Meineke Car Care Center Reviews (652)
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Address: 2701 Washington Ave, Alton, Illinois, United States, 62002-5469
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I have been waiting to hear from you This is the first response I have received from you regarding Complaint ID #***, and I am happy to hear this complaint has been resolved. I want to thank you very much for your efforts and am satisfied that the business "Highlights for Children, Inc." will comply and will cease to contact me now and forever. Mahalo and Aloha,*** ***
I have received your reply to the I am sorry for any misunderstanding regarding your account and the collection attempt you have received As you requested, a letter will be sent to you and the Revdex.comThe RMCB files will also reflect the update on your account This letter will confirm that your account is closed with a $balancePlease allow 7-business days for delivery Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, Monday through Friday, 8:AM to 4:PM, EST Thank you,
I did learn the customer had two inflated estimates much higher than actual repair costwe offered to settle for more than the lowest estimate and he declined
When the vehicle left on Monday, the noise was goneThe Customer brought it back with the same noise later and we found the Valve Cover seal making the noiseWe replaced the valve cover and the noise went away, The repair amount for the valve cover is 361.48, which was not charged to the
customerAlso the pulley that broke while replacing the cover was not charged to the customerWe feel we have gone above and beyond taking care of the customer needs. *** ***General manager***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my dispute
Please enter your reason(s) for rejecting the business response below.They did do a diagnostic test and we were given a copy of the results I can scan and send to the for review This proves Meinike is being dishonest in their answer to you, because we were given a copy of the quote and the diagnostic results are on this quote So they are being dishonest with their answer to the JUST like they were trying to be dishonest with us the day they tried to charge us a large sum of money for a repair that was not needed
*** ***
Revdex.comMESSAGE FROM BUSINESS:*** ***, Mgr called Business received the consumer's rebuttal The previous manager advised the customer to take to another shop for a second opinion The previous manager stated to the customer that he was only giving the quote for the customer to have a idea of what it would cost if the entire differential need to be replaced The previous manager stated that we did no sort of diagnosis to the customer's car The customer declined the diagnosis when the previous manager told the customer it could be several hundred dollars to remove the parts from the differential in order to inspect and diagnosis the noise problem The customer never paid anything because no diagnosis was done
I ,am aware of Mr .*** complaint,he went Dodge.Aand the Dodge dealer did whats known as a shot gun repair ,replacing every possible PART IN THE FRONT OF THE ENGINE.HE NEVER CONSULTED US JUST TOLD THEM TO fix everyone and Meineke will pick up the entire tab.We are not emitting guilt or
wrong doing,however its possible the could be off one tooth on a sprocket,that would include removes the valve cover re setting the chain and letting the vehicle,since he did not contact us and gave Dodge permission to rebuild the entire front of the motor that responsibility lies with Mr***...our responsibility is setting a customer hole ,it calls for hours to replace all timing complainants which were not damaged in the first place,cam crank sensors oil change etc,I am awaiting information from dodge what that repair should actually take and that is the most I will comensate him for
I received two legitimate estimates from reputable repair shopssaying they were "inflated" is cast dispersion and making assumptions that are flat out inflammatory and dishonest. They offered me the lowest estimate even though the estimate said "this is only an estimate, ACTUAL repair costs may be higher" (this is paraphrase the actual disclaimer text was nearly 1/page long)I offered to take average, they said would call me back and never did. When I finally got someone on phone said would have manager callHe never didI called again and said would call me later that dayNever did and still waiting for that callI turned into my insurance, took it to the lowest estimated place, and luckily they came in cheaperThe insuranc e company will collect and I have to front the deductible for months after their mistake, They wrecked my car, I did nothing wrong and they are not doing me any favorsThey certainly don't get the right to imply anything improperThe point is, they never attempted to resolve this in an up and up fashion AND they ceased communication even when they said would call me back. Their manner of business is shady and unprofessionalFuture customers should know this
July 21, Dear Ms*** I have received a copy of your complaint to the I am sorry for any misunderstanding that has occurred regarding Hidden Pictures Let’s Play and Hidden Pictures Eagle Eye Our records indicate that we received an order by
mail for each book club in October I have attached a copy of the orders we received for your records. The promotional material included with each order form indicated that you would receive an introductory shipment of the respective book club that would include a free book and a free tote bag. The details also indicated that you would also receive a second book for which you would be charged just $plus shipping and handling. It then stated that you were free to cancel with no further obligation. Or, if you chose to continue in the clubs, you would receive two new Eagle Eye and two new Let’s Play books every three weeks at $13.90, plus shipping and handling per book club. Three shipments each of Hidden Pictures Eagle Eye and Hidden Pictures Let’s Play were mailed in good faithIt is clear from the information you sent to the that you never intended to order Hidden Pictures Eagle Eye or Let’s PlayI have verified that your accounts have been closedI have also removed all outstanding charges, effective July 18, 2017. Please feel free to keep any shipments received with my compliments. Please disregard any notices that may have been printed prior to the date the account was cancelled. Please keep in mind that it is not our practice to contact customers by phone regarding any balance that may be dueWe sometimes contact gift subscription buyers by phone and mail to offer new and additional productsFor your concern, I have removed all information from our promotional phone and mailing lists, which will be effective within daysOnce again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, Monday through Friday, 8:AM to 4:PM, EST Thank you, Jeff C*** Director, Customer Contact Centers Account # ***
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is more than satisfactory to me
*** ***
I have just received two letters from Highlights one stating that I have a balance due of $and the other stating I have a balance due of $Why am I still getting collection letters in this matter?
I have received a copy of your complaint to the regarding your account. I’m sorry for any misunderstanding regarding Hidden Pictures Eagle Eye book club. The account was initiated as the result of an order we received by mail. The form
indicated that you would receive an introductory shipment of Hidden Pictures Club, for which you would be charged $5.49, plus a nominal shipping and handling charge. It then stated that you were free to cancel and return one of the books with no further obligation. Or, if you chose to continue in the club, you would receive new Hidden Pictures Club books every four to five weeks at $10.98, plus shipping and handling. It is clear from the information you sent to the that you never intended to order this club membership I have verified that the account has been closed, effective June 4, and all charges have been removed from the account. Please feel free to keep any shipments received with my compliments. I have also removed your information from our mailing listPlease disregard any notices or mailings that may have been printed prior to the date the account was cancelled. Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, Monday through Friday, 8:AM to 4:PM, EST Thank you, Jeff C*** Director, Customer Contact Centers
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** *** I never left any messageI paid by credit card.My address is:*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
On October 23, 2013, *** *** came into the Meineke Store for an oil changeShe stated her car was slow to start, so we checked out her battery and charging system at no charge to her.We discovered the alternator was putting out voltage below specification and no longer
performs its intended purposeWe advised her to replace her alternator. There is no brand new alternator available for a Ford Crown Victoria, only rebuilt So we installed a quality rebuilt alternator with a factory warranty. Described in Ms*** letter to the ***, she stated that her father replaced it some month's prior, then the replacement alternator we installed allegedly failed tooNow it requires another replacement that would be the third alternator in approximately one year.This leads me to believe that there is an additional electrical problem destroying her alternatorsThis would require further diagnostic and investigation. Unfortunately, Ms*** decided to take her vehicle to another automotive shop for service to replaced our alternator with another alternatorThis voids any warrantees expressed or impliedThis was also implied at the time of service. in writing.Meineke Car Care would of gladly warrantied the part and service if she would of returned back to our facility originallyInstead, Ms*** chose to take the vehicle somewhere else and complained to the *** using slanderous languageMs*** at this time has voided the work and is not entitled to any reimbursement of any kind. As an aftermarket automotive facility we do not reimburse for daycare expenses,credit card interest charges or any personal matters when customers need to make arrangements for their vehicles in our shop
Dear representative at is our response to the complaint sent to you on 11/27/by *** ***.The customer brought the vehicle to our location on 11/27/2016; eleven months after he has done repairs at the *** location 01/02/Upon inspection it was found that rear brake
hose/caliper has collapsed/failed causing the rear brake pads and rotors that were replaced at the *** location to ware at a faster than pace and grind metal on metal Customer was informed and the necessary repairs were done for the amount of $Customer was not charged for the pads (please note attached invoice) as it was under life time warranty.Customer was later refunded the full amount of $on 12/07/please find refund invoice in attachments.As explained above it was neither our locations fault nor that of ***Rather it was the circumstances caused by the failure/collapse of brake hose and caliper that now work was done to by either locationAlso the customer has been refunded the full amount by our location.We are hoping that the above response will clarify our involvement and that we refunded the customer despite neither our location nor the *** location being remotely at fault.Best regards,Meineke car care center of *** MA *** *** ** *** ** ***
I will not accept that offer I was told by Mr M*** when I paid for the water pump installation that also had the clutch fan installed incorrectly by them that there was nothing mechanically wrong with the vehicle and that I should not drive up hills and at that point they all ran into the garage area and left me standing in the lobby aloneSo that told me that they were stumped and could not figure it outWhy should I go some where else and find out what they did wrong to it and then let them work on it again Two jobs in arrow the head problem and they could not put it back together right and the water pump with the fan clutch installed incorrectly when they told me there were no mechanical problems they were washing their hands of it and I don't have to tell them s
t' I need the vehicle repaired and I need it fixed right!!!!
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is satisfactory to meThank you for having the business taking the time to respond to my complaintIt was unfortunate that I was never able to resolve this directly with the Mesa, Arizona branch that did not respond to any of my complaints of these mailingsIf they had, it would have been more pleasant for all of us and not wasted a lot of our time on both endsPerhaps they should add a process to respond directely to the customers that do not want continued mailoutsSince I notified them immediately upon the first mailout I believe they were at fault for continuing these
I have received a copy of your complaint to the regarding your account. I’m sorry for any misunderstanding regarding Hidden Pictures Eagle Eye book club. Our records indicate that we received an order by mail requesting Hidden Pictures Eagle EyeThe form
indicated that you would receive an introductory shipment of Hidden Pictures Club, for which you would be charged $6.95, plus a nominal shipping and handling charge. It then stated that you were free to cancel and return one of the books with no further obligation. Or, if you chose to continue in the club, you would receive new Hidden Pictures Club books every three weeks at $13.90, plus shipping and handling. It is clear from the information you sent to the that you never intended to order this club membership I have cancelled your account and removed all charges, effective May 16, The closing balance is zero ($0.00) Please feel free to keep any shipments you have received with my compliments Please disregard any notices or mailings that may have been printed prior to the date the account was cancelled. Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, Monday through Friday, 8:AM to 4:PM, EST Thank you, Jeff C*** Director, Customer Contact Centers Account # *** JC/mlc
Wow** *** is not the owner of the vehicleHe was the consumer that brought the vehicle in and we did have difficulties removing the oil drain plug** *** was informed throughout the whole process of the difficulties we were having to get the plug removed** *** never said
stopHe realized no mater what the drain plug would need to be removed by someone and he was already at our shopHe was told by the writer of this (*** ***) that we could remove the plug no matter the extent...That included removing the oil pan which he was advisedDuring our final attempt to remove the plug the drain pan crackedDuring my years in the auto repair business I have only known this to occur when the drain plug has been put in with an air tool from a previous oil changeImmediately following the damage to the oil pan the customer was informed we would not release the vehicle until either it was repaired or he have it taken to the previous shop the oil was changedHe stated the oil had been changed at another Meineke shop in ***, which later turned out to be inaccurate informationThe oil was changed at a location in *** called *** *** where they purchased the vehicleI had contacted the owner at *** *** and advised him about the situationI told the owner of *** *** and also the owner of the vehicle, and ** *** that I would help them by giving a break on the labor for the oil pan to be replacedThe specific requirements to remove this oil pan is to remove the entire engineI was willing to give $off the cost of this repair and not mark up the oil pan but find a used one online that I would warrantyThe customer had spoken to the owner at *** *** who insisted he get the vehicle from our shop and back in his possessionI pleaded with the customer not to do this because I felt he wasn't trying to help but to cover up a mistake made by his company that had done the last oil change and left the reminder sticker ion the inside of the windshield having everyone think the oil was changed in ***The customer declined my offer to help her and had a tow truck take the vehicle from our faculty approximately months agoI find it disheartening that *** *** has not kept their promise and replaced the oil pan and our shop is being attacked for the customer still being without a vehicleWe would of had the vehicle repaired months ago and the original quote for the record was not $- I feel the customers frustrations and is looking for someone to do the repair at no charge which at this point we would like to resolve this matter with the complaint regards to *** *** and not our shopPlease do note the actual customer - not ** *** was very thankful in the beginning of all this when she met me to pick up the vehicle with the tow truckWe are sorry this happened at our shop and tried to be as helpful to the customer as possibleIt should be very obvious that if we didn't do the previous oil change that all we tried to do is remove the plug which had to of been inserted to hard or cross threaded by *** ***.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me