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Metro Public Adjustment, Incorporated

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Reviews → Metro Public Adjustment, Incorporated

Metro Public Adjustment, Incorporated Reviews (70)

Metro Public Adjustments Inc. has not fulfilled their contract.
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:

Responding to this is a challenge,  [redacted] is a licenced public adjuster with Metro.  there is a dispute between him and a third party mitigation contractor in which [redacted] asserts that they missed a room.  the mitigation contractor said there was no water in that room per their...

instruments. . As no one was ever shown this damage,  the vendor said the water never got that far. there was supposedly some sporting equipment that was mold discovered in that room. as a licenced adjuster himself, he should know the policy requires him to exhibit this damage,  we are trying to work around this with photographs and affidavits.  [redacted] has no authority to change the mortgage company as listed on the policy.  this is a relationship between the insured and his agent only. There has been countless communications on this file, the check is being reissued properly form his insurance company.  to this date [redacted] is willing to process his current payment and release [redacted] form his contract and conclude this claim on his own.  It is apparent that [redacted] had been asking his filed adjuster for a fee reduction on his file.  these request are not within the authority of the filed adjuster... His request to have the claim adjuster for 20% and no fee on a cost of 125.00 would be agreeable to me.  without attaching a very large chain of communication, I hope this summarizes the current climate of this claim.  Bill U[redacted]our claim history is pasted below:Claim HistoryDateDescriptionAuthor2015-12-28 3:07pmMailed out original copy of POL to [redacted].HK[redacted]2015-12-28 12:43pmCustomer Service client update completedS[redacted], Robert2015-12-28 12:42pmCalled [redacted] and she advised that the check is being reissued today without [redacted] on it so we should be receiving it in a few days. As far as the contents portion of the claim goes her stance has not changed. The affidavit means nothing to her unless there are pictures to back it up. She said it is part of the policy. She had advised them when she was there that she'd need pictures of damaged items without them, there will be no payment and she will be writing her rejection letter today.S[redacted], Robert2015-12-28 12:28pm[redacted] called in and advised me he has a package of receipts and ppwrk to give me. He's going to drive them into the CH Office either today or tomorrow. He was also wondering if there's been any update regarding the re-issued check, the contents portion of the claim cause he would really like to get this wrapped up as quickly as possible. Told him I'd look into it for him and try to have some info by the time he gets here. TAGS[redacted], Robert2015-12-23 3:20pmI found original POL in [redacted]'s file, made a copy, placed copy in [redacted]'s file and original placed in CH office been to be sent to [redacted] Corp attn HeatherL[redacted] III, Artie2015-12-23 3:05pmEmailed uploaded copy of POL to Ins. Adj. [redacted]. Artie is checking CH office to see if original is still there and will mail over to Corp.HK[redacted]2015-12-23 3:04pmProof of loss sent to insurance company (Proof 2)HK[redacted]2015-12-22 4:10pmWHEN THE CHECK COMES BACK ENDORSED BY [redacted], PLEASE LET [redacted] KNOW!Lp[redacted]2015-12-22 2:47pmMTG: $5,229.02 ck sent to [redacted] for endorsement.Lp[redacted]2015-12-22 2:35pmCHECK: CK IN FILE! rec'd email from [redacted] stating that he has talked to [redacted] 3 times and was told that they will endorse the check but going forward any insurance checks should not list [redacted] as a payee.Lp[redacted]2015-12-22 11:14amCHECK: CK IN FILE! sent email to [redacted] @ [redacted] Insurance, with copy of letter from [redacted] indicating the loan has been paid off since 11/19/2012, request the check be stop paid and reissued accordingly. Client, Bill Underkoffler and [redacted] were cc'd on the email.Lp[redacted]2015-12-17 8:55amCHECK: CK IN FIILE! l/m for [redacted] @ [redacted] requesting a call back to discuss having the check reissued.Lp[redacted]2015-12-16 2:50pmCheck received from property owner (Proof 1)Lp[redacted]2015-12-15 2:51pmPics and affidavits were emailed to the Ins. Adj for reconsideration of payment on the equipment and cleaning/packaging of the crystal & china.S[redacted], Robert2015-12-14 2:50pm[redacted] came in to CH Office. Delivered Check & Mtg paperwork that has been put in the overnite to Barb C[redacted]. Affadivits and POL's for contents scanned and uploaded to file to be sent to IAS[redacted], Robert2015-12-14 11:58amCustomer Service client update completedS[redacted], Robert2015-12-14 11:57am[redacted] called to advise me he has the signed POL's for me along with the signed check (that reflects [redacted] on it) to finish processing everything we have so far and continue working on for the contents payment. He's dropping everything off to me at the CH office which I'll forward to Corp once received.S[redacted], Robert2015-12-14 12:00amProof of Loss Received from property owner (Proof 2)HK[redacted]2015-12-11 3:47pmPOL e-mailed to [redacted], Robert2015-12-11 3:26pmEmailed POL to PA [redacted] as he will hand carry for signature.HK[redacted]2015-12-11 3:25pmProof of loss sent to property owner (Proof 2)HK[redacted]2015-12-11 3:24pmProof added to claim (Proof 2)HK[redacted]2015-12-11 12:48pmFollowed the call up with an e-mail as well with everyone cc'd.S[redacted], Robert2015-12-11 12:41pmSpoke w/[redacted] yesterday. He advised that he was sending me the ppwrk from [redacted] reflecting the Mtg Payoff. He also advised me that he had sent pics of damaged contents directly to Bill U. I contacted Bill who advised he never received them. Placed a call into [redacted] today and left message advising such and asked for him to resend and copy me on them to ensure that we weren't missing anything.S[redacted], Robert2015-12-10 4:47pmInsured called to speak to Terri G, transferred to Terri who is on the phone with Insured [redacted] nowL[redacted] III, Artie2015-12-09 11:47amCHECK: ck for $5,229.02 sent to insured for endorsement. Check is payable to insured, [redacted] & BAC Home Loans.Lp[redacted]2015-12-09 11:47amInsurance check sent to property owner for endorsement (Proof 1)Lp[redacted]2015-12-08 4:23pmJust called and spoke with [redacted]. We talked about the state of the file and how upset he is with the denial of the items on the content list. I advised him that it's not unusual for an IA to deny things that they don't have pictures for and that we haven't exhausted all avenues yet. I advised him that surprisingly enough right now she agreed to the re-packaging of the glass & china which I thought would be an argument so that was a good thing. I asked him who was with him when the sports equipment and those items were thrown out and he said his daughter "the lawyer" and wife "also a lawyer" was present and can/will attest to it. I asked him if he would get an affadavit with their signatures listing exactly the items on the list and that they witnessed deterioration & mold from the occurance and that they personally saw the items being thrown out, which he said he'd do. I also asked him if he per chance had any receipts of any of those items which he said unfortunately no he didn't. I told him that at this point before anything else, let's take a deep breath, take one step at a time and see if we can get the contents paid with the affidavit. Told him I'd talk with [redacted] once I get it and we'll see where it goes from there. He agreed that's the way to go but he wants to get this claim finalized. TAGS[redacted], Robert2015-12-08 8:05am[redacted] has provided me with their pictures which will be helpful./ I have emailed the insured requesting his pictures of the damaged items that he is claiming. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-12-08 7:47amReceived email from the ins. adjuster. She did not see any of the damaged items being claimed and wants pictures or a re-inspection. These things were not there during my inspection or the adjustment. I have asked [redacted] for their pictures. I also explained to the ins. adjuster that we are not claiming that the china is damaged our estimate was replacing the damaged packaging. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-12-08 7:44amEmails from insured uploaded to [redacted]. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-12-08 7:43amReceived email from the insured. asking for a fee reduction and also stating that he has no mortgage. I again told him no to any fee reductions and requested that he send me a copy of his payoff letter for his mortgage. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-12-07 1:13pmGave Ins. check in the amount of $5229.02 to mortgage processor to send to client for endorsement.M[redacted], Dawn2015-12-07 1:13pmInsurance check sent to Mortgage Processing for handling (Proof 1)M[redacted], Dawn2015-12-07 1:13pmCheck received from insurance company (Proof 1)M[redacted], Dawn2015-12-04 12:00pmProof of loss sent to insurance company (Proof 1)HK[redacted]2015-12-04 12:00pmProof of Loss Received from property owner (Proof 1)HK[redacted]2015-12-02 3:33pmContent list containing Non-Salvageable & Cleaning Items sent to [redacted]e along with the associated pictures. Copy of list uploaded to fileS[redacted], Robert2015-12-02 8:00amReceived email from insured requesting a reduced fee. I responded to him that there will be no fee reductions . I also cc'd Bill U. Emails are uploaded to [redacted]. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-12-01 11:03amInsured left me a phone message stating that I am hard to get in touch with. I returned his call minutes later and left him a message. I have also answered every one of his emails. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-12-01 7:24amInsured emailed me looking for a fee reduction. I answered him stating absolutely not. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-11-30 9:56amCustomer Service client update completedL[redacted] III, Artie2015-11-30 8:23amReceived email from insured stating that he did mail in the signed Proof of loss. He also had some questions and I answered them . We are still working on the insured's contents with him. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-11-23 3:55pmReceived email from insured stating that he wanted to discuss the claim over the phone. I called and left message for him to call me. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-11-23 1:38pmProof of loss sent to property owner (Proof 1)HK[redacted]2015-11-23 1:36pmProof added to claim (Proof 1)HK[redacted]2015-11-23 1:10pmCalled and LMTC w/[redacted] for a status update on his review of the contents listS[redacted], Robert2015-11-23 9:22amMailed REVISED carrier estimate and Carpet Itel report to the client for his recordsH[redacted], Natalie2015-11-23 9:07amASR uploaded to [redacted], Robert2015-11-23 8:51amEmailed the insured the final offer from the ins. co. along with the Itel sample. I also let him know that I will be sending him a Proof of Loss for the building portion of his claim. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-11-23 8:38amSpoke to PA [redacted], he stated he will address the Insured's concerns todayL[redacted] III, Artie2015-11-19 4:49pmCustomer Service client update completedS[redacted], Robert2015-11-19 4:48pmCalled and spoke to [redacted] as I need him to review a preliminary contents list for his non-salvageable items. He advised that he would really like to speak with [redacted] regarding a couple things. He's concerned about [redacted] taking a fee on things he had paid for prior to our involvement. I asked him to send copies of those receipts/invoices. He then advised that he's been making repairs and been paying out of pocket and he's concerned that the Inc. Co. won't cover the costs. I again advised him to send over all receipts/invoices he has to date (carpet guy isn't done yet) and I would review with [redacted], Robert2015-11-19 2:57pmRCVD another phone call from Insured, he was upset and cursed a few times and requested to speak to PAL[redacted] III, Artie2015-11-19 12:53pmInsured called and requested to speak to PA, I will forward message to [redacted] III, Artie2015-11-06 3:43pmCalled [redacted] and LMTC me to review some of the items on his contents list. (mainly crystal & china)S[redacted], Robert2015-11-06 12:53pmContent List along with associated pics received from client to be worked on have been uploaded to file.S[redacted], Robert2015-10-30 10:00amMailed a copy of the revised carrier estimate to client per PA requestH[redacted], Natalie2015-10-30 8:26amCopy of revised estimate emailed to team 1510 to send to insured for their review and records. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-10-30 8:24amReceived revised ins. co. estimate from the adjuster. Uploaded to [redacted].RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-10-29 3:21pmCustomer Service client update completedL[redacted] III, Artie2015-10-28 7:24amReceived flooring invoice from insured that is higher than the ins. co. estimate. I uploaded to [redacted] and forwarded to the ins. adjuster. I have also received the insured's invoices from his contractor I need to review them before sending. I also responded to the insured and let him know what I doing. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-10-27 8:29amResponded to the insured's emails and emailed the insured's concerns and pictures of the additional damage to the ins. adjuster [redacted]. I also requested that the insured send me over his invoices. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-10-21 3:54pmCustomer Service client update completedS[redacted], Robert2015-10-21 3:54pmSpoke w/[redacted], advised him that I have seen his e-mail and received his voice mail and understand his frustration level. Spoke about that he is concerned that based on Ins. Co. estimate he's looking at, along w/[redacted] fee he's currently $1,800.00 in the hole on repairs. I advised that based on the date the Ins Estimate arrived and [redacted]'s conference I doubt that he's had actual time to review it thoroughly. I told him that I would advise/discuss with [redacted] and either he or I (based on info [redacted] provides) would get back to him within the next few days.S[redacted], Robert2015-10-19 2:42pmSent Insurance company estimate to client for their reviewH[redacted], Natalie2015-10-19 12:29pmEmailed ins co estimate to Insured per his requestL[redacted] III, Artie2015-10-19 12:26pmSpoke to Insured, he asked me to email him a copy of the estimateL[redacted] III, Artie2015-10-19 10:15amRCVD phone call from Insured, he wishes to speak to PAL[redacted] III, Artie2015-10-16 8:15amEmailed copy of ins. co. estimate to team 1510 to send to the insured's for their review and records. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-10-16 8:11amReceived estimate from insurance company on 10/16/2015S[redacted], Robert2015-10-05 4:18pmCustomer Service client update completedS[redacted], Robert2015-10-05 4:18pmSpoke with the insured and I explained to him that we have not received the ins. co. estimate yet and soon as I do I will contact him. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-10-05 3:54pmCustomer Service client update completedL[redacted] III, Artie2015-10-05 3:54pmCSCU completed by Rs[redacted] III, Artie2015-10-05 12:11pmSpoke to Insured, advised we are awaiting ins co estimateL[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-24 12:06pmCustomer Service client update completedL[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-24 12:06pmSpoke to Insured, advised [redacted] invoice will be submitted to ins co for direct payment, also advised we are awaiting ins co estimateL[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-21 4:56pmreceived [redacted] vendor invoice. Original in file, e-mailed Adjuster, T1 & uploaded to [redacted]. LZZ[redacted], Dom2015-09-21 7:47amUploaded [redacted] invoice to [redacted] and also emailed a copy to the ins. adjuster [redacted]. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-09-18 3:05pmVENDORS: Received invoice from [redacted] for $2,610.31-hdD[redacted], Heather2015-09-15 11:57am[redacted] estimate with LOE added to file to give to ins adjuster tomorrowL[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-15 9:58amInsured called, reconfirmed tomorrows appt for tomorrow at 1 PML[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-11 3:30pmAutomated email sent to client: Adjuster Appointment Notification to ClientSystem2015-09-11 3:15pmSpoke with insured - confirmed appointmentL[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-11 3:15pmAppointment to meet Ins. Co. Adj. set for 09/16/2015 at 1:00pmL[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-11 1:38pmLeft message with insured to confirm appointmentP[redacted], Kathy2015-09-11 1:38pmLeft message with insured to confirm appointmentP[redacted], Kathy2015-09-11 1:38pmAdj [redacted] PH: ###-###-#### scheduled tentatively for Wed., 9/16 @ 1p pending Insured's Confirmation.P[redacted], Kathy2015-09-08 5:00pm[redacted] estimate uploaded to [redacted]. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-09-08 2:07pmEmailed Chris from [redacted] for his paperwork. RJSS[redacted], Robert2015-09-08 1:31pmFaxing letter of notification to Insurance Company.Nicole.H[redacted]2015-09-08 1:00pmAutomated email sent to client: Claim Notified Notification to ClientSystem2015-09-08 12:53pmClaim ApprovedNicole.H[redacted]2015-09-08 12:53pmInsurance Company NotifiedNicole.H[redacted]2015-09-08 12:45pmClaim will be approvedS[redacted], Robert2015-09-04 10:30amAutomated email sent to client: Scope Appointment Notification to ClientSystem2015-09-04 10:25amBuilt claim file for [redacted] III, Artie2015-09-04 10:23amAdded extra jacket to [redacted]'s bin in case he needs to change perilL[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-04 10:21amSpoke with insured - confirmed appointmentL[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-04 10:20amAppointment for [redacted] Adjuster to do estimate confirmed for 09/08/2015 at 11:30amL[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-04 10:15amCalled [redacted] to see if claim should be rewritten as Acc Dis WTR, I couldn't get [redacted] so I will attempt to schedule anywayL[redacted] III, Artie2015-09-03 5:00pmAutomated email sent to client: Claim Logged Notification to ClientSystem2015-09-03 4:36pmClaim logged by Corporate OfficeNicole.H[redacted]

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
Please send the written confirmation mentioned in previous conversations no later than Friday, March 31,2017.

Thank you for assisting in the resolution of this file This is a fire loss, Metro has been retained by the insured since the inception of the  loss (basically May),  there has been no final agreement with the insurance company and Metro has presented a list of claim  differences...

to the carrier,  The Carrier agreed to some of the scope and has sent us a revised estimate for dwelling. The insurance company also sent a contents estimate based off of one Metro worked on with the insured.  Our adjuster had a conference call with insured to review claim and worked up contents claim  differences list as well. Metro has  asked for the insureds contractor bid which she did forward and subsequently forwarded to carrier, This is still being reviewed by the carrier as well as a supplement request on the building damages. The policy has a provision for disputes of this type, it is known as the appraisal provision, often in situations like this, the insured evokes the appraisal provision to resolve  this... Metro does recommend utilizing the valuable policy provision. It would be beneficial to start the repairs so the ALE expense are not exhausted while waiting for finalization of the disputed issues, that's why they issue the payments in the first place.  There has been approximately 300,000.00 in checks issued to date but the insured refuses to start work on the property.  We have been informed by [redacted] mortgage company that she will not proceed to repair the property until she gets more money.  [redacted] mortgage company also requires additional documentation from her contactor which has not been provided to date.  Metro was asked by [redacted] November to reduce its fee by 20%  form 10% to 8%, Metro agreed. Metro would like to recommend [redacted] to utilize the appraisal provision as we feel it will best address her dispute with the carrier. Metro will not dignify with a response, the accusation that one’s  race has anything to do with the claim process or the handling of a file .. Until this accusation has been made, I was unaware of [redacted] Race entirely.. Thank you. Sincerely, William U[redacted] Metro Public Adjustment, Inc [redacted]

We are in receipt of this message and will provide our response directly to the letter when received.  This should conclude the involvement at this time. Thank you for your assistance

[redacted]I received the checks from Metro today 8/25/2017. They were deposited on 8/25/2017. Per the letter from Metro I called [redacted] to call in a credit card payment for the fees. There was no answer at this number. I tried twice. I will try again later in the day to reach Metro at this number to pay their fees. I would like a copy of the termination letter referenced in the complaint resolution. 
I have reviewed the response in reference to complaint ID [redacted]  

Thank you for your assistance. Metro has conditionally withdrawn from this claim and the insured is free to negotiate on there on behalf.  A fee is due on the offer PRIOR to the cancellation, Metro has offered the fee credit in good faith in an attempt to resolve this.  WE would like to offer this one last time in an effort to resolve this prior to collection activity... the 500.00 additional credit is still being offered if this can settle the file...  Thank you William U[redacted]

Thank you for assisting in this manner. I had a conversation with the insured yesterday. and did offer to reduce his fee from the written and signed contract rate of 35% to 20% as he said he didn't know that he signed it.  We ended the conversation with a positive tone and he was going to get...

back to me with his decision.  We always try to address concerns and disagreements as soon as they arise, I have not received a call back  although I provided my direct cell number for the very purpose of such.  I understand a fee reduction was requested and we feel the fee of 20% is more than market rate for this file.  A copy of the written and signed contract is available upon request. Bill U[redacted]

Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter Travelers had offered the insured a payment of 123.03 prior to Metro assisting. I did see where the insured feels his contact is 30%, the writing is not very clear so we certainly agree to make this correction on our end and apologize for any...

inconvenience this may have caused.  The claim ultimately was resolved in through appraisal, a final payment of 1609.95 was generated from the appraisal award, this must be the contract the insured is referring to in his complaint.  The appraisal company invoiced 575.00 has been paid on the insureds behalf.  At this point, the reimbursement of the appraisal fee on payment of the metro fee is due.   I would think a short phone call should resolve this, my direct number is ###-###-####, I would be glad to assist in the resolution directly.. Thank you. Sincerely, William U[redacted] Metro Public Adjustment, Inc ###-###-#### ###-###-#### [redacted]

There were 2 checks issued within our involvement, $968.08 (had mtg. co. named as a payee) and $4,369.26 (release of depreciation, no mtg. co. - however only $2,146.97 of the depreciation was within our involvement).  The  $968.08 check was signed off and sent to the mtg. co.  the...

below is the status re: this check on 9/21/16:   Called Kalyn Babb at GHFA and she told me that the claim will be MONITORED and that since thecheck is under $ 2,500.00 this $ 968.08 checkwill be deposited into the escrow account and thenreleased to the client.  She told me that the clienthas the responsibility to pay Metro's fee. The other check, $4,369.26, was signed by the insured and, initially, Metro's fee was charged on the total check.  When the insured called and stated that $2,222.29 was prior offer recoverable Metro refunded the insured the fee mistakenly taken on that amount.  In the meantime the full amount of the $968.08 check, which was signed off by Metro (per the Mortgage Company's instructions), was deposited by the insured's Mortgage Company and the entire amount released to the insured.  Metro could not have taken a fee on the $968.08 Insurance check since the Mortgage Company sent the full amount to the insured.  The fee on the $968.08 Insurance check is the fee that is still outstanding.  I hope this  assists in an explanation of events and bring this complaint to a close.

Metro will accept your offer of 13% and process the check accordingly.  Thank you for working together on an agreed fee. Metro appreciates the's assistance with this matter

We continue to work towards resolution, this is not a reason to reject my response.  i have done everything possible to address these concerns.   We will inform you if we can reach an agreement.

--------- Forwarded message ----------From: [redacted]<[redacted]@[redacted].com>Date: Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 10:01 AMSubject: Re: You have a new message from the of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania in regards to your complaint #[redacted].To: <>I do accept the company's 20% offer at this time to settle our dispute with the thank you so much for your time

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  When can I expect to receive payment? 

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

After review of the file , all of the facts lead to a mortgage company check processing issue creating this problem.  At Metro, our goal is to always work with the client in any way possible.  we will agree to the request of 20% as metros fee, and hope this puts our client in the position they had hoped for.  Thank you for assisting us with this issue.  Bill U[redacted] Director of Adjusting

The check was issued to [redacted] and [redacted], [redacted] and Metro Public Adjustment.  The check was sent right to the insured and was endorsed by [redacted] and sent to Metro.  [redacted] informed the insured that the check would be returned for [redacted] and [redacted]'s...

signature so that Metro could deposit and disburse the check.  [redacted] ([redacted]) stated [redacted] was deceased and their bank stated that Metro should endorse the check so the insured could deposit.  Normal procedure is all parties would endorse and Metro will deposit and disburse funds.  The file was reviewed by the [redacted] Manager and a phone call was made to [redacted] stating that if Metro's fee was paid then Metro could endorse the check and send to them for deposit.  [redacted] agreed.  Metro received the cashier's check on 10/11/16 for the fee owed and Metro endorsed and mailed the Insurance Check for $19,104.92 certified mail to the insured, tracking # [redacted].  When you track this you see the attached from  The check left [redacted]'s post office on 10/12 for delivery.  Please also see attached copy of the endorsed check.

A withdraw letter was mailed to the insured on Friday 3/25/16 and a copy e-mailed to the insured on 3/28/16.  The withdraw letter states that there are no fees due Metro and that we are asking the insured's insurance company to contact the insured directly re: the existing claim.  Thank...


Thank you for assisting us in this matter.  this is the first mention of any service issue on this claim.  This claim has a 1000.00 deductible which has been subtracted  from the settlement , it also has 1408.00 in recoverable depreciation when the repairs are complete, would be...

available to the insured.  If the insured would send me there estimate , I can see if they are being charged fairly and maybe put in a supplemental claim for them?  We understand that our fee may be an issue in some cases but using an adjuster is also to protect form unnecessary denials and coverage positions.  Anything I can do to assist is certainly available.   Bill Underkoffler

From: [redacted]<[redacted].com>Date: Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 4:30 PMSubject: Re: You have a new message from the of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania in regards to your complaint #[redacted].To: "" <>Dear,This complaints are resolved. Billing adjusted to $3,500.00 and is paid off with an insurance re-issued repair check released to me by METRO on / or about October 9, 2015. I attempted to update on the resolution x 3 but could not find any link.Thank you for your help.

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Metro Public Adjustment, Incorporated Rating

Overall satisfaction rating â–¼

Description: Adjusters - Public

Address: 3551 Bristol Pike, Bensalem, Pennsylvania, United States, 19020


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