish to thank those that have assisted with fixing this situation.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/10) */
We have received and reviewed the complaint by Ms. [redacted]. On 05/18, she called in regarding her account. At that time the account was past due, last payment received was 03/16. She stated that she would be able to pay the balance in full...

05/22. Account was disconnected on 5/20. On 5/27 Ms. [redacted] called to reconnect services. She was aware that she would not qualify for any promos for 2 years due to the nonpay disconnect. On 06/01 she returned 2 pieces of EQ, the same day that her statement went out. The automatic payment set up on her account deducted the amount showing on that statement. It was recommended that she call her bank to stop payment on that deduction, or that we would need proof from her bank that the payment had cleared before issuing a refund. On 6/9 we spoke with a bank representative to verify that the payment had cleared and no stop payment had been set up. A refund was issued to the customer on 6/9.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/19) */
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this complaint. After investigating the incident, Midcontinent has determined that indeed, a company representative did go to the home to pick up the equipment. The representative did enter the house...

without an adult present. This action was done contrary to company policy. For that, Midcontinent is truly sorry. This is not the way Midcontinent does business. It is taking steps to make sure this does not happen again.
Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] will also be receiving a personal letter from Midcontinent's Vice President of Human Resources in the very near future. In the meantime, Midcontinent has written off any balance owing on the account.
Again, we are truly sorry for this occurring.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/03/02) */
We have received and reviewed Mr. [redacted]'s complaint. On 12/08 the piece of EQ on his account was received and the charge removed from his account. The collection agency is not charging for the EQ. There is still a service balance...

Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2016/03/03) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They have my credit card information and it was on auto bill, why didn't they just bill my Visa?
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2016/03/04) */
When a customer disconnects service their recurring payment method is also.

We have received and reviewed the customer's complaint.  At the time of the disconnect the customer did not leave a forwarding address so the bills were mailed to the ND address and were not forwarded by the post office.We have cleared the $26.31 balance on the account and have pulled it back...

from the collection agency.

We received customer's application and supporting documentation on February 16th and the benefit credit has been applied to his account.

Check fields!

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Address: 3901 N Louise Ave, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States, 57107-0112


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