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Address: 2618 Galloway Rd, Batavia, New York, United States, 14020-9430
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I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find I have no other alternative but to accept the response provided by the business
Regards, *** ***
Hello I sent estimates to Safe Auto as well as to your office Friday , She told me on Monday they received them that either Monday or Tuesday she would be getting back with me, I then asked about the rental I've never received .She responded with I refused to give them my address .I replied I've never refused to give you my addressI saw no need to give it to you at that point because your only offer at that point was total loss and I refused to accept thatI then went ahead and sent her my information at 8:a.m this morning she sends me a confirmation number for a rental .She then specifys it's only for five daysI work a third shift now .So I just sent her an email asking her if there is a stated policy and if she could show me why I was only receiving this rental for five daysWhen in fact my truck has at least three weeks of repair work on it at leastSo I'm not gonna pick this rental up until she responds to my question .Because it appears to me they have either made a decision and are covering themselves by offering me a rental because they never have up until this pointMy question to you is do I need to make a separate claim about the rental situation I'm having at this point . Thank you
Dear Ms***, This letter acknowledges receipt of your correspondence regarding the concerns of *** *** ** number ***. *** *** called SafeAuto on 12/23/to advise that she and her spouse had not taken possession of the vehicle that they had started a policy
for earlier in that dayWhen asked if she could send a letter of non-possession from a dealership, she advised the representative that the sale was from a private individualAs a courtesy, we have waived the cancellation feeI have requested that the additional refund be expedited to Mrand *** ***. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Carol M*** Contact Center Manager Safe Auto Insurance Company
I am responding to your letter dated 02/24/regarding a complaint filed by *** ***.On 01/16/2016, Ms*** started an insurance policy with our company.On 01/22/2016, a notice of payment due was sent with a due date of 01/29/Nopayment was receivedOn 01/30/2016, we mailed a notice
of cancellation that stated thepolicy would cancel for non-payment on 02/16/Again, no payment was receivedand the policy cancelled for non-payment.On 02/23/2016, Ms*** contacted our service department in regards to funds beingtaken from her account in the amount of $We did not receive any payment on herpolicy and did not show any paymentShe was very insistent that we give her back hermoney that dayI explained to her our procedure was to get a bank statement and forwardto our accounting department for reviewIt was 3pm and I could not guarantee she wouldget a refund that day.* Ms*** did email her bank statement and we looked into the matter of the fundsWefound the money was used to start a policy for another individualI sent Ms*** anemail advising if she did not authorize the transaction, she would need to report it as afraudulent transaction through her financial institutionbankWe cannot take action untilit is reported.We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused Ms***, however weare not able to issue a refund until the charge is reported as unauthorizedIf I can answer any other questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me.Sincerely,
I am responding to your letter dated December 4,regarding a complaint filed by ***
*MrS*** attempted to contact Ms*** for acomplete statement and left a message for her requesting a return callMrS*** thencontacted Paul *** and obtained a statement from hiMr*** advised Mr.S*** that he had an estimate and that he would be sending it to SafeAuto with photosof the damage.On November, 2015, MrS*** attempted to contact Ms*** and left amessage requesting a call back for statementMrS*** also received a copy of theestimate and photos from Mr*** and submitted the estimate for an in-house review.MrS*** then received a call from Ms*** and a statement was obtainedMr.S*** confirmed that liability was undisputed and adverse to Ms***, therefore hewould be proceeding with MrF
*'sdamagesOn December 3,2015, I personally received a voicemail from Mr*** inquiring abouta status update regarding his claimI reviewed the file and confirmed that the estimatewas sent tor renew on November 24*, and I sent a message to the SafeAuto's MaterialDamage Department for an update regarding the status of that reviewI then forwardedthe voicemail to MrS*** to follow up with MrF
* and update him regarding thestatusOn December 4,2015, the review was completed and the appraiser noted the fileTheappraiser contacted MrF
* and left a message respectfully telling him that the reviewwas complete and a copy of the reviewed estimate was sent to MrF
* as well as acopy to MrF
*'s body shopThe appraiser explained that MrF
* could contact himdirectly if he had any questions, and that the body shop can contact him directly shouldthey find any additional damage throughout the repair processThe appraiser alsoexplained that the adjuster would be in contact with MrF
* regarding payment.On December 7,2015, I personally reviewed the file for status of the review as theadjuster was out of the officeI was able to locate the reviewed estimate and I issuedpayineilt to *** F
* for the reviewed amount of $I also called MsF
* andleft a message respectfully telling her that payment was issued and I also explained thesupplement process as well as the rental process if one was needed.We regret MrF
*'s initial dissatisfaction with his claim and apologize for any delaysthroughout the process.If I can answer any other questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me.Sincerely,Ryan W***
*** Mr*** complained that he was unable to reach the adjuster and requested thatSafeAuto give him authorization to repair his vehicle and contact him regarding the status of hisclaim.On November
23,2015, SafeAuto received a call from the insured *** *** statingthat she had been involved in an accident with *** ***A claim was created andassigned to adjuster Randy S
I am writing in response to your 07/14/letter regarding a complaint that was filed by *** ***The accident happened on ***The claim was reported to SafeAuto as the insured vehiclewas parked and unoccupied and damaged by an unknown personThe adjuster attempted contact onand
04/09/on two different numbers and left messages for a return call.I received a voicemail from *** *** and returned his call on 7/14/to different numbersIalso had to leave a message for a return call.I spoke to Mr*** on *** and obtained a statement from himI offered to set up aninspection with an Open Shop - Honda of Marysville and the customer agreedHe will be taking hisvehicle into the shop for an estimateIt was explained to him that after the shop completes theestimate, the estimate will be reviewed for approval and upon approval, he will be contacted tofinalize the claimWe discussed the coverages available to him including a $deductible andrental coverage at $per dayHe bad no further questions.At this time, liabiiity has been accepted and SafeAuto is pending the receipt of the estimateIf you need any additional information, feel free to contact me.Sincerely,*** *** *** ***Phone ###-###-####To:: Free: ###-###-####Fax: ###-###-####Email* ***
I am unable to see their response, but after receiving your correspondence, they called and said that they would pay this billToday Feb, 23, 2016, we received a collection notice from a collection agency regarding this billThank you
The complaint is only in reference for getting full payment for rental carIt has nothing to do with anything else
This letter acknowledges receipt of your correspondence regarding the concerns of *** ***, ID number ***. Ms*** began her policy on 07/13/at 3:57pm ESTMs*** was required to return proof in order to maintain policy discountsThis proof was not received so the discounts
were removedHer policy was also updated to include additional violations and/or accidents that were returned on the driving reportsAdditionally, we were notified by the United States Postal Service of an address change for Ms***The policy address was updated accordinglyAll of these changes resulted in an increase in premium and as a result the policy was no longer paid in full for the six-month term. A bill notice was sent on 10/12/to advise Ms*** of the remaining balanceA cancellation notice was also sent to her on 10/20/to advise of the upcoming cancellation effective of 11/05/at 12:AM EST. Unfortunately, we are not able to fulfill Ms***s request to remove the balance owed to SafeAutoThe balance owed are for changes that were made to the policyHowever, SafeAuto does not report balances owed to a collection agencyWe regret that Ms*** feels that she was misinformed but upon review of all documents on the policy and the absence of required proof, SafeAuto does appear to have followed all policies and procedures. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Carol M*** Contact Center Manager Safe Auto Insurance Company Easton Oval Columbus, Ohio 43219 Phone: ###-###-#### Email: Carol.M***
I am responding to your letter dated 12/28/Ms*** is upset SafeAuto had not resolved theabove referenced loss.On 12/29/16, SafeAuto issued a final payment to Ms***'s shop, Complete Auto Body andRepairIf there is additional damage, please have Ms*** contact me
directly.Sincerely,Allison N***Claims Supervisor
This letter acknowledges receipt of your correspondence regarding the concerns of *** ***, ID number ***A policy was started on our website by *** *** on 05/06/at 5:PM ESTThe premium quoted to him at that time was based on information that he had provided on the
applicationMr*** elected to reject the PIP coverage at the time that the policy was startedWe require a signed selection form to be returned within days in order reject the PIP coverageIf the form is not returned, the coverage is added back to the inception date of the policyWe did not receive the selection form and the coverage was added to the policyIn addition to this change, the excluded driver that was listed on the policy when it was started online was added as a driver since the driver exclusion form was not returned within the required timeframeThe driver was added onto the policy back to the inception dateThis caused the six-month premium to be adjustedThe driver was removed from the policy and again listed as an excluded driver once the form was returned on 6/3/The six-month premium was adjusted to reflect that changeAll documentation requirements are advised on the website at the start of a policyThere were notifications sent to the address listed on the policy that advised of the documentation requirementsNo mail has been returnedAll required documentation has now been received and applied to the policyThe monthly payment reflects all changes made and is equal to the rate that was initially quoted online for Mr***If you have any questions, please feel free to contact meSincerely, Karla M*** Customer Contact Center Supervisor Phone: ###-###-####, ext*** Fax: ###-###-#### Email: ***
My apologies for the delay, I have been out of the office
I am responding to your letter dated 09/02/regarding a complaint filed by *** ** ***
On 08/24/2015, Ms*** started a policy using our websiteAt that time, she did not disclose any accidents or violationsBased on the information she provided, she was given a quote
of $for the six month premium
We received a Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) on 08/25/that reflected several moving violationsOn the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE) report, two at fault accidents appearedThe violations and accidents were added to the policy and the six month premium increased to $
On 09/01/2015, Ms*** requested to cancel the insurance policyCancellation resulted in a $refund after the days of coverage at the new rate along with the application fee of $and cancellation fee of $
If I can answer any other questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email me
Casey M*** *** *** *** ***
Phone: ###-###-####
Fax: ###-###-####
Email: ***
We are responding to your letter regarding a complaint filed by *** *** in regards to a balance owed on a previous policy.On 02/06/2017, our company received a change of address from the United State Postal ServiceThe new address was entered as a garaging address on Ms***’s policy
This caused a rate increase due to it being an out of state addressThis was a clerical error, as we should have added the address as a mailing address and that way it is not rated on the policyWe have addressed with our representative to prevent this happening againWe sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and have removed the owed balanceMs*** does not owe any balance on the policyWe have called Ms*** to apologize and left a voicemail messageIf I can answer any other questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email meSincerely,Casey M***Contact Center Manger Phone: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-#### Email: ***
I am responding to your letter dated 02/08/regarding a complaint filed by Jacqueline ***in regards to her policy cancellation and refund.Ms*** started an insurance policy with our company on 02/01/at 8:AMMs***paid $237.00, which included a $non-refundable application fee
The application fee islocated on the auto application.At 2:PM the same day, Ms*** called to cancel her policyAt that time, she was advised bythe representative that the policy would have to be sent to our underwriting department to cancel.Ms*** requested a supervisor and then disconnected while on hold.On 02/01/at 3:PM, Ms*** spoke with a representative and requested the policy to becancelledThe policy was sent to our underwriting departmentThe cancellation was processedon 02/02/2016, effective 02/01/at PM.A refund of $was issued to Ms***'s credit card on 02/09/Ms*** was onlycharged for the application fee.If I can answer any other questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me.Sincerely,Casey M***
They offer me hundred to fix the inside of my suv but I I have got is thousand I try calling no answer I want to know where the rest of my money y'all promised meI want the rest of the money y'all owe me
Document has been provided to Safe Auto that included New insurance coverage as well as SR filing by *** *** to my State which is Indiana.I am only required to have coverage with one insurance carrier On Feb I selected *** *** to cover all my automotive insurance needs I have financial responsibility including an SR 22.I called and inforned Safe Auto of this as well as provided my polict info as SR filing from *** *** ON 02/01.I DO NOT NEED SAFE AUTO TO ASSIST ME WITH ANYTHING AT THIS TIME I AM FULLY COVERED AS I HAVE NOW INFORMED THEM OF THIS FOR DAYS.I HAVE ALSO PROVIDED A LETTER FROM *** *** VERYING COVERAGE AS WELL AS INFO FROM THE STATE OF INDIANA ACKNOWLEDGING I AM COVERED WITH *** ***.I NEED NOTHING FROM SAFE AUTO BUT TO HONOR THE CANCELATION REQUEST WHO NEEDS TO INSURANCES????THIS IS A NIGHTMAREAND DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN SENT OVER THREE TIMES TO DIFFERENT SUPERVISORS.I REJECT.PLEASE SEND A FULL REFUND EFFECTIVE ON REQUESTED CANCELLATION DATE OF 1/31/
*** ** *** *** *** This letter acknowledges receipt of your correspondence regarding the concerns of *** ***, ID number ***
MsBowling started an insurance policy on 05/30/with SafeAutoOn June 3, 2015, *** *** called in and spoke with a supervisor in
regards to being charged for a business use surchargeThe supervisor reviewed the call and realized that *** *** did not use her vehicle for business purposesThe surcharge was removed back to inception and a credit of $was applied to the policy
We sincerely apologize for the confusion that occurred during the initial phone call to our companyWe will use the information provided to coach the representative
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
*** *** *** *** *** ###-###-####, Ext***
###-###-####, Fax
I am responding to your letter dated 6/16/regarding a complaint filed by *** ***Ms*** complained that damages to her vehicle incurred from the loss are not being repairedMs*** is looking for Safe Auto to pay for the additional repairs that were completed on her
vehicle.Chronology:On 5/18/2016, Safe Auto insured *** *** reported that she backed into *** ***’s vehicleThe claim was assigned to adjuster Brandi R***On 5/20/2016, Ms.R*** spoke to Ms*** regarding the facts of the accidentThat same day, MsR*** spoke to Ms*** regarding the facts of the accidentMsR*** explained that liability was accepted and requested a Safe Auto appraiser to inspect Ms***’s vehicle.On 5/25/2015, Safe Auto appraiser Chris P*** inspected and wrote an estimate for the damage to Ms***’s vhicle for $Payment was issued to Ms*** for this amount.On 6/8/2016, MsR*** spoke to Ms***’s shop, they advised that the repairs to Ms***’s vehicle were complete and they sent in a supplement request on 6/7/that needed to be approvedThe shop would not release Ms***’s vehicle until SafeAuto approved the supplement.On 6/9/2016, MrP*** reviewed and approved a supplement for $which included repairs to a transcooler and associated fluidsThe shop’s invoice included diagnostic and replacement of a brake switchMrP*** discussed the brake switch with *** at *** collision and both agreed it was not broken but rather a malfunctionMrP*** spoke with Ms.*** and explained that the brake switch was not related to the loss and would not be included on the supplementThat same day, MrP*** spoke to Ms***’s daughter and explained the same thingPayment was issued to the shop for the approved supplement amount.On 6/114/2016, MsS***, MrP***’s supervisor, spoke with Ms*** and also advised the damages would not be covered as Safe Auto could not related the brake switch as a result of the collision.I have included a copy of the estimate for Ms***’s vehicle.If I can answer any other questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email me.Sincerely,Stephanie V***