Meineke Car Care Center Reviews (652)
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Address: 2701 Washington Ave, Alton, Illinois, United States, 62002-5469
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These types of issues can be challenging for a customer and a business. I was the person that actually dealt with Mr. [redacted] on his first visit to my shop for this issue and he had been shopping prices. I actually provided him a better price than the previous shop he had gone to and we did the work per his approval. Mr. [redacted] also cites his hearing problem as a communication gap and my manager may have been speaking loudly because he was trying to help Mr. [redacted] understand the current situation. Mr. Hall's original receipt clearly states that he had a 1 year warranty and was told if he had any issues to return and we would gladly assist him. This is clearly explained to every customer to ensure that they understand their rights. Furthermore, Mr. [redacted] stated that we did not obtain his VIN, which is also inaccurate. This number is also on his receipt and is also captured with our diagnostic tool when we hook the vehicle up. We use this number to determine all the appropriate parts for his vehicle as they are very specific to each vehicle individually. Furthermore, my manager and all parts stores know that complete vehicle specifications are required to order parts. We also replaced his original part due to a faulty sensor on a subsequent visit to the shop. Mr. [redacted] produced a receipt from S&T that had the same air fuel sensor ratio installed and his $850 from them was for additional work on his vehicle as well. We stand very much by our warranty, but to provide him credit back for failing to adhere to his warranty, is not something we would be willing nor should have to do. He certainly is entitled to a 2nd opinion, but we would have gladly resolved his issue had he simply returned to the shop for inspection. This is why you give a customer a warranty in the first place. The vehicle must return to the place of repair to have his warranty handled appropriately and to be diagnosed by our technicians. If we found the sensor to be faulty, we would have gladly replaced it just as we had done once before. Finally, I find it odd that Mr. [redacted] said he had never been to our shop in his original email to you, yet now admits to having someone with him the previous 3 times. His first visit to the shop was not for this sensor. In fact, Mr. [redacted] should ask the previous shop to refund his money because he has a valid warranty elsewhere. I will then have my technicians diagnose the vehicle and if that problem is still there, I would gladly honor his warranty. This is how all businesses handle warranty work. Again, I will gladly offer Mr. [redacted] a free oil change or 10% of his next service with us if he elects to return. Respectfully, Ralph S[redacted]
reguardless if I was going to keep the account or not you guys billed my card without my authorazation and it takes up to 30 days to get a refund. I wonder how many people you do this to. Reguardless of the price. Taking money from someones account is a serious offense. Im tired of companies like yours penny pinching people for money. You guys charging me money for a so callex free trial I never revieved in the mail. But you trying to charge me 3 dollars weekly. There is no misunderstanding the bottom line is stop taking money without people consent. I followed the rules and cancelled my subscription then you still vharged me. That is illegal and people go to jail for stealing money. On top of that now I recieve 5 plus emails fro. Your company a day. I spam them but still revieve them. I dont care if your mad at me. Maybe now you will stop penny pinching people for money. SCAM ARTIST.
[redacted] The customer came in on 8/18/16 with a complaint of brake noise and a soft brake pedal. We performed a brake inspection and informed customer of the repairs that were needed. Customer clearly stated that he needed his vehicle back that day. As it was earlier in the...
day that the inspection was performed we told him we would make sure his vehicle was back to him by then. Our computer system was having an issue pulling up the correct parts for the vehicle, but as they were not correct we did not put them on. There was a d**ay in receiving parts because of this. We called the parts store and made sure to get the correct parts that fit the vehicle. We were able to make the repairs to the vehicle by the end of the day with the exception of the brake drums. These were heat cracked and we would have the correct ones the next morning. We explained to the customer the situation and we agreed that we would put his old drums back on the vehicle and he would return inthe morning to have them replaced. Customer opted to pay for the entire bill and just return in the morning as discussed as he could not leave his vehicle overnight. The next morning the customer did not show up. We tried to call and did not receive any answer or calls back. Over the next two weeks we had tried on several occasions to contact the customer with no response. We kept the drums on hand In case the customer showed up un-expectedly, so we would be able to replace them without any walt. After we had received the letter from, we tried again to call the customer. He answered this time and stated that he has had phone troubles and he had been meaning to call us. We invited him in again at his convenience to have the drums replaced and he said he would be in the next morning to do so. Customer arrived the next morning on 9/7/16 and we replaced his drums as discussed and explained to the customer that we did not and would never use incorrect parts as was his concern. We checked over our previous repairs and all was secure, safe and correct. Customer left understanding that his vehicle is safe and all repairs were made correctly. And this has resolved the customer's complaint. Jason D[redacted] Store Manager #2389 (206) 324-4660 [email protected]
Attached please find the receipts from Meineke and [redacted]. I will send the pictures when I get home this evening. Please let me know if you would like any other information.
Dear [redacted] and The failure of the engine was NOT due to our workmanship. This was a salvage unit purchased from a local supplier and was shipped to us. The unit was successfully installed and tested before it left our facility. It failed because it was run out of oil....
However the engine was offered at no cost in good faith. We will extend this offer 10 more business days. If you choose to have a third party install the engine you must first bring the defective engine to us and we will arrange shipping to our supplier for exchange. This must take place within 10 business days to assure proper credit. Thank you
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I have received a copy of your complaint to the regarding your account. I’m sorry for any misunderstanding regarding Hidden Pictures Eagle Eye book club. Our records indicate that we received an order by mail requesting Hidden Pictures Eagle Eye. The form...
indicated that you would receive an introductory shipment of Hidden Pictures Club, for which you would be charged $6.95, plus a nominal shipping and handling charge. It then stated that you were free to cancel and return one of the books with no further obligation. Or, if you chose to continue in the club, you would receive 2 new Hidden Pictures Club books every three weeks at $13.90, plus shipping and handling. It is clear from the information you sent to the that you never intended to order this club membership. I have verified that your account has been cancelled. I have also cleared all charges from your account and removed your information from all promotional mailings, effective March 29, 2017. The closing balance is zero ($0.00). Please feel free to keep any shipments you have received with my compliments. Please disregard any notices or mailings that may have been printed prior to the date the account was cancelled. Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, EST. Thank you, Jeff C[redacted] Director, Customer Contact Centers Account # [redacted]
Orig. Date customer came in was 3/9/2016. We told him he needed both converters, a tune up and vapor Canister vent solenoid. The customer said he would do the Tune Up, but we could do the rest. We explained to the customer that if the Tune Up was not done quick, it would burn up the new converters....
On 3/23/2016 the vehicle was brought back to us, the customer stated someone else had done a tune up incorrectly. we told him with the vehicle still having a mis, that it has now damaged the converters that we had put on. We offered to him then, if we re-do the tune up, we would replace the convertors for just the price of the converters, No Labor charged to him. He Declined. We explained the situation up front to the Customer and he declined the work that has caused the problem, we tried to help him on return but he declined that as well. [redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I did contact the company before filing complaint ID [redacted] with A customer representative called me...
to apologize for the misunderstanding, but the was all they could do. The conversation was very strained on my part and the call ended rather quickly. I do not find their simple apology acceptable as a resolution but do not expect them to go any further. I have learned not to utilize this company in the future and will explain my decision to anyone willing to listen.
Please see attached
Thank you for reaching out to us in reference to the concerns of our valued customer Ms. [redacted]. We appreciate the...
opportunity to address this matter. Box Office Tickets operates on the secondary market, which means we do not own or generate tickets—instead, we merely facilitate transactions between ticket buyers and ticket sellers. To this end, we are committed to providing the best possible customer service and maintaining a simple, transparent checkout process.
Ms. [redacted] has stated that she thought she was purchasing directly through the venue. However, our web address and branding are intentionally different from those of any other site. Box Office Tickets has no affiliation with the venue, as we are simply a marketplace for tickets. Directly on our homepage we state, “We are a resale marketplace. This site is not owned by any venue. Ticket Prices may exceed face value.” Additionally, the checkout screen Ms. [redacted] viewed reiterated this information for her to review at the time of purchase.
Ms. [redacted] also expressed that she was unaware she was paying above face value; to this we would like to provide clarification. Since we operate on the secondary market and are not owned by the venue, all tickets listed on our site are owned and priced by individual sellers. These prices are set based on the sellers’ assessments of various market factors such as customer demand. At the top of each event ticket listing page we state, “Prices set by sellers, may be over face-value. Box Office Tickets is not owned by any venue.” Upon selecting the tickets for Phantom of the Opera, Ms. [redacted] was directed to a checkout page where our terms and conditions are listed, as well as a complete breakdown of price per ticket, fees, and her order total of $582.95 were displayed. At the point of purchase, it is stated in bold letters, “All sales are final. All prices are listed in US Dollars (USD)” to which she selected a check box agreeing to our terms, her order total, and proceeded to place her order.
As Ms. [redacted] has mentioned, all orders placed through Box Office Tickets, including hers, are fully protected by our 100% Buyer Guarantee. As stated in several locations throughout our website, this guarantee ensures that her tickets will be valid and authentic and that they will arrive before the event. This guarantee does not provide for cancellation of an order upon request, due to the fact that we are unable to break our agreement with the seller of the tickets. We outline the details of our guarantee here: Furthermore, Ms. [redacted] was shown the 100% Buyer Guarantee below her itemized ticket breakdown as well as in the Sales Terms and Conditions which is stated as, “The 100% Buyer Guarantee means that your transaction will be safe and secure, the ticket shall be delivered prior to the event, the tickets shall be identical, comparable, or better than the tickets you ordered, and the tickets shall be valid and authentic.”
Prior to receiving this claim, we were in contact with Ms. [redacted] to clarify this information and offer her a resolution, to which she declined. It should also be noted that in addition to this current claim, Ms. [redacted] has also filed a dispute with her credit card company regarding this transaction. Due to the nature of the dispute process, we are unable to provide a resolution to this matter while this dispute remains open. We encourage Ms. [redacted] to contact her financial institution with any questions regarding its process or outcome. On 1/4/2017, Ms. [redacted] placed her order and received her electronic tickets shortly after through her email. As we have provided valid tickets for Ms. [redacted] to print and bring to her event occurring on 7/1/2017, we currently consider this matter closed.
Box Office Tickets
August 3, 2017 Dear [redacted]: I have received a copy of your complaint to the I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience or frustration you have experienced regarding your High Five Bilingue gift subscription. Customer service is of the utmost importance to...
us, and it is our goal to provide the best products and service to our customers. Generally, most subscriptions arrive within 2-3 weeks of the order date. Subscriptions to Highlights, High Five, and Highlights Hello begin with a Welcome issue (the same issue for all new subscribers). High Five Bilingue is our newest magazine, so a Welcome issue hasn’t been developed. New subscriptions begin with the next available issue. Your subscription to High Five Bilingue was scheduled to begin with the September issue, which should arrive in the month of August. We mail our magazines at the beginning of each month and most subscribers receive them by the middle of the month. Depending on your local postal office, the issue could arrive any time before the end of the month. I apologize again for any confusion regarding the start issue. Our records show that the first issue of the magazine is currently en route to Nadia, however the subscription was cancelled per your request on July 31, 2017. A full refund was issued to the buyer at that time. I understand that you have an anxious child at home, so I have processed an order for a complimentary one-year subscription. I have also placed a few issues in the mail for her today, which should arrive within 5-7 business days. The subscription will continue through the September 2018 issue. Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, EST. Thank you, Jeff C[redacted] Director, Customer Contact Centers [redacted] JC/klj
I have received
a copy of your complaint to the regarding your
account. I am sorry for any
misunderstanding that has occurred.
I apologize
that your grandson’s name was not corrected on the Puzzle Buzz account. It is our goal to respond and resolve...
concerns that our customers may have as quickly as possible, so I am unsure why
this was not corrected. I understand the
importance of making sure that children’s names are correct, so I certainly
understand your frustration.
I have
verified that we received a returned Puzzle Buzz shipment and processed your
cancellation request, effective March 2, 2015.
No further shipments have been mailed since the club was cancelled. I have marked the charges for the Puzzle Buzz
shipments that were sent in November, December, and January as “returned.” The closing balance is zero ($0.00). Please disregard any invoices you may have received.
again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have
experienced. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please
feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to
4:30 PM, EST.
Customer Contact Centers
January 4, 2016
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
I have received a copy of your complaint to the regarding your account. I am sorry to learn that the $10 payment was not processed as you intended.
Our records indicate the initial refund of $27.17 was issued by check after the...
full payment of $29.64 was processed. When you contacted us to indicate that you would prefer a refund to your credit card, the check was cancelled and a manual refund to your credit card was issued on December 8, 2015. The status of the manual credit card refund was checked because it hadn't been received, and an error occurred in the initial processing of the credit card refund of $27.17. The refund was reissued on December 15 and should have been processed to your credit card within a few days of that date. If the credit card refund still has not been processed to your card, please let me know.
Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, EST.
Thank you,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11934514, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Stephanie M[redacted]
September 23, 2016 Dear Ms. [redacted]: I have received a copy of your complaint to the regarding your accounts. I am sorry for any misunderstanding regarding your Puzzle Buzz account. Our records show that two additional shipments were generated before...
your cancellation was received on September 12, 2016. We attempted to send the second shipment on July 1 and the third shipment on July 22. Unfortunately, we were unable to obtain authorization right away on your card. Authorization was received for the second shipment on September 9 and for the third shipment on September 15. I have verified that your account was cancelled on September 12. We have issued a full refund for all purchases on this account. A refund in the amount of $21.52 was processed on September 4. A second refund in the amount of $21.52 was processed on September 11. I have also processed a third refund in the amount of $3.22 today. Each credit should be reflected on your credit card within 7-10 business days of the date refunded. Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, EST. Thank you, Jeff C[redacted] Director, Customer Contact Centers
Let me start by saying I am very sorry for all of the issues going on. We contacted [redacted] last week (as soon as we heard about the issue) and offered to help. [redacted] said he had an issues two weeks prior and finally called us about it. We offered to help but needed the vehicle. He...
said ok I'll call you back. We haven't heard from him until this post! Anyway, if [redacted] would like to bring the Kia in, I will be happy to help! Please call me with questions, I am very willing to be helpful and giving but I just would like to see the vehicle myself before making any decisions, which not only do I believe is fair, but is also the way the contract of our invoice works. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience and I do want to help. Scott (317) 496-7552
Thomas Jackson called for a quote to install ignition cylinder to his car 2005 Chrysler Crossfire couple of days prior to March 16, 2015 and the quote was given $500 for the ign cylinder and labor around $ 130 on the phone with out checking the car that is true. We ordered the parts from the...
Chrysler dealer installed on 3/16/15, still same problem existed, that day my co-worker [redacted] was in the shop and he called Thomas having said the car needed steering column for an additional cost of part $300 he agreed that is true. But after installing steering column same problem as before. I called my friend a tech with Chrysler dealer and asked his help then he said they no longer service or repair this car because this car was built on Mercedes technology not only that it is being discontinued they turn all car away with out being repaired. Since I asked his help he advised me to send this car to him to have a look at it before sending I had informed Thomas about the car going to the Chrysler dealer and he agreed to that. The Chrysler dealer hired a Mercedes tech in order to diagnosis this car spend lot of time on it reached the conclusion that the electronic key of the car does not communicate with the ignition system for which they never informed us the amount of the bill in advance. They repaired and reprogrammed the system sent the car back to the Meineke shop with a huge bill on it. I was not at the shop that time, [redacted] called Thomas having said car is ready to pick up. Thomas Jackson came paid the bill $1038 included 7% tax but excluded Chrysler dealer bill. Later [redacted] realized that he did not collect the dealer bill he called Thomas and asked the money charged by Chrysler dealer. Later Thomas called me at the shop and talked about what happened with [redacted] regarding the additional bill then I said if Thomas is not comfortable with the Chrysler bill not to pay but I want to talk to him personally something about the car that is true. There was nothing shady or fishy attitudes towards Thomas he is mistaken. I wanted to show him something in the car physically so that he could be convinced for the benefit of Thomas. Any way he did not come and end up with a complaint to This is what Chrysler tech ( my friend) said to me - you are going to be in problem with this car any time the transmission in the electronic system malfunction could be happened any moment and the car will not start after that, the Chrysler or Mercedes dealer no longer repair that system as the system is discontinued. If you are away from home you are stuck with the car somewhere the car could be abandoned. Thomas I always treated you as my friend if you need my help you can call me any time I will be at your service that is the reason I have been here for the last 25 years. I would never ever cheat you that is the reason I said not to pay that additional dealer bill, but Chrysler dealers do not care about the feelings of the customers. See you,regards,[redacted]
The transaction was processed through [redacted] card, so we will need info to process as we can't send check. Please call center.
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you so much for your help in resolving this matter.