Mediacom Reviews (279)
Mediacom Rating
Description: Television - Cable, CATV & Satellite
Address: 3900 26th Ave, Moline, Illinois, United States, 61265-4956
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Roman">I had our Tier department look into this, from our
records, It looks like the phone stopped working in August, due to
account issuesDue to the time frame of the issue and length of time it was
unresolved, the disconnect order for the phone completed in our data systemThis
effectively removed the phone after days from our authorization software
This issue has been resolved and an active phone has been reestablished, we have placed a test call today. Additional credit has also been provided to your account
I apologize for any inconvenience regarding the DCT boxes
and do see they have been shipped out to you free of charge Estimated delivery 10/**/Please contact us on [redacted] if you have any questions Regards S Logan
Our Maintenance team found a main line issue along with a bad drop which was repaired and monitored, subsequently a technician went to the property for further investigation. A dedicated line was ran to the modem eliminating unneeded splitters. The customer did not want the tech drilling holes in...
the floor of the apt so he suggested running the line out the window. The tech explained this was not our practice, but had no other choice in fixing the level issue. I have attempted on multiple occasions to contact the customer to ensure a resolution but received no response, credit has been applied to the account. Thanks S Logan
I have reviewed the customer letter and account and I have learned that Mediacom has an office right in the small town of Elburn Illinois. Our customers can come into that office during business hours for direct personal assistance with account questions and also to change or return equipment...
if needed. The service on accounts will interrupt with equipment going on stand by if billing falls behind and customers are advised of this situation. Mediacom works hard to resolve all customer service issues and certainly that was the case here. Regrettably, this customer decided to cancel Mediacom service. The ledger does not include any charges for unreturned equipment. Any balance remaining on the account would be for services provided. It would be best to pay any balance that remains as soon as possible to avoid further charges. I do hope this information has been useful.
[redacted],[redacted] just emailed me and said he spoke with you and you said all was fine. He said he did give you his number so if there are any other problems please call him.Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
The response is of a phone call? My compliant is customer service of local office, not via phone?I requested 8/**/15 to discontinue internet service, the service representative verified name and address and mentioned that I didn't have to do anything and owed nothing. The representative said specifically " I will talk to the manager to waive the fees and send a statement" Then 60 days later I received a bill of service for 2 months service and late fees, I went into the office and they noted they had not disconnected service and internet was still being connected too. They agreed to waive the late fees and I agreed to pay the additional month of services, Nothing was ever noted about disconnection fees, but my card was charged for them.Problem is termination fees were only mentioned in waving fees and that they forgot to disconnect service when originally requested 8/**/15. I was misinformed 2 times, and no one on the services providing end communicated effectively to inform me. I am unhappy with actions not matching words and I am paying additional service fees and additional months fees?It is not a solution to say pull a phone call? Maybe check SOP guidelines for all offices so that everyone is on proper communication level.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I had Mediacom internet for about 18 months and their cable/phone service for 7 months. Intermittent service on both the internet and cable and slow response time (average 10 days-2 weeks) caused me to terminate completely all services.. This company has the worst customer service of any business I've ever dealt with. Stay away from Mediacom..
I am waiting to hear back from the supervisor or manager on what they are going to do,
Per Mediacom's residential Customer terms and conditions: You must notify Mediacom of any billing dispute within thirty days of the date of the disputed bill. Your failure to do so will mean you waive (give up) your right to a refund or credit. Mediacom has credited the customer back to 7/**/15 as a courtesy, which is beyond the 30 days of our policy. Regards Mediacom
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[After so many calls, hours on the phone, poor customer service, representatives on the phone telling me that yes Mediacom is in the process of updating their "system" to be able to provide better service to their cusotmers, then I get blamed for being upset and exhausted with the company. ben the manager who called me initially presented it like he was just calling me to check on my service because he understands my service has been poor. Then I said or are you calling because I made a complaint to the So I already know that I not going to experience an authentic and honest encounter. When the tech came to my house he had about 10 minutes before the manager and a trainee/intern came knocking on the door. After a few minutes into it, I felt very cornered and that the company's manager was being a bit confrontational with me perhaps because I seriously complained and he has to deal with it. He was talking extremely loud to me, so I politely and calmly asked him in front of his two other co-workers, a tech and an intern, trainee to please stop talking so loud at me and then about 20 minutes later he comes back at me {we are sitting at my kitchen table now}he tells me that he is gonna leave now because my tone of voice sounds threatening.........really, Ben is like 6 foot 6 inches, 280lbs and I am a woman, a single mom with her 15 yr old daughter in her apartment and there is 3 men in my apartment and he was threatened by me?! I was moving around my living room because he was getting so close in my personal space, so if anyone should or did feel threatened it was me!There is absolutely nothing wrong with my TV, nothing at all. I have had problems with this company since Jan 2016 so much its unbelievable and most of the representatives I speak too are always so surprised at the service I am receiving after I explain what is occurring. The tech said that sometimes when a tv changes to HD channels it will skip and go to that blue screen and then come back to the tv channel, I am not turning the tv back and forth to HD to non-HD channels, so please admit that service is not working properly, so many technicans have come out to service my dwelling and be confused why or how or couldn't even figure out how to fix or just gave a new piece of equipment and said it will work in 20 minutes or so when it boots all the way and just left only to find out no it is not working. When a tech calls customer service for a customer to ask for some time of perk or bonus/credit because of the poor service that tells you as the company a whole lot and I am sorry to mention this but I have to. The reason I am apologetic is because Ben the manager said that tech shouldn't do that and will be "getting a talk too" like he is going to get in trouble and this is not my intention at all. I want excellent service, period and that's what I should get, I understand outages here and there when weather permits but when the norm is that is always functioning improperly that is not acceptable. I certainly do not agree with the answer. I had to call AGAIN on Monday or Tuesday morning this week because when I picked up my cordless phone to make a doctor appointment the voice said "check to see if your internet is working" and I had to no dial tone! I called spoke to a tech and she said the signal was showing up fine on their end and then told me to unplug my modem and the device for my home phone unplug it from the modem as well and I did that and a minute later plugged it back up and then I had a dial tone, I shouldn't have to do this on a regular basis either, which is what I had to do in my previous apartment at [redacted] in which I called numerous times at that location, the cable box and modem was changed out 4/5 times in 1 year. If I had another option to get cable/internet I would not be dealing with Mediacom however I don't they monopolize they area here in northern MN.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
[redacted] , transferred service in October 2016, unfortunately due to non payment, the account was sent to collections. [redacted] later received a final statement and paid the balance. As a goodwill gesture Mediacom waived a $100 charge for non returned equipment. Customer was agreeable to the...
resolution. RegardsS L[redacted]Mediacom
The customer does qualify for a $100 gift card for placing a Mediacom Triple Play order though us directly. On 12/**/16 the customer placed the order through us and we sent the customer our order confirmation email which included a link to our rebate form. The customer is required to submit...
the required rebate documentation to us first in order to get the $100 gift card.
The email was sent on 12/**/16, 3/*/17, and resent today 3/**/17 to: [redacted] – To date we have not received the required rebate documentation from the customer. The customer has till 3/**/17 to submit the required rebate documentation in order to qualify for the gift card.
Please fill the rebate out as soon as you can.
Since the date of this complaint the customer has disconnected services, we are awaiting the return of all Mediacom owned equipment in order to process any credits due.RegardsMediacom
[redacted],I have looked at your account and do she you had called in with a trouble call on 5/*/17 and it was cancelled on 5/**/17 that is the only call I have on file for you sense you started service 10/**/14. I do apologize that you had to wait on the phone. Your account is in for a...
disconnect on cable only and you are keeping Internet. I can send you out a [redacted] box to send in your equipment at no charge to you but if the tech picks it up he will have to charge. Or yu can bring it to the [redacted] office which is about 19.5 miles from you or the Mound office which is 26 miles from you. But I will send you the boxes anyway so you have them if you want to send in.
In regards to claim # [redacted],We had dispatched a technician out to the customers property on Saturday the 13th to look into the issues the customer was having with his service. The technicians had found the issue to be a bad wire outside. After replacing the line they went in...
to test the service with the customer. Services were tested and everything was working properly.
This issue has been resolved thank to corporate
Jeff the supervisor spoke to customer and she said all is working fine now.
Early term fee has been removed from account will be receiving a refund in the mail in 2 to 3 weeks.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
I received the complaint on 11/20/14. It looks like the issue was corrected when the customer called in on 11/14/14.
0in;">I have accessed the account and the seasonal order was completed and the customer's balance is $20.00. I also saw that Mediacom has authorized her on the account as well.
Sorry for any inconvenience